/* * libjingle * Copyright 2004--2005, Google Inc. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation * and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * 3. The name of the author may not be used to endorse or promote products * derived from this software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE AUTHOR ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED * WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO * EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, * SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, * PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; * OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, * WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR * OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF * ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #include "talk/p2p/base/stun.h" #include <cstring> #include "talk/base/common.h" #include "talk/base/logging.h" using talk_base::ByteBuffer; namespace cricket { const std::string STUN_ERROR_REASON_BAD_REQUEST = "BAD REQUEST"; const std::string STUN_ERROR_REASON_UNAUTHORIZED = "UNAUTHORIZED"; const std::string STUN_ERROR_REASON_UNKNOWN_ATTRIBUTE = "UNKNOWN ATTRIBUTE"; const std::string STUN_ERROR_REASON_STALE_CREDENTIALS = "STALE CREDENTIALS"; const std::string STUN_ERROR_REASON_INTEGRITY_CHECK_FAILURE = "INTEGRITY CHECK FAILURE"; const std::string STUN_ERROR_REASON_MISSING_USERNAME = "MISSING USERNAME"; const std::string STUN_ERROR_REASON_USE_TLS = "USE TLS"; const std::string STUN_ERROR_REASON_SERVER_ERROR = "SERVER ERROR"; const std::string STUN_ERROR_REASON_GLOBAL_FAILURE = "GLOBAL FAILURE"; StunMessage::StunMessage() : type_(0), length_(0), transaction_id_("0000000000000000") { ASSERT(transaction_id_.size() == 16); attrs_ = new std::vector<StunAttribute*>(); } StunMessage::~StunMessage() { for (unsigned i = 0; i < attrs_->size(); i++) delete (*attrs_)[i]; delete attrs_; } void StunMessage::SetTransactionID(const std::string& str) { ASSERT(str.size() == 16); transaction_id_ = str; } void StunMessage::AddAttribute(StunAttribute* attr) { attrs_->push_back(attr); length_ += attr->length() + 4; } const StunAddressAttribute* StunMessage::GetAddress(StunAttributeType type) const { switch (type) { case STUN_ATTR_MAPPED_ADDRESS: case STUN_ATTR_RESPONSE_ADDRESS: case STUN_ATTR_SOURCE_ADDRESS: case STUN_ATTR_CHANGED_ADDRESS: case STUN_ATTR_REFLECTED_FROM: case STUN_ATTR_ALTERNATE_SERVER: case STUN_ATTR_DESTINATION_ADDRESS: case STUN_ATTR_SOURCE_ADDRESS2: return reinterpret_cast<const StunAddressAttribute*>(GetAttribute(type)); default: ASSERT(0); return 0; } } const StunUInt32Attribute* StunMessage::GetUInt32(StunAttributeType type) const { switch (type) { case STUN_ATTR_CHANGE_REQUEST: case STUN_ATTR_LIFETIME: case STUN_ATTR_BANDWIDTH: case STUN_ATTR_OPTIONS: return reinterpret_cast<const StunUInt32Attribute*>(GetAttribute(type)); default: ASSERT(0); return 0; } } const StunByteStringAttribute* StunMessage::GetByteString(StunAttributeType type) const { switch (type) { case STUN_ATTR_USERNAME: case STUN_ATTR_PASSWORD: case STUN_ATTR_MESSAGE_INTEGRITY: case STUN_ATTR_DATA: case STUN_ATTR_MAGIC_COOKIE: return reinterpret_cast<const StunByteStringAttribute*>(GetAttribute(type)); default: ASSERT(0); return 0; } } const StunErrorCodeAttribute* StunMessage::GetErrorCode() const { return reinterpret_cast<const StunErrorCodeAttribute*>( GetAttribute(STUN_ATTR_ERROR_CODE)); } const StunUInt16ListAttribute* StunMessage::GetUnknownAttributes() const { return reinterpret_cast<const