#!/usr/bin/perl -w # Copyright (C) 2005, 2006, 2007 Apple Inc. All rights reserved. # Copyright (C) 2009 Cameron McCormack <cam@mcc.id.au> # Copyright (C) 2010 Chris Jerdonek (chris.jerdonek@gmail.com) # # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without # modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions # are met: # # 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. # 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the # documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. # 3. Neither the name of Apple Computer, Inc. ("Apple") nor the names of # its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived # from this software without specific prior written permission. # # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY APPLE AND ITS CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY # EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED # WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE # DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL APPLE OR ITS CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY # DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES # (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; # LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND # ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT # (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF # THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. # "patch" script for WebKit Open Source Project, used to apply patches. # Differences from invoking "patch -p0": # # Handles added files (does a svn add with logic to handle local changes). # Handles added directories (does a svn add). # Handles removed files (does a svn rm with logic to handle local changes). # Handles removed directories--those with no more files or directories left in them # (does a svn rm). # Has mode where it will roll back to svn version numbers in the patch file so svn # can do a 3-way merge. # Paths from Index: lines are used rather than the paths on the patch lines, which # makes patches generated by "cvs diff" work (increasingly unimportant since we # use Subversion now). # ChangeLog patches use --fuzz=3 to prevent rejects. # Handles binary files (requires patches made by svn-create-patch). # Handles copied and moved files (requires patches made by svn-create-patch). # Handles git-diff patches (without binary changes) created at the top-level directory # # Missing features: # # Handle property changes. # Handle copied and moved directories (would require patches made by svn-create-patch). # When doing a removal, check that old file matches what's being removed. # Notice a patch that's being applied at the "wrong level" and make it work anyway. # Do a dry run on the whole patch and don't do anything if part of the patch is # going to fail (probably too strict unless we exclude ChangeLog). # Handle git-diff patches with binary delta use strict; use warnings; use Digest::MD5; use File::Basename; use File::Spec; use Getopt::Long; use MIME::Base64; use POSIX qw(strftime); use FindBin; use lib $FindBin::Bin; use VCSUtils; sub addDirectoriesIfNeeded($); sub applyPatch($$;$); sub checksum($); sub handleBinaryChange($$); sub handleGitBinaryChange($$); sub isDirectoryEmptyForRemoval($); sub patch($); sub removeDirectoriesIfNeeded(); # These should be replaced by an scm class/module: sub scmKnowsOfFile($); sub scmCopy($$); sub scmAdd($); sub scmRemove($); my $merge = 0; my $showHelp = 0; my $reviewer; my $force = 0; my $optionParseSuccess = GetOptions( "merge!" => \$merge, "help!" => \$showHelp, "reviewer=s" => \$reviewer, "force!" => \$force ); if (!$optionParseSuccess || $showHelp) { print STDERR basename($0) . " [-h|--help] [--force] [-m|--merge] [-r|--reviewer name] patch1 [patch2 ...]\n"; exit 1; } my %removeDirectoryIgnoreList = ( '.' => 1, '..' => 1, '.git' => 1, '.svn' => 1, '_svn' => 1, ); my $epochTime = time(); # This is used to set the date in ChangeLog files. my $globalExitStatus = 0; my $repositoryRootPath = determineVCSRoot(); my %checkedDirectories; # Need to use a typeglob to pass the file handle as a parameter, # otherwise get a bareword error. my @diffHashRefs = parsePatch(*ARGV); print "Parsed " . @diffHashRefs . " diffs from patch file(s).