
HOST_OS=`uname -s | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]'`
if [ "$HOST_OS" != "linux" ] ; then
  echo "ERROR: The gcc this script points to can only run on linux"
  exit 1

PROGNAME=`basename $0`

#PREFIX32=../../gcc/linux-x86/host/i686-linux-glibc2.7-4.4.3/bin/i686-linux  # previous version

options=" ${@} "   # sentinel prefix/suffix space to simplify pattern match below

suffix_m32=${options##* -m32 }    # suffix after the last -m32
suffix_m64=${options##* -m64 }    # suffix after the last -m64

len_m32=${#suffix_m32}            # length of suffix after the last -m32
len_m64=${#suffix_m64}            # length of suffix after the last -m64

if [ $len_m32 -ge $len_m64 ] ; then
  # Choose 64-bit if -m64 only, -m64 appears after -m32, or neither exist (-eq)
  MY_TOOL=`dirname $0`/${PREFIX64}-${PROGNAME}
  # Make sure host is running 64-bit OS.
  # Note that "uname -m" only show host CPU is capable of.  Use the following technique
  # from ndk/build/core/ndk-common.sh instead
  file -L "$SHELL" | grep -q "x86[_-]64"
  if [ $? != 0 ]; then
    # $SHELL is not a 64-bit executable, so assume our userland is too.
    echo "ERROR: $MY_TOOL only run on 64-bit linux"
    exit 1
  # Otherwise, choose 32-bit
  MY_TOOL=`dirname $0`/${PREFIX32}-${PROGNAME}

$MY_TOOL "$@"