/* * Copyright (C) 2008, 2009 Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved. * Copyright (C) 2009 Torch Mobile, Inc. * Copyright 2010, The Android Open Source Project * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY APPLE INC. ``AS IS'' AND ANY * EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR * PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL APPLE INC. OR * CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, * EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, * PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR * PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY * OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE * OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #include "config.h" #include "Geolocation.h" #if ENABLE(GEOLOCATION) #include "Chrome.h" #include "Frame.h" #include "Page.h" #if PLATFORM(ANDROID) #include "PlatformBridge.h" #endif #include <wtf/CurrentTime.h> #if ENABLE(CLIENT_BASED_GEOLOCATION) #include "Coordinates.h" #include "GeolocationController.h" #include "GeolocationError.h" #include "GeolocationPosition.h" #include "PositionError.h" #endif namespace WebCore { static const char permissionDeniedErrorMessage[] = "User denied Geolocation"; static const char failedToStartServiceErrorMessage[] = "Failed to start Geolocation service"; static const char framelessDocumentErrorMessage[] = "Geolocation cannot be used in frameless documents"; static const int firstAvailableWatchId = 1; #if ENABLE(CLIENT_BASED_GEOLOCATION) static PassRefPtr<Geoposition> createGeoposition(GeolocationPosition* position) { if (!position) return 0; RefPtr<Coordinates> coordinates = Coordinates::create(position->latitude(), position->longitude(), position->canProvideAltitude(), position->altitude(), position->accuracy(), position->canProvideAltitudeAccuracy(), position->altitudeAccuracy(), position->canProvideHeading(), position->heading(), position->canProvideSpeed(), position->speed()); return Geoposition::create(coordinates.release(), convertSecondsToDOMTimeStamp(position->timestamp())); } static PassRefPtr<PositionError> createPositionError(GeolocationError* error) { PositionError::ErrorCode code = PositionError::POSITION_UNAVAILABLE; switch (error->code()) { case GeolocationError::PermissionDenied: code = PositionError::PERMISSION_DENIED; break; case GeolocationError::PositionUnavailable: code = PositionError::POSITION_UNAVAILABLE; break; } return PositionError::create(code, error->message()); } #endif Geolocation::GeoNotifier::GeoNotifier(Geolocation* geolocation, PassRefPtr<PositionCallback> successCallback, PassRefPtr<PositionErrorCallback> errorCallback, PassRefPtr<PositionOptions> options) : m_geolocation(geolocation) , m_successCallback(successCallback) , m_errorCallback(errorCallback) , m_options(options) , m_timer(this, &Geolocation::GeoNotifier::timerFired) , m_useCachedPosition(false) { ASSERT(m_geolocation); ASSERT(m_successCallback); // If no options were supplied from JS, we should have created a default set // of options in JSGeolocationCustom.cpp. ASSERT(m_options); } void Geolocation::GeoNotifier::setFatalError(PassRefPtr<PositionError> error) { // If a fatal error has already been set, stick with it. This makes sure that // when permission is denied, this is the error reported, as required by the // spec. if (m_fatalError) return; m_fatalError = error; // An existing timer may not have a zero timeout. m_timer.stop(); m_timer.startOneShot(0); } void Geolocation::GeoNotifier::setUseCachedPosition() { m_useCachedPosition = true; m_timer.startOneShot(0); } bool Geolocation::GeoNotifier::hasZeroTimeout() const { return m_options->hasTimeout() && m_options->timeout() == 0; } void Geolocation::GeoNotifier::runSuccessCallback(Geoposition* position) { m_successCallback->handleEvent(position); } void Geolocation::GeoNotifier::startTimerIfNeeded() { if (m_options->hasTimeout()) m_timer.startOneShot(m_options->timeout() / 1000.0); } void Geolocation::GeoNotifier::timerFired(Timer<GeoNotifier>*) { m_timer.stop(); // Protect this GeoNotifier object, since it // could be deleted by a call to clearWatch in a callback. RefPtr<GeoNotifier> protect(this); // Test for fatal