StunUInt16ListAttribute*>( GetAttribute(STUN_ATTR_UNKNOWN_ATTRIBUTES)); } const StunTransportPrefsAttribute* StunMessage::GetTransportPrefs() const { return reinterpret_cast<const StunTransportPrefsAttribute*>( GetAttribute(STUN_ATTR_TRANSPORT_PREFERENCES)); } const StunAttribute* StunMessage::GetAttribute(StunAttributeType type) const { for (unsigned i = 0; i < attrs_->size(); i++) { if ((*attrs_)[i]->type() == type) return (*attrs_)[i]; } return 0; } bool StunMessage::Read(ByteBuffer* buf) { if (!buf->ReadUInt16(&type_)) return false; if (type_ & 0x8000) { // rtp and rtcp set MSB of first byte, since first two bits are version, // and version is always 2 (10). If set, this is not a stun packet. return false; } if (!buf->ReadUInt16(&length_)) return false; std::string transaction_id; if (!buf->ReadString(&transaction_id, 16)) return false; ASSERT(transaction_id.size() == 16); transaction_id_ = transaction_id; if (length_ > buf->Length()) return false; attrs_->resize(0); size_t rest = buf->Length() - length_; while (buf->Length() > rest) { uint16 attr_type, attr_length; if (!buf->ReadUInt16(&attr_type)) return false; if (!buf->ReadUInt16(&attr_length)) return false; StunAttribute* attr = StunAttribute::Create(attr_type, attr_length); if (!attr || !attr->Read(buf)) return false; attrs_->push_back(attr); } if (buf->Length() != rest) { // fixme: shouldn't be doing this LOG(LERROR) << "wrong message length (" << rest << " != " << buf->Length() << ")"; return false; } return true; } void StunMessage::Write(ByteBuffer* buf) const { buf->WriteUInt16(type_); buf->WriteUInt16(length_); buf->WriteString(transaction_id_); for (unsigned i = 0; i < attrs_->size(); i++) { buf->WriteUInt16((*attrs_)[i]->type()); buf->WriteUInt16((*attrs_)[i]->length()); (*attrs_)[i]->Write(buf); } } StunAttribute::StunAttribute(uint16 type, uint16 length) : type_(type), length_(length) { } StunAttribute* StunAttribute::Create(uint16 type, uint16 length) { switch (type) { case STUN_ATTR_MAPPED_ADDRESS: case STUN_ATTR_RESPONSE_ADDRESS: case STUN_ATTR_SOURCE_ADDRESS: case STUN_ATTR_CHANGED_ADDRESS: case STUN_ATTR_REFLECTED_FROM: case STUN_ATTR_ALTERNATE_SERVER: case STUN_ATTR_DESTINATION_ADDRESS: case STUN_ATTR_SOURCE_ADDRESS2: if (length != StunAddressAttribute::SIZE) return 0; return new StunAddressAttribute(type); case STUN_ATTR_CHANGE_REQUEST: case STUN_ATTR_LIFETIME: case STUN_ATTR_BANDWIDTH: case STUN_ATTR_OPTIONS: if (length != StunUInt32Attribute::SIZE) return 0; return new StunUInt32Attribute(type); case STUN_ATTR_USERNAME: case STUN_ATTR_PASSWORD: case STUN_ATTR_MAGIC_COOKIE: return (length % 4 == 0) ? new StunByteStringAttribute(type, length) : 0; case STUN_ATTR_MESSAGE_INTEGRITY: return (length == 20) ? new StunByteStringAttribute(type, length) : 0; case STUN_ATTR_DATA: return new StunByteStringAttribute(type, length); case STUN_ATTR_ERROR_CODE: if (length < StunErrorCodeAttribute::MIN_SIZE) return 0; return new StunErrorCodeAttribute(type, length); case STUN_ATTR_UNKNOWN_ATTRIBUTES: return (length % 2 == 0) ? new StunUInt16ListAttribute(type, length) : 0; case STUN_ATTR_TRANSPORT_PREFERENCES: if ((length != StunTransportPrefsAttribute::SIZE1) && (length != StunTransportPrefsAttribute::SIZE2)) return 0; return new StunTransportPrefsAttribute(type, length); default: return 0; } } StunAddressAttribute* StunAttribute::CreateAddress(uint16 type) { switch (type) { case STUN_ATTR_MAPPED_ADDRESS: case STUN_ATTR_RESPONSE_ADDRESS: case STUN_ATTR_SOURCE_ADDRESS: case STUN_ATTR_CHANGED_ADDRESS: case STUN_ATTR_REFLECTED_FROM: case STUN_ATTR_ALTERNATE_SERVER: case STUN_ATTR_DESTINATION_ADDRESS: case