/* * libjingle * Copyright 2004--2005, Google Inc. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation * and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * 3. The name of the author may not be used to endorse or promote products * derived from this software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE AUTHOR ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED * WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO * EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, * SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, * PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; * OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, * WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR * OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF * ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #include "talk/examples/call/callclient.h" #include <string> #include "talk/base/basicpacketsocketfactory.h" #include "talk/base/helpers.h" #include "talk/base/logging.h" #include "talk/base/network.h" #include "talk/base/socketaddress.h" #include "talk/base/stringencode.h" #include "talk/base/stringutils.h" #include "talk/base/thread.h" #include "talk/examples/call/console.h" #include "talk/examples/call/presencepushtask.h" #include "talk/examples/call/presenceouttask.h" #include "talk/examples/call/mucinviterecvtask.h" #include "talk/examples/call/mucinvitesendtask.h" #include "talk/examples/call/friendinvitesendtask.h" #include "talk/examples/call/muc.h" #include "talk/examples/call/voicemailjidrequester.h" #include "talk/p2p/base/sessionmanager.h" #include "talk/p2p/client/basicportallocator.h" #include "talk/p2p/client/sessionmanagertask.h" #include "talk/session/phone/devicemanager.h" #include "talk/session/phone/mediaengine.h" #include "talk/session/phone/mediasessionclient.h" #include "talk/xmpp/constants.h" class NullRenderer : public cricket::VideoRenderer { public: explicit NullRenderer(const char* s) : s_(s) {} private: bool SetSize(int width, int height, int reserved) { LOG(LS_INFO) << "Video size for " << s_ << ": " << width << "x" << height; return true; } bool RenderFrame(const cricket::VideoFrame *frame) { return true; } const char* s_; }; namespace { const char* DescribeStatus(buzz::Status::Show show, const std::string& desc) { switch (show) { case buzz::Status::SHOW_XA: return desc.c_str(); case buzz::Status::SHOW_ONLINE: return "online"; case buzz::Status::SHOW_AWAY: return "away"; case buzz::Status::SHOW_DND: return "do not disturb"; case buzz::Status::SHOW_CHAT: return "ready to chat"; default: return "offline"; } } std::string GetWord(const std::vector<std::string>& words, size_t index, const std::string& def) { if (words.size() > index) { return words[index]; } else { return def; } } int GetInt(const std::vector<std::string>& words, size_t index, int def) { int val; if (words.size() > index && talk_base::FromString(words[index], &val)) { return val; } else { return def; } } } // namespace const char* CALL_COMMANDS = "Available commands:\n" "\n" " hangup Ends the call.\n" " mute Stops sending voice.\n" " unmute Re-starts sending voice.\n" " dtmf Sends a DTMF tone.\n" " quit Quits the application.\n" ""; const char* RECEIVE_COMMANDS = "Available commands:\n" "\n" " accept [bw] Accepts the incoming call and switches to it.\n" " reject Rejects the incoming call and stays with the current call.\n" " quit Quits the application.\n" ""; const char* CONSOLE_COMMANDS = "Available commands:\n" "\n" " roster Prints the online friends from your roster.\n" " friend user Request to add a user to your roster.\n" " call [jid] [bw] Initiates a call to the user[/room] with the\n" " given JID and with optional bandwidth.\n" " vcall [jid] [bw] Initiates a video call to the user[/room] with\n" " the given JID and with optional bandwidth.\n" " voicemail [jid] Leave a voicemail for the user with the given JID.