/* * Copyright (C) 2006 Apple Computer, Inc. All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY APPLE COMPUTER, INC. ``AS IS'' AND ANY * EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR * PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL APPLE COMPUTER, INC. OR * CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, * EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, * PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR * PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY * OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE * OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ function bludgeonArguments() { if (0) arguments; return function g() {} } h = bludgeonArguments(); gc(); var failed = false; function pass(msg) { print("PASS: " + msg, "green"); } function fail(msg) { print("FAIL: " + msg, "red"); failed = true; } function shouldBe(a, b) { var evalA; try { evalA = eval(a); } catch(e) { evalA = e; } if (evalA == b || isNaN(evalA) && typeof evalA == 'number' && isNaN(b) && typeof b == 'number') pass(a + " should be " + b + " and is."); else fail(a + " should be " + b + " but instead is " + evalA + "."); } function shouldThrow(a) { var evalA; try { eval(a); } catch(e) { pass(a + " threw: " + e); return; } fail(a + " did not throw an exception."); } function globalStaticFunction() { return 4; } shouldBe("globalStaticValue", 3); shouldBe("globalStaticFunction()", 4); shouldBe("typeof MyObject", "function"); // our object implements 'call' MyObject.cantFind = 1; shouldBe("MyObject.cantFind", undefined); MyObject.regularType = 1; shouldBe("MyObject.regularType", 1); MyObject.alwaysOne = 2; shouldBe("MyObject.alwaysOne", 1); MyObject.cantDelete = 1; delete MyObject.cantDelete; shouldBe("MyObject.cantDelete", 1); shouldBe("delete MyObject.throwOnDelete", "an exception"); MyObject.cantSet = 1; shouldBe("MyObject.cantSet", undefined); shouldBe("MyObject.throwOnGet", "an exception"); shouldBe("MyObject.throwOnSet = 5", "an exception"); shouldBe("MyObject('throwOnCall')", "an exception"); shouldBe("new MyObject('throwOnConstruct')", "an exception"); shouldBe("'throwOnHasInstance' instanceof MyObject", "an exception"); var foundMyPropertyName = false; var foundRegularType = false; for (var p in MyObject) { if (p == "myPropertyName") foundMyPropertyName = true; if (p == "regularType") foundRegularType = true; } if (foundMyPropertyName) pass("MyObject.myPropertyName was enumerated"); else fail("MyObject.myPropertyName was not enumerated"); if (foundRegularType) pass("MyObject.regularType was enumerated"); else fail("MyObject.regularType was not enumerated"); var alwaysOneDescriptor = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(MyObject, "alwaysOne"); shouldBe('typeof alwaysOneDescriptor', "object"); shouldBe('alwaysOneDescriptor.value', MyObject.alwaysOne); shouldBe('alwaysOneDescriptor.configurable', true); shouldBe('alwaysOneDescriptor.enumerable', false); // Actually it is. var cantFindDescriptor = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(MyObject, "cantFind"); shouldBe('typeof cantFindDescriptor', "object"); shouldBe('cantFindDescriptor.value', MyObject.cantFind); shouldBe('cantFindDescriptor.configurable', true); shouldBe('cantFindDescriptor.enumerable', false); try { // If getOwnPropertyDescriptor() returned an access descriptor, this wouldn't throw. Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(MyObject, "throwOnGet"); } catch (e) { pass("getting property descriptor of throwOnGet threw exception"); } var myPropertyNameDescriptor = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(MyObject, "myPropertyName"); shouldBe('typeof myPropertyNameDescriptor', "object"); shouldBe('myPropertyNameDescriptor.value', MyObject.myPropertyName); shouldBe('myPropertyNameDescriptor.configurable', true); shouldBe('myPropertyNameDescriptor.enumerable', false); // Actually it is. try { // if getOwnPropertyDescriptor() returned an access descriptor, this wouldn't throw. Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(MyObject, "hasPropertyLie"); } catch (e) { pass("getting property descriptor of hasPropertyLie threw exception"); } shouldBe('Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(MyObject, "doesNotExist")', undefined); myObject = new MyObject(); shouldBe("delete MyObject.regularType", true); shouldBe("MyObject.regularType", undefined); shouldBe("MyObject(0)", 1); shouldBe("MyObject()", undefined); shouldBe("typeof myObject", "object"); shouldBe("MyObject ? 