/* * Copyright (C) 2012 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include <semaphore.h> #include <errno.h> #include "OverrideLog.h" #include "NfcJniUtil.h" #include "NfcAdaptation.h" #include "SyncEvent.h" #include "PeerToPeer.h" #include "SecureElement.h" #include "NfcTag.h" #include "config.h" #include "PowerSwitch.h" #include "JavaClassConstants.h" #include "Pn544Interop.h" #include <ScopedLocalRef.h> #include <ScopedUtfChars.h> extern "C" { #include "nfa_api.h" #include "nfa_p2p_api.h" #include "rw_api.h" #include "nfa_ee_api.h" #include "nfc_brcm_defs.h" #include "ce_api.h" } extern UINT8 *p_nfa_dm_start_up_cfg; extern const UINT8 nfca_version_string []; namespace android { extern bool gIsTagDeactivating; extern bool gIsSelectingRfInterface; extern void nativeNfcTag_doTransceiveStatus (uint8_t * buf, uint32_t buflen); extern void nativeNfcTag_doConnectStatus (jboolean is_connect_ok); extern void nativeNfcTag_doDeactivateStatus (int status); extern void nativeNfcTag_doWriteStatus (jboolean is_write_ok); extern void nativeNfcTag_doCheckNdefResult (tNFA_STATUS status, uint32_t max_size, uint32_t current_size, uint8_t flags); extern void nativeNfcTag_doMakeReadonlyResult (tNFA_STATUS status); extern void nativeNfcTag_doPresenceCheckResult (tNFA_STATUS status); extern void nativeNfcTag_formatStatus (bool is_ok); extern void nativeNfcTag_resetPresenceCheck (); extern void nativeNfcTag_doReadCompleted (tNFA_STATUS status); extern void nativeNfcTag_abortWaits (); extern void nativeLlcpConnectionlessSocket_abortWait (); extern void nativeNfcTag_registerNdefTypeHandler (); extern void nativeLlcpConnectionlessSocket_receiveData (uint8_t* data, uint32_t len, uint32_t remote_sap); } /***************************************************************************** ** ** public variables and functions ** *****************************************************************************/ namespace android { int gGeneralTransceiveTimeout = 1000; jmethodID gCachedNfcManagerNotifyNdefMessageListeners; jmethodID gCachedNfcManagerNotifyTransactionListeners; jmethodID gCachedNfcManagerNotifyLlcpLinkActivation; jmethodID gCachedNfcManagerNotifyLlcpLinkDeactivated; jmethodID gCachedNfcManagerNotifyLlcpFirstPacketReceived; jmethodID gCachedNfcManagerNotifySeFieldActivated; jmethodID gCachedNfcManagerNotifySeFieldDeactivated; jmethodID gCachedNfcManagerNotifySeListenActivated; jmethodID gCachedNfcManagerNotifySeListenDeactivated; const char* gNativeP2pDeviceClassName = "com/android/nfc/dhimpl/NativeP2pDevice"; const char* gNativeLlcpServiceSocketClassName = "com/android/nfc/dhimpl/NativeLlcpServiceSocket"; const char* gNativeLlcpConnectionlessSocketClassName = "com/android/nfc/dhimpl/NativeLlcpConnectionlessSocket"; const char* gNativeLlcpSocketClassName = "com/android/nfc/dhimpl/NativeLlcpSocket"; const char* gNativeNfcTagClassName = "com/android/nfc/dhimpl/NativeNfcTag"; const char* gNativeNfcManagerClassName = "com/android/nfc/dhimpl/NativeNfcManager"; const char* gNativeNfcSecureElementClassName = "com/android/nfc/dhimpl/NativeNfcSecureElement"; void doStartupConfig (); void startStopPolling (bool isStartPolling); void startRfDiscovery (bool isStart); void setUiccIdleTimeout (bool enable); } /***************************************************************************** ** ** private variables and functions ** *****************************************************************************/ namespace android { static jint sLastError = ERROR_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL; static jmethodID sCachedNfcManagerNotifySeApduReceived; static jmethodID sCachedNfcManagerNotifySeMifareAccess; static jmethodID sCachedNfcManagerNotifySeEmvCardRemoval; static jmethodID sCachedNfcManagerNotifyTargetDeselected; static SyncEvent sNfaEnableEvent; //event for NFA_Enable() static SyncEvent sNfaDisableEvent; //event for NFA_Disable() static SyncEvent sNfaEnableDisablePollingEvent; //event for NFA_EnablePolling(), NFA_DisablePolling() static SyncEvent sNfaSetConfigEvent; // event for Set_Config.... static SyncEvent sNfaGetConfigEvent; // event for Get_Config.... static bool sIsNfaEnabled = false; static bool sDiscoveryEnabled = false; //is polling for tag? static bool sIsDisabling = false; static bool sRfEnabled = false; // whether RF discovery is enabled static bool sSeRfActive = false; // whether RF with SE is likely active static bool sP2pActive = false; // whether p2p was last active static bool sAbortConnlessWait = false; static bool sIsSecElemSelected = false; //has NFC service selected a sec elem #define CONFIG_UPDATE_TECH_MASK (1 << 1) #define DEFAULT_TECH_MASK (NFA_TECHNOLOGY_MASK_A \ | NFA_TECHNOLOGY_MASK_B \ | NFA_TECHNOLOGY_MASK_F \ | NFA_TECHNOLOGY_MASK_ISO15693 \ | NFA_TECHNOLOGY_MASK_B_PRIME \ | NFA_TECHNOLOGY_MASK_A_ACTIVE \ | NFA_TECHNOLOGY_MASK_F_ACTIVE \ | NFA_TECHNOLOGY_MASK_KOVIO) static void nfaConnectionCallback (UINT8 event, tNFA_CONN_EVT_DATA *eventData); static void nfaDeviceManagementCallback (UINT8 event, tNFA_DM_CBACK_DATA *eventData); static bool isPeerToPeer (tNFA_ACTIVATED& activated); static bool isListenMode(tNFA_ACTIVATED& activated); static UINT16 sCurrentConfigLen; static UINT8 sConfig[256]; ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /******************************************************************************* ** ** Function: getNative ** ** Description: Get native data ** ** Returns: Native data structure. ** *******************************************************************************/ nfc_jni_native_data *getNative (JNIEnv* e, jobject o) { static struct nfc_jni_native_data *sCachedNat = NULL; if (e) { sCachedNat = nfc_jni_get_nat(e, o); } return sCachedNat; } /******************************************************************************* ** ** Function: handleRfDiscoveryEvent ** ** Description: Handle RF-discovery events from the stack. ** discoveredDevice: Discovered device. ** ** Returns: None ** *******************************************************************************/ static void handleRfDiscoveryEvent (tNFC_RESULT_DEVT* discoveredDevice) { if (discoveredDevice->more) { //there is more discovery notification coming return; } bool isP2p = NfcTag::getInstance ().isP2pDiscovered (); if (isP2p) { //select the peer that supports P2P NfcTag::getInstance ().selectP2p(); } else { //select the first of multiple tags that is discovered NfcTag::getInstance ().selectFirstTag(); } } /******************************************************************************* ** ** Function: nfaConnectionCallback ** ** Description: Receive connection-related events from stack. ** connEvent: Event code. ** eventData: Event data. ** ** Returns: None ** *******************************************************************************/ static