/* * Copyright (C) 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010 Apple Inc. All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY APPLE COMPUTER, INC. ``AS IS'' AND ANY * EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR * PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL APPLE COMPUTER, INC. OR * CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, * EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, * PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR * PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY * OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE * OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #ifndef SelectionController_h #define SelectionController_h #include "EditingStyle.h" #include "IntRect.h" #include "Range.h" #include "ScrollBehavior.h" #include "Timer.h" #include "VisibleSelection.h" #include <wtf/Noncopyable.h> namespace WebCore { class CharacterData; class CSSMutableStyleDeclaration; class Frame; class GraphicsContext; class HTMLFormElement; class RenderObject; class RenderView; class Settings; class VisiblePosition; enum DirectionalityPolicy { MakeNonDirectionalSelection, MakeDirectionalSelection }; class SelectionController { WTF_MAKE_NONCOPYABLE(SelectionController); WTF_MAKE_FAST_ALLOCATED; public: enum EAlteration { AlterationMove, AlterationExtend }; enum CursorAlignOnScroll { AlignCursorOnScrollIfNeeded, AlignCursorOnScrollAlways }; enum SetSelectionOption { CloseTyping = 1 << 0, ClearTypingStyle = 1 << 1, UserTriggered = 1 << 2, SpellCorrectionTriggered = 1 << 3, }; typedef unsigned SetSelectionOptions; SelectionController(Frame* = 0, bool isDragCaretController = false); Element* rootEditableElement() const { return m_selection.rootEditableElement(); } bool isContentEditable() const { return m_selection.isContentEditable(); } bool isContentRichlyEditable() const { return m_selection.isContentRichlyEditable(); } Node* shadowTreeRootNode() const { return m_selection.shadowTreeRootNode(); } void moveTo(const Range*, EAffinity, bool userTriggered = false); void moveTo(const VisiblePosition&, bool userTriggered = false, CursorAlignOnScroll = AlignCursorOnScrollIfNeeded); void moveTo(const VisiblePosition&, const VisiblePosition&, bool userTriggered = false); void moveTo(const Position&, EAffinity, bool userTriggered = false); void moveTo(const Position&, const Position&, EAffinity, bool userTriggered = false); const VisibleSelection& selection() const { return m_selection; } void setSelection(const VisibleSelection&, SetSelectionOptions = CloseTyping | ClearTypingStyle, CursorAlignOnScroll = AlignCursorOnScrollIfNeeded, TextGranularity = CharacterGranularity, DirectionalityPolicy = MakeDirectionalSelection); void setSelection(const VisibleSelection& selection, TextGranularity granularity, DirectionalityPolicy directionality = MakeDirectionalSelection) { setSelection(selection, CloseTyping | ClearTypingStyle, AlignCursorOnScrollIfNeeded, granularity, directionality); } bool setSelectedRange(Range*, EAffinity, bool closeTyping); void selectAll(); void clear(); // Call this after doing user-triggered selections to make it easy to delete the frame you entirely selected. void selectFrameElementInParentIfFullySelected(); bool contains(const IntPoint&); VisibleSelection::SelectionType selectionType() const { return m_selection.selectionType(); } EAffinity affinity() const { return m_selection.affinity(); } bool modify(EAlteration, SelectionDirection, TextGranularity, bool userTriggered = false); bool modify(EAlteration, int verticalDistance, bool userTriggered = false, CursorAlignOnScroll = AlignCursorOnScrollIfNeeded); TextGranularity granularity() const { return m_granularity; } void setStart(const VisiblePosition &, bool userTriggered = false); void setEnd(const VisiblePosition &, bool userTriggered = false); void setBase(const VisiblePosition&, bool userTriggered = false); void setBase(const Position&, EAffinity, bool userTriggered = false); void setExtent(const VisiblePosition&, bool userTriggered = false); void setExtent(const Position&, EAffinity, bool userTriggered = false); Position base() const { return m_selection.base(); } Position extent() const { return m_selection.extent(); } Position start() const { return m_selection.start(); } Position end() const { return m_selection.end(); } // Return the renderer that is responsible for painting the caret (in the selection start node) RenderObject* caretRenderer() const; // Caret rect local to the caret's renderer IntRect localCaretRect(); IntRect localCaretRectForPainting() const { return m_caretRect; } // Bounds of (possibly transformed) caret in absolute coords IntRect absoluteCaretBounds(); void setCaretRectNeedsUpdate(bool flag = true); void setIsDirectional(bool); void