/* * Copyright (C) 2003, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011 Apple Inc. All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY APPLE COMPUTER, INC. ``AS IS'' AND ANY * EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR * PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL APPLE COMPUTER, INC. OR * CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, * EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, * PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR * PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY * OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE * OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #ifndef AXObjectCache_h #define AXObjectCache_h #include "AccessibilityObject.h" #include "Timer.h" #include <limits.h> #include <wtf/Forward.h> #include <wtf/HashMap.h> #include <wtf/HashSet.h> #include <wtf/RefPtr.h> namespace WebCore { class Document; class HTMLAreaElement; class Node; class Page; class RenderObject; class ScrollView; class VisiblePosition; class Widget; struct TextMarkerData { AXID axID; Node* node; int offset; EAffinity affinity; }; enum PostType { PostSynchronously, PostAsynchronously }; class AXObjectCache { WTF_MAKE_NONCOPYABLE(AXObjectCache); WTF_MAKE_FAST_ALLOCATED; public: AXObjectCache(const Document*); ~AXObjectCache(); static AccessibilityObject* focusedUIElementForPage(const Page*); // Returns the root object for the entire document. AccessibilityObject* rootObject(); // Returns the root object for a specific frame. AccessibilityObject* rootObjectForFrame(Frame*); // For AX objects with elements that back them. AccessibilityObject* getOrCreate(RenderObject*); AccessibilityObject* getOrCreate(Widget*); // used for objects without backing elements AccessibilityObject* getOrCreate(AccessibilityRole); // will only return the AccessibilityObject if it already exists AccessibilityObject* get(RenderObject*); void remove(RenderObject*); void remove(Widget*); void remove(AXID); void detachWrapper(AccessibilityObject*); void attachWrapper(AccessibilityObject*); void childrenChanged(RenderObject*); void selectedChildrenChanged(RenderObject*); // Called by a node when text or a text equivalent (e.g. alt) attribute is changed. void contentChanged(RenderObject*); void handleActiveDescendantChanged(RenderObject*); void handleAriaRoleChanged(RenderObject*); void handleFocusedUIElementChanged(RenderObject* oldFocusedRenderer, RenderObject* newFocusedRenderer); void handleScrolledToAnchor(const Node* anchorNode); void handleAriaExpandedChange(RenderObject*); void handleScrollbarUpdate(ScrollView*); static void enableAccessibility() { gAccessibilityEnabled = true; } // Enhanced user interface accessibility can be toggled by the assistive technology. static void setEnhancedUserInterfaceAccessibility(bool flag) { gAccessibilityEnhancedUserInterfaceEnabled = flag; } static bool accessibilityEnabled() { return gAccessibilityEnabled; } static bool accessibilityEnhancedUserInterfaceEnabled() { return gAccessibilityEnhancedUserInterfaceEnabled; } void removeAXID(AccessibilityObject*); bool isIDinUse(AXID id) const { return m_idsInUse.contains(id); } AXID platformGenerateAXID() const; AccessibilityObject* objectFromAXID(AXID id) const { return m_objects.get(id).get(); } // This is a weak reference cache for knowing if Nodes used by TextMarkers are valid. void setNodeInUse(Node* n) { m_textMarkerNodes.add(n); } void removeNodeForUse(Node* n) { m_textMarkerNodes.remove(n); } bool isNodeInUse(Node* n) { return m_textMarkerNodes.contains(n); } // Text marker utilities. void textMarkerDataForVisiblePosition(TextMarkerData&, const VisiblePosition&); VisiblePosition visiblePositionForTextMarkerData(TextMarkerData&); enum AXNotification { AXActiveDescendantChanged, AXAutocorrectionOccured, AXCheckedStateChanged, AXChildrenChanged, AXFocusedUIElementChanged, AXLayoutComplete, AXLoadComplete, AXSelectedChildrenChanged, AXSelectedTextChanged, AXValueChanged, AXScrolledToAnchor, AXLiveRegionChanged, AXMenuListValueChanged, AXRowCountChanged, AXRowCollapsed, AXRowExpanded, AXInvalidStatusChanged, }; void postNotification(RenderObject*, AXNotification, bool postToElement, PostType = PostAsynchronously); void postNotification(AccessibilityObject*, Document*, AXNotification, bool postToElement, PostType = PostAsynchronously); enum AXTextChange { AXTextInserted, AXTextDeleted, }; void nodeTextChangeNotification(RenderObject*, AXTextChange, unsigned offset, unsigned count); bool nodeHasRole(Node*, const AtomicString& role); protected: void postPlatformNotification(AccessibilityObject*, AXNotification); void nodeTextChangePlatformNotification(AccessibilityObject*, AXTextChange, unsigned offset, unsigned count); private: Document* m_document; HashMap<AXID, RefPtr<AccessibilityObject> > m_objects; HashMap<RenderObject*, AXID> m_renderObjectMapping; HashMap<Widget*, AXID> m_widgetObjectMapping; HashSet<Node*> m_textMarkerNodes; static bool gAccessibilityEnabled; static bool gAccessibilityEnhancedUserInterfaceEnabled; HashSet<AXID> m_idsInUse; Timer<AXObjectCache> m_notificationPostTimer; Vector<pair<RefPtr<AccessibilityObject>, AXNotification> > m_notificationsToPost; void notificationPostTimerFired(Timer<AXObjectCache>*); static AccessibilityObject* focusedImageMapUIElement(HTMLAreaElement*); AXID getAXID(AccessibilityObject*); AccessibilityObject* get(Widget*); }; bool nodeHasRole(Node*, const String& role); #if !HAVE(ACCESSIBILITY) inline void AXObjectCache::handleActiveDescendantChanged(RenderObject*) { } inline void AXObjectCache::handleAriaRoleChanged(RenderObject*) { } inline void AXObjectCache::detachWrapper(AccessibilityObject*) { } inline void AXObjectCache::attachWrapper(AccessibilityObject*) { } inline void AXObjectCache::selectedChildrenChanged(RenderObject*) { } inline void AXObjectCache::postNotification(RenderObject*, AXNotification, bool postToElement, PostType) { } inline void AXObjectCache::postNotification(AccessibilityObject*, Document*, AXNotification, bool postToElement, PostType) { } inline void AXObjectCache::postPlatformNotification(AccessibilityObject*, AXNotification) { } inline void AXObjectCache::nodeTextChangeNotification(RenderObject*, AXTextChange, unsigned, unsigned) { } inline void AXObjectCache::nodeTextChangePlatformNotification(AccessibilityObject*, AXTextChange, unsigned, unsigned) { } inline void AXObjectCache::handleFocusedUIElementChanged(RenderObject*, RenderObject*) { } inline void AXObjectCache::handleScrolledToAnchor(const Node*) { } inline void AXObjectCache::contentChanged(RenderObject*) { } inline void AXObjectCache::handleAriaExpandedChange(RenderObject*) { } inline void AXObjectCache::handleScrollbarUpdate(ScrollView*) { } #endif } #endif