void nfaConnectionCallback (UINT8 connEvent, tNFA_CONN_EVT_DATA* eventData) { tNFA_STATUS status = NFA_STATUS_FAILED; ALOGD("%s: event= %u", __FUNCTION__, connEvent); // TODO this if can probably be completely removed. It's unclear why this // was present in the initial code drop - either to work around NFCC, // stack or certain NFC tags bugs. Until we verify removing it doesn't // break things, leave it be. if (gIsTagDeactivating && connEvent != NFA_DEACTIVATED_EVT && connEvent != NFA_PRESENCE_CHECK_EVT && connEvent != NFA_DATA_EVT && connEvent != NFA_RW_INTF_ERROR_EVT) { // special case to switching frame interface for ISO_DEP tags gIsTagDeactivating = false; ALOGD("%s: deactivating, should get NFA_DEACTIVATED_EVT", __FUNCTION__); nativeNfcTag_doDeactivateStatus(1); } switch (connEvent) { case NFA_POLL_ENABLED_EVT: // whether polling successfully started { ALOGD("%s: NFA_POLL_ENABLED_EVT: status = %u", __FUNCTION__, eventData->status); SyncEventGuard guard (sNfaEnableDisablePollingEvent); sNfaEnableDisablePollingEvent.notifyOne (); } break; case NFA_POLL_DISABLED_EVT: // Listening/Polling stopped { ALOGD("%s: NFA_POLL_DISABLED_EVT: status = %u", __FUNCTION__, eventData->status); SyncEventGuard guard (sNfaEnableDisablePollingEvent); sNfaEnableDisablePollingEvent.notifyOne (); } break; case NFA_RF_DISCOVERY_STARTED_EVT: // RF Discovery started { ALOGD("%s: NFA_RF_DISCOVERY_STARTED_EVT: status = %u", __FUNCTION__, eventData->status); SyncEventGuard guard (sNfaEnableDisablePollingEvent); sNfaEnableDisablePollingEvent.notifyOne (); } break; case NFA_RF_DISCOVERY_STOPPED_EVT: // RF Discovery stopped event { ALOGD("%s: NFA_RF_DISCOVERY_STOPPED_EVT: status = %u", __FUNCTION__, eventData->status); SyncEventGuard guard (sNfaEnableDisablePollingEvent); sNfaEnableDisablePollingEvent.notifyOne (); } break; case NFA_DISC_RESULT_EVT: // NFC link/protocol discovery notificaiton status = eventData->disc_result.status; ALOGD("%s: NFA_DISC_RESULT_EVT: status = %d", __FUNCTION__, status); if (status != NFA_STATUS_OK) { ALOGE("%s: NFA_DISC_RESULT_EVT error: status = %d", __FUNCTION__, status); } else { NfcTag::getInstance().connectionEventHandler(connEvent, eventData); handleRfDiscoveryEvent(&eventData->disc_result.discovery_ntf); } break; case NFA_SELECT_RESULT_EVT: // NFC link/protocol discovery select response ALOGD("%s: NFA_SELECT_RESULT_EVT: status = %d, gIsSelectingRfInterface = %d, sIsDisabling=%d", __FUNCTION__, eventData->status, gIsSelectingRfInterface, sIsDisabling); if (sIsDisabling) break; if (eventData->status != NFA_STATUS_OK) { if (gIsSelectingRfInterface) { nativeNfcTag_doConnectStatus(false); } ALOGE("%s: NFA_SELECT_RESULT_EVT error: status = %d", __FUNCTION__, eventData->status); NFA_Deactivate (FALSE); } break; case NFA_DEACTIVATE_FAIL_EVT: ALOGD("%s: NFA_DEACTIVATE_FAIL_EVT: status = %d", __FUNCTION__, eventData->status); break; case NFA_ACTIVATED_EVT: // NFC link/protocol activated ALOGD("%s: NFA_ACTIVATED_EVT: gIsSelectingRfInterface=%d, sIsDisabling=%d", __FUNCTION__, gIsSelectingRfInterface, sIsDisabling); if (sIsDisabling || !sIsNfaEnabled) break; NfcTag::getInstance().setActivationState (); if (gIsSelectingRfInterface) { nativeNfcTag_doConnectStatus(true); break; } nativeNfcTag_resetPresenceCheck(); if (isPeerToPeer(eventData->activated)) { sP2pActive = true; ALOGD("%s: NFA_ACTIVATED_EVT; is p2p", __FUNCTION__); // Disable RF field events in case of p2p UINT8 nfa_disable_rf_events[] = { 0x00 }; ALOGD ("%s: Disabling RF field events", __FUNCTION__); status = NFA_SetConfig(NCI_PARAM_ID_RF_FIELD_INFO, sizeof(nfa_disable_rf_events), &nfa_disable_rf_events[0]); if (status == NFA_STATUS_OK) { ALOGD ("%s: Disabled RF field events", __FUNCTION__); } else { ALOGE ("%s: Failed to disable RF field events", __FUNCTION__); } // For the SE, consider the field to be on while p2p is active. SecureElement::getInstance().notifyRfFieldEvent (true); } else if (pn544InteropIsBusy() == false) { NfcTag::getInstance().connectionEventHandler (connEvent, eventData); // We know it is not activating for P2P. If it activated in // listen mode then it is likely for an SE transaction. // Send the RF Event. if (isListenMode(eventData->activated)) { sSeRfActive = true; SecureElement::getInstance().notifyListenModeState (true); } } break; case NFA_DEACTIVATED_EVT: // NFC link/protocol deactivated ALOGD("%s: NFA_DEACTIVATED_EVT Type: %u, gIsTagDeactivating: %d", __FUNCTION__, eventData->deactivated.type,gIsTagDeactivating); NfcTag::getInstance().setDeactivationState (eventData->deactivated); if (eventData->deactivated.type != NFA_DEACTIVATE_TYPE_SLEEP) { nativeNfcTag_resetPresenceCheck(); NfcTag::getInstance().connectionEventHandler (connEvent, eventData); nativeNfcTag_abortWaits(); NfcTag::getInstance().abort (); } else if (gIsTagDeactivating) { nativeNfcTag_doDeactivateStatus(0); } // If RF is activated for what we think is a Secure Element transaction // and it is deactivated to either IDLE or DISCOVERY mode, notify w/event. if ((eventData->deactivated.type == NFA_DEACTIVATE_TYPE_IDLE) || (eventData->deactivated.type == NFA_DEACTIVATE_TYPE_DISCOVERY)) { if (sSeRfActive) { sSeRfActive = false; if (!sIsDisabling && sIsNfaEnabled) SecureElement::getInstance().notifyListenModeState (false); } else if (sP2pActive) { sP2pActive = false; // Make sure RF field events are re-enabled ALOGD("%s: NFA_DEACTIVATED_EVT; is p2p", __FUNCTION__); // Disable RF field events in case of p2p UINT8 nfa_enable_rf_events[] = { 0x01 }; if (!sIsDisabling && sIsNfaEnabled) { ALOGD ("%s: Enabling RF field events", __FUNCTION__); status = NFA_SetConfig(NCI_PARAM_ID_RF_FIELD_INFO, sizeof(nfa_enable_rf_events), &nfa_enable_rf_events[0]); if (status == NFA_STATUS_OK) { ALOGD ("%s: Enabled RF field events", __FUNCTION__); } else { ALOGE ("%s: Failed to enable RF field events", __FUNCTION__); } // Consider the field to be off at this point SecureElement::getInstance().notifyRfFieldEvent (false); } } } break; case NFA_TLV_DETECT_EVT: // TLV Detection complete status = eventData->tlv_detect.status; ALOGD("%s: NFA_TLV_DETECT_EVT: status = %d, protocol = %d, num_tlvs = %d, num_bytes = %d", __FUNCTION__, status, eventData->tlv_detect.protocol, eventData->tlv_detect.num_tlvs, eventData->tlv_detect.num_bytes); if (status != NFA_STATUS_OK) { ALOGE("%s: NFA_TLV_DETECT_EVT error: status = %d", __FUNCTION__, status); } break; case NFA_NDEF_DETECT_EVT: // NDEF Detection complete; //if status is failure, it means the tag does not contain any or valid NDEF data; //pass the failure status to the NFC Service; status = eventData->ndef_detect.status; ALOGD("%s: NFA_NDEF_DETECT_EVT: status = 0x%X, protocol = %u, " "max_size = %lu, cur_size = %lu, flags = 