\n" " join [room] Joins a multi-user-chat.\n" " invite user [room] Invites a friend to a multi-user-chat.\n" " leave [room] Leaves a multi-user-chat.\n" " getdevs Prints the available media devices.\n" " quit Quits the application.\n" ""; void CallClient::ParseLine(const std::string& line) { std::vector<std::string> words; int start = -1; int state = 0; for (int index = 0; index <= static_cast<int>(line.size()); ++index) { if (state == 0) { if (!isspace(line[index])) { start = index; state = 1; } } else { ASSERT(state == 1); ASSERT(start >= 0); if (isspace(line[index])) { std::string word(line, start, index - start); words.push_back(word); start = -1; state = 0; } } } // Global commands const std::string& command = GetWord(words, 0, ""); if (command == "quit") { Quit(); } else if (call_ && incoming_call_) { if (command == "accept") { cricket::CallOptions options; options.video_bandwidth = GetInt(words, 1, cricket::kAutoBandwidth); Accept(options); } else if (command == "reject") { Reject(); } else { console_->Print(RECEIVE_COMMANDS); } } else if (call_) { if (command == "hangup") { // TODO: do more shutdown here, move to Terminate() call_->Terminate(); call_ = NULL; session_ = NULL; console_->SetPrompt(NULL); } else if (command == "mute") { call_->Mute(true); } else if (command == "unmute") { call_->Mute(false); } else if ((command == "dtmf") && (words.size() == 2)) { int ev = std::string("0123456789*#").find(words[1][0]); call_->PressDTMF(ev); } else { console_->Print(CALL_COMMANDS); } } else { if (command == "roster") { PrintRoster(); } else if (command == "send") { buzz::Jid jid(words[1]); if (jid.IsValid()) { last_sent_to_ = words[1]; SendChat(words[1], words[2]); } else if (!last_sent_to_.empty()) { SendChat(last_sent_to_, words[1]); } else { console_->Printf( "Invalid JID. JIDs should be in the form user@domain\n"); } } else if ((words.size() == 2) && (command == "friend")) { InviteFriend(words[1]); } else if (command == "call") { std::string to = GetWord(words, 1, ""); MakeCallTo(to, cricket::CallOptions()); } else if (command == "vcall") { std::string to = GetWord(words, 1, ""); int bandwidth = GetInt(words, 2, cricket::kAutoBandwidth); cricket::CallOptions options; options.is_video = true; options.video_bandwidth = bandwidth; MakeCallTo(to, options); } else if (command == "join") { JoinMuc(GetWord(words, 1, "")); } else if ((words.size() >= 2) && (command == "invite")) { InviteToMuc(words[1], GetWord(words, 2, "")); } else if (command == "leave") { LeaveMuc(GetWord(words, 1, "")); } else if (command == "getdevs") { GetDevices(); } else if ((words.size() == 2) && (command == "setvol")) { SetVolume(words[1]); } else if (command == "voicemail") { CallVoicemail((words.size() >= 2) ? words[1] : ""); } else { console_->Print(CONSOLE_COMMANDS); } } } CallClient::CallClient(buzz::XmppClient* xmpp_client) : xmpp_client_(xmpp_client), media_engine_(NULL), media_client_(NULL), call_(NULL), incoming_call_(false), auto_accept_(false), pmuc_domain_("groupchat.google.com"), local_renderer_(NULL), remote_renderer_(NULL), roster_(new RosterMap), portallocator_flags_(0), allow_local_ips_(false), initial_protocol_(cricket::PROTOCOL_HYBRID), secure_policy_(cricket::SEC_DISABLED) { xmpp_client_->SignalStateChange.connect(this, &CallClient::OnStateChange); } CallClient::~CallClient() { delete media_client_; delete roster_; } const std::string CallClient::strerror(buzz::XmppEngine::Error err) { switch (err) { case buzz::XmppEngine::ERROR_NONE: return ""; case buzz::XmppEngine::ERROR_XML: return "Malformed XML or encoding error"; case buzz::XmppEngine::ERROR_STREAM: return "XMPP stream error"; case buzz::XmppEngine::ERROR_VERSION: return "XMPP version error"; case buzz::XmppEngine::ERROR_UNAUTHORIZED: return "User is not authorized (Check your username and password)"; case buzz::XmppEngine::ERROR_TLS: return "TLS could not be