\n"; my $preparedPatchHash = prepareParsedPatch($force, @diffHashRefs); my @copyDiffHashRefs = @{$preparedPatchHash->{copyDiffHashRefs}}; my @nonCopyDiffHashRefs = @{$preparedPatchHash->{nonCopyDiffHashRefs}}; my %sourceRevisions = %{$preparedPatchHash->{sourceRevisionHash}}; if ($merge) { die "--merge is currently only supported for SVN" unless isSVN(); # How do we handle Git patches applied to an SVN checkout here? for my $file (sort keys %sourceRevisions) { my $version = $sourceRevisions{$file}; print "Getting version $version of $file\n"; system("svn", "update", "-r", $version, $file) == 0 or die "Failed to run svn update -r $version $file."; } } # Handle copied and moved files first since moved files may have their # source deleted before the move. for my $copyDiffHashRef (@copyDiffHashRefs) { my $indexPath = $copyDiffHashRef->{indexPath}; my $copiedFromPath = $copyDiffHashRef->{copiedFromPath}; addDirectoriesIfNeeded(dirname($indexPath)); scmCopy($copiedFromPath, $indexPath); } for my $diffHashRef (@nonCopyDiffHashRefs) { patch($diffHashRef); } removeDirectoriesIfNeeded(); exit $globalExitStatus; sub addDirectoriesIfNeeded($) { my ($path) = @_; my @dirs = File::Spec->splitdir($path); my $dir = "."; while (scalar @dirs) { $dir = File::Spec->catdir($dir, shift @dirs); next if exists $checkedDirectories{$dir}; if (! -e $dir) { mkdir $dir or die "Failed to create required directory '$dir' for path '$path'\n"; scmAdd($dir); $checkedDirectories{$dir} = 1; } elsif (-d $dir) { # SVN prints "svn: warning: 'directory' is already under version control" # if you try and add a directory which is already in the repository. # Git will ignore the add, but re-adding large directories can be sloooow. # So we check first to see if the directory is under version control first. if (!scmKnowsOfFile($dir)) { scmAdd($dir); } $checkedDirectories{$dir} = 1; } else { die "'$dir' exists, but is not a directory"; } } } # Args: # $patch: a patch string. # $pathRelativeToRoot: the path of the file to be patched, relative to the # repository root. This should normally be the path # found in the patch's "Index:" line. # $options: a reference to an array of options to pass to the patch command. sub applyPatch($$;$) { my ($patch, $pathRelativeToRoot, $options) = @_; my $optionalArgs = {options => $options, ensureForce => $force}; my $exitStatus = runPatchCommand($patch, $repositoryRootPath, $pathRelativeToRoot, $optionalArgs); if ($exitStatus) { $globalExitStatus = $exitStatus; } } sub checksum($) { my $file = shift; open(FILE, $file) or die "Can't open '$file': $!"; binmode(FILE); my $checksum = Digest::MD5->new->addfile(*FILE)->hexdigest(); close(FILE); return $checksum; } sub handleBinaryChange($$) { my ($fullPath, $contents) = @_; # [A-Za-z0-9+/] is the class of allowed base64 characters. # One or more lines, at most 76 characters in length. # The last line is allowed to have up to two '=' characters at the end (to signify padding). if ($contents =~ m#((\n[A-Za-z0-9+/]{76})*\n[A-Za-z0-9+/]{2,74}?[A-Za-z0-9+/=]{2}\n)#) { # Addition or Modification open FILE, ">", $fullPath or die "Failed to open $fullPath."; print FILE decode_base64($1); close FILE; if (!scmKnowsOfFile($fullPath)) { # Addition scmAdd($fullPath); } } else { # Deletion scmRemove($fullPath); } } sub handleGitBinaryChange($$) { my ($fullPath, $diffHashRef) = @_; my $contents = $diffHashRef->{svnConvertedText}; my ($binaryChunkType, $binaryChunk, $reverseBinaryChunkType, $reverseBinaryChunk) = decodeGitBinaryPatch($contents, $fullPath); my $isFileAddition = $diffHashRef->{isNew}; my $isFileDeletion = $diffHashRef->{isDeletion}; my $originalContents = ""; if (open FILE, $fullPath) { die "$fullPath already exists" if $isFileAddition; $originalContents = join("", <FILE>); close FILE; } if ($reverseBinaryChunkType eq "literal") { die "Original content of $fullPath mismatches" if $originalContents ne $reverseBinaryChunk; } if ($isFileDeletion) { scmRemove($fullPath); } else { # Addition or Modification my $out = ""; if ($binaryChunkType eq "delta") { $out = applyGitBinaryPatchDelta($binaryChunk, $originalContents); } else { $out = $binaryChunk; } if ($reverseBinaryChunkType eq "delta") { die "Original content of $fullPath mismatches" if $originalContents ne applyGitBinaryPatchDelta($reverseBinaryChunk, $out); } open FILE, ">", $fullPath or die "Failed to open $fullPath."; print FILE $out; close FILE; if ($isFileAddition) { scmAdd($fullPath); } } } sub isDirectoryEmptyForRemoval($) { my ($dir) = @_; return 1 unless -d $dir; my $directoryIsEmpty = 1; opendir DIR, $dir or die "Could not open '$dir' to list files: $?"; for (my $item = readdir DIR; $item && $directoryIsEmpty; $item = readdir DIR) { next if exists $removeDirectoryIgnoreList{$item}; if (-d File::Spec->catdir($dir, $item)) { $directoryIsEmpty = 0; } else { next if (scmWillDeleteFile(File::Spec->catdir($dir, $item))); $directoryIsEmpty = 0; } } closedir DIR; return $directoryIsEmpty; } # Args: # $diffHashRef: a diff hash reference of the type returned by parsePatch(). sub patch($) { my ($diffHashRef) = @_; # Make sure $patch is initialized to some value. A deletion can have no # svnConvertedText property in the case of a deletion resulting from a # Git rename. my $patch = $diffHashRef->{svnConvertedText} || ""; my $fullPath = $diffHashRef->{indexPath}; my $isBinary = $diffHashRef->{isBinary}; my $isGit = $diffHashRef->{isGit}; my $deletion = 0; my $addition = 0; $addition = 1 if ($diffHashRef->{isNew} || $patch =~ /\n@@ -0,0 .* @@/); $deletion = 1 if ($diffHashRef->{isDeletion} || $patch =~ /\n@@ .* \+0,0 @@/); if (!$addition && !$deletion && !$isBinary) { # Standard patch, patch tool can handle this. if (basename($fullPath) eq "ChangeLog") { my $changeLogDotOrigExisted = -f "${fullPath}.orig"; my $changeLogHash = fixChangeLogPatch($patch); my $newPatch = setChangeLogDateAndReviewer($changeLogHash->{patch}, $reviewer, $epochTime); applyPatch($newPatch, $fullPath, ["--fuzz=3"]); unlink("${fullPath}.orig") if (! $changeLogDotOrigExisted); } else { applyPatch($patch, $fullPath) if $patch; } } else { # Either a deletion, an addition or a binary change. addDirectoriesIfNeeded(dirname($fullPath)); if ($isBinary) { if ($isGit) { handleGitBinaryChange($fullPath, $diffHashRef); } else { handleBinaryChange($fullPath, $patch) if $patch; } } elsif ($deletion) { applyPatch($patch, $fullPath, ["--force"]) if $patch; scmRemove($fullPath); } else { # Addition rename($fullPath, "$fullPath.orig") if -e $fullPath; applyPatch($patch, $fullPath) if $patch; unlink("$fullPath.orig") if -e "$fullPath.orig" && checksum($fullPath) eq checksum("$fullPath.orig"); scmAdd($fullPath); # What is this for? system("svn", "stat", "$fullPath.orig") if isSVN() && -e "$fullPath.orig"; } } scmToggleExecutableBit($fullPath, $diffHashRef->{executableBitDelta}) if defined($diffHashRef->{executableBitDelta}); } sub removeDirectoriesIfNeeded() { foreach my $dir (reverse sort keys %checkedDirectories) { if (isDirectoryEmptyForRemoval($dir)) { scmRemove($dir); } } } # This could be made into a more general "status" call, except svn and git # have different ideas about "moving" files which might get confusing. sub scmWillDeleteFile($) { my ($path) = @_; if (isSVN()) { my $svnOutput = svnStatus($path); return 1 if $svnOutput && substr($svnOutput, 0, 1) eq "D"; } elsif (isGit()) { my $gitOutput = `git diff-index --name-status HEAD -- $path`; return 1 if $gitOutput && substr($gitOutput, 0, 1) eq "D"; } return 0; } # Return whether the file at the given path is known to Git. # # This method outputs a message like the following to STDERR when # returning false: # # "error: pathspec 'test.png' did not match any file(s) known to git. # Did you forget to 'git add'?" sub gitKnowsOfFile($) { my $path = shift; `git ls-files --error-unmatch -- $path`; my $exitStatus = exitStatus($?); return $exitStatus == 0; } sub scmKnowsOfFile($) { my ($path) = @_; if (isSVN()) { my $svnOutput = svnStatus($path); # This will match more than intended. ? might not be the first field in the status if ($svnOutput && $svnOutput =~ m#\?\s+$path\n#) { return 0; } # This does not handle errors well. return 1; } elsif (isGit()) { my @result = callSilently(\&gitKnowsOfFile, $path); return $result[0]; } } sub scmCopy($$) { my ($source, $destination) = @_; if (isSVN()) { system("svn", "copy", $source, $destination) == 0 or die "Failed to svn copy $source $destination."; } elsif (isGit()) { system("cp", $source, $destination) == 0 or die "Failed to copy $source $destination."; system("git", "add", $destination) == 0 or die "Failed to git add $destination."; } } sub scmAdd($) { my ($path) = @_; if (isSVN()) { system("svn", "add", $path) == 0 or die "Failed to svn add $path."; } elsif (isGit()) { system("git", "add", $path) == 0 or die "Failed to git add $path."; } } sub scmRemove($) { my ($path) = @_; if (isSVN()) { # SVN is very verbose when removing directories. Squelch all output except the last line. my $svnOutput; open SVN, "svn rm --force '$path' |" or die "svn rm --force '$path' failed!"; # Only print the last line. Subversion outputs all changed statuses below $dir while (<SVN>) { $svnOutput = $_; } close SVN; print $svnOutput if $svnOutput; } elsif (isGit()) { # Git removes a directory if it becomes empty when the last file it contains is # removed by `git rm`. In svn-apply this can happen when a directory is being # removed in a patch, and all of the files inside of the directory are removed # before attemping to remove the directory itself. In this case, Git will have # already deleted the directory and `git rm` would exit with an error claiming # there was no file. The --ignore-unmatch switch gracefully handles this case. system("git", "rm", "--force", "--ignore-unmatch", $path) == 0 or die "Failed to git rm --force --ignore-unmatch $path."; } }