0x%X", __FUNCTION__, status, eventData->ndef_detect.protocol, eventData->ndef_detect.max_size, eventData->ndef_detect.cur_size, eventData->ndef_detect.flags); NfcTag::getInstance().connectionEventHandler (connEvent, eventData); nativeNfcTag_doCheckNdefResult(status, eventData->ndef_detect.max_size, eventData->ndef_detect.cur_size, eventData->ndef_detect.flags); break; case NFA_DATA_EVT: // Data message received (for non-NDEF reads) ALOGD("%s: NFA_DATA_EVT: len = %d", __FUNCTION__, eventData->data.len); nativeNfcTag_doTransceiveStatus(eventData->data.p_data,eventData->data.len); break; case NFA_SELECT_CPLT_EVT: // Select completed status = eventData->status; ALOGD("%s: NFA_SELECT_CPLT_EVT: status = %d", __FUNCTION__, status); if (status != NFA_STATUS_OK) { ALOGE("%s: NFA_SELECT_CPLT_EVT error: status = %d", __FUNCTION__, status); } break; case NFA_READ_CPLT_EVT: // NDEF-read or tag-specific-read completed ALOGD("%s: NFA_READ_CPLT_EVT: status = 0x%X", __FUNCTION__, eventData->status); nativeNfcTag_doReadCompleted (eventData->status); NfcTag::getInstance().connectionEventHandler (connEvent, eventData); break; case NFA_WRITE_CPLT_EVT: // Write completed ALOGD("%s: NFA_WRITE_CPLT_EVT: status = %d", __FUNCTION__, eventData->status); nativeNfcTag_doWriteStatus (eventData->status == NFA_STATUS_OK); break; case NFA_SET_TAG_RO_EVT: // Tag set as Read only ALOGD("%s: NFA_SET_TAG_RO_EVT: status = %d", __FUNCTION__, eventData->status); nativeNfcTag_doMakeReadonlyResult(eventData->status); break; case NFA_CE_NDEF_WRITE_START_EVT: // NDEF write started ALOGD("%s: NFA_CE_NDEF_WRITE_START_EVT: status: %d", __FUNCTION__, eventData->status); if (eventData->status != NFA_STATUS_OK) ALOGE("%s: NFA_CE_NDEF_WRITE_START_EVT error: status = %d", __FUNCTION__, eventData->status); break; case NFA_CE_NDEF_WRITE_CPLT_EVT: // NDEF write completed ALOGD("%s: FA_CE_NDEF_WRITE_CPLT_EVT: len = %lu", __FUNCTION__, eventData->ndef_write_cplt.len); break; case NFA_LLCP_ACTIVATED_EVT: // LLCP link is activated ALOGD("%s: NFA_LLCP_ACTIVATED_EVT: is_initiator: %d remote_wks: %d, remote_lsc: %d, remote_link_miu: %d, local_link_miu: %d", __FUNCTION__, eventData->llcp_activated.is_initiator, eventData->llcp_activated.remote_wks, eventData->llcp_activated.remote_lsc, eventData->llcp_activated.remote_link_miu, eventData->llcp_activated.local_link_miu); PeerToPeer::getInstance().llcpActivatedHandler (getNative(0, 0), eventData->llcp_activated); break; case NFA_LLCP_DEACTIVATED_EVT: // LLCP link is deactivated ALOGD("%s: NFA_LLCP_DEACTIVATED_EVT", __FUNCTION__); PeerToPeer::getInstance().llcpDeactivatedHandler (getNative(0, 0), eventData->llcp_deactivated); break; case NFA_LLCP_FIRST_PACKET_RECEIVED_EVT: // Received first packet over llcp ALOGD("%s: NFA_LLCP_FIRST_PACKET_RECEIVED_EVT", __FUNCTION__); PeerToPeer::getInstance().llcpFirstPacketHandler (getNative(0, 0)); break; case NFA_PRESENCE_CHECK_EVT: ALOGD("%s: NFA_PRESENCE_CHECK_EVT", __FUNCTION__); nativeNfcTag_doPresenceCheckResult (eventData->status); break; case NFA_FORMAT_CPLT_EVT: ALOGD("%s: NFA_FORMAT_CPLT_EVT: status=0x%X", __FUNCTION__, eventData->status); nativeNfcTag_formatStatus (eventData->status == NFA_STATUS_OK); break; case NFA_I93_CMD_CPLT_EVT: ALOGD("%s: NFA_I93_CMD_CPLT_EVT: status=0x%X", __FUNCTION__, eventData->status); break; case NFA_CE_UICC_LISTEN_CONFIGURED_EVT : ALOGD("%s: NFA_CE_UICC_LISTEN_CONFIGURED_EVT : status=0x%X", __FUNCTION__, eventData->status); SecureElement::getInstance().connectionEventHandler (connEvent, eventData); break; case NFA_SET_P2P_LISTEN_TECH_EVT: ALOGD("%s: NFA_SET_P2P_LISTEN_TECH_EVT", __FUNCTION__); PeerToPeer::getInstance().connectionEventHandler (connEvent, eventData); break; default: ALOGE("%s: unknown event ????", __FUNCTION__); break; } } /******************************************************************************* ** ** Function: nfcManager_initNativeStruc ** ** Description: Initialize variables. ** e: JVM environment. ** o: Java object. ** ** Returns: True if ok. ** *******************************************************************************/ static jboolean nfcManager_initNativeStruc (JNIEnv* e, jobject o) { ALOGD ("%s: enter", __FUNCTION__); nfc_jni_native_data* nat = (nfc_jni_native_data*)malloc(sizeof(struct nfc_jni_native_data)); if (nat == NULL) { ALOGE ("%s: fail allocate native data", __FUNCTION__); return JNI_FALSE; } memset (nat, 0, sizeof(*nat)); e->GetJavaVM(&(nat->vm)); nat->env_version = e->GetVersion(); nat->manager = e->NewGlobalRef(o); ScopedLocalRef<jclass> cls(e, e->GetObjectClass(o)); jfieldID f = e->GetFieldID(cls.get(), "mNative", "I"); e->SetIntField(o, f, (jint)nat); /* Initialize native cached references */ gCachedNfcManagerNotifyNdefMessageListeners = e->GetMethodID(cls.get(), "notifyNdefMessageListeners", "(Lcom/android/nfc/dhimpl/NativeNfcTag;)V"); gCachedNfcManagerNotifyTransactionListeners = e->GetMethodID(cls.get(), "notifyTransactionListeners", "([B)V"); gCachedNfcManagerNotifyLlcpLinkActivation = e->GetMethodID(cls.get(), "notifyLlcpLinkActivation", "(Lcom/android/nfc/dhimpl/NativeP2pDevice;)V"); gCachedNfcManagerNotifyLlcpLinkDeactivated = e->GetMethodID(cls.get(), "notifyLlcpLinkDeactivated", "(Lcom/android/nfc/dhimpl/NativeP2pDevice;)V"); gCachedNfcManagerNotifyLlcpFirstPacketReceived = e->GetMethodID(cls.get(), "notifyLlcpLinkFirstPacketReceived", "(Lcom/android/nfc/dhimpl/NativeP2pDevice;)V"); sCachedNfcManagerNotifyTargetDeselected = e->GetMethodID(cls.get(), "notifyTargetDeselected","()V"); gCachedNfcManagerNotifySeFieldActivated = e->GetMethodID(cls.get(), "notifySeFieldActivated", "()V"); gCachedNfcManagerNotifySeFieldDeactivated = e->GetMethodID(cls.get(), "notifySeFieldDeactivated", "()V"); gCachedNfcManagerNotifySeListenActivated = e->GetMethodID(cls.get(), "notifySeListenActivated", "()V"); gCachedNfcManagerNotifySeListenDeactivated = e->GetMethodID(cls.get(), "notifySeListenDeactivated", "()V"); sCachedNfcManagerNotifySeApduReceived = e->GetMethodID(cls.get(), "notifySeApduReceived", "([B)V"); sCachedNfcManagerNotifySeMifareAccess = e->GetMethodID(cls.get(), "notifySeMifareAccess", "([B)V"); sCachedNfcManagerNotifySeEmvCardRemoval = e->GetMethodID(cls.get(), "notifySeEmvCardRemoval", "()V"); if (nfc_jni_cache_object(e, gNativeNfcTagClassName, &(nat->cached_NfcTag)) == -1) { ALOGE ("%s: fail cache NativeNfcTag", __FUNCTION__); return JNI_FALSE; } if (nfc_jni_cache_object(e, gNativeP2pDeviceClassName, &(nat->cached_P2pDevice)) == -1) { ALOGE ("%s: fail cache NativeP2pDevice", __FUNCTION__); return JNI_FALSE; } ALOGD ("%s: exit", __FUNCTION__); return JNI_TRUE; } /******************************************************************************* ** ** Function: nfaDeviceManagementCallback ** ** Description: Receive device management events from stack. ** dmEvent: Device-management event ID. ** eventData: Data associated with event