/* * Copyright (C) 2010, 2011 Apple Inc. All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY APPLE INC. AND ITS CONTRIBUTORS ``AS IS'' * AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, * THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR * PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL APPLE INC. OR ITS CONTRIBUTORS * BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR * CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF * SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS * INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN * CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) * ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF * THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #include "config.h" #include "Region.h" // A region class based on the paper "Scanline Coherent Shape Algebra" // by Jonathan E. Steinhart from the book "Graphics Gems II". // // This implementation uses two vectors instead of linked list, and // also compresses regions when possible. using namespace WebCore; namespace WebKit { Region::Region() { } Region::Region(const IntRect& rect) : m_bounds(rect) , m_shape(rect) { } Vector<IntRect> Region::rects() const { Vector<IntRect> rects; for (Shape::SpanIterator span = m_shape.spans_begin(), end = m_shape.spans_end(); span != end && span + 1 != end; ++span) { int y = span->y; int height = (span + 1)->y - y; for (Shape::SegmentIterator segment = m_shape.segments_begin(span), end = m_shape.segments_end(span); segment != end && segment + 1 != end; segment += 2) { int x = *segment; int width = *(segment + 1) - x; rects.append(IntRect(x, y, width, height)); } } return rects; } Region::Shape::Shape() { } Region::Shape::Shape(const IntRect& rect) { appendSpan(rect.y()); appendSegment(rect.x()); appendSegment(rect.maxX()); appendSpan(rect.maxY()); } void Region::Shape::appendSpan(int y) { m_spans.append(Span(y, m_segments.size())); } bool Region::Shape::canCoalesce(SegmentIterator begin, SegmentIterator end) { if (m_spans.isEmpty()) return false; SegmentIterator lastSpanBegin = m_segments.data() + m_spans.last().segmentIndex; SegmentIterator lastSpanEnd = m_segments.data() + m_segments.size(); // Check if both spans have an equal number of segments. if (lastSpanEnd - lastSpanBegin != end - begin) return false; // Check if both spans are equal. if (!std::equal(begin, end, lastSpanBegin)) return false; // Since the segments are equal the second segment can just be ignored. return true; } void Region::Shape::appendSpan(int y, SegmentIterator begin, SegmentIterator end) { if (canCoalesce(begin, end)) return; appendSpan(y); m_segments.appendRange(begin, end); } void Region::Shape::appendSpans(const Shape& shape, SpanIterator begin, SpanIterator end) { for (SpanIterator it = begin; it != end; ++it) appendSpan(it->y, shape.segments_begin(it), shape.segments_end(it)); } void Region::Shape::appendSegment(int x) { m_segments.append(x); } Region::Shape::SpanIterator Region::Shape::spans_begin() const { return m_spans.data(); } Region::Shape::SpanIterator Region::Shape::spans_end() const { return m_spans.data() + m_spans.size(); } Region::Shape::SegmentIterator Region::Shape::segments_begin(SpanIterator it) const { ASSERT(it >= m_spans.data()); ASSERT(it < m_spans.data() + m_spans.size()); // Check if this span has any segments. if (it->segmentIndex == m_segments.size()) return 0; return &m_segments[it->segmentIndex]; } Region::Shape::SegmentIterator Region::Shape::segments_end(SpanIterator it) const { ASSERT(it >= m_spans.data()); ASSERT(it < m_spans.data() + m_spans.size()); // Check if this span has any segments. if (it->segmentIndex == m_segments.size()) return 0; ASSERT(it + 1 < m_spans.data() + m_spans.size()); size_t segmentIndex = (it + 1)->segmentIndex; ASSERT(segmentIndex <= m_segments.size()); return m_segments.data() + segmentIndex; } #ifndef NDEBUG void Region::Shape::dump() const { for (Shape::SpanIterator span = spans_begin(), end = spans_end(); span != end; ++span) { printf("%6d: (", span->y); for (Shape::SegmentIterator segment = segments_begin(span), end = segments_end(span); segment != end; ++segment) printf("%d ", *segment); printf(")\n"); } printf("\n"); } #endif IntRect Region::Shape::bounds() const { if (isEmpty()) return IntRect(); SpanIterator span = spans_begin(); int minY = span->y; SpanIterator lastSpan = spans_end() - 1; int maxY = lastSpan->y; int minX = std::numeric_limits<int>::max(); int maxX = std::numeric_limits<int>::min(); while (span != lastSpan) { SegmentIterator firstSegment = segments_begin(span); SegmentIterator lastSegment = segments_end(span) - 1; if (firstSegment && lastSegment) { ASSERT(firstSegment != lastSegment); if (*firstSegment < minX) minX = *firstSegment; if (*lastSegment > maxX) maxX = *lastSegment; } ++span; } ASSERT(minX <= maxX); ASSERT(minY <= maxY); return IntRect(minX, minY, maxX - minX, maxY - minY); } void Region::Shape::translate(const IntSize& offset) { for (size_t i = 0; i < m_segments.size(); ++i) m_segments[i] += offset.width(); for (size_t i = 0; i < m_spans.size(); ++i) m_spans[i].y += offset.height(); } void Region::Shape::swap(Shape& other) { m_segments.swap(other.m_segments); m_spans.swap(other.m_spans); } enum { Shape1, Shape2, }; template<typename Operation> Region::Shape Region::Shape::shapeOperation(const Shape& shape1, const Shape& shape2) { COMPILE_ASSERT(!