/* * Copyright (C) 2013 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #ifndef LATINIME_PROXIMITY_INFO_UTILS_H #define LATINIME_PROXIMITY_INFO_UTILS_H #include <cmath> #include "additional_proximity_chars.h" #include "char_utils.h" #include "defines.h" #include "geometry_utils.h" #include "hash_map_compat.h" namespace latinime { class ProximityInfoUtils { public: static AK_FORCE_INLINE int getKeyIndexOf(const int keyCount, const int c, const hash_map_compat<int, int> *const codeToKeyMap) { if (keyCount == 0) { // We do not have the coordinate data return NOT_AN_INDEX; } if (c == NOT_A_CODE_POINT) { return NOT_AN_INDEX; } const int lowerCode = toLowerCase(c); hash_map_compat<int, int>::const_iterator mapPos = codeToKeyMap->find(lowerCode); if (mapPos != codeToKeyMap->end()) { return mapPos->second; } return NOT_AN_INDEX; } static AK_FORCE_INLINE void initializeProximities(const int *const inputCodes, const int *const inputXCoordinates, const int *const inputYCoordinates, const int inputSize, const int *const keyXCoordinates, const int *const keyYCoordinates, const int *const keyWidths, const int *keyHeights, const int *const proximityCharsArray, const int cellHeight, const int cellWidth, const int gridWidth, const int mostCommonKeyWidth, const int keyCount, const char *const localeStr, const hash_map_compat<int, int> *const codeToKeyMap, int *inputProximities) { // Initialize // - mInputCodes // - mNormalizedSquaredDistances // TODO: Merge for (int i = 0; i < inputSize; ++i) { const int primaryKey = inputCodes[i]; const int x = inputXCoordinates[i]; const int y = inputYCoordinates[i]; int *proximities = &inputProximities[i * MAX_PROXIMITY_CHARS_SIZE]; calculateProximities(keyXCoordinates, keyYCoordinates, keyWidths, keyHeights, proximityCharsArray, cellHeight, cellWidth, gridWidth, mostCommonKeyWidth, keyCount, x, y, primaryKey, localeStr, codeToKeyMap, proximities); } if (DEBUG_PROXIMITY_CHARS) { for (int i = 0; i < inputSize; ++i) { AKLOGI("---"); for (int j = 0; j < MAX_PROXIMITY_CHARS_SIZE; ++j) { int proximityChar = inputProximities[i * MAX_PROXIMITY_CHARS_SIZE + j]; proximityChar += 0; AKLOGI("--- (%d)%c", i, proximityChar); } } } } static AK_FORCE_INLINE int getStartIndexFromCoordinates(const int x, const int y, const int cellHeight, const int cellWidth, const int gridWidth) { return ((y / cellHeight) * gridWidth + (x / cellWidth)) * MAX_PROXIMITY_CHARS_SIZE; } static inline float getSquaredDistanceFloat(const float x1, const float y1, const float x2, const float y2) { return SQUARE_FLOAT(x1 - x2) + SQUARE_FLOAT(y1 - y2); } static inline float pointToLineSegSquaredDistanceFloat(const float x, const float y, const float x1, const float y1, const float x2, const float y2, const bool extend) { const float ray1x = x - x1; const float ray1y = y - y1; const float ray2x = x2 - x1; const float ray2y = y2 - y1; const float dotProduct = ray1x * ray2x + ray1y * ray2y; const float lineLengthSqr = SQUARE_FLOAT(ray2x) + SQUARE_FLOAT(ray2y); const float projectionLengthSqr = dotProduct / lineLengthSqr; float projectionX; float projectionY; if (!extend && projectionLengthSqr < 0.0f) { projectionX = x1; projectionY = y1; } else if (!extend && projectionLengthSqr > 1.0f) { projectionX = x2; projectionY = y2; } else { projectionX = x1 + projectionLengthSqr * ray2x; projectionY = y1 + projectionLengthSqr * ray2y; } return getSquaredDistanceFloat(x, y, projectionX, projectionY); } // Normal distribution N(u, sigma^2). struct NormalDistribution { public: NormalDistribution(const float u, const float sigma) : mU(u), mSigma(sigma), mPreComputedNonExpPart(1.0f / sqrtf(2.0f * M_PI_F * SQUARE_FLOAT(sigma))), mPreComputedExponentPart(-1.0f / (2.0f * SQUARE_FLOAT(sigma))) {} float getProbabilityDensity(const float x) const { const float shiftedX = x - mU; return mPreComputedNonExpPart * expf(mPreComputedExponentPart * SQUARE_FLOAT(shiftedX)); } private: DISALLOW_IMPLICIT_CONSTRUCTORS(NormalDistribution); const float mU; // mean value const float mSigma; // standard deviation const float mPreComputedNonExpPart; // = 1 / sqrt(2 * PI * sigma^2) const float mPreComputedExponentPart; // = -1 / (2 * sigma^2) }; // struct NormalDistribution private: DISALLOW_IMPLICIT_CONSTRUCTORS(ProximityInfoUtils); static bool isOnKey(const int *const keyXCoordinates, const int *const keyYCoordinates, const int *const keyWidths, const int *keyHeights, const int keyId, const int x, const int y) { if (keyId < 0) return true; // NOT_A_ID is -1, but return whenever < 0 just in case const int left = keyXCoordinates[keyId]; const int top = keyYCoordinates[keyId]; const int right = left + keyWidths[keyId] + 1; const int bottom = top + keyHeights[keyId]; return left < right && top < bottom && x >= left && x < right && y >= top && y < bottom; } static AK_FORCE_INLINE void calculateProximities(const int *const keyXCoordinates, const int *const keyYCoordinates, const int *const keyWidths, const int *keyHeights, const int *const proximityCharsArray, const int cellHeight, const int cellWidth, const int gridWidth, const int mostCommonKeyWidth, const int keyCount, const int x, const int y, const int primaryKey, const char *const localeStr, const hash_map_compat<int, int> *const codeToKeyMap, int *proximities) { const int mostCommonKeyWidthSquare = mostCommonKeyWidth * mostCommonKeyWidth; int insertPos = 0; proximities[insertPos++] = primaryKey; const int startIndex = getStartIndexFromCoordinates(x, y, cellHeight, cellWidth, gridWidth); if (startIndex >= 0) { for (int i = 0; i < MAX_PROXIMITY_CHARS_SIZE; ++i) { const int c = proximityCharsArray[startIndex + i]; if (c < KEYCODE_SPACE || c == primaryKey) { continue; } const int keyIndex = getKeyIndexOf(keyCount, c, codeToKeyMap); const bool onKey = isOnKey(keyXCoordinates, keyYCoordinates, keyWidths, keyHeights, keyIndex, x, y); const int distance = squaredLengthToEdge(keyXCoordinates, keyYCoordinates, keyWidths, keyHeights, keyIndex, x, y); if (onKey || distance < mostCommonKeyWidthSquare) { proximities[insertPos++] = c; if (insertPos >= MAX_PROXIMITY_CHARS_SIZE) { if (DEBUG_DICT) { ASSERT(false); } return; } } } const int additionalProximitySize = AdditionalProximityChars::getAdditionalCharsSize(localeStr, primaryKey); if (additionalProximitySize > 0) { proximities[insertPos++] = ADDITIONAL_PROXIMITY_CHAR_DELIMITER_CODE; if (insertPos >= MAX_PROXIMITY_CHARS_SIZE) { if (DEBUG_DICT) { ASSERT(false); } return; } const int *additionalProximityChars = AdditionalProximityChars::getAdditionalChars(localeStr, primaryKey); for (int j = 0; j < additionalProximitySize; ++j) { const int ac = additionalProximityChars[j]; int k = 0; for (; k < insertPos; ++k) { if (ac == proximities[k]) { break; } } if (k < insertPos) { continue; } proximities[insertPos++] = ac; if (insertPos >= MAX_PROXIMITY_CHARS_SIZE) { if (DEBUG_DICT) { ASSERT(false); } return; } } } } // Add a delimiter for the proximity characters for (int i = insertPos; i < MAX_PROXIMITY_CHARS_SIZE; ++i) { proximities[i] = NOT_A_CODE_POINT; } } static int squaredLengthToEdge(const int *const keyXCoordinates, const int *const keyYCoordinates, const int *const keyWidths, const int *keyHeights, const int keyId, const int x, const int y) { // NOT_A_ID is -1, but return whenever < 0 just in case if (keyId < 0) return MAX_VALUE_FOR_WEIGHTING; const int left = keyXCoordinates[keyId]; const int top = keyYCoordinates[keyId]; const int right = left + keyWidths[keyId]; const int bottom = top + keyHeights[keyId]; const int edgeX = x < left ? left : (x > right ? right : x); const int edgeY = y < top ? top : (y > bottom ? bottom : y); const int dx = x - edgeX; const int dy = y - edgeY; return dx * dx + dy * dy; } }; } // namespace latinime #endif // LATINIME_PROXIMITY_INFO_UTILS_H