ID. ** ** Returns: None ** *******************************************************************************/ void nfaDeviceManagementCallback (UINT8 dmEvent, tNFA_DM_CBACK_DATA* eventData) { ALOGD ("%s: enter; event=0x%X", __FUNCTION__, dmEvent); switch (dmEvent) { case NFA_DM_ENABLE_EVT: /* Result of NFA_Enable */ { SyncEventGuard guard (sNfaEnableEvent); ALOGD ("%s: NFA_DM_ENABLE_EVT; status=0x%X", __FUNCTION__, eventData->status); sIsNfaEnabled = eventData->status == NFA_STATUS_OK; sIsDisabling = false; sNfaEnableEvent.notifyOne (); } break; case NFA_DM_DISABLE_EVT: /* Result of NFA_Disable */ { SyncEventGuard guard (sNfaDisableEvent); ALOGD ("%s: NFA_DM_DISABLE_EVT", __FUNCTION__); sIsNfaEnabled = false; sIsDisabling = false; sNfaDisableEvent.notifyOne (); } break; case NFA_DM_SET_CONFIG_EVT: //result of NFA_SetConfig ALOGD ("%s: NFA_DM_SET_CONFIG_EVT", __FUNCTION__); { SyncEventGuard guard (sNfaSetConfigEvent); sNfaSetConfigEvent.notifyOne(); } break; case NFA_DM_GET_CONFIG_EVT: /* Result of NFA_GetConfig */ ALOGD ("%s: NFA_DM_GET_CONFIG_EVT", __FUNCTION__); { SyncEventGuard guard (sNfaGetConfigEvent); if (eventData->status == NFA_STATUS_OK && eventData->get_config.tlv_size <= sizeof(sConfig)) { sCurrentConfigLen = eventData->get_config.tlv_size; memcpy(sConfig, eventData->get_config.param_tlvs, eventData->get_config.tlv_size); } else { ALOGE("%s: NFA_DM_GET_CONFIG failed", __FUNCTION__); sCurrentConfigLen = 0; } sNfaGetConfigEvent.notifyOne(); } break; case NFA_DM_RF_FIELD_EVT: ALOGD ("%s: NFA_DM_RF_FIELD_EVT; status=0x%X; field status=%u", __FUNCTION__, eventData->rf_field.status, eventData->rf_field.rf_field_status); if (sIsDisabling || !sIsNfaEnabled) break; if (!sP2pActive && eventData->rf_field.status == NFA_STATUS_OK) SecureElement::getInstance().notifyRfFieldEvent ( eventData->rf_field.rf_field_status == NFA_DM_RF_FIELD_ON); break; case NFA_DM_NFCC_TRANSPORT_ERR_EVT: case NFA_DM_NFCC_TIMEOUT_EVT: { if (dmEvent == NFA_DM_NFCC_TIMEOUT_EVT) ALOGD ("%s: NFA_DM_NFCC_TIMEOUT_EVT; abort all outstanding operations", __FUNCTION__); else ALOGD ("%s: NFA_DM_NFCC_TRANSPORT_ERR_EVT; abort all outstanding operations", __FUNCTION__); nativeNfcTag_abortWaits(); NfcTag::getInstance().abort (); sAbortConnlessWait = true; nativeLlcpConnectionlessSocket_abortWait(); { ALOGD ("%s: aborting sNfaEnableDisablePollingEvent", __FUNCTION__); SyncEventGuard guard (sNfaEnableDisablePollingEvent); sNfaEnableDisablePollingEvent.notifyOne(); } { ALOGD ("%s: aborting sNfaEnableEvent", __FUNCTION__); SyncEventGuard guard (sNfaEnableEvent); sNfaEnableEvent.notifyOne(); } { ALOGD ("%s: aborting sNfaDisableEvent", __FUNCTION__); SyncEventGuard guard (sNfaDisableEvent); sNfaDisableEvent.notifyOne(); } sDiscoveryEnabled = false; PowerSwitch::getInstance ().abort (); if (!sIsDisabling && sIsNfaEnabled) { NFA_Disable(FALSE); sIsDisabling = true; } else { sIsNfaEnabled = false; sIsDisabling = false; } PowerSwitch::getInstance ().initialize (PowerSwitch::UNKNOWN_LEVEL); ALOGD ("%s: aborted all waiting events", __FUNCTION__); } break; case NFA_DM_PWR_MODE_CHANGE_EVT: PowerSwitch::getInstance ().deviceManagementCallback (dmEvent, eventData); break; default: ALOGD ("%s: unhandled event", __FUNCTION__); break; } } /******************************************************************************* ** ** Function: nfcManager_doInitialize ** ** Description: Turn on NFC. ** e: JVM environment. ** o: Java object. ** ** Returns: True if ok. ** *******************************************************************************/ static jboolean nfcManager_doInitialize (JNIEnv* e, jobject o) { ALOGD ("%s: enter; NCI_VERSION=0x%02X", __FUNCTION__, NCI_VERSION); tNFA_STATUS stat = NFA_STATUS_OK; if (sIsNfaEnabled) { ALOGD ("%s: already enabled", __FUNCTION__); goto TheEnd; } PowerSwitch::getInstance ().initialize (PowerSwitch::FULL_POWER); { unsigned long num = 0; NfcAdaptation& theInstance = NfcAdaptation::GetInstance(); theInstance.Initialize(); //start GKI, NCI task, NFC task { SyncEventGuard guard (sNfaEnableEvent); tHAL_NFC_ENTRY* halFuncEntries = theInstance.GetHalEntryFuncs (); NFA_Init (halFuncEntries); stat = NFA_Enable (nfaDeviceManagementCallback, nfaConnectionCallback); if (stat == NFA_STATUS_OK) { num = initializeGlobalAppLogLevel (); CE_SetTraceLevel (num); LLCP_SetTraceLevel (num); NFC_SetTraceLevel (num); RW_SetTraceLevel (num); NFA_SetTraceLevel (num); NFA_P2pSetTraceLevel (num); sNfaEnableEvent.wait(); //wait for NFA command to finish } } if (stat == NFA_STATUS_OK) { //sIsNfaEnabled indicates whether stack started successfully if (sIsNfaEnabled) { SecureElement::getInstance().initialize (getNative(e, o)); nativeNfcTag_registerNdefTypeHandler (); NfcTag::getInstance().initialize (getNative(e, o)); PeerToPeer::getInstance().initialize (); PeerToPeer::getInstance().handleNfcOnOff (true); ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Add extra configuration here (work-arounds, etc.) struct nfc_jni_native_data *nat = getNative(e, o); if ( nat ) { if (GetNumValue(NAME_POLLING_TECH_MASK, &num, sizeof(num))) nat->tech_mask = num; else nat->tech_mask = DEFAULT_TECH_MASK; ALOGD ("%s: tag polling tech mask=0x%X", __FUNCTION__, nat->tech_mask); } // if this value exists, set polling interval. if (GetNumValue(NAME_NFA_DM_DISC_DURATION_POLL, &num, sizeof(num))) NFA_SetRfDiscoveryDuration(num); // Do custom NFCA startup configuration. doStartupConfig(); goto TheEnd; } } ALOGE ("%s: fail nfa enable; error=0x%X", __FUNCTION__, stat); if (sIsNfaEnabled) stat = NFA_Disable (FALSE /* ungraceful */); theInstance.Finalize(); } TheEnd: if (sIsNfaEnabled) PowerSwitch::getInstance ().setLevel (PowerSwitch::LOW_POWER); ALOGD ("%s: exit", __FUNCTION__); return sIsNfaEnabled ? JNI_TRUE : JNI_FALSE; } /******************************************************************************* ** ** Function: nfcManager_enableDiscovery ** ** Description: Start polling and listening for devices. ** e: JVM environment. ** o: Java object. ** mode: Not used. ** ** Returns: None ** *******************************************************************************/ static void nfcManager_enableDiscovery (JNIEnv* e, jobject o) { tNFA_TECHNOLOGY_MASK tech_mask = DEFAULT_TECH_MASK; struct nfc_jni_native_data *nat = getNative(e, o); if (nat) tech_mask = (tNFA_TECHNOLOGY_MASK)nat->tech_mask; ALOGD ("%s: enter; tech_mask = %02x", __FUNCTION__, tech_mask); if (sDiscoveryEnabled) { ALOGE ("%s: already polling", __FUNCTION__); return; } tNFA_STATUS stat = NFA_STATUS_OK; ALOGD ("%s: sIsSecElemSelected=%u", __FUNCTION__, sIsSecElemSelected); PowerSwitch::getInstance ().setLevel (PowerSwitch::FULL_POWER); if (sRfEnabled) { // Stop RF discovery to reconfigure startRfDiscovery(false); } { SyncEventGuard guard (sNfaEnableDisablePollingEvent); stat = NFA_EnablePolling (tech_mask); if (stat == NFA_STATUS_OK) { ALOGD ("%s: wait for enable event", __FUNCTION__); sDiscoveryEnabled = true; sNfaEnableDisablePollingEvent.wait (); //wait for NFA_POLL_ENABLED_EVT ALOGD ("%s: got enabled event", __FUNCTION__); } else { ALOGE ("%s: fail enable discovery; error=0x%X", __FUNCTION__, stat); } } // Start P2P listening if tag polling was enabled or the mask was 0. if (sDiscoveryEnabled || (tech_mask == 0)) { ALOGD ("%s: Enable p2pListening", __FUNCTION__); PeerToPeer::getInstance().enableP2pListening (true); //if NFC service has deselected the sec elem, then apply default routes if (!sIsSecElemSelected) stat = SecureElement::getInstance().routeToDefault (); } // Actually start discovery. startRfDiscovery (true); PowerSwitch::getInstance ().setModeOn (PowerSwitch::DISCOVERY); ALOGD ("%s: exit", __FUNCTION__); } /******************************************************************************* ** ** Function: nfcManager_disableDiscovery ** ** Description: Stop polling and listening for devices. ** e: JVM environment. ** o: Java object. ** ** Returns: None ** *******************************************************************************/ void nfcManager_disableDiscovery (JNIEnv*, jobject) { tNFA_STATUS status = NFA_STATUS_OK; ALOGD ("%s: enter;", __FUNCTION__); pn544InteropAbortNow (); if (sDiscoveryEnabled == false) { ALOGD ("%s: already disabled", __FUNCTION__); goto TheEnd; } // Stop RF Discovery. startRfDiscovery (false); if (sDiscoveryEnabled) { SyncEventGuard guard (sNfaEnableDisablePollingEvent); status = NFA_DisablePolling (); if (status == NFA_STATUS_OK) { sDiscoveryEnabled = false; sNfaEnableDisablePollingEvent.wait (); //wait for NFA_POLL_DISABLED_EVT } else ALOGE ("%s: Failed to disable polling; error=0x%X", __FUNCTION__, status); } PeerToPeer::getInstance().enableP2pListening (false); //if nothing is active after this, then tell the controller to power down if (! PowerSwitch::getInstance ().setModeOff (PowerSwitch::DISCOVERY)) PowerSwitch::getInstance ().setLevel (PowerSwitch::LOW_POWER); // We may have had RF field notifications that did not cause // any activate/deactive events. For example, caused by wireless // charging orbs. Those may cause us to go to sleep while the last // field event was indicating a field. To prevent sticking in that // state, always reset the rf field status when we disable discovery. SecureElement::getInstance().resetRfFieldStatus(); TheEnd: ALOGD ("%s: exit", __FUNCTION__); } void setUiccIdleTimeout (bool enable) { // This method is *NOT* thread-safe. Right now // it is only called from the same thread so it's // not an issue. tNFA_STATUS stat = NFA_STATUS_OK; UINT8 swp_cfg_byte0 = 0x00; { SyncEventGuard guard (sNfaGetConfigEvent); stat = NFA_GetConfig(1, new tNFA_PMID[1] {0xC2}); if (stat != NFA_STATUS_OK) { ALOGE("%s: NFA_GetConfig failed", __FUNCTION__); return; } sNfaGetConfigEvent.wait (); if (sCurrentConfigLen < 4 || sConfig[1] != 0xC2) { ALOGE("%s: Config TLV length %d returned is too short", __FUNCTION__, sCurrentConfigLen); return; } swp_cfg_byte0 = sConfig[3]; } SyncEventGuard guard(sNfaSetConfigEvent); if (enable) swp_cfg_byte0 |= 0x01; else swp_cfg_byte0 &= ~0x01; stat = NFA_SetConfig(0xC2, 1, &swp_cfg_byte0); if (stat == NFA_STATUS_OK) sNfaSetConfigEvent.wait (); else ALOGE("%s: Could not configure UICC idle timeout feature", __FUNCTION__); return; } /******************************************************************************* ** ** Function nfc_jni_cache_object_local ** ** Description Allocates a java object and calls it's constructor ** ** Returns -1 on failure, 0 on success ** *******************************************************************************/ static int nfc_jni_cache_object_local (JNIEnv *e, const char *className, jobject *cachedObj) { ScopedLocalRef<jclass> cls(e, e->FindClass(className)); if(cls.get() == NULL) { ALOGE ("%s: find class error", __FUNCTION__); return -1; } jmethodID ctor = e->GetMethodID(cls.get(), "<init>", "()V"); jobject obj = e->NewObject(cls.get(), ctor); if (obj == NULL) { ALOGE ("%s: create object error", __FUNCTION__); return -1; } *cachedObj = obj; if (*cachedObj == NULL) { ALOGE ("%s: global ref error", __FUNCTION__); return -1; } return 0; } /******************************************************************************* ** ** Function: nfcManager_doCreateLlcpServiceSocket ** ** Description: Create a new LLCP server socket. ** e: JVM environment. ** o: Java object. ** nSap: Service access point. ** sn: Service name ** miu: Maximum information unit. ** rw: Receive window size. ** linearBufferLength: Max buffer size. ** ** Returns: NativeLlcpServiceSocket Java object. ** *******************************************************************************/ static jobject nfcManager_doCreateLlcpServiceSocket (JNIEnv* e, jobject, jint nSap, jstring sn, jint miu, jint rw, jint linearBufferLength) { PeerToPeer::tJNI_HANDLE jniHandle = PeerToPeer::getInstance().getNewJniHandle (); ScopedUtfChars serviceName(e, sn); ALOGD ("%s: enter: sap=%i; name=%s; miu=%i; rw=%i; buffLen=%i", __FUNCTION__, nSap, serviceName.c_str(), miu, rw, linearBufferLength); /* Create new NativeLlcpServiceSocket object */ jobject serviceSocket = NULL; if (nfc_jni_cache_object(e, gNativeLlcpServiceSocketClassName, &(serviceSocket)) == -1) { ALOGE ("%s: Llcp socket object creation error", __FUNCTION__); return NULL; } /* Get NativeLlcpServiceSocket class object */ ScopedLocalRef<jclass> clsNativeLlcpServiceSocket(e, e->GetObjectClass(serviceSocket)); if (e->ExceptionCheck()) { e->ExceptionClear(); ALOGE("%s: Llcp Socket get object class error", __FUNCTION__); return NULL; } if (!PeerToPeer::getInstance().registerServer (jniHandle, serviceName.c_str())) { ALOGE("%s: RegisterServer error", __FUNCTION__); return NULL; } jfieldID f; /* Set socket handle to be the same as the NfaHandle*/ f = e->GetFieldID(clsNativeLlcpServiceSocket.get(), "mHandle", "I"); e->SetIntField(serviceSocket, f, (jint) jniHandle); ALOGD ("%s: socket Handle = 0x%X", __FUNCTION__, jniHandle); /* Set socket linear buffer length */ f = e->GetFieldID(clsNativeLlcpServiceSocket.get(), "mLocalLinearBufferLength", "I"); e->SetIntField(serviceSocket, f,(jint)linearBufferLength); ALOGD ("%s: buffer length = %d", __FUNCTION__, linearBufferLength); /* Set socket MIU */ f = e->GetFieldID(clsNativeLlcpServiceSocket.get(), "mLocalMiu", "I"); e->SetIntField(serviceSocket, f,(jint)miu); ALOGD ("%s: MIU = %d", __FUNCTION__, miu); /* Set socket RW */ f = e->GetFieldID(clsNativeLlcpServiceSocket.get(), "mLocalRw", "I"); e->SetIntField(serviceSocket, f,(jint)rw); ALOGD ("%s: RW = %d", __FUNCTION__, rw); sLastError = 0; ALOGD ("%s: exit", __FUNCTION__); return