negotiated"; case buzz::XmppEngine::ERROR_AUTH: return "Authentication could not be negotiated"; case buzz::XmppEngine::ERROR_BIND: return "Resource or session binding could not be negotiated"; case buzz::XmppEngine::ERROR_CONNECTION_CLOSED: return "Connection closed by output handler."; case buzz::XmppEngine::ERROR_DOCUMENT_CLOSED: return "Closed by </stream:stream>"; case buzz::XmppEngine::ERROR_SOCKET: return "Socket error"; default: return "Unknown error"; } } void CallClient::OnCallDestroy(cricket::Call* call) { if (call == call_) { if (remote_renderer_) { delete remote_renderer_; remote_renderer_ = NULL; } if (local_renderer_) { delete local_renderer_; local_renderer_ = NULL; } console_->SetPrompt(NULL); console_->Print("call destroyed"); call_ = NULL; session_ = NULL; } } void CallClient::OnStateChange(buzz::XmppEngine::State state) { switch (state) { case buzz::XmppEngine::STATE_START: console_->Print("connecting..."); break; case buzz::XmppEngine::STATE_OPENING: console_->Print("logging in..."); break; case buzz::XmppEngine::STATE_OPEN: console_->Print("logged in..."); InitPhone(); InitPresence(); break; case buzz::XmppEngine::STATE_CLOSED: buzz::XmppEngine::Error error = xmpp_client_->GetError(NULL); console_->Print("logged out..." + strerror(error)); Quit(); } } void CallClient::InitPhone() { std::string client_unique = xmpp_client_->jid().Str(); talk_base::InitRandom(client_unique.c_str(), client_unique.size()); worker_thread_ = new talk_base::Thread(); // The worker thread must be started here since initialization of // the ChannelManager will generate messages that need to be // dispatched by it. worker_thread_->Start(); // TODO: It looks like we are leaking many // objects. E.g. |network_manager_| and |socket_factory_| are never // deleted. network_manager_ = new talk_base::NetworkManager(); socket_factory_ = new talk_base::BasicPacketSocketFactory(worker_thread_); // TODO: Decide if the relay address should be specified here. talk_base::SocketAddress stun_addr("stun.l.google.com", 19302); port_allocator_ = new cricket::BasicPortAllocator( network_manager_, socket_factory_, stun_addr, talk_base::SocketAddress(), talk_base::SocketAddress(), talk_base::SocketAddress()); if (portallocator_flags_ != 0) { port_allocator_->set_flags(portallocator_flags_); } session_manager_ = new cricket::SessionManager( port_allocator_, worker_thread_); session_manager_->SignalRequestSignaling.connect( this, &CallClient::OnRequestSignaling); session_manager_->SignalSessionCreate.connect( this, &CallClient::OnSessionCreate); session_manager_->OnSignalingReady(); session_manager_task_ = new cricket::SessionManagerTask(xmpp_client_, session_manager_); session_manager_task_->EnableOutgoingMessages(); session_manager_task_->Start(); if (!media_engine_) { media_engine_ = cricket::MediaEngine::Create(); } media_client_ = new cricket::MediaSessionClient( xmpp_client_->jid(), session_manager_, media_engine_, new cricket::DeviceManager()); media_client_->SignalCallCreate.connect(this, &CallClient::OnCallCreate); media_client_->SignalDevicesChange.connect(this, &CallClient::OnDevicesChange); media_client_->set_secure(secure_policy_); } void CallClient::OnRequestSignaling() { session_manager_->OnSignalingReady(); } void CallClient::OnSessionCreate(cricket::Session* session, bool initiate) { session->set_allow_local_ips(allow_local_ips_); session->set_current_protocol(initial_protocol_); } void CallClient::OnCallCreate(cricket::Call* call) { call->SignalSessionState.connect(this, &CallClient::OnSessionState); if (call->video()) { local_renderer_ = new NullRenderer("local"); remote_renderer_ = new NullRenderer("remote"); } } void CallClient::OnSessionState(cricket::Call* call, cricket::BaseSession* session, cricket::BaseSession::State state) { if (state == cricket::Session::STATE_RECEIVEDINITIATE) { buzz::Jid jid(session->remote_name()); console_->Printf("Incoming