// Copyright (c) 2011 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

#pragma once

#include <string>

#include "base/file_path.h"
#include "chrome/browser/policy/cloud_policy_cache_base.h"

// <Old-style policy support> (see comment below)
namespace enterprise_management {
class GenericValue;
}  // namespace enterprise_management
// </Old-style policy support>

namespace policy {

// CloudPolicyCacheBase implementation that persists policy information
// into the file specified by the c'tor parameter |backing_file_path|.
class UserPolicyCache : public CloudPolicyCacheBase {
  explicit UserPolicyCache(const FilePath& backing_file_path);
  virtual ~UserPolicyCache();

  // CloudPolicyCacheBase implementation:
  virtual void Load() OVERRIDE;
  virtual void SetPolicy(const em::PolicyFetchResponse& policy) OVERRIDE;
  virtual void SetUnmanaged() OVERRIDE;

  void PersistPolicy(const em::PolicyFetchResponse& policy,
                     const base::Time& timestamp);

  // CloudPolicyCacheBase implementation:
  virtual bool DecodePolicyData(const em::PolicyData& policy_data,
                                PolicyMap* mandatory,
                                PolicyMap* recommended) OVERRIDE;

  // <Old-style policy support>
  // The following member functions are needed to support old-style policy and
  // can be removed once all server-side components (CPanel, D3) have been
  // migrated to providing the new policy format.

  // If |mandatory| and |recommended| are both empty, and |policy_data|
  // contains a field named "repeated GenericNamedValue named_value = 2;",
  // this field is decoded into |mandatory|.
  void MaybeDecodeOldstylePolicy(const std::string& policy_data,
                                 PolicyMap* mandatory,
                                 PolicyMap* recommended);

  Value* DecodeIntegerValue(google::protobuf::int64 value) const;
  Value* DecodeValue(const em::GenericValue& value) const;

  // </Old-style policy support>

  // The file in which we store a cached version of the policy information.
  const FilePath backing_file_path_;


}  // namespace policy