error first. This is required for the case where the Frame is // disconnected and requests are cancelled. if (m_fatalError) { if (m_errorCallback) m_errorCallback->handleEvent(m_fatalError.get()); // This will cause this notifier to be deleted. m_geolocation->fatalErrorOccurred(this); return; } if (m_useCachedPosition) { // Clear the cached position flag in case this is a watch request, which // will continue to run. m_useCachedPosition = false; m_geolocation->requestUsesCachedPosition(this); return; } if (m_errorCallback) { RefPtr<PositionError> error = PositionError::create(PositionError::TIMEOUT, "Timeout expired"); m_errorCallback->handleEvent(error.get()); } m_geolocation->requestTimedOut(this); } void Geolocation::Watchers::set(int id, PassRefPtr<GeoNotifier> prpNotifier) { ASSERT(id > 0); RefPtr<GeoNotifier> notifier = prpNotifier; m_idToNotifierMap.set(id, notifier.get()); m_notifierToIdMap.set(notifier.release(), id); } void Geolocation::Watchers::remove(int id) { ASSERT(id > 0); IdToNotifierMap::iterator iter = m_idToNotifierMap.find(id); if (iter == m_idToNotifierMap.end()) return; m_notifierToIdMap.remove(iter->second); m_idToNotifierMap.remove(iter); } void Geolocation::Watchers::remove(GeoNotifier* notifier) { NotifierToIdMap::iterator iter = m_notifierToIdMap.find(notifier); if (iter == m_notifierToIdMap.end()) return; m_idToNotifierMap.remove(iter->second); m_notifierToIdMap.remove(iter); } bool Geolocation::Watchers::contains(GeoNotifier* notifier) const { return m_notifierToIdMap.contains(notifier); } void Geolocation::Watchers::clear() { m_idToNotifierMap.clear(); m_notifierToIdMap.clear(); } bool Geolocation::Watchers::isEmpty() const { return m_idToNotifierMap.isEmpty(); } void Geolocation::Watchers::getNotifiersVector(GeoNotifierVector& copy) const { copyValuesToVector(m_idToNotifierMap, copy); } Geolocation::Geolocation(Frame* frame) : m_frame(frame) #if !ENABLE(CLIENT_BASED_GEOLOCATION) , m_service(GeolocationService::create(this)) #endif , m_allowGeolocation(Unknown) { if (!m_frame) return; ASSERT(m_frame->document()); m_frame->document()->setUsingGeolocation(true); } Geolocation::~Geolocation() { ASSERT(m_allowGeolocation != InProgress); ASSERT(!m_frame); } Page* Geolocation::page() const { return m_frame ? m_frame->page() : 0; } void Geolocation::reset() { Page* page = this->page(); if (page && m_allowGeolocation == InProgress) { #if ENABLE(CLIENT_BASED_GEOLOCATION) page->geolocationController()->cancelPermissionRequest(this); #else page->chrome()->cancelGeolocationPermissionRequestForFrame(m_frame, this); #endif } // The frame may be moving to a new page and we want to get the permissions from the new page's client. m_allowGeolocation = Unknown; cancelAllRequests(); stopUpdating(); } void Geolocation::disconnectFrame() { // Once we are disconnected from the Frame, it is no longer possible to perform any operations. reset(); if (m_frame && m_frame->document()) m_frame->document()->setUsingGeolocation(false); m_frame = 0; } Geoposition* Geolocation::lastPosition() { #if ENABLE(CLIENT_BASED_GEOLOCATION) Page* page = this->page(); if (!page) return 0; m_lastPosition = createGeoposition(page->geolocationController()->lastPosition()); #else m_lastPosition = m_service->lastPosition(); #endif return m_lastPosition.get(); } void Geolocation::getCurrentPosition(PassRefPtr<PositionCallback> successCallback, PassRefPtr<PositionErrorCallback> errorCallback, PassRefPtr<PositionOptions> options) { if (!m_frame) return; RefPtr<GeoNotifier> notifier = startRequest(successCallback, errorCallback, options); ASSERT(notifier); m_oneShots.add(notifier); } int Geolocation::watchPosition(PassRefPtr<PositionCallback> successCallback, PassRefPtr<PositionErrorCallback> errorCallback, PassRefPtr<PositionOptions> options) { if (!m_frame) return 0; RefPtr<GeoNotifier> notifier = startRequest(successCallback, errorCallback, options); ASSERT(notifier); static int nextAvailableWatchId = firstAvailableWatchId; // In case of overflow, make sure the ID remains positive, but reuse the ID values. if (nextAvailableWatchId < 1) nextAvailableWatchId = 1; m_watchers.set(nextAvailableWatchId, notifier.release()); return