call from '%s'", jid.Str().c_str()); call_ = call; session_ = session; incoming_call_ = true; cricket::CallOptions options; if (auto_accept_) { Accept(options); } } else if (state == cricket::Session::STATE_SENTINITIATE) { console_->Print("calling..."); } else if (state == cricket::Session::STATE_RECEIVEDACCEPT) { console_->Print("call answered"); } else if (state == cricket::Session::STATE_RECEIVEDREJECT) { console_->Print("call not answered"); } else if (state == cricket::Session::STATE_INPROGRESS) { console_->Print("call in progress"); } else if (state == cricket::Session::STATE_RECEIVEDTERMINATE) { console_->Print("other side hung up"); } } void CallClient::InitPresence() { presence_push_ = new buzz::PresencePushTask(xmpp_client_, this); presence_push_->SignalStatusUpdate.connect( this, &CallClient::OnStatusUpdate); presence_push_->SignalMucJoined.connect(this, &CallClient::OnMucJoined); presence_push_->SignalMucLeft.connect(this, &CallClient::OnMucLeft); presence_push_->SignalMucStatusUpdate.connect( this, &CallClient::OnMucStatusUpdate); presence_push_->Start(); presence_out_ = new buzz::PresenceOutTask(xmpp_client_); RefreshStatus(); presence_out_->Start(); muc_invite_recv_ = new buzz::MucInviteRecvTask(xmpp_client_); muc_invite_recv_->SignalInviteReceived.connect(this, &CallClient::OnMucInviteReceived); muc_invite_recv_->Start(); muc_invite_send_ = new buzz::MucInviteSendTask(xmpp_client_); muc_invite_send_->Start(); friend_invite_send_ = new buzz::FriendInviteSendTask(xmpp_client_); friend_invite_send_->Start(); } void CallClient::RefreshStatus() { int media_caps = media_client_->GetCapabilities(); my_status_.set_jid(xmpp_client_->jid()); my_status_.set_available(true); my_status_.set_show(buzz::Status::SHOW_ONLINE); my_status_.set_priority(0); my_status_.set_know_capabilities(true); my_status_.set_pmuc_capability(true); my_status_.set_phone_capability( (media_caps & cricket::MediaEngine::AUDIO_RECV) != 0); my_status_.set_video_capability( (media_caps & cricket::MediaEngine::VIDEO_RECV) != 0); my_status_.set_camera_capability( (media_caps & cricket::MediaEngine::VIDEO_SEND) != 0); my_status_.set_is_google_client(true); my_status_.set_version(""); presence_out_->Send(my_status_); } void CallClient::OnStatusUpdate(const buzz::Status& status) { RosterItem item; item.jid = status.jid(); item.show = status.show(); item.status = status.status(); std::string key = item.jid.Str(); if (status.available() && status.phone_capability()) { console_->Printf("Adding to roster: %s", key.c_str()); (*roster_)[key] = item; } else { console_->Printf("Removing from roster: %s", key.c_str()); RosterMap::iterator iter = roster_->find(key); if (iter != roster_->end()) roster_->erase(iter); } } void CallClient::PrintRoster() { console_->SetPrompting(false); console_->Printf("Roster contains %d callable", roster_->size()); RosterMap::iterator iter = roster_->begin(); while (iter != roster_->end()) { console_->Printf("%s - %s", iter->second.jid.BareJid().Str().c_str(), DescribeStatus(iter->second.show, iter->second.status)); iter++; } console_->SetPrompting(true); } void CallClient::SendChat(const std::string& to, const std::string msg) { buzz::XmlElement* stanza = new buzz::XmlElement(buzz::QN_MESSAGE); stanza->AddAttr(buzz::QN_TO, to); stanza->AddAttr(buzz::QN_ID, talk_base::CreateRandomString(16)); stanza->AddAttr(buzz::QN_TYPE, "chat"); buzz::XmlElement* body = new buzz::XmlElement(buzz::QN_BODY); body->SetBodyText(msg); stanza->AddElement(body); xmpp_client_->SendStanza(stanza); delete stanza; } void CallClient::InviteFriend(const std::string& name) { buzz::Jid jid(name); if (!jid.IsValid() || jid.node() == "") { console_->Printf("Invalid JID. JIDs should be in the form user@domain\n"); return; } // Note: for some reason the Buzz backend does not forward our presence // subscription requests to the end user when that user is another call // client as opposed to a Smurf user. Thus, in that scenario, you must // run the friend command as the other user too to create the linkage // (and you won't be notified to do so). friend_invite_send_->Send(jid); console_->Printf("Requesting to befriend %s.