willBeModified(EAlteration, SelectionDirection); bool isNone() const { return m_selection.isNone(); } bool isCaret() const { return m_selection.isCaret(); } bool isRange() const { return m_selection.isRange(); } bool isCaretOrRange() const { return m_selection.isCaretOrRange(); } bool isInPasswordField() const; bool isAll(EditingBoundaryCrossingRule rule = CannotCrossEditingBoundary) const { return m_selection.isAll(rule); } PassRefPtr<Range> toNormalizedRange() const { return m_selection.toNormalizedRange(); } void debugRenderer(RenderObject*, bool selected) const; void nodeWillBeRemoved(Node*); void textWillBeReplaced(CharacterData*, unsigned offset, unsigned oldLength, unsigned newLength); void setCaretVisible(bool = true); void clearCaretRectIfNeeded(); bool recomputeCaretRect(); // returns true if caret rect moved void invalidateCaretRect(); void paintCaret(GraphicsContext*, int tx, int ty, const IntRect& clipRect); // Used to suspend caret blinking while the mouse is down. void setCaretBlinkingSuspended(bool suspended) { m_isCaretBlinkingSuspended = suspended; } bool isCaretBlinkingSuspended() const { return m_isCaretBlinkingSuspended; } // Focus void setFocused(bool); bool isFocused() const { return m_focused; } bool isFocusedAndActive() const; void pageActivationChanged(); // Painting. void updateAppearance(); void updateSecureKeyboardEntryIfActive(); #ifndef NDEBUG void formatForDebugger(char* buffer, unsigned length) const; void showTreeForThis() const; #endif bool shouldChangeSelection(const VisibleSelection&) const; bool shouldDeleteSelection(const VisibleSelection&) const; void setFocusedNodeIfNeeded(); void notifyRendererOfSelectionChange(bool userTriggered); void paintDragCaret(GraphicsContext*, int tx, int ty, const IntRect& clipRect) const; EditingStyle* typingStyle() const; PassRefPtr<CSSMutableStyleDeclaration> copyTypingStyle() const; void setTypingStyle(PassRefPtr<EditingStyle>); void clearTypingStyle(); FloatRect bounds(bool clipToVisibleContent = true) const; void getClippedVisibleTextRectangles(Vector<FloatRect>&) const; HTMLFormElement* currentForm() const; void revealSelection(const ScrollAlignment& = ScrollAlignment::alignCenterIfNeeded, bool revealExtent = false); void setSelectionFromNone(); private: enum EPositionType { START, END, BASE, EXTENT }; void respondToNodeModification(Node*, bool baseRemoved, bool extentRemoved, bool startRemoved, bool endRemoved); TextDirection directionOfEnclosingBlock(); VisiblePosition positionForPlatform(bool isGetStart) const; VisiblePosition startForPlatform() const; VisiblePosition endForPlatform() const; VisiblePosition modifyExtendingRight(TextGranularity); VisiblePosition modifyExtendingForward(TextGranularity); VisiblePosition modifyMovingRight(TextGranularity); VisiblePosition modifyMovingForward(TextGranularity); VisiblePosition modifyExtendingLeft(TextGranularity); VisiblePosition modifyExtendingBackward(TextGranularity); VisiblePosition modifyMovingLeft(TextGranularity); VisiblePosition modifyMovingBackward(TextGranularity); void updateCaretRect(); IntRect caretRepaintRect() const; bool shouldRepaintCaret(const RenderView* view) const; int xPosForVerticalArrowNavigation(EPositionType); void notifyAccessibilityForSelectionChange(); void focusedOrActiveStateChanged(); bool caretRendersInsideNode(Node*) const; IntRect absoluteBoundsForLocalRect(const IntRect&) const; void caretBlinkTimerFired(Timer<SelectionController>*); void setUseSecureKeyboardEntry(bool); Frame* m_frame; int m_xPosForVerticalArrowNavigation; VisibleSelection m_selection; TextGranularity m_granularity; RefPtr<EditingStyle> m_typingStyle; Timer<SelectionController> m_caretBlinkTimer; IntRect m_caretRect; // caret rect in coords local to the renderer responsible for painting the caret IntRect m_absCaretBounds; // absolute bounding rect for the caret IntRect m_absoluteCaretRepaintBounds; bool m_caretRectNeedsUpdate; // true if m_caretRect and m_absCaretBounds need to be calculated bool m_absCaretBoundsDirty; bool m_isDirectional; bool m_isDragCaretController; bool m_isCaretBlinkingSuspended; bool m_focused; bool m_caretVisible; bool m_caretPaint; }; inline EditingStyle* SelectionController::typingStyle() const { return m_typingStyle.get(); } inline void SelectionController::clearTypingStyle() { m_typingStyle.clear(); } inline void SelectionController::setTypingStyle(PassRefPtr<EditingStyle> style) { m_typingStyle = style; } #if !(PLATFORM(MAC) || PLATFORM(GTK) || PLATFORM(CHROMIUM)) inline void SelectionController::notifyAccessibilityForSelectionChange() { } #endif } // namespace WebCore #ifndef NDEBUG // Outside the WebCore namespace for ease of invocation from gdb. void showTree(const WebCore::SelectionController&); void showTree(const WebCore::SelectionController*); #endif #endif // SelectionController_h