serviceSocket; } /******************************************************************************* ** ** Function: nfcManager_doGetLastError ** ** Description: Get the last error code. ** e: JVM environment. ** o: Java object. ** ** Returns: Last error code. ** *******************************************************************************/ static jint nfcManager_doGetLastError(JNIEnv*, jobject) { ALOGD ("%s: last error=%i", __FUNCTION__, sLastError); return sLastError; } /******************************************************************************* ** ** Function: nfcManager_doDeinitialize ** ** Description: Turn off NFC. ** e: JVM environment. ** o: Java object. ** ** Returns: True if ok. ** *******************************************************************************/ static jboolean nfcManager_doDeinitialize (JNIEnv*, jobject) { ALOGD ("%s: enter", __FUNCTION__); sIsDisabling = true; pn544InteropAbortNow (); SecureElement::getInstance().finalize (); if (sIsNfaEnabled) { SyncEventGuard guard (sNfaDisableEvent); tNFA_STATUS stat = NFA_Disable (TRUE /* graceful */); if (stat == NFA_STATUS_OK) { ALOGD ("%s: wait for completion", __FUNCTION__); sNfaDisableEvent.wait (); //wait for NFA command to finish PeerToPeer::getInstance ().handleNfcOnOff (false); } else { ALOGE ("%s: fail disable; error=0x%X", __FUNCTION__, stat); } } nativeNfcTag_abortWaits(); NfcTag::getInstance().abort (); sAbortConnlessWait = true; nativeLlcpConnectionlessSocket_abortWait(); sIsNfaEnabled = false; sDiscoveryEnabled = false; sIsDisabling = false; sIsSecElemSelected = false; { //unblock NFA_EnablePolling() and NFA_DisablePolling() SyncEventGuard guard (sNfaEnableDisablePollingEvent); sNfaEnableDisablePollingEvent.notifyOne (); } NfcAdaptation& theInstance = NfcAdaptation::GetInstance(); theInstance.Finalize(); ALOGD ("%s: exit", __FUNCTION__); return JNI_TRUE; } /******************************************************************************* ** ** Function: nfcManager_doCreateLlcpSocket ** ** Description: Create a LLCP connection-oriented socket. ** e: JVM environment. ** o: Java object. ** nSap: Service access point. ** miu: Maximum information unit. ** rw: Receive window size. ** linearBufferLength: Max buffer size. ** ** Returns: NativeLlcpSocket Java object. ** *******************************************************************************/ static jobject nfcManager_doCreateLlcpSocket (JNIEnv* e, jobject, jint nSap, jint miu, jint rw, jint linearBufferLength) { ALOGD ("%s: enter; sap=%d; miu=%d; rw=%d; buffer len=%d", __FUNCTION__, nSap, miu, rw, linearBufferLength); PeerToPeer::tJNI_HANDLE jniHandle = PeerToPeer::getInstance().getNewJniHandle (); bool stat = PeerToPeer::getInstance().createClient (jniHandle, miu, rw); /* Create new NativeLlcpSocket object */ jobject clientSocket = NULL; if (nfc_jni_cache_object_local(e, gNativeLlcpSocketClassName, &(clientSocket)) == -1) { ALOGE ("%s: fail Llcp socket creation", __FUNCTION__); return clientSocket; } /* Get NativeConnectionless class object */ ScopedLocalRef<jclass> clsNativeLlcpSocket(e, e->GetObjectClass(clientSocket)); if (e->ExceptionCheck()) { e->ExceptionClear(); ALOGE ("%s: fail get class object", __FUNCTION__); return clientSocket; } jfieldID f; /* Set socket SAP */ f = e->GetFieldID (clsNativeLlcpSocket.get(), "mSap", "I"); e->SetIntField (clientSocket, f, (jint) nSap); /* Set socket handle */ f = e->GetFieldID (clsNativeLlcpSocket.get(), "mHandle", "I"); e->SetIntField (clientSocket, f, (jint) jniHandle); /* Set socket MIU */ f = e->GetFieldID (clsNativeLlcpSocket.get(), "mLocalMiu", "I"); e->SetIntField (clientSocket, f, (jint) miu); /* Set socket RW */ f = e->GetFieldID (clsNativeLlcpSocket.get(), "mLocalRw", "I"); e->SetIntField (clientSocket, f, (jint) rw); ALOGD ("%s: exit", __FUNCTION__); return clientSocket; } /******************************************************************************* ** ** Function: nfcManager_doCreateLlcpConnectionlessSocket ** ** Description: Create a connection-less socket. ** e: JVM environment. ** o: Java object. ** nSap: Service access point. ** sn: Service name. ** ** Returns: NativeLlcpConnectionlessSocket Java object. ** *******************************************************************************/ static jobject nfcManager_doCreateLlcpConnectionlessSocket (JNIEnv *, jobject, jint nSap, jstring /*sn*/) { ALOGD ("%s: nSap=0x%X", __FUNCTION__, nSap); return NULL; } /******************************************************************************* ** ** Function: nfcManager_doGetSecureElementList ** ** Description: Get a list of secure element handles. ** e: JVM environment. ** o: Java object. ** ** Returns: List of secure element handles. ** *******************************************************************************/ static jintArray nfcManager_doGetSecureElementList(JNIEnv* e, jobject) { ALOGD ("%s", __FUNCTION__); return SecureElement::getInstance().getListOfEeHandles (e); } /******************************************************************************* ** ** Function: nfcManager_doSelectSecureElement ** ** Description: NFC controller starts routing data in listen mode. ** e: JVM environment. ** o: Java object. ** ** Returns: None ** *******************************************************************************/ static void nfcManager_doSelectSecureElement(JNIEnv*, jobject) { ALOGD ("%s: enter", __FUNCTION__); bool stat = true; if (sIsSecElemSelected) { ALOGD ("%s: already selected", __FUNCTION__); goto TheEnd; } PowerSwitch::getInstance ().setLevel (PowerSwitch::FULL_POWER); if (sRfEnabled) { // Stop RF Discovery if we were polling startRfDiscovery (false); } stat = SecureElement::getInstance().activate (0xABCDEF); if (stat) SecureElement::getInstance().routeToSecureElement (); sIsSecElemSelected = true; startRfDiscovery (true); PowerSwitch::getInstance ().setModeOn (PowerSwitch::SE_ROUTING); TheEnd: ALOGD ("%s: exit", __FUNCTION__); } /******************************************************************************* ** ** Function: nfcManager_doDeselectSecureElement ** ** Description: NFC controller stops routing data in listen mode. ** e: JVM environment. ** o: Java object. ** ** Returns: None ** *******************************************************************************/ static void nfcManager_doDeselectSecureElement(JNIEnv*, jobject) { ALOGD ("%s: enter", __FUNCTION__); bool stat = false; bool bRestartDiscovery = false; if (! sIsSecElemSelected) { ALOGE ("%s: already deselected", __FUNCTION__); goto TheEnd; } if (PowerSwitch::getInstance ().getLevel() == PowerSwitch::LOW_POWER) { ALOGD ("%s: do not deselect while power is OFF", __FUNCTION__); sIsSecElemSelected = false; goto TheEnd; } if (sRfEnabled) { // Stop RF Discovery if we were polling startRfDiscovery (false); bRestartDiscovery = true; } stat = SecureElement::getInstance().routeToDefault (); sIsSecElemSelected = false; //if controller is not routing to sec elems AND there is no pipe connected, //then turn off the sec elems if (SecureElement::getInstance().isBusy() == false) SecureElement::getInstance().deactivate (0xABCDEF); TheEnd: if (bRestartDiscovery) startRfDiscovery (true); //if nothing is active after this, then tell the controller to power down if (! PowerSwitch::getInstance ().setModeOff (PowerSwitch::SE_ROUTING)) PowerSwitch::getInstance ().setLevel (PowerSwitch::LOW_POWER); ALOGD ("%s: exit", __FUNCTION__); } /******************************************************************************* ** ** Function: isPeerToPeer ** ** Description: Whether the activation data indicates the peer supports NFC-DEP. ** activated: Activation data. ** ** Returns: True if the peer supports NFC-DEP. ** *******************************************************************************/ static bool isPeerToPeer (tNFA_ACTIVATED& activated) { return activated.activate_ntf.protocol == NFA_PROTOCOL_NFC_DEP; } /******************************************************************************* ** ** Function: isListenMode ** ** Description: Indicates whether the activation data indicates it is ** listen mode. ** ** Returns: True if this listen mode. ** *******************************************************************************/ static bool isListenMode(tNFA_ACTIVATED& activated) { return ((NFC_DISCOVERY_TYPE_LISTEN_A == activated.activate_ntf.rf_tech_param.mode) || (NFC_DISCOVERY_TYPE_LISTEN_B == activated.activate_ntf.rf_tech_param.mode) || (NFC_DISCOVERY_TYPE_LISTEN_F == activated.activate_ntf.rf_tech_param.mode) || (NFC_DISCOVERY_TYPE_LISTEN_A_ACTIVE == activated.activate_ntf.rf_tech_param.mode) || (NFC_DISCOVERY_TYPE_LISTEN_F_ACTIVE == activated.activate_ntf.rf_tech_param.mode) || (NFC_DISCOVERY_TYPE_LISTEN_ISO15693 == activated.activate_ntf.rf_tech_param.mode) || (NFC_DISCOVERY_TYPE_LISTEN_B_PRIME == activated.activate_ntf.rf_tech_param.mode)); } /******************************************************************************* ** ** Function: nfcManager_doCheckLlcp ** ** Description: Not used. ** ** Returns: True ** *******************************************************************************/ static jboolean nfcManager_doCheckLlcp(JNIEnv*, jobject) { ALOGD("%s", __FUNCTION__); return JNI_TRUE; } /******************************************************************************* ** ** Function: nfcManager_doActivateLlcp ** ** Description: Not used. ** ** Returns: True ** *******************************************************************************/ static jboolean nfcManager_doActivateLlcp(JNIEnv*, jobject) { ALOGD("%s", __FUNCTION__); return JNI_TRUE; } /******************************************************************************* ** ** Function: nfcManager_doAbort ** ** Description: Not used. ** ** Returns: None ** *******************************************************************************/ static void nfcManager_doAbort(JNIEnv*, jobject) { ALOGE("%s: abort()", __FUNCTION__); abort(); } /******************************************************************************* ** ** Function: nfcManager_doDownload ** ** Description: Not used. ** ** Returns: True ** *******************************************************************************/ static jboolean nfcManager_doDownload(JNIEnv*, jobject) { ALOGD("%s", __FUNCTION__); return JNI_TRUE; } /******************************************************************************* ** ** Function: nfcManager_doResetTimeouts ** ** Description: Not used. ** ** Returns: None ** *******************************************************************************/ static void nfcManager_doResetTimeouts(JNIEnv*, jobject) { ALOGD ("%s: %d millisec", __FUNCTION__, DEFAULT_GENERAL_TRANS_TIMEOUT); gGeneralTransceiveTimeout = DEFAULT_GENERAL_TRANS_TIMEOUT; } /******************************************************************************* ** ** Function: nfcManager_doSetTimeout ** ** Description: Set timeout value. ** e: JVM environment. ** o: Java object. ** timeout: Timeout value. ** ** Returns: True if ok. ** *******************************************************************************/ static bool nfcManager_doSetTimeout(JNIEnv*, jobject, jint /*tech*/, jint timeout) { if (timeout <= 0) { ALOGE("%s: Timeout must be positive.",__FUNCTION__); return false; } ALOGD ("%s: timeout=%d", __FUNCTION__, timeout); gGeneralTransceiveTimeout = timeout; return true; } /******************************************************************************* ** ** Function: nfcManager_doGetTimeout ** ** Description: Get timeout value. ** e: JVM environment. ** o: Java object. ** tech: Not used. ** ** Returns: Timeout value. ** *******************************************************************************/ static jint nfcManager_doGetTimeout(JNIEnv*, jobject, jint /*tech*/) { ALOGD ("%s: timeout=%d", __FUNCTION__, gGeneralTransceiveTimeout); return gGeneralTransceiveTimeout; } /******************************************************************************* ** ** Function: nfcManager_doDump ** ** Description: Not used. ** e: JVM environment. ** o: Java object. ** ** Returns: Text dump. ** *******************************************************************************/ static jstring nfcManager_doDump(JNIEnv* e, jobject) { char buffer[100]; snprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "libnfc llc error_count=%u", /*libnfc_llc_error_count*/ 0); return e->NewStringUTF(buffer); } /******************************************************************************* ** ** Function: nfcManager_doSetP2pInitiatorModes ** ** Description: Set P2P initiator's activation modes. ** e: JVM environment. ** o: Java object. ** modes: Active and/or passive modes. The values are specified ** in external/libnfc-nxp/inc/phNfcTypes.h. See ** enum phNfc_eP2PMode_t. ** ** Returns: None. ** *******************************************************************************/ static void nfcManager_doSetP2pInitiatorModes (JNIEnv *e, jobject o, jint modes) { ALOGD ("%s: modes=0x%X", __FUNCTION__, modes); struct nfc_jni_native_data *nat = getNative(e, o); tNFA_TECHNOLOGY_MASK mask = 0; if (modes & 0x01) mask |= NFA_TECHNOLOGY_MASK_A; if (modes & 0x02) mask |= NFA_TECHNOLOGY_MASK_F; if (modes & 0x04) mask |= NFA_TECHNOLOGY_MASK_F; if (modes & 0x08) mask |= NFA_TECHNOLOGY_MASK_A_ACTIVE; if (modes & 0x10) mask |= NFA_TECHNOLOGY_MASK_F_ACTIVE; if (modes & 0x20) mask |= NFA_TECHNOLOGY_MASK_F_ACTIVE; nat->tech_mask = mask; //this function is not called by the NFC service nor exposed by public API. } /******************************************************************************* ** ** Function: nfcManager_doSetP2pTargetModes ** ** Description: Set P2P target's