STUN_ATTR_SOURCE_ADDRESS2: return new StunAddressAttribute(type); default: ASSERT(false); return 0; } } StunUInt32Attribute* StunAttribute::CreateUInt32(uint16 type) { switch (type) { case STUN_ATTR_CHANGE_REQUEST: case STUN_ATTR_LIFETIME: case STUN_ATTR_BANDWIDTH: case STUN_ATTR_OPTIONS: return new StunUInt32Attribute(type); default: ASSERT(false); return 0; } } StunByteStringAttribute* StunAttribute::CreateByteString(uint16 type) { switch (type) { case STUN_ATTR_USERNAME: case STUN_ATTR_PASSWORD: case STUN_ATTR_MESSAGE_INTEGRITY: case STUN_ATTR_DATA: case STUN_ATTR_MAGIC_COOKIE: return new StunByteStringAttribute(type, 0); default: ASSERT(false); return 0; } } StunErrorCodeAttribute* StunAttribute::CreateErrorCode() { return new StunErrorCodeAttribute( STUN_ATTR_ERROR_CODE, StunErrorCodeAttribute::MIN_SIZE); } StunUInt16ListAttribute* StunAttribute::CreateUnknownAttributes() { return new StunUInt16ListAttribute(STUN_ATTR_UNKNOWN_ATTRIBUTES, 0); } StunTransportPrefsAttribute* StunAttribute::CreateTransportPrefs() { return new StunTransportPrefsAttribute( STUN_ATTR_TRANSPORT_PREFERENCES, StunTransportPrefsAttribute::SIZE1); } StunAddressAttribute::StunAddressAttribute(uint16 type) : StunAttribute(type, SIZE), family_(0), port_(0), ip_(0) { } bool StunAddressAttribute::Read(ByteBuffer* buf) { uint8 dummy; if (!buf->ReadUInt8(&dummy)) return false; if (!buf->ReadUInt8(&family_)) return false; if (!buf->ReadUInt16(&port_)) return false; if (!buf->ReadUInt32(&ip_)) return false; return true; } void StunAddressAttribute::Write(ByteBuffer* buf) const { buf->WriteUInt8(0); buf->WriteUInt8(family_); buf->WriteUInt16(port_); buf->WriteUInt32(ip_); } StunUInt32Attribute::StunUInt32Attribute(uint16 type) : StunAttribute(type, SIZE), bits_(0) { } bool StunUInt32Attribute::GetBit(int index) const { ASSERT((0 <= index) && (index < 32)); return static_cast<bool>((bits_ >> index) & 0x1); } void StunUInt32Attribute::SetBit(int index, bool value) { ASSERT((0 <= index) && (index < 32)); bits_ &= ~(1 << index); bits_ |= value ? (1 << index) : 0; } bool StunUInt32Attribute::Read(ByteBuffer* buf) { if (!buf->ReadUInt32(&bits_)) return false; return true; } void StunUInt32Attribute::Write(ByteBuffer* buf) const { buf->WriteUInt32(bits_); } StunByteStringAttribute::StunByteStringAttribute(uint16 type, uint16 length) : StunAttribute(type, length), bytes_(0) { } StunByteStringAttribute::~StunByteStringAttribute() { delete [] bytes_; } void StunByteStringAttribute::SetBytes(char* bytes, uint16 length) { delete [] bytes_; bytes_ = bytes; SetLength(length); } void StunByteStringAttribute::CopyBytes(const char* bytes) { CopyBytes(bytes, static_cast<uint16>(strlen(bytes))); } void StunByteStringAttribute::CopyBytes(const void* bytes, uint16 length) { char* new_bytes = new char[length]; std::memcpy(new_bytes, bytes, length); SetBytes(new_bytes, length); } uint8 StunByteStringAttribute::GetByte(int index) const { ASSERT(bytes_ != NULL); ASSERT((0 <= index) && (index < length())); return static_cast<uint8>(bytes_[index]); } void StunByteStringAttribute::SetByte(int index, uint8 value) { ASSERT(bytes_ != NULL); ASSERT((0 <= index) && (index < length())); bytes_[index] = value; } bool StunByteStringAttribute::Read(ByteBuffer* buf) { bytes_ = new char[length()]; if (!buf->ReadBytes(bytes_, length())) return false; return true; } void StunByteStringAttribute::Write(ByteBuffer* buf) const { buf->WriteBytes(bytes_, length()); } StunErrorCodeAttribute::StunErrorCodeAttribute(uint16 type, uint16 length) : StunAttribute(type, length), class_(0), number_(0) { } StunErrorCodeAttribute::~StunErrorCodeAttribute() { } void