/* * Copyright 2012 Google Inc. * * Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be * found in the LICENSE file. */ #include "GrGLEffectMatrix.h" #include "GrTexture.h" GrGLEffect::EffectKey GrGLEffectMatrix::GenKey(const SkMatrix& effectMatrix, const SkMatrix& coordChangeMatrix, const GrTexture* texture) { SkMatrix::TypeMask type0 = effectMatrix.getType(); SkMatrix::TypeMask type1 = coordChangeMatrix.getType(); static const int kNonTransMask = SkMatrix::kAffine_Mask | SkMatrix::kScale_Mask | SkMatrix::kPerspective_Mask; int combinedTypes = type0 | type1; bool reverseY = (NULL != texture) && kBottomLeft_GrSurfaceOrigin == texture->origin(); if (SkMatrix::kPerspective_Mask & combinedTypes) { return kGeneral_Key; } else if ((kNonTransMask & combinedTypes) || reverseY) { return kNoPersp_Key; } else if (kTrans_Key & combinedTypes) { return kTrans_Key; } else { GrAssert(effectMatrix.isIdentity() && coordChangeMatrix.isIdentity()); return kIdentity_Key; } } GrSLType GrGLEffectMatrix::emitCode(GrGLShaderBuilder* builder, EffectKey key, const char* vertexCoords, const char** fsCoordName, const char** vsCoordName, const char* suffix) { GrSLType varyingType; const char* uniName; key &= kKeyMask; switch (key) { case kIdentity_Key: fUniType = kVoid_GrSLType; varyingType = kVec2f_GrSLType; break; case kTrans_Key: fUniType = kVec2f_GrSLType; uniName = "StageTranslate"; varyingType = kVec2f_GrSLType; break; case kNoPersp_Key: fUniType = kMat33f_GrSLType; uniName = "StageMatrix"; varyingType = kVec2f_GrSLType; break; case kGeneral_Key: fUniType = kMat33f_GrSLType; uniName = "StageMatrix"; varyingType = kVec3f_GrSLType; break; default: GrCrash("Unexpected key."); } SkString suffixedUniName; if (NULL != suffix) { suffixedUniName.append(uniName); suffixedUniName.append(suffix); uniName = suffixedUniName.c_str(); } if (kVoid_GrSLType != fUniType) { fUni = builder->addUniform(GrGLShaderBuilder::kVertex_ShaderType, fUniType, uniName, &uniName); } const char* varyingName = "StageCoord"; SkString suffixedVaryingName; if (NULL != suffix) { suffixedVaryingName.append(varyingName); suffixedVaryingName.append(suffix); varyingName = suffixedVaryingName.c_str(); } const char* vsVaryingName; const char* fsVaryingName; builder->addVarying(varyingType, varyingName, &vsVaryingName, &fsVaryingName); // varying = matrix * vertex-coords (logically) switch (fUniType) { case kVoid_GrSLType: GrAssert(kVec2f_GrSLType == varyingType); builder->fVSCode.appendf("\t%s = %s;\n", vsVaryingName, vertexCoords); break; case kVec2f_GrSLType: GrAssert(kVec2f_GrSLType == varyingType); builder->fVSCode.appendf("\t%s = %s + %s;\n", vsVaryingName, uniName, vertexCoords); break; case kMat33f_GrSLType: { GrAssert(kVec2f_GrSLType == varyingType || kVec3f_GrSLType == varyingType); if (kVec2f_GrSLType == varyingType) { builder->fVSCode.appendf("\t%s = (%s * vec3(%s, 1)).xy;\n", vsVaryingName, uniName, vertexCoords); } else { builder->fVSCode.appendf("\t%s = %s * vec3(%s, 1);\n", vsVaryingName, uniName, vertexCoords); } break; } default: GrCrash("Unexpected uniform type."); } if (NULL != vsCoordName) { *vsCoordName = vsVaryingName; } if (NULL != fsCoordName) { *fsCoordName = fsVaryingName; } return varyingType; } /** * This is similar to emitCode except that it performs perspective division in the FS if the * texture coordinates have a w coordinate. The fsCoordName always refers to a vec2f. */ void GrGLEffectMatrix::emitCodeMakeFSCoords2D(GrGLShaderBuilder* builder, EffectKey key, const char* vertexCoords, const char** fsCoordName, const char** vsVaryingName, GrSLType* vsVaryingType, const char* suffix) { const char* fsVaryingName; GrSLType varyingType = this->emitCode(builder, key, vertexCoords, &fsVaryingName, vsVaryingName, suffix); if (kVec3f_GrSLType == varyingType) { const char* coordName = "coords2D"; SkString suffixedCoordName; if (NULL != suffix) { suffixedCoordName.append(coordName); suffixedCoordName.append(suffix); coordName = suffixedCoordName.c_str(); } builder->fFSCode.appendf("\tvec2 %s = %s.xy / %s.z;", coordName, fsVaryingName, fsVaryingName); if (NULL != fsCoordName) { *fsCoordName = coordName; } } else if(NULL != fsCoordName) { *fsCoordName = fsVaryingName; } if (NULL != vsVaryingType) { *vsVaryingType = varyingType; } } void GrGLEffectMatrix::setData(const GrGLUniformManager& uniformManager, const SkMatrix& matrix, const SkMatrix& coordChangeMatrix, const GrTexture* texture) { GrAssert((GrGLUniformManager::kInvalidUniformHandle == fUni) == (kVoid_GrSLType == fUniType)); switch (fUniType) { case kVoid_GrSLType: GrAssert(matrix.isIdentity()); GrAssert(coordChangeMatrix.isIdentity()); GrAssert(NULL == texture || kTopLeft_GrSurfaceOrigin == texture->origin()); return; case kVec2f_GrSLType: { GrAssert(SkMatrix::kTranslate_Mask == (matrix.getType() | coordChangeMatrix.getType())); GrAssert(NULL == texture || kTopLeft_GrSurfaceOrigin == texture->origin()); SkScalar tx = matrix[SkMatrix::kMTransX] + coordChangeMatrix[SkMatrix::kMTransX]; SkScalar ty = matrix[SkMatrix::kMTransY] + coordChangeMatrix[SkMatrix::kMTransY]; if (fPrevMatrix.get(SkMatrix::kMTransX) != tx || fPrevMatrix.get(SkMatrix::kMTransY) != ty) { uniformManager.set2f(fUni, tx, ty); fPrevMatrix.set(SkMatrix::kMTransX, tx); fPrevMatrix.set(SkMatrix::kMTransY, ty); } break; } case kMat33f_GrSLType: { SkMatrix combined; combined.setConcat(matrix, coordChangeMatrix); if (NULL != texture && kBottomLeft_GrSurfaceOrigin == texture->origin()) { // combined.postScale(1,-1); // combined.postTranslate(0,1); combined.set(SkMatrix::kMSkewY, combined[SkMatrix::kMPersp0] - combined[SkMatrix::kMSkewY]); combined.set(SkMatrix::kMScaleY, combined[SkMatrix::kMPersp1] - combined[SkMatrix::kMScaleY]); combined.set(SkMatrix::kMTransY, combined[SkMatrix::kMPersp2] - combined[SkMatrix::kMTransY]); } if (!fPrevMatrix.cheapEqualTo(combined)) { uniformManager.setSkMatrix(fUni, combined); fPrevMatrix = combined; } break; } default: GrCrash("Unexpected uniform type."); } }