activation modes. ** e: JVM environment. ** o: Java object. ** modes: Active and/or passive modes. ** ** Returns: None. ** *******************************************************************************/ static void nfcManager_doSetP2pTargetModes (JNIEnv*, jobject, jint modes) { ALOGD ("%s: modes=0x%X", __FUNCTION__, modes); // Map in the right modes tNFA_TECHNOLOGY_MASK mask = 0; if (modes & 0x01) mask |= NFA_TECHNOLOGY_MASK_A; if (modes & 0x02) mask |= NFA_TECHNOLOGY_MASK_F; if (modes & 0x04) mask |= NFA_TECHNOLOGY_MASK_F; if (modes & 0x08) mask |= NFA_TECHNOLOGY_MASK_A_ACTIVE | NFA_TECHNOLOGY_MASK_F_ACTIVE; PeerToPeer::getInstance().setP2pListenMask(mask); //this function is not called by the NFC service nor exposed by public API. } /***************************************************************************** ** ** JNI functions for android-4.0.1_r1 ** *****************************************************************************/ static JNINativeMethod gMethods[] = { {"doDownload", "()Z", (void *)nfcManager_doDownload}, {"initializeNativeStructure", "()Z", (void*) nfcManager_initNativeStruc}, {"doInitialize", "()Z", (void*) nfcManager_doInitialize}, {"doDeinitialize", "()Z", (void*) nfcManager_doDeinitialize}, {"enableDiscovery", "()V", (void*) nfcManager_enableDiscovery}, {"doGetSecureElementList", "()[I", (void *)nfcManager_doGetSecureElementList}, {"doSelectSecureElement", "()V", (void *)nfcManager_doSelectSecureElement}, {"doDeselectSecureElement", "()V", (void *)nfcManager_doDeselectSecureElement}, {"doCheckLlcp", "()Z", (void *)nfcManager_doCheckLlcp}, {"doActivateLlcp", "()Z", (void *)nfcManager_doActivateLlcp}, {"doCreateLlcpConnectionlessSocket", "(ILjava/lang/String;)Lcom/android/nfc/dhimpl/NativeLlcpConnectionlessSocket;", (void *)nfcManager_doCreateLlcpConnectionlessSocket}, {"doCreateLlcpServiceSocket", "(ILjava/lang/String;III)Lcom/android/nfc/dhimpl/NativeLlcpServiceSocket;", (void*) nfcManager_doCreateLlcpServiceSocket}, {"doCreateLlcpSocket", "(IIII)Lcom/android/nfc/dhimpl/NativeLlcpSocket;", (void*) nfcManager_doCreateLlcpSocket}, {"doGetLastError", "()I", (void*) nfcManager_doGetLastError}, {"disableDiscovery", "()V", (void*) nfcManager_disableDiscovery}, {"doSetTimeout", "(II)Z", (void *)nfcManager_doSetTimeout}, {"doGetTimeout", "(I)I", (void *)nfcManager_doGetTimeout}, {"doResetTimeouts", "()V", (void *)nfcManager_doResetTimeouts}, {"doAbort", "()V", (void *)nfcManager_doAbort}, {"doSetP2pInitiatorModes", "(I)V", (void *)nfcManager_doSetP2pInitiatorModes}, {"doSetP2pTargetModes", "(I)V", (void *)nfcManager_doSetP2pTargetModes}, {"doDump", "()Ljava/lang/String;", (void *)nfcManager_doDump}, }; /******************************************************************************* ** ** Function: register_com_android_nfc_NativeNfcManager ** ** Description: Regisgter JNI functions with Java Virtual Machine. ** e: Environment of JVM. ** ** Returns: Status of registration. ** *******************************************************************************/ int register_com_android_nfc_NativeNfcManager (JNIEnv *e) { ALOGD ("%s: enter", __FUNCTION__); PowerSwitch::getInstance ().initialize (PowerSwitch::UNKNOWN_LEVEL); ALOGD ("%s: exit", __FUNCTION__); return jniRegisterNativeMethods (e, gNativeNfcManagerClassName, gMethods, NELEM (gMethods)); } /******************************************************************************* ** ** Function: startRfDiscovery ** ** Description: Ask stack to start polling and listening for devices. ** isStart: Whether to start. ** ** Returns: None ** *******************************************************************************/ void startRfDiscovery(bool isStart) { tNFA_STATUS status = NFA_STATUS_FAILED; ALOGD ("%s: is start=%d", __FUNCTION__, isStart); SyncEventGuard guard (sNfaEnableDisablePollingEvent); status = isStart ? NFA_StartRfDiscovery () : NFA_StopRfDiscovery (); if (status == NFA_STATUS_OK) { sNfaEnableDisablePollingEvent.wait (); //wait for NFA_RF_DISCOVERY_xxxx_EVT sRfEnabled = isStart; } else { ALOGE ("%s: Failed to start/stop RF discovery; error=0x%X", __FUNCTION__, status); } } /******************************************************************************* ** ** Function: doStartupConfig ** ** Description: Configure the NFC controller. ** ** Returns: None ** *******************************************************************************/ void doStartupConfig() { unsigned long num = 0; struct nfc_jni_native_data *nat = getNative(0, 0); tNFA_STATUS stat = NFA_STATUS_FAILED; // If polling for Active mode, set the ordering so that we choose Active over Passive mode first. if (nat && (nat->tech_mask & (NFA_TECHNOLOGY_MASK_A_ACTIVE | NFA_TECHNOLOGY_MASK_F_ACTIVE))) { UINT8 act_mode_order_param[] = { 0x01 }; SyncEventGuard guard (sNfaSetConfigEvent); stat = NFA_SetConfig(NCI_PARAM_ID_ACT_ORDER, sizeof(act_mode_order_param), &act_mode_order_param[0]); if (stat == NFA_STATUS_OK) sNfaSetConfigEvent.wait (); } } /******************************************************************************* ** ** Function: nfcManager_isNfcActive ** ** Description: Used externaly to determine if NFC is active or not. ** ** Returns: 'true' if the NFC stack is running, else 'false'. ** *******************************************************************************/ bool nfcManager_isNfcActive() { return sIsNfaEnabled; } /******************************************************************************* ** ** Function: startStopPolling ** ** Description: Start or stop polling. ** isStartPolling: true to start polling; false to stop polling. ** ** Returns: None. ** *******************************************************************************/ void startStopPolling (bool isStartPolling) { ALOGD ("%s: enter; isStart=%u", __FUNCTION__, isStartPolling); tNFA_STATUS stat = NFA_STATUS_FAILED; startRfDiscovery (false); if (isStartPolling) { tNFA_TECHNOLOGY_MASK tech_mask = DEFAULT_TECH_MASK; unsigned long num = 0; if (GetNumValue(NAME_POLLING_TECH_MASK, &num, sizeof(num))) tech_mask = num; SyncEventGuard guard (sNfaEnableDisablePollingEvent); ALOGD ("%s: enable polling", __FUNCTION__); stat = NFA_EnablePolling (tech_mask); if (stat == NFA_STATUS_OK) { ALOGD ("%s: wait for enable event", __FUNCTION__); sNfaEnableDisablePollingEvent.wait (); //wait for NFA_POLL_ENABLED_EVT } else ALOGE ("%s: fail enable polling; error=0x%X", __FUNCTION__, stat); } else { SyncEventGuard guard (sNfaEnableDisablePollingEvent); ALOGD ("%s: disable polling", __FUNCTION__); stat = NFA_DisablePolling (); if (stat == NFA_STATUS_OK) { sNfaEnableDisablePollingEvent.wait (); //wait for NFA_POLL_DISABLED_EVT } else ALOGE ("%s: fail disable polling; error=0x%X", __FUNCTION__, stat); } startRfDiscovery (true); ALOGD ("%s: exit", __FUNCTION__); } } /* namespace android */