StunErrorCodeAttribute::SetErrorCode(uint32 code) { class_ = (uint8)((code >> 8) & 0x7); number_ = (uint8)(code & 0xff); } void StunErrorCodeAttribute::SetReason(const std::string& reason) { SetLength(MIN_SIZE + static_cast<uint16>(reason.size())); reason_ = reason; } bool StunErrorCodeAttribute::Read(ByteBuffer* buf) { uint32 val; if (!buf->ReadUInt32(&val)) return false; if ((val >> 11) != 0) LOG(LERROR) << "error-code bits not zero"; SetErrorCode(val); if (!buf->ReadString(&reason_, length() - 4)) return false; return true; } void StunErrorCodeAttribute::Write(ByteBuffer* buf) const { buf->WriteUInt32(error_code()); buf->WriteString(reason_); } StunUInt16ListAttribute::StunUInt16ListAttribute(uint16 type, uint16 length) : StunAttribute(type, length) { attr_types_ = new std::vector<uint16>(); } StunUInt16ListAttribute::~StunUInt16ListAttribute() { delete attr_types_; } size_t StunUInt16ListAttribute::Size() const { return attr_types_->size(); } uint16 StunUInt16ListAttribute::GetType(int index) const { return (*attr_types_)[index]; } void StunUInt16ListAttribute::SetType(int index, uint16 value) { (*attr_types_)[index] = value; } void StunUInt16ListAttribute::AddType(uint16 value) { attr_types_->push_back(value); SetLength(static_cast<uint16>(attr_types_->size() * 2)); } bool StunUInt16ListAttribute::Read(ByteBuffer* buf) { for (int i = 0; i < length() / 2; i++) { uint16 attr; if (!buf->ReadUInt16(&attr)) return false; attr_types_->push_back(attr); } return true; } void StunUInt16ListAttribute::Write(ByteBuffer* buf) const { for (unsigned i = 0; i < attr_types_->size(); i++) buf->WriteUInt16((*attr_types_)[i]); } StunTransportPrefsAttribute::StunTransportPrefsAttribute( uint16 type, uint16 length) : StunAttribute(type, length), preallocate_(false), prefs_(0), addr_(0) { } StunTransportPrefsAttribute::~StunTransportPrefsAttribute() { delete addr_; } void StunTransportPrefsAttribute::SetPreallocateAddress( StunAddressAttribute* addr) { if (!addr) { preallocate_ = false; addr_ = 0; SetLength(SIZE1); } else { preallocate_ = true; addr_ = addr; SetLength(SIZE2); } } bool StunTransportPrefsAttribute::Read(ByteBuffer* buf) { uint32 val; if (!buf->ReadUInt32(&val)) return false; if ((val >> 3) != 0) LOG(LERROR) << "transport-preferences bits not zero"; preallocate_ = static_cast<bool>((val >> 2) & 0x1); prefs_ = (uint8)(val & 0x3); if (preallocate_ && (prefs_ == 3)) LOG(LERROR) << "transport-preferences imcompatible P and Typ"; if (!preallocate_) { if (length() != StunUInt32Attribute::SIZE) return false; } else { if (length() != StunUInt32Attribute::SIZE + StunAddressAttribute::SIZE) return false; addr_ = new StunAddressAttribute(STUN_ATTR_SOURCE_ADDRESS); addr_->Read(buf); } return true; } void StunTransportPrefsAttribute::Write(ByteBuffer* buf) const { buf->WriteUInt32((preallocate_ ? 4 : 0) | prefs_); if (preallocate_) addr_->Write(buf); } StunMessageType GetStunResponseType(StunMessageType request_type) { switch (request_type) { case STUN_SHARED_SECRET_REQUEST: return STUN_SHARED_SECRET_RESPONSE; case STUN_ALLOCATE_REQUEST: return STUN_ALLOCATE_RESPONSE; case STUN_SEND_REQUEST: return STUN_SEND_RESPONSE; default: return STUN_BINDING_RESPONSE; } } StunMessageType GetStunErrorResponseType(StunMessageType request_type) { switch (request_type) { case STUN_SHARED_SECRET_REQUEST: return STUN_SHARED_SECRET_ERROR_RESPONSE; case STUN_ALLOCATE_REQUEST: return STUN_ALLOCATE_ERROR_RESPONSE; case STUN_SEND_REQUEST: return STUN_SEND_ERROR_RESPONSE; default: return STUN_BINDING_ERROR_RESPONSE; } } } // namespace cricket