// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. /** * @fileoverview Log Reader is used to process log file produced by V8. */ base.exportTo('tracing.importer.v8', function() { /** * Creates a CSV lines parser. */ function CsvParser() { }; /** * A regex for matching a CSV field. * @private */ CsvParser.CSV_FIELD_RE_ = /^"((?:[^"]|"")*)"|([^,]*)/; /** * A regex for matching a double quote. * @private */ CsvParser.DOUBLE_QUOTE_RE_ = /""/g; /** * Parses a line of CSV-encoded values. Returns an array of fields. * * @param {string} line Input line. */ CsvParser.prototype.parseLine = function(line) { var fieldRe = CsvParser.CSV_FIELD_RE_; var doubleQuoteRe = CsvParser.DOUBLE_QUOTE_RE_; var pos = 0; var endPos = line.length; var fields = []; if (endPos > 0) { do { var fieldMatch = fieldRe.exec(line.substr(pos)); if (typeof fieldMatch[1] === 'string') { var field = fieldMatch[1]; pos += field.length + 3; // Skip comma and quotes. fields.push(field.replace(doubleQuoteRe, '"')); } else { // The second field pattern will match anything, thus // in the worst case the match will be an empty string. var field = fieldMatch[2]; pos += field.length + 1; // Skip comma. fields.push(field); } } while (pos <= endPos); } return fields; }; /** * Base class for processing log files. * * @param {Array.<Object>} dispatchTable A table used for parsing and * processing log records. * * @constructor */ function LogReader(dispatchTable) { /** * @type {Array.<Object>} */ this.dispatchTable_ = dispatchTable; /** * Current line. * @type {number} */ this.lineNum_ = 0; /** * CSV lines parser. * @type {CsvParser} */ this.csvParser_ = new CsvParser(); }; /** * Used for printing error messages. * * @param {string} str Error message. */ LogReader.prototype.printError = function(str) { // Do nothing. }; /** * Processes a portion of V8 profiler event log. * * @param {string} chunk A portion of log. */ LogReader.prototype.processLogChunk = function(chunk) { this.processLog_(chunk.split('\n')); }; /** * Processes a line of V8 profiler event log. * * @param {string} line A line of log. */ LogReader.prototype.processLogLine = function(line) { this.processLog_([line]); }; /** * Processes stack record. * * @param {number} pc Program counter. * @param {number} func JS Function. * @param {Array.<string>} stack String representation of a stack. * @return {Array.<number>} Processed stack. */ LogReader.prototype.processStack = function(pc, func, stack) { var fullStack = func ? [pc, func] : [pc]; var prevFrame = pc; for (var i = 0, n = stack.length; i < n; ++i) { var frame = stack[i]; var firstChar = frame.charAt(0); if (firstChar == '+' || firstChar == '-') { // An offset from the previous frame. prevFrame += parseInt(frame, 16); fullStack.push(prevFrame); // Filter out possible 'overflow' string. } else if (firstChar != 'o') { fullStack.push(parseInt(frame, 16)); } } return fullStack; }; /** * Returns whether a particular dispatch must be skipped. * * @param {!Object} dispatch Dispatch record. * @return {boolean} True if dispatch must be skipped. */ LogReader.prototype.skipDispatch = function(dispatch) { return false; }; /** * Does a dispatch of a log record. * * @param {Array.<string>} fields Log record. * @private */ LogReader.prototype.dispatchLogRow_ = function(fields) { // Obtain the dispatch. var command = fields[0]; if (!(command in this.dispatchTable_)) return; var dispatch = this.dispatchTable_[command]; if (dispatch === null || this.skipDispatch(dispatch)) { return; } // Parse fields. var parsedFields = []; for (var i = 0; i < dispatch.parsers.length; ++i) { var parser = dispatch.parsers[i]; if (parser === null) { parsedFields.push(fields[1 + i]); } else if (typeof parser == 'function') { parsedFields.push(parser(fields[1 + i])); } else { // var-args parsedFields.push(fields.slice(1 + i)); break; } } // Run the processor. dispatch.processor.apply(this, parsedFields); }; /** * Processes log lines. * * @param {Array.<string>} lines Log lines. * @private */ LogReader.prototype.processLog_ = function(lines) { for (var i = 0, n = lines.length; i < n; ++i, ++this.lineNum_) { var line = lines[i]; if (!line) { continue; } try { var fields = this.csvParser_.parseLine(line); this.dispatchLogRow_(fields); } catch (e) { this.printError('line ' + (this.lineNum_ + 1) + ': ' + (e.message || e)); } } }; return { LogReader: LogReader }; });