// Copyright (c) 2011 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "chrome/browser/chromeos/login/oobe_progress_bar.h"
#include "base/logging.h"
#include "base/utf_string_conversions.h"
#include "grit/theme_resources.h"
#include "third_party/skia/include/core/SkBitmap.h"
#include "ui/base/l10n/l10n_util.h"
#include "ui/base/resource/resource_bundle.h"
#include "ui/gfx/canvas_skia.h"
namespace chromeos {
// static
SkBitmap* OobeProgressBar::dot_current_ = NULL;
SkBitmap* OobeProgressBar::dot_empty_ = NULL;
SkBitmap* OobeProgressBar::dot_filled_ = NULL;
SkBitmap* OobeProgressBar::line_ = NULL;
SkBitmap* OobeProgressBar::line_left_ = NULL;
SkBitmap* OobeProgressBar::line_right_ = NULL;
static const SkColor kCurrentTextColor = SkColorSetRGB(255, 255, 255);
static const SkColor kEmptyTextColor = SkColorSetRGB(112, 115, 118);
static const SkColor kFilledTextColor = SkColorSetRGB(112, 115, 118);
static const int kTextPadding = 5;
OobeProgressBar::OobeProgressBar(const std::vector<int>& steps)
: steps_(steps), progress_(0) {
ResourceBundle& rb = ResourceBundle::GetSharedInstance();
font_ = rb.GetFont(ResourceBundle::BaseFont);
// static
void OobeProgressBar::InitClass() {
static bool initialized = false;
if (!initialized) {
ResourceBundle& rb = ResourceBundle::GetSharedInstance();
// Load images.
dot_current_ = rb.GetBitmapNamed(IDR_OOBE_PROGRESS_DOT_CURRENT);
dot_empty_ = rb.GetBitmapNamed(IDR_OOBE_PROGRESS_DOT_EMPTY);
dot_filled_ = rb.GetBitmapNamed(IDR_OOBE_PROGRESS_DOT_FILLED);
line_ = rb.GetBitmapNamed(IDR_OOBE_PROGRESS_LINE);
line_left_ = rb.GetBitmapNamed(IDR_OOBE_PROGRESS_LINE_LEFT);
line_right_ = rb.GetBitmapNamed(IDR_OOBE_PROGRESS_LINE_RIGHT);
initialized = true;
void OobeProgressBar::OnPaint(gfx::Canvas* canvas) {
gfx::Rect bounds = GetContentsBounds();
int x = bounds.x();
int y = bounds.y();
double step_width = static_cast<double>(bounds.width()) / steps_.size();
for (size_t i = 0; i < steps_.size(); ++i) {
SkBitmap* dot;
SkColor color;
SkBitmap* line_before = line_;
SkBitmap* line_after = line_;
if (i < progress_) {
dot = dot_filled_;
color = kFilledTextColor;
} else if (i == progress_) {
dot = dot_current_;
color = kCurrentTextColor;
line_before = line_left_;
line_after = line_right_;
} else {
dot = dot_empty_;
color = kEmptyTextColor;
// x coordinate for next step.
int next_x = static_cast<int>((i + 1) * step_width);
// Offset of line origin from dot origin.
int line_offset_y = (dot->height() - line_->height()) / 2;
// Current x for painting.
int ix = x;
int line_width = ((next_x - x) -
(line_before->width() + dot->width() + line_after->width())) / 2;
if (i > 0) {
canvas->TileImageInt(*line_, ix, y + line_offset_y,
line_width, line_->height());
ix += line_width;
if (i > 0) {
canvas->DrawBitmapInt(*line_before, ix, y + line_offset_y);
ix += line_before->width();
canvas->DrawBitmapInt(*dot, ix, y);
ix += dot->width();
if (i != steps_.size() - 1)
canvas->DrawBitmapInt(*line_after, ix, y + line_offset_y);
ix += line_after->width();
if (i != steps_.size() - 1) {
canvas->TileImageInt(*line_, ix, y + line_offset_y,
next_x - ix, line_->height());
string16 str = l10n_util::GetStringUTF16(steps_[i]);
canvas->DrawStringInt(str, font_, color,
x + kTextPadding, y + dot->height() + kTextPadding,
(next_x - x - 2 * kTextPadding),
(bounds.height() - dot->height() - 2 * kTextPadding),
gfx::Canvas::MULTI_LINE | gfx::Canvas::TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER |
x = