 *  Copyright (C) 2010-2013 Broadcom Corporation
 *  Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 *  you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 *  You may obtain a copy of the License at:
 *  http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 *  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 *  distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 *  WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
 *  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 *  limitations under the License.

 *  This file contains definitions for some utility functions to help parse
 *  and build NFC Data Exchange Format (NDEF) messages

#ifndef NDEF_UTILS_H
#define NDEF_UTILS_H

#include "bt_types.h"

#define NDEF_MB_MASK            0x80    /* Message Begin */
#define NDEF_ME_MASK            0x40    /* Message End */
#define NDEF_CF_MASK            0x20    /* Chunk Flag */
#define NDEF_SR_MASK            0x10    /* Short Record */
#define NDEF_IL_MASK            0x08    /* ID Length */
#define NDEF_TNF_MASK           0x07    /* Type Name Format */

/* NDEF Type Name Format */
#define NDEF_TNF_EMPTY          0   /* Empty (type/id/payload len =0) */
#define NDEF_TNF_WKT            1   /* NFC Forum well-known type/RTD */
#define NDEF_TNF_MEDIA          2   /* Media-type as defined in RFC 2046 */
#define NDEF_TNF_URI            3   /* Absolute URI as defined in RFC 3986 */
#define NDEF_TNF_EXT            4   /* NFC Forum external type/RTD */
#define NDEF_TNF_UNKNOWN        5   /* Unknown (type len =0) */
#define NDEF_TNF_UNCHANGED      6   /* Unchanged (type len =0) */
#define NDEF_TNF_RESERVED       7   /* Reserved */

/* Define the status code returned from the Validate, Parse or Build functions
    NDEF_OK,                            /* 0 - OK                                   */

    NDEF_REC_NOT_FOUND,                 /* 1 - No record matching the find criteria */
    NDEF_MSG_TOO_SHORT,                 /* 2 - Message was too short (< 3 bytes)    */
    NDEF_MSG_NO_MSG_BEGIN,              /* 3 - No 'begin' flag at start of message  */
    NDEF_MSG_NO_MSG_END,                /* 4 - No 'end' flag at end of message      */
    NDEF_MSG_EXTRA_MSG_BEGIN,           /* 5 - 'begin' flag after start of message  */
    NDEF_MSG_UNEXPECTED_CHUNK,          /* 6 - Unexpected chunk found               */
    NDEF_MSG_INVALID_EMPTY_REC,         /* 7 - Empty record with non-zero contents  */
    NDEF_MSG_INVALID_CHUNK,             /* 8 - Invalid chunk found                  */
    NDEF_MSG_LENGTH_MISMATCH,           /* 9 - Overall message length doesn't match */
    NDEF_MSG_INSUFFICIENT_MEM           /* 10 - Insuffiecient memory to add record  */

#define HR_REC_TYPE_LEN     2       /* Handover Request Record Type     */
#define HS_REC_TYPE_LEN     2       /* Handover Select Record Type      */
#define HC_REC_TYPE_LEN     2       /* Handover Carrier recrod Type     */
#define CR_REC_TYPE_LEN     2       /* Collision Resolution Record Type */
#define AC_REC_TYPE_LEN     2       /* Alternative Carrier Record Type  */
#define ERR_REC_TYPE_LEN    3       /* Error Record Type                */
#define BT_OOB_REC_TYPE_LEN 32      /* Bluetooth OOB Data Type          */
#define WIFI_WSC_REC_TYPE_LEN 23    /* Wifi WSC Data Type               */

#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {

/* Define prefix for exporting APIs from libraries */
#ifdef  NFC_DLL
#define EXPORT_NDEF_API __declspec(dllexport)       /* Windows DLL export prefix */

/* Functions to parse a received NDEF Message
** Function         NDEF_MsgValidate
** Description      This function validates an NDEF message.
** Returns          TRUE if all OK, or FALSE if the message is invalid.
EXPORT_NDEF_API extern tNDEF_STATUS NDEF_MsgValidate (UINT8 *p_msg, UINT32 msg_len, BOOLEAN b_allow_chunks);

** Function         NDEF_MsgGetNumRecs
** Description      This function gets the number of records in the given NDEF
**                  message.
** Returns          The record count, or 0 if the message is invalid.
EXPORT_NDEF_API extern INT32 NDEF_MsgGetNumRecs (UINT8 *p_msg);

** Function         NDEF_MsgGetRecLength
** Description      This function returns length of the current record in the given
**                  NDEF message.
** Returns          Length of record
EXPORT_NDEF_API extern UINT32 NDEF_MsgGetRecLength (UINT8 *p_cur_rec);

** Function         NDEF_MsgGetNextRec
** Description      This function gets a pointer to the next record after the
**                  current one.
** Returns          Pointer to the start of the record, or NULL if no more
EXPORT_NDEF_API extern UINT8 *NDEF_MsgGetNextRec (UINT8 *p_cur_rec);

** Function         NDEF_MsgGetRecByIndex
** Description      This function gets a pointer to the record with the given
**                  index (0-based index) in the given NDEF message.
** Returns          Pointer to the start of the record, or NULL
EXPORT_NDEF_API extern UINT8 *NDEF_MsgGetRecByIndex (UINT8 *p_msg, INT32 index);

** Function         NDEF_MsgGetLastRecInMsg
** Description      This function gets a pointer to the last record in the
**                  given NDEF message.
** Returns          Pointer to the start of the last record, or NULL if some problem
EXPORT_NDEF_API extern UINT8 *NDEF_MsgGetLastRecInMsg (UINT8 *p_msg);

** Function         NDEF_MsgGetFirstRecByType
** Description      This function gets a pointer to the first record with the given
**                  record type in the given NDEF message.
** Returns          Pointer to the start of the record, or NULL
EXPORT_NDEF_API extern UINT8 *NDEF_MsgGetFirstRecByType (UINT8 *p_msg, UINT8 tnf, UINT8 *p_type, UINT8 tlen);

** Function         NDEF_MsgGetNextRecByType
** Description      This function gets a pointer to the next record with the given
**                  record type in the given NDEF message.
** Returns          Pointer to the start of the record, or NULL
EXPORT_NDEF_API extern UINT8 *NDEF_MsgGetNextRecByType (UINT8 *p_cur_rec, UINT8 tnf, UINT8 *p_type, UINT8 tlen);

** Function         NDEF_MsgGetFirstRecById
** Description      This function gets a pointer to the first record with the given
**                  record id in the given NDEF message.
** Returns          Pointer to the start of the record, or NULL
EXPORT_NDEF_API extern UINT8 *NDEF_MsgGetFirstRecById (UINT8 *p_msg, UINT8 *p_id, UINT8 ilen);

** Function         NDEF_MsgGetNextRecById
** Description      This function gets a pointer to the next record with the given
**                  record id in the given NDEF message.
** Returns          Pointer to the start of the record, or NULL
EXPORT_NDEF_API extern UINT8 *NDEF_MsgGetNextRecById (UINT8 *p_cur_rec, UINT8 *p_id, UINT8 ilen);

** Function         NDEF_RecGetType
** Description      This function gets a pointer to the record type for the given NDEF record.
** Returns          Pointer to Type (NULL if none). TNF and len are filled in.
EXPORT_NDEF_API extern UINT8 *NDEF_RecGetType (UINT8 *p_rec, UINT8 *p_tnf, UINT8 *p_type_len);

** Function         NDEF_RecGetId
** Description      This function gets a pointer to the record id for the given NDEF record.
** Returns          Pointer to Id (NULL if none). ID Len is filled in.
EXPORT_NDEF_API extern UINT8 *NDEF_RecGetId (UINT8 *p_rec, UINT8 *p_id_len);

** Function         NDEF_RecGetPayload
** Description      This function gets a pointer to the payload for the given NDEF record.
** Returns          a pointer to the payload (NULL if none). Payload len filled in.
EXPORT_NDEF_API extern UINT8 *NDEF_RecGetPayload (UINT8 *p_rec, UINT32 *p_payload_len);

/* Functions to build an NDEF Message
** Function         NDEF_MsgInit
** Description      This function initializes an NDEF message.
** Returns          void
**                  *p_cur_size is initialized to 0
EXPORT_NDEF_API extern void NDEF_MsgInit (UINT8 *p_msg, UINT32 max_size, UINT32 *p_cur_size);

** Function         NDEF_MsgAddRec
** Description      This function adds an NDEF record to the end of an NDEF message.
** Returns          OK, or error if the record did not fit
**                  *p_cur_size is updated
EXPORT_NDEF_API extern tNDEF_STATUS  NDEF_MsgAddRec (UINT8 *p_msg, UINT32 max_size, UINT32 *p_cur_size,
                                     UINT8 tnf, UINT8 *p_type, UINT8 type_len,
                                     UINT8 *p_id, UINT8  id_len,
                                     UINT8 *p_payload, UINT32 payload_len);