1 : 0", true); // toBoolean shouldBe("+MyObject", 1); // toNumber shouldBe("(MyObject.toString())", "[object MyObject]"); // toString shouldBe("String(MyObject)", "MyObjectAsString"); // type conversion to string shouldBe("MyObject - 0", 1); // toNumber shouldBe("typeof MyConstructor", "object"); constructedObject = new MyConstructor(1); shouldBe("typeof constructedObject", "object"); shouldBe("constructedObject.value", 1); shouldBe("myObject instanceof MyObject", true); shouldBe("(new Object()) instanceof MyObject", false); shouldThrow("MyObject.nullGetSet = 1"); shouldThrow("MyObject.nullGetSet"); shouldThrow("MyObject.nullCall()"); shouldThrow("MyObject.hasPropertyLie"); derived = new Derived(); shouldBe("derived instanceof Derived", true); shouldBe("derived instanceof Base", true); // base properties and functions return 1 when called/gotten; derived, 2 shouldBe("derived.baseProtoDup()", 2); shouldBe("derived.baseProto()", 1); shouldBe("derived.baseDup", 2); shouldBe("derived.baseOnly", 1); shouldBe("derived.protoOnly()", 2); shouldBe("derived.protoDup", 2); shouldBe("derived.derivedOnly", 2) // base properties throw 1 when set; derived, 2 shouldBe("derived.baseDup = 0", 2); shouldBe("derived.baseOnly = 0", 1); shouldBe("derived.derivedOnly = 0", 2) shouldBe("derived.protoDup = 0", 2); derived2 = new Derived2(); shouldBe("derived2 instanceof Derived2", true); shouldBe("derived2 instanceof Derived", true); shouldBe("derived2 instanceof Base", true); // base properties and functions return 1 when called/gotten; derived, 2 shouldBe("derived2.baseProtoDup()", 2); shouldBe("derived2.baseProto()", 1); shouldBe("derived2.baseDup", 2); shouldBe("derived2.baseOnly", 1); shouldBe("derived2.protoOnly()", 2); shouldBe("derived2.protoDup", 2); shouldBe("derived2.derivedOnly", 2) // base properties throw 1 when set; derived, 2 shouldBe("derived2.baseDup = 0", 2); shouldBe("derived2.baseOnly = 0", 1); shouldBe("derived2.derivedOnly = 0", 2) shouldBe("derived2.protoDup = 0", 2); shouldBe('Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(derived, "baseProto")', undefined); shouldBe('Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(derived, "baseProtoDup")', undefined); var baseDupDescriptor = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(derived, "baseDup"); shouldBe('typeof baseDupDescriptor', "object"); shouldBe('baseDupDescriptor.value', derived.baseDup); shouldBe('baseDupDescriptor.configurable', true); shouldBe('baseDupDescriptor.enumerable', false); var baseOnlyDescriptor = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(derived, "baseOnly"); shouldBe('typeof baseOnlyDescriptor', "object"); shouldBe('baseOnlyDescriptor.value', derived.baseOnly); shouldBe('baseOnlyDescriptor.configurable', true); shouldBe('baseOnlyDescriptor.enumerable', false); shouldBe('Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(derived, "protoOnly")', undefined); var protoDupDescriptor = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(derived, "protoDup"); shouldBe('typeof protoDupDescriptor', "object"); shouldBe('protoDupDescriptor.value', derived.protoDup); shouldBe('protoDupDescriptor.configurable', true); shouldBe('protoDupDescriptor.enumerable', false); var derivedOnlyDescriptor = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(derived, "derivedOnly"); shouldBe('typeof derivedOnlyDescriptor', "object"); shouldBe('derivedOnlyDescriptor.value', derived.derivedOnly); shouldBe('derivedOnlyDescriptor.configurable', true); shouldBe('derivedOnlyDescriptor.enumerable', false); shouldBe("undefined instanceof MyObject", false); EvilExceptionObject.hasInstance = function f() { return f(); }; EvilExceptionObject.__proto__ = undefined; shouldThrow("undefined instanceof EvilExceptionObject"); EvilExceptionObject.hasInstance = function () { return true; }; shouldBe("undefined instanceof EvilExceptionObject", true); EvilExceptionObject.toNumber = function f() { return f(); } shouldThrow("EvilExceptionObject*5"); EvilExceptionObject.toStringExplicit = function f() { return f(); } shouldThrow("String(EvilExceptionObject)"); shouldBe("EmptyObject", "[object CallbackObject]"); if (failed) throw "Some tests failed";