\n", name.c_str()); } void CallClient::MakeCallTo(const std::string& name, const cricket::CallOptions& given_options) { // Copy so we can change .is_muc. cricket::CallOptions options = given_options; bool found = false; options.is_muc = false; buzz::Jid callto_jid(name); buzz::Jid found_jid; if (name.length() == 0 && mucs_.size() > 0) { // if no name, and in a MUC, establish audio with the MUC found_jid = mucs_.begin()->first; found = true; options.is_muc = true; } else if (name[0] == '+') { // if the first character is a +, assume it's a phone number found_jid = callto_jid; found = true; } else if (callto_jid.resource() == "voicemail") { // if the resource is /voicemail, allow that found_jid = callto_jid; found = true; } else { // otherwise, it's a friend for (RosterMap::iterator iter = roster_->begin(); iter != roster_->end(); ++iter) { if (iter->second.jid.BareEquals(callto_jid)) { found = true; found_jid = iter->second.jid; break; } } if (!found) { if (mucs_.count(callto_jid) == 1 && mucs_[callto_jid]->state() == buzz::Muc::MUC_JOINED) { found = true; found_jid = callto_jid; options.is_muc = true; } } } if (found) { console_->Printf("Found %s '%s'", options.is_muc ? "room" : "online friend", found_jid.Str().c_str()); PlaceCall(found_jid, options); } else { console_->Printf("Could not find online friend '%s'", name.c_str()); } } void CallClient::PlaceCall(const buzz::Jid& jid, const cricket::CallOptions& options) { media_client_->SignalCallDestroy.connect( this, &CallClient::OnCallDestroy); if (!call_) { call_ = media_client_->CreateCall(); console_->SetPrompt(jid.Str().c_str()); session_ = call_->InitiateSession(jid, options); if (options.is_muc) { // If people in this room are already in a call, must add all their // streams. buzz::Muc::MemberMap& members = mucs_[jid]->members(); for (buzz::Muc::MemberMap::iterator elem = members.begin(); elem != members.end(); ++elem) { AddStream(elem->second.audio_src_id(), elem->second.video_src_id()); } } } media_client_->SetFocus(call_); if (call_->video()) { call_->SetLocalRenderer(local_renderer_); // TODO: Call this once for every different remote SSRC // once we get to testing multiway video. call_->SetVideoRenderer(session_, 0, remote_renderer_); } } void CallClient::CallVoicemail(const std::string& name) { buzz::Jid jid(name); if (!jid.IsValid() || jid.node() == "") { console_->Printf("Invalid JID. JIDs should be in the form user@domain\n"); return; } buzz::VoicemailJidRequester *request = new buzz::VoicemailJidRequester(xmpp_client_, jid, my_status_.jid()); request->SignalGotVoicemailJid.connect(this, &CallClient::OnFoundVoicemailJid); request->SignalVoicemailJidError.connect(this, &CallClient::OnVoicemailJidError); request->Start(); } void CallClient::OnFoundVoicemailJid(const buzz::Jid& to, const buzz::Jid& voicemail) { console_->Printf("Calling %s's voicemail.\n", to.Str().c_str()); PlaceCall(voicemail, cricket::CallOptions()); } void CallClient::OnVoicemailJidError(const buzz::Jid& to) { console_->Printf("Unable to voicemail %s.\n", to.Str().c_str()); } void CallClient::AddStream(uint32 audio_src_id, uint32 video_src_id) { if (audio_src_id || video_src_id) { console_->Printf("Adding stream (%u, %u)\n", audio_src_id, video_src_id); call_->AddStream(session_, audio_src_id, video_src_id); } } void CallClient::RemoveStream(uint32 audio_src_id, uint32 video_src_id) { if (audio_src_id || video_src_id) { console_->Printf("Removing stream (%u, %u)\n", audio_src_id, video_src_id); call_->RemoveStream(session_, audio_src_id, video_src_id); } } void CallClient::Accept(const cricket::CallOptions& options) { ASSERT(call_ && incoming_call_); ASSERT(call_->sessions().size() == 1); call_->AcceptSession(call_->sessions()[0], options); media_client_->SetFocus(call_); if (call_->video()) { call_->SetLocalRenderer(local_renderer_); // The client never does an accept for multiway, so this must be 1:1, // so there's no SSRC. call_->SetVideoRenderer(session_, 0, remote_renderer_); } incoming_call_ = false; } void CallClient::Reject() { ASSERT(call_ && incoming_call_); call_->RejectSession(call_->sessions()[0]); incoming_call_ = false; } void CallClient::Quit() { talk_base::Thread::Current()->Quit(); } void CallClient::JoinMuc(const std::string& room) { buzz::Jid room_jid; if (room.length() > 0) { room_jid = buzz::Jid(room); } else { // generate a GUID of the form XXXXXXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXXXXXXXXXX, // for an eventual JID of private-chat-<GUID>@groupchat.google.com char guid[37], guid_room[256]; for (size_t i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(guid) - 1;) { if (i == 8 || i == 13 || i == 18 || i == 23) { guid[i++] = '-'; } else { sprintf(guid + i, "%04x", rand()); i += 4; } } talk_base::sprintfn(guid_room, ARRAY_SIZE(guid_room), "private-chat-%s@%s", guid, pmuc_domain_.c_str()); room_jid = buzz::Jid(guid_room); } if (!room_jid.IsValid()) { console_->Printf("Unable to make valid muc endpoint for %s", room.c_str()); return; } MucMap::iterator elem = mucs_.find(room_jid); if (elem != mucs_.end()) { console_->Printf("This MUC already exists."); return; } buzz::Muc* muc = new buzz::Muc(room_jid, xmpp_client_->jid().node()); mucs_[room_jid] = muc; presence_out_->SendDirected(muc->local_jid(), my_status_); } void CallClient::OnMucInviteReceived(const buzz::Jid& inviter, const buzz::Jid& room, const std::vector<buzz::AvailableMediaEntry>& avail) { console_->Printf("Invited to join %s by %s.\n", room.Str().c_str(), inviter.Str().c_str()); console_->Printf("Available media:\n"); if (avail.size() > 0) { for (std::vector<buzz::AvailableMediaEntry>::const_iterator i = avail.begin(); i != avail.end(); ++i) { console_->Printf(" %s, %s\n", buzz::AvailableMediaEntry::TypeAsString(i->type), buzz::AvailableMediaEntry::StatusAsString(i->status)); } } else { console_->Printf(" None\n"); } // We automatically join the room. JoinMuc(room.Str()); } void CallClient::OnMucJoined(const buzz::Jid& endpoint) { MucMap::iterator elem = mucs_.find(endpoint); ASSERT(elem != mucs_.end() && elem->second->state() == buzz::Muc::MUC_JOINING); buzz::Muc* muc = elem->second; muc->set_state(buzz::Muc::MUC_JOINED); console_->Printf("Joined \"%s\"", muc->jid().Str().c_str()); } void CallClient::OnMucStatusUpdate(const buzz::Jid& jid, const buzz::MucStatus& status) { // Look up this muc. MucMap::iterator elem = mucs_.find(jid); ASSERT(elem != mucs_.end() && elem->second->state() == buzz::Muc::MUC_JOINED); buzz::Muc* muc = elem->second; if (status.jid().IsBare() || status.jid() == muc->local_jid()) { // We are only interested in status about other users. return; } if (!status.available()) { // User is leaving the room. buzz::Muc::MemberMap::iterator elem = muc->members().find(status.jid().resource()); ASSERT(elem != muc->members().end()); // If user had src-ids, they have the left the room without explicitly // hanging-up; must tear down the stream if in a call to this room. if (call_ && session_->remote_name() == muc->jid().Str()) { RemoveStream(elem->second.audio_src_id(), elem->second.video_src_id()); } // Remove them from the room. muc->members().erase(elem); } else { // Either user has joined or something changed about them. // Note: The [] operator here will create a new entry if it does not // exist, which is what we want. buzz::MucStatus& member_status( muc->members()[status.jid().resource()]); if (call_ && session_->remote_name() == muc->jid().Str()) { // We are in a call to this muc. Must potentially update our streams. // The following code will correctly