nextAvailableWatchId++; } PassRefPtr<Geolocation::GeoNotifier> Geolocation::startRequest(PassRefPtr<PositionCallback> successCallback, PassRefPtr<PositionErrorCallback> errorCallback, PassRefPtr<PositionOptions> options) { RefPtr<GeoNotifier> notifier = GeoNotifier::create(this, successCallback, errorCallback, options); // Check whether permissions have already been denied. Note that if this is the case, // the permission state can not change again in the lifetime of this page. if (isDenied()) notifier->setFatalError(PositionError::create(PositionError::PERMISSION_DENIED, permissionDeniedErrorMessage)); else if (haveSuitableCachedPosition(notifier->m_options.get())) notifier->setUseCachedPosition(); else if (notifier->hasZeroTimeout()) notifier->startTimerIfNeeded(); #if USE(PREEMPT_GEOLOCATION_PERMISSION) else if (!isAllowed()) { // if we don't yet have permission, request for permission before calling startUpdating() m_pendingForPermissionNotifiers.add(notifier); requestPermission(); } #endif else if (startUpdating(notifier.get())) notifier->startTimerIfNeeded(); else notifier->setFatalError(PositionError::create(PositionError::POSITION_UNAVAILABLE, failedToStartServiceErrorMessage)); return notifier.release(); } void Geolocation::fatalErrorOccurred(Geolocation::GeoNotifier* notifier) { // This request has failed fatally. Remove it from our lists. m_oneShots.remove(notifier); m_watchers.remove(notifier); if (!hasListeners()) stopUpdating(); } void Geolocation::requestUsesCachedPosition(GeoNotifier* notifier) { // This is called asynchronously, so the permissions could have been denied // since we last checked in startRequest. if (isDenied()) { notifier->setFatalError(PositionError::create(PositionError::PERMISSION_DENIED, permissionDeniedErrorMessage)); return; } m_requestsAwaitingCachedPosition.add(notifier); // If permissions are allowed, make the callback if (isAllowed()) { makeCachedPositionCallbacks(); return; } // Request permissions, which may be synchronous or asynchronous. requestPermission(); } void Geolocation::makeCachedPositionCallbacks() { // All modifications to m_requestsAwaitingCachedPosition are done // asynchronously, so we don't need to worry about it being modified from // the callbacks. GeoNotifierSet::const_iterator end = m_requestsAwaitingCachedPosition.end(); for (GeoNotifierSet::const_iterator iter = m_requestsAwaitingCachedPosition.begin(); iter != end; ++iter) { GeoNotifier* notifier = iter->get(); notifier->runSuccessCallback(m_positionCache.cachedPosition()); // If this is a one-shot request, stop it. Otherwise, if the watch still // exists, start the service to get updates. if (m_oneShots.contains(notifier)) m_oneShots.remove(notifier); else if (m_watchers.contains(notifier)) { if (notifier->hasZeroTimeout() || startUpdating(notifier)) notifier->startTimerIfNeeded(); else notifier->setFatalError(PositionError::create(PositionError::POSITION_UNAVAILABLE, failedToStartServiceErrorMessage)); } } m_requestsAwaitingCachedPosition.clear(); if (!hasListeners()) stopUpdating(); } void Geolocation::requestTimedOut(GeoNotifier* notifier) { // If this is a one-shot request, stop it. m_oneShots.remove(notifier); if (!hasListeners()) stopUpdating(); } bool Geolocation::haveSuitableCachedPosition(PositionOptions* options) { if (!m_positionCache.cachedPosition()) return false; if (!options->hasMaximumAge()) return true; if (!options->maximumAge()) return false; DOMTimeStamp currentTimeMillis = convertSecondsToDOMTimeStamp(currentTime()); return m_positionCache.cachedPosition()->timestamp() > currentTimeMillis - options->maximumAge(); } void Geolocation::clearWatch(int watchId) { if (watchId < firstAvailableWatchId) return; m_watchers.remove(watchId); if (!hasListeners()) stopUpdating(); } void Geolocation::suspend() { #if !ENABLE(CLIENT_BASED_GEOLOCATION) if (hasListeners()) m_service->suspend(); #endif } void Geolocation::resume() { #if !ENABLE(CLIENT_BASED_GEOLOCATION) if (hasListeners()) m_service->resume(); #endif } void Geolocation::setIsAllowed(bool allowed) { // This may be due to either a new position from the service, or a cached // position. m_allowGeolocation = allowed ? Yes : No; #if USE(PREEMPT_GEOLOCATION_PERMISSION) // Permission