** Function         NDEF_MsgInsertRec
** Description      This function inserts a record at a specific index into the
**                  given NDEF message
** Returns          OK, or error if the record did not fit
**                  *p_cur_size is updated
EXPORT_NDEF_API extern tNDEF_STATUS  NDEF_MsgInsertRec (UINT8 *p_msg, UINT32 max_size, UINT32 *p_cur_size, INT32 index,
                                        UINT8 tnf, UINT8 *p_type, UINT8 type_len,
                                        UINT8 *p_id, UINT8  id_len,
                                        UINT8 *p_payload, UINT32 payload_len);

** Function         NDEF_MsgAppendRec
** Description      This function adds NDEF records to the end of an NDEF message.
** Returns          OK, or error if the record did not fit
**                  *p_cur_size is updated
EXPORT_NDEF_API extern tNDEF_STATUS  NDEF_MsgAppendRec (UINT8 *p_msg, UINT32 max_size, UINT32 *p_cur_size,
                                        UINT8 *p_new_rec, UINT32 new_rec_len);

** Function         NDEF_MsgAppendPayload
** Description      This function appends extra payload to a specific record in the
**                  given NDEF message
** Returns          OK, or error if the extra payload did not fit
**                  *p_cur_size is updated
EXPORT_NDEF_API extern tNDEF_STATUS NDEF_MsgAppendPayload (UINT8 *p_msg, UINT32 max_size, UINT32 *p_cur_size,
                                           UINT8 *p_rec, UINT8 *p_add_pl, UINT32 add_pl_len);

** Function         NDEF_MsgReplacePayload
** Description      This function replaces the payload of a specific record in the
**                  given NDEF message
** Returns          OK, or error if the new payload did not fit
**                  *p_cur_size is updated
EXPORT_NDEF_API extern tNDEF_STATUS NDEF_MsgReplacePayload (UINT8 *p_msg, UINT32 max_size, UINT32 *p_cur_size,
                                            UINT8 *p_rec, UINT8 *p_new_pl, UINT32 new_pl_len);

** Function         NDEF_MsgReplaceType
** Description      This function replaces the type field of a specific record in the
**                  given NDEF message
** Returns          OK, or error if the new type field did not fit
**                  *p_cur_size is updated
EXPORT_NDEF_API extern tNDEF_STATUS NDEF_MsgReplaceType (UINT8 *p_msg, UINT32 max_size, UINT32 *p_cur_size,
                                         UINT8 *p_rec, UINT8 *p_new_type, UINT8 new_type_len);

** Function         NDEF_MsgReplaceId
** Description      This function replaces the ID field of a specific record in the
**                  given NDEF message
** Returns          OK, or error if the new ID field did not fit
**                  *p_cur_size is updated
EXPORT_NDEF_API extern tNDEF_STATUS NDEF_MsgReplaceId (UINT8 *p_msg, UINT32 max_size, UINT32 *p_cur_size,
                                       UINT8 *p_rec, UINT8 *p_new_id, UINT8 new_id_len);

** Function         NDEF_MsgRemoveRec
** Description      This function removes the record at the given
**                  index in the given NDEF message.
** Returns          OK, or error if the index was invalid
**                  *p_cur_size is updated
EXPORT_NDEF_API extern tNDEF_STATUS NDEF_MsgRemoveRec (UINT8 *p_msg, UINT32 *p_cur_size, INT32 index);

** Function         NDEF_MsgCopyAndDechunk
** Description      This function copies and de-chunks an NDEF message.
**                  It is assumed that the destination is at least as large
**                  as the source, since the source may not actually contain
**                  any chunks.
** Returns          The output byte count
EXPORT_NDEF_API extern tNDEF_STATUS NDEF_MsgCopyAndDechunk (UINT8 *p_src, UINT32 src_len, UINT8 *p_dest, UINT32 *p_out_len);

** Function         NDEF_MsgCreateWktHr
** Description      This function creates Handover Request Record with version.
** Returns          NDEF_OK if all OK
EXPORT_NDEF_API extern tNDEF_STATUS NDEF_MsgCreateWktHr (UINT8 *p_msg, UINT32 max_size, UINT32 *p_cur_size,
                                                 UINT8 version );

** Function         NDEF_MsgCreateWktHs
** Description      This function creates Handover Select Record with version.
** Returns          NDEF_OK if all OK
EXPORT_NDEF_API extern tNDEF_STATUS NDEF_MsgCreateWktHs (UINT8 *p_msg, UINT32 max_size, UINT32 *p_cur_size,
                                                 UINT8 version );

