/*---------------------------------------------------------------------------* * pcputimer.c * * * * Copyright 2007, 2008 Nuance Communciations, Inc. * * * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the 'License'); * * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * * * * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * * distributed under the License is distributed on an 'AS IS' BASIS, * * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * * limitations under the License. * * * *---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ #include "pcputimer.h" #include "pmemory.h" #if defined(_WIN32) /* Note that this implementation assumes that GetThreadTimes is available (requires NT 3.5 and above) and that 64 bit arithmetic is available (requires VC) */ struct PCPUTimer_t { HANDLE hThread; LARGE_INTEGER RefTime; asr_uint32_t elapsed; }; /** * Creates a new timer object. **/ ESR_ReturnCode PCPUTimerCreate(PCPUTimer **timer) { PCPUTimer *tmp = NULL; if (timer == NULL) return ESR_INVALID_ARGUMENT; tmp = NEW(PCPUTimer, "PCPUTimer"); if (tmp == NULL) return ESR_OUT_OF_MEMORY; tmp->hThread = GetCurrentThread(); tmp->RefTime.QuadPart = -1; tmp->elapsed = 0; *timer = tmp; return ESR_SUCCESS; } ESR_ReturnCode PCPUTimerDestroy(PCPUTimer *timer) { if (timer == NULL) return ESR_INVALID_ARGUMENT; FREE(timer); return ESR_SUCCESS; } /** * Starts the timer. This sets the reference time from which all new elapsed * time are computed. This does not reset the elapsed time to 0. This is * useful to pause the timer. **/ ESR_ReturnCode PCPUTimerStart(PCPUTimer *timer) { FILETIME CreationTime; FILETIME ExitTime; FILETIME KernelTime; FILETIME UserTime; if (timer == NULL) return ESR_INVALID_ARGUMENT; if (!GetThreadTimes(timer->hThread, &CreationTime, &ExitTime, &KernelTime, &UserTime)) { return ESR_FATAL_ERROR; } timer->RefTime.QuadPart = (((LARGE_INTEGER*) & KernelTime)->QuadPart + ((LARGE_INTEGER*) & UserTime)->QuadPart); return ESR_SUCCESS; } /** * Stops the timer. **/ ESR_ReturnCode PCPUTimerStop(PCPUTimer *timer) { if (timer == NULL) return ESR_INVALID_ARGUMENT; if (timer->RefTime.QuadPart != -1) { FILETIME CreationTime; FILETIME ExitTime; FILETIME KernelTime; FILETIME UserTime; if (!GetThreadTimes(timer->hThread, &CreationTime, &ExitTime, &KernelTime, &UserTime)) return ESR_FATAL_ERROR; timer->elapsed = (asr_uint32_t) (((LARGE_INTEGER*) &KernelTime)->QuadPart + ((LARGE_INTEGER*) &UserTime)->QuadPart - timer->RefTime.QuadPart) / 10; } return ESR_SUCCESS; } /** * Returns the timer elapsed time. If the Timer is in the stopped state, * successive calls to getElapsed() will always return the same value. If * the Timer is in the started state, successive calls will return the * elapsed time since the last time PCPUTimerStart() was called. */ ESR_ReturnCode PCPUTimerGetElapsed(PCPUTimer *timer, asr_uint32_t *elapsed) { if (timer == NULL || elapsed == NULL) return ESR_INVALID_ARGUMENT; if (timer->RefTime.QuadPart != -1) { FILETIME CreationTime; FILETIME ExitTime; FILETIME KernelTime; FILETIME UserTime; if (!GetThreadTimes(timer->hThread, &CreationTime, &ExitTime, &KernelTime, &UserTime)) return ESR_FATAL_ERROR; *elapsed = timer->elapsed + (asr_uint32_t)(((LARGE_INTEGER*) & KernelTime)->QuadPart + ((LARGE_INTEGER*) & UserTime)->QuadPart - timer->RefTime.QuadPart) / 10; } else *elapsed = timer->elapsed; return ESR_SUCCESS; } /** * Resets the elapsed time to 0 and resets the reference time of the Timer. * This effectively reset the timer in the same state it was right after creation. **/ ESR_ReturnCode PCPUTimerReset(PCPUTimer *timer) { if (timer == NULL) return ESR_INVALID_ARGUMENT; timer->RefTime.QuadPart = -1; timer->elapsed = 0; return ESR_SUCCESS; } #elif defined(POSIX) /* */ struct PCPUTimer_t { HANDLE hThread; asr_uint32_t RefTime; asr_uint32_t elapsed; }; /** * Creates a new timer object. **/ ESR_ReturnCode PCPUTimerCreate(PCPUTimer **timer) { PCPUTimer *tmp = NULL; if (timer == NULL) return ESR_INVALID_ARGUMENT; tmp = NEW(PCPUTimer, "PCPUTimer"); if (tmp == NULL) return ESR_OUT_OF_MEMORY; tmp->hThread = (HANDLE)pthread_self(); tmp->elapsed = 0; *timer = tmp; return ESR_SUCCESS; } ESR_ReturnCode PCPUTimerDestroy(PCPUTimer *timer) { if (timer == NULL) return ESR_INVALID_ARGUMENT; FREE(timer); return ESR_SUCCESS; } /** * Starts the timer. This sets the reference time from which all new elapsed * time are computed. This does not reset the elapsed time to 0. This is * useful to pause the timer. **/ ESR_ReturnCode PCPUTimerStart(PCPUTimer *timer) { return ESR_SUCCESS; } /** * Stops the timer. **/ ESR_ReturnCode PCPUTimerStop(PCPUTimer *timer) { return ESR_SUCCESS; } /** * Returns the timer elapsed time. If the Timer is in the stopped state, * successive calls to getElapsed() will always return the same value. If * the Timer is in the started state, successive calls will return the * elapsed time since the last time PCPUTimerStart() was called. */ ESR_ReturnCode PCPUTimerGetElapsed(PCPUTimer *timer, asr_uint32_t *elapsed) { return ESR_SUCCESS; } /** * Resets the elapsed time to 0 and resets the reference time of the Timer. * This effectively reset the timer in the same state it was right after creation. **/ ESR_ReturnCode PCPUTimerReset(PCPUTimer *timer) { return ESR_SUCCESS; } #else /* #error "Ptimer not implemented for this platform." */ #endif