// Copyright (c) 2011 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#pragma once
#include "base/memory/singleton.h"
namespace chromeos {
// This interface defines the interaction with the ChromeOS login library APIs.
class SpeechSynthesisLibrary {
typedef void(*InitStatusCallback)(bool success);
virtual ~SpeechSynthesisLibrary() {}
// Speaks the specified text.
virtual bool Speak(const char* text) = 0;
// Sets options for the subsequent speech synthesis requests.
// Use the constants below.
virtual bool SetSpeakProperties(const char* props) = 0;
// Stops speaking the current utterance.
virtual bool StopSpeaking() = 0;
// Checks if the engine is currently speaking.
virtual bool IsSpeaking() = 0;
// Starts the speech synthesis service and indicates through a callback if
// it started successfully.
virtual void InitTts(InitStatusCallback) = 0;
// Factory function, creates a new instance and returns ownership.
// For normal usage, access the singleton via CrosLibrary::Get().
static SpeechSynthesisLibrary* GetImpl(bool stub);
// Constants to be used with SetSpeakProperties.
static const char kSpeechPropertyLocale[];
static const char kSpeechPropertyGender[];
static const char kSpeechPropertyRate[];
static const char kSpeechPropertyPitch[];
static const char kSpeechPropertyVolume[];
static const char kSpeechPropertyEquals[];
static const char kSpeechPropertyDelimiter[];
} // namespace chromeos