(!Operation::shouldAddRemainingSegmentsFromSpan1 && Operation::shouldAddRemainingSegmentsFromSpan2), invalid_segment_combination); COMPILE_ASSERT(!(!Operation::shouldAddRemainingSpansFromShape1 && Operation::shouldAddRemainingSpansFromShape2), invalid_span_combination); Shape result; if (Operation::trySimpleOperation(shape1, shape2, result)) return result; SpanIterator spans1 = shape1.spans_begin(); SpanIterator spans1End = shape1.spans_end(); SpanIterator spans2 = shape2.spans_begin(); SpanIterator spans2End = shape2.spans_end(); SegmentIterator segments1 = 0; SegmentIterator segments1End = 0; SegmentIterator segments2 = 0; SegmentIterator segments2End = 0; // Iterate over all spans. while (spans1 != spans1End && spans2 != spans2End) { int y = 0; int test = spans1->y - spans2->y; if (test <= 0) { y = spans1->y; segments1 = shape1.segments_begin(spans1); segments1End = shape1.segments_end(spans1); ++spans1; } if (test >= 0) { y = spans2->y; segments2 = shape2.segments_begin(spans2); segments2End = shape2.segments_end(spans2); ++spans2; } int flag = 0; int oldFlag = 0; SegmentIterator s1 = segments1; SegmentIterator s2 = segments2; Vector<int> segments; // Now iterate over the segments in each span and construct a new vector of segments. while (s1 != segments1End && s2 != segments2End) { int test = *s1 - *s2; int x; if (test <= 0) { x = *s1; flag = flag ^ 1; ++s1; } if (test >= 0) { x = *s2; flag = flag ^ 2; ++s2; } if (flag == Operation::opCode || oldFlag == Operation::opCode) segments.append(x); oldFlag = flag; } // Add any remaining segments. if (Operation::shouldAddRemainingSegmentsFromSpan1 && s1 != segments1End) segments.appendRange(s1, segments1End); else if (Operation::shouldAddRemainingSegmentsFromSpan2 && s2 != segments2End) segments.appendRange(s2, segments2End); // Add the span. if (!segments.isEmpty() || !result.isEmpty()) result.appendSpan(y, segments.data(), segments.data() + segments.size()); } // Add any remaining spans. if (Operation::shouldAddRemainingSpansFromShape1 && spans1 != spans1End) result.appendSpans(shape1, spans1, spans1End); else if (Operation::shouldAddRemainingSpansFromShape2 && spans2 != spans2End) result.appendSpans(shape2, spans2, spans2End); return result; } struct Region::Shape::UnionOperation { static bool trySimpleOperation(const Shape& shape1, const Shape& shape2, Shape& result) { if (shape1.isEmpty()) { result = shape2; return true; } if (shape2.isEmpty()) { result = shape1; return true; } return false; } static const int opCode = 0; static const bool shouldAddRemainingSegmentsFromSpan1 = true; static const bool shouldAddRemainingSegmentsFromSpan2 = true; static const bool shouldAddRemainingSpansFromShape1 = true; static const bool shouldAddRemainingSpansFromShape2 = true; }; Region::Shape Region::Shape::unionShapes(const Shape& shape1, const Shape& shape2) { return shapeOperation<UnionOperation>(shape1, shape2); } struct Region::Shape::IntersectOperation { static bool trySimpleOperation(const Shape& shape1, const Shape& shape2, Shape& result) { if (shape1.isEmpty()) { result = Shape(); return true; } if (shape2.isEmpty()) { result = shape1; return true; } return false; } static const int opCode = 3; static const bool shouldAddRemainingSegmentsFromSpan1 = false; static const bool shouldAddRemainingSegmentsFromSpan2 = false; static const bool shouldAddRemainingSpansFromShape1 = false; static const bool shouldAddRemainingSpansFromShape2 = false; }; Region::Shape Region::Shape::intersectShapes(const Shape& shape1, const Shape& shape2) { return shapeOperation<IntersectOperation>(shape1, shape2); } struct Region::Shape::SubtractOperation { static bool trySimpleOperation(const Shape& shape1, const Shape& shape2, Region::Shape& result) { if (shape1.isEmpty() || shape2.isEmpty()) { result = Shape(); return true; } return false; } static const int opCode = 1; static const bool shouldAddRemainingSegmentsFromSpan1 = true; static const bool shouldAddRemainingSegmentsFromSpan2 = false; static const bool shouldAddRemainingSpansFromShape1 = true; static const bool shouldAddRemainingSpansFromShape2 = false; }; Region::Shape Region::Shape::subtractShapes(const Shape& shape1, const Shape& shape2) { return shapeOperation<SubtractOperation>(shape1, shape2); } #ifndef NDEBUG void Region::dump() const { printf("Bounds: (%d, %d, %d, %d)\n", m_bounds.x(), m_bounds.y(), m_bounds.width(), m_bounds.height()); m_shape.dump(); } #endif void Region::intersect(const Region& region) { if (!m_bounds.intersects(region.m_bounds)) { m_shape = Shape(); m_bounds = IntRect(); return; } Shape intersectedShape = Shape::intersectShapes(m_shape, region.m_shape); m_shape.swap(intersectedShape); m_bounds = m_shape.bounds(); } void Region::unite(const Region& region) { Shape unitedShape = Shape::unionShapes(m_shape, region.m_shape); m_shape.swap(unitedShape); m_bounds.unite(region.m_bounds); } void Region::subtract(const Region& region) { Shape subtractedShape = Shape::subtractShapes(m_shape, region.m_shape); m_shape.swap(subtractedShape); m_bounds = m_shape.bounds(); } void Region::translate(const IntSize& offset) { m_bounds.move(offset); m_shape.translate(offset); } } // namespace WebKit