request was made during the startRequest process if (!m_pendingForPermissionNotifiers.isEmpty()) { handlePendingPermissionNotifiers(); m_pendingForPermissionNotifiers.clear(); return; } #endif if (!isAllowed()) { RefPtr<PositionError> error = PositionError::create(PositionError::PERMISSION_DENIED, permissionDeniedErrorMessage); error->setIsFatal(true); handleError(error.get()); m_requestsAwaitingCachedPosition.clear(); return; } // If the service has a last position, use it to call back for all requests. // If any of the requests are waiting for permission for a cached position, // the position from the service will be at least as fresh. if (lastPosition()) makeSuccessCallbacks(); else makeCachedPositionCallbacks(); } void Geolocation::sendError(GeoNotifierVector& notifiers, PositionError* error) { GeoNotifierVector::const_iterator end = notifiers.end(); for (GeoNotifierVector::const_iterator it = notifiers.begin(); it != end; ++it) { RefPtr<GeoNotifier> notifier = *it; if (notifier->m_errorCallback) notifier->m_errorCallback->handleEvent(error); } } void Geolocation::sendPosition(GeoNotifierVector& notifiers, Geoposition* position) { GeoNotifierVector::const_iterator end = notifiers.end(); for (GeoNotifierVector::const_iterator it = notifiers.begin(); it != end; ++it) { RefPtr<GeoNotifier> notifier = *it; ASSERT(notifier->m_successCallback); notifier->m_successCallback->handleEvent(position); } } void Geolocation::stopTimer(GeoNotifierVector& notifiers) { GeoNotifierVector::const_iterator end = notifiers.end(); for (GeoNotifierVector::const_iterator it = notifiers.begin(); it != end; ++it) { RefPtr<GeoNotifier> notifier = *it; notifier->m_timer.stop(); } } void Geolocation::stopTimersForOneShots() { GeoNotifierVector copy; copyToVector(m_oneShots, copy); stopTimer(copy); } void Geolocation::stopTimersForWatchers() { GeoNotifierVector copy; m_watchers.getNotifiersVector(copy); stopTimer(copy); } void Geolocation::stopTimers() { stopTimersForOneShots(); stopTimersForWatchers(); } void Geolocation::cancelRequests(GeoNotifierVector& notifiers) { GeoNotifierVector::const_iterator end = notifiers.end(); for (GeoNotifierVector::const_iterator it = notifiers.begin(); it != end; ++it) (*it)->setFatalError(PositionError::create(PositionError::POSITION_UNAVAILABLE, framelessDocumentErrorMessage)); } void Geolocation::cancelAllRequests() { GeoNotifierVector copy; copyToVector(m_oneShots, copy); cancelRequests(copy); m_watchers.getNotifiersVector(copy); cancelRequests(copy); } void Geolocation::extractNotifiersWithCachedPosition(GeoNotifierVector& notifiers, GeoNotifierVector* cached) { GeoNotifierVector nonCached; GeoNotifierVector::iterator end = notifiers.end(); for (GeoNotifierVector::const_iterator it = notifiers.begin(); it != end; ++it) { GeoNotifier* notifier = it->get(); if (notifier->m_useCachedPosition) { if (cached) cached->append(notifier); } else nonCached.append(notifier); } notifiers.swap(nonCached); } void Geolocation::copyToSet(const GeoNotifierVector& src, GeoNotifierSet& dest) { GeoNotifierVector::const_iterator end = src.end(); for (GeoNotifierVector::const_iterator it = src.begin(); it != end; ++it) { GeoNotifier* notifier = it->get(); dest.add(notifier); } } void Geolocation::handleError(PositionError* error) { ASSERT(error); GeoNotifierVector oneShotsCopy; copyToVector(m_oneShots, oneShotsCopy); GeoNotifierVector watchersCopy; m_watchers.getNotifiersVector(watchersCopy); // Clear the lists before we make the callbacks, to avoid clearing notifiers // added by calls to Geolocation methods from the callbacks, and to prevent // further callbacks to these notifiers. GeoNotifierVector oneShotsWithCachedPosition; m_oneShots.clear(); if (error->isFatal()) m_watchers.clear(); else { // Don't send non-fatal errors to notifiers due to receive a cached position. extractNotifiersWithCachedPosition(oneShotsCopy, &oneShotsWithCachedPosition); extractNotifiersWithCachedPosition(watchersCopy, 0); } sendError(oneShotsCopy, error); sendError(watchersCopy, error); // hasListeners() doesn't distinguish between notifiers due to receive a // cached position and those requiring a fresh position. Perform the check // before restoring the