** Function         NDEF_MsgAddWktHc
** Description      This function adds Handover Carrier Record.
** Returns          NDEF_OK if all OK
EXPORT_NDEF_API extern tNDEF_STATUS NDEF_MsgAddWktHc (UINT8 *p_msg, UINT32 max_size, UINT32 *p_cur_size,
                                              char  *p_id_str, UINT8 ctf,
                                              UINT8 carrier_type_len, UINT8 *p_carrier_type,
                                              UINT8 carrier_data_len, UINT8 *p_carrier_data);

** Function         NDEF_MsgAddWktAc
** Description      This function adds Alternative Carrier Record.
** Returns          NDEF_OK if all OK
EXPORT_NDEF_API extern tNDEF_STATUS NDEF_MsgAddWktAc (UINT8 *p_msg, UINT32 max_size, UINT32 *p_cur_size,
                                              UINT8 cps, char *p_carrier_data_ref_str,
                                              UINT8 aux_data_ref_count, char *p_aux_data_ref_str[]);

** Function         NDEF_MsgAddWktCr
** Description      This function adds Collision Resolution Record.
** Returns          NDEF_OK if all OK
EXPORT_NDEF_API extern tNDEF_STATUS NDEF_MsgAddWktCr (UINT8 *p_msg, UINT32 max_size, UINT32 *p_cur_size,
                                              UINT16 random_number );

** Function         NDEF_MsgAddWktErr
** Description      This function adds Error Record.
** Returns          NDEF_OK if all OK
EXPORT_NDEF_API extern tNDEF_STATUS NDEF_MsgAddWktErr (UINT8 *p_msg, UINT32 max_size, UINT32 *p_cur_size,
                                               UINT8 error_reason, UINT32 error_data );

** Function         NDEF_MsgAddMediaBtOob
** Description      This function adds BT OOB Record.
** Returns          NDEF_OK if all OK
EXPORT_NDEF_API extern tNDEF_STATUS NDEF_MsgAddMediaBtOob (UINT8 *p_msg, UINT32 max_size, UINT32 *p_cur_size,
                                                   char *p_id_str, BD_ADDR bd_addr);

** Function         NDEF_MsgAppendMediaBtOobCod
** Description      This function appends COD EIR data at the end of BT OOB Record.
** Returns          NDEF_OK if all OK
EXPORT_NDEF_API extern tNDEF_STATUS NDEF_MsgAppendMediaBtOobCod (UINT8 *p_msg, UINT32 max_size, UINT32 *p_cur_size,
                                                         char *p_id_str, DEV_CLASS cod);

** Function         NDEF_MsgAppendMediaBtOobName
** Description      This function appends Bluetooth Local Name EIR data
**                  at the end of BT OOB Record.
** Returns          NDEF_OK if all OK
EXPORT_NDEF_API extern tNDEF_STATUS NDEF_MsgAppendMediaBtOobName (UINT8 *p_msg, UINT32 max_size, UINT32 *p_cur_size,
                                                          char *p_id_str, BOOLEAN is_complete,
                                                          UINT8 name_len, UINT8 *p_name);

** Function         NDEF_MsgAppendMediaBtOobHashCRandR
** Description      This function appends Hash C and Rand R at the end of BT OOB Record.
** Returns          NDEF_OK if all OK
EXPORT_NDEF_API extern tNDEF_STATUS NDEF_MsgAppendMediaBtOobHashCRandR (UINT8 *p_msg, UINT32 max_size, UINT32 *p_cur_size,
                                                                char *p_id_str, UINT8 *p_hash_c, UINT8 *p_rand_r);

** Function         NDEF_MsgAppendMediaBtOobEirData
** Description      This function appends EIR Data at the end of BT OOB Record.
** Returns          NDEF_OK if all OK
EXPORT_NDEF_API extern tNDEF_STATUS NDEF_MsgAppendMediaBtOobEirData (UINT8 *p_msg, UINT32 max_size, UINT32 *p_cur_size,
                                                             char *p_id_str,
                                                             UINT8 eir_type, UINT8 data_len, UINT8 *p_data);

** Function         NDEF_MsgAddMediaWifiWsc
** Description      This function adds Wifi Wsc Record header.
** Returns          NDEF_OK if all OK
EXPORT_NDEF_API extern tNDEF_STATUS NDEF_MsgAddMediaWifiWsc (UINT8 *p_msg, UINT32 max_size, UINT32 *p_cur_size,
                                    char *p_id_str, UINT8 *p_payload, UINT32 payload_len);

#ifdef __cplusplus

#endif /* NDEF_UTILS_H */