update our streams regardless of // whether the SSRCs have been removed, added, or changed and regardless // of whether that has been done to both or just one. This relies on the // fact that AddStream/RemoveStream do nothing for SSRC arguments that are // zero. uint32 remove_audio_src_id = 0; uint32 remove_video_src_id = 0; uint32 add_audio_src_id = 0; uint32 add_video_src_id = 0; if (member_status.audio_src_id() != status.audio_src_id()) { remove_audio_src_id = member_status.audio_src_id(); add_audio_src_id = status.audio_src_id(); } if (member_status.video_src_id() != status.video_src_id()) { remove_video_src_id = member_status.video_src_id(); add_video_src_id = status.video_src_id(); } // Remove the old SSRCs, if any. RemoveStream(remove_audio_src_id, remove_video_src_id); // Add the new SSRCs, if any. AddStream(add_audio_src_id, add_video_src_id); } // Update the status. This will use the compiler-generated copy // constructor, which is perfectly adequate for this class. member_status = status; } } void CallClient::LeaveMuc(const std::string& room) { buzz::Jid room_jid; if (room.length() > 0) { room_jid = buzz::Jid(room); } else if (mucs_.size() > 0) { // leave the first MUC if no JID specified room_jid = mucs_.begin()->first; } if (!room_jid.IsValid()) { console_->Printf("Invalid MUC JID."); return; } MucMap::iterator elem = mucs_.find(room_jid); if (elem == mucs_.end()) { console_->Printf("No such MUC."); return; } buzz::Muc* muc = elem->second; muc->set_state(buzz::Muc::MUC_LEAVING); buzz::Status status; status.set_jid(my_status_.jid()); status.set_available(false); status.set_priority(0); presence_out_->SendDirected(muc->local_jid(), status); } void CallClient::OnMucLeft(const buzz::Jid& endpoint, int error) { // We could be kicked from a room from any state. We would hope this // happens While in the MUC_LEAVING state MucMap::iterator elem = mucs_.find(endpoint); if (elem == mucs_.end()) return; buzz::Muc* muc = elem->second; if (muc->state() == buzz::Muc::MUC_JOINING) { console_->Printf("Failed to join \"%s\", code=%d", muc->jid().Str().c_str(), error); } else if (muc->state() == buzz::Muc::MUC_JOINED) { console_->Printf("Kicked from \"%s\"", muc->jid().Str().c_str()); } delete muc; mucs_.erase(elem); } void CallClient::InviteToMuc(const std::string& user, const std::string& room) { // First find the room. const buzz::Muc* found_muc; if (room.length() == 0) { if (mucs_.size() == 0) { console_->Printf("Not in a room yet; can't invite.\n"); return; } // Invite to the first muc found_muc = mucs_.begin()->second; } else { MucMap::iterator elem = mucs_.find(buzz::Jid(room)); if (elem == mucs_.end()) { console_->Printf("Not in room %s.\n", room.c_str()); return; } found_muc = elem->second; } // Now find the user. We invite all of their resources. bool found_user = false; buzz::Jid user_jid(user); for (RosterMap::iterator iter = roster_->begin(); iter != roster_->end(); ++iter) { if (iter->second.jid.BareEquals(user_jid)) { muc_invite_send_->Send(iter->second.jid, *found_muc); found_user = true; } } if (!found_user) { console_->Printf("No such friend as %s.\n", user.c_str()); return; } } void CallClient::GetDevices() { std::vector<std::string> names; media_client_->GetAudioInputDevices(&names); printf("Audio input devices:\n"); PrintDevices(names); media_client_->GetAudioOutputDevices(&names); printf("Audio output devices:\n"); PrintDevices(names); media_client_->GetVideoCaptureDevices(&names); printf("Video capture devices:\n"); PrintDevices(names); } void CallClient::PrintDevices(const std::vector<std::string>& names) { for (size_t i = 0; i < names.size(); ++i) { printf("%d: %s\n", static_cast<int>(i), names[i].c_str()); } } void CallClient::OnDevicesChange() { printf("Devices changed.\n"); RefreshStatus(); } void CallClient::SetVolume(const std::string& level) { media_client_->SetOutputVolume(strtol(level.c_str(), NULL, 10)); }