notifiers below. if (!hasListeners()) stopUpdating(); // Maintain a reference to the cached notifiers until their timer fires. copyToSet(oneShotsWithCachedPosition, m_oneShots); } void Geolocation::requestPermission() { if (m_allowGeolocation > Unknown) return; Page* page = this->page(); if (!page) return; m_allowGeolocation = InProgress; // Ask the embedder: it maintains the geolocation challenge policy itself. #if ENABLE(CLIENT_BASED_GEOLOCATION) page->geolocationController()->requestPermission(this); #else page->chrome()->requestGeolocationPermissionForFrame(m_frame, this); #endif } void Geolocation::positionChangedInternal() { m_positionCache.setCachedPosition(lastPosition()); // Stop all currently running timers. stopTimers(); if (!isAllowed()) { // requestPermission() will ask the chrome for permission. This may be // implemented synchronously or asynchronously. In both cases, // makeSuccessCallbacks() will be called if permission is granted, so // there's nothing more to do here. requestPermission(); return; } makeSuccessCallbacks(); } void Geolocation::makeSuccessCallbacks() { ASSERT(lastPosition()); ASSERT(isAllowed()); GeoNotifierVector oneShotsCopy; copyToVector(m_oneShots, oneShotsCopy); GeoNotifierVector watchersCopy; m_watchers.getNotifiersVector(watchersCopy); // Clear the lists before we make the callbacks, to avoid clearing notifiers // added by calls to Geolocation methods from the callbacks, and to prevent // further callbacks to these notifiers. m_oneShots.clear(); sendPosition(oneShotsCopy, lastPosition()); sendPosition(watchersCopy, lastPosition()); if (!hasListeners()) stopUpdating(); } #if ENABLE(CLIENT_BASED_GEOLOCATION) void Geolocation::positionChanged() { positionChangedInternal(); } void Geolocation::setError(GeolocationError* error) { RefPtr<PositionError> positionError = createPositionError(error); handleError(positionError.get()); } #else void Geolocation::geolocationServicePositionChanged(GeolocationService* service) { ASSERT_UNUSED(service, service == m_service); ASSERT(m_service->lastPosition()); positionChangedInternal(); } void Geolocation::geolocationServiceErrorOccurred(GeolocationService* service) { ASSERT(service->lastError()); // Note that we do not stop timers here. For one-shots, the request is // cleared in handleError. For watchers, the spec requires that the timer is // not cleared. handleError(service->lastError()); } #endif bool Geolocation::startUpdating(GeoNotifier* notifier) { #if ENABLE(CLIENT_BASED_GEOLOCATION) Page* page = this->page(); if (!page) return false; page->geolocationController()->addObserver(this, notifier->m_options->enableHighAccuracy()); return true; #else return m_service->startUpdating(notifier->m_options.get()); #endif } void Geolocation::stopUpdating() { #if ENABLE(CLIENT_BASED_GEOLOCATION) Page* page = this->page(); if (!page) return; page->geolocationController()->removeObserver(this); #else m_service->stopUpdating(); #endif } #if USE(PREEMPT_GEOLOCATION_PERMISSION) void Geolocation::handlePendingPermissionNotifiers() { // While we iterate through the list, we need not worry about list being modified as the permission // is already set to Yes/No and no new listeners will be added to the pending list GeoNotifierSet::const_iterator end = m_pendingForPermissionNotifiers.end(); for (GeoNotifierSet::const_iterator iter = m_pendingForPermissionNotifiers.begin(); iter != end; ++iter) { GeoNotifier* notifier = iter->get(); if (isAllowed()) { // start all pending notification requests as permission granted. // The notifier is always ref'ed by m_oneShots or m_watchers. if (startUpdating(notifier)) notifier->startTimerIfNeeded(); else notifier->setFatalError(PositionError::create(PositionError::POSITION_UNAVAILABLE, failedToStartServiceErrorMessage)); } else notifier->setFatalError(PositionError::create(PositionError::PERMISSION_DENIED, permissionDeniedErrorMessage)); } } #endif } // namespace WebCore #else namespace WebCore { void Geolocation::clearWatch(int) {} void Geolocation::reset() {} void Geolocation::disconnectFrame() {} Geolocation::Geolocation(Frame*) {} Geolocation::~Geolocation() {} void Geolocation::setIsAllowed(bool) {} } #endif // ENABLE(GEOLOCATION)