/* * Copyright (C) 2010 Apple Inc. All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY APPLE INC. AND ITS CONTRIBUTORS ``AS IS'' * AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, * THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR * PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL APPLE INC. OR ITS CONTRIBUTORS * BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR * CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF * SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS * INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN * CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) * ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF * THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #include "config.h" #include "WebFrameProxy.h" #include "WebCertificateInfo.h" #include "WebContext.h" #include "WebFormSubmissionListenerProxy.h" #include "WebFramePolicyListenerProxy.h" #include "WebPageMessages.h" #include "WebPageProxy.h" #include <WebCore/DOMImplementation.h> #include <WebCore/Image.h> #include <wtf/text/WTFString.h> using namespace WebCore; using namespace std; namespace WebKit { WebFrameProxy::WebFrameProxy(WebPageProxy* page, uint64_t frameID) : m_page(page) , m_parentFrame(0) , m_nextSibling(0) , m_previousSibling(0) , m_firstChild(0) , m_lastChild(0) , m_loadState(LoadStateFinished) , m_isFrameSet(false) , m_frameID(frameID) { WebContext::statistics().wkFrameCount++; } WebFrameProxy::~WebFrameProxy() { WebContext::statistics().wkFrameCount--; } void WebFrameProxy::disconnect() { m_page = 0; m_parentFrame = 0; m_nextSibling = 0; m_previousSibling = 0; m_firstChild = 0; m_lastChild = 0; if (m_activeListener) { m_activeListener->invalidate(); m_activeListener = 0; } } bool WebFrameProxy::isMainFrame() const { if (!m_page) return false; return this == m_page->mainFrame(); } void WebFrameProxy::stopLoading() const { if (!m_page) return; if (!m_page->isValid()) return; m_page->process()->send(Messages::WebPage::StopLoadingFrame(m_frameID), m_page->pageID()); } bool WebFrameProxy::canProvideSource() const { return isDisplayingMarkupDocument(); } bool WebFrameProxy::canShowMIMEType(const String& mimeType) const { if (!m_page) return false; if (m_page->canShowMIMEType(mimeType)) return true; #if PLATFORM(MAC) // On Mac, we can show PDFs in the main frame. if (isMainFrame() && !mimeType.isEmpty()) return WebContext::pdfAndPostScriptMIMETypes().contains(mimeType); #endif return false; } bool WebFrameProxy::isDisplayingStandaloneImageDocument() const { return Image::supportsType(m_MIMEType); } bool WebFrameProxy::isDisplayingMarkupDocument() const { // FIXME: This check should be moved to somewhere in WebCore. // FIXME: This returns false when displaying a web archive. return m_MIMEType == "text/html" || m_MIMEType == "image/svg+xml" || DOMImplementation::isXMLMIMEType(m_MIMEType); } void WebFrameProxy::didStartProvisionalLoad(const String& url) { ASSERT(m_loadState == LoadStateFinished); ASSERT(m_provisionalURL.isEmpty()); m_loadState = LoadStateProvisional; m_provisionalURL = url; } void WebFrameProxy::didReceiveServerRedirectForProvisionalLoad(const String& url) { ASSERT(m_loadState == LoadStateProvisional); m_provisionalURL = url; } void WebFrameProxy::didFailProvisionalLoad() { ASSERT(m_loadState == LoadStateProvisional); m_loadState = LoadStateFinished; m_provisionalURL = String(); } void WebFrameProxy::didCommitLoad(const String& contentType, const PlatformCertificateInfo& certificateInfo) { ASSERT(m_loadState == LoadStateProvisional); m_loadState = LoadStateCommitted; m_url = m_provisionalURL; m_provisionalURL = String(); m_title = String(); m_MIMEType = contentType; m_isFrameSet = false; m_certificateInfo = WebCertificateInfo::create(certificateInfo); } void WebFrameProxy::didFinishLoad() { ASSERT(m_loadState == LoadStateCommitted); ASSERT(m_provisionalURL.isEmpty()); m_loadState = LoadStateFinished; } void WebFrameProxy::didFailLoad() { ASSERT(m_loadState == LoadStateCommitted); ASSERT(m_provisionalURL.isEmpty()); m_loadState = LoadStateFinished; m_title = String(); } void WebFrameProxy::didSameDocumentNavigation(const String& url) { m_url = url; } void WebFrameProxy::didChangeTitle(const String& title) { m_title = title; } void WebFrameProxy::appendChild(WebFrameProxy* child) { ASSERT(child->page() == page()); ASSERT(!child->m_parentFrame); ASSERT(!child->m_nextSibling); ASSERT(!child->m_previousSibling); child->m_parentFrame = this; WebFrameProxy* oldLast = m_lastChild; m_lastChild = child; if (oldLast) { ASSERT(!oldLast->m_nextSibling); child->m_previousSibling = oldLast; oldLast->m_nextSibling = child; } else m_firstChild = child; } void WebFrameProxy::removeChild(WebFrameProxy* child) { child->m_parentFrame = 0; WebFrameProxy*& newLocationForNext = m_firstChild == child ? m_firstChild : child->m_previousSibling->m_nextSibling; WebFrameProxy*& newLocationForPrevious = m_lastChild == child ? m_lastChild : child->m_nextSibling->m_previousSibling; swap(newLocationForNext, child->m_nextSibling); swap(newLocationForPrevious, child->m_previousSibling); child->m_previousSibling = 0; child->m_nextSibling = 0; } bool WebFrameProxy::isDescendantOf(const WebFrameProxy* ancestor) const { if (!ancestor) return false; if (m_page != ancestor->m_page) return false; for (const WebFrameProxy* frame = this; frame; frame = frame->m_parentFrame) { if (frame == ancestor) return true; } return false; } void WebFrameProxy::dumpFrameTreeToSTDOUT(unsigned indent) { if (!indent && m_parentFrame) printf("NOTE: Printing subtree.\n"); for (unsigned i = 0; i < indent; ++i) printf(" "); printf("| FRAME %d %s\n", (int)m_frameID, m_url.utf8().data()); for (WebFrameProxy* child = m_firstChild; child; child = child->m_nextSibling) child->dumpFrameTreeToSTDOUT(indent + 4); } void WebFrameProxy::didRemoveFromHierarchy() { if (m_parentFrame) m_parentFrame->removeChild(this); } PassRefPtr<ImmutableArray> WebFrameProxy::childFrames() { if (!m_firstChild) return ImmutableArray::create(); Vector<RefPtr<APIObject> > vector; for (WebFrameProxy* child = m_firstChild; child; child = child->m_nextSibling) vector.append(child); return ImmutableArray::adopt(vector); } void WebFrameProxy::receivedPolicyDecision(WebCore::PolicyAction action, uint64_t listenerID) { if (!m_page) return; ASSERT(m_activeListener); ASSERT(m_activeListener->listenerID() == listenerID); m_page->receivedPolicyDecision(action, this, listenerID); } WebFramePolicyListenerProxy* WebFrameProxy::setUpPolicyListenerProxy(uint64_t listenerID) { if (m_activeListener) m_activeListener->invalidate(); m_activeListener = WebFramePolicyListenerProxy::create(this, listenerID); return static_cast<WebFramePolicyListenerProxy*>(m_activeListener.get()); } WebFormSubmissionListenerProxy* WebFrameProxy::setUpFormSubmissionListenerProxy(uint64_t listenerID) { if (m_activeListener) m_activeListener->invalidate(); m_activeListener = WebFormSubmissionListenerProxy::create(this, listenerID); return static_cast<WebFormSubmissionListenerProxy*>(m_activeListener.get()); } void WebFrameProxy::getWebArchive(PassRefPtr<DataCallback> callback) { if (!m_page) { callback->invalidate(); return; } m_page->getWebArchiveOfFrame(this, callback); } void WebFrameProxy::getMainResourceData(PassRefPtr<DataCallback> callback) { if (!m_page) { callback->invalidate(); return; } m_page->getMainResourceDataOfFrame(this, callback); } void WebFrameProxy::getResourceData(WebURL* resourceURL, PassRefPtr<DataCallback> callback) { if (!m_page) { callback->invalidate(); return; } m_page->getResourceDataFromFrame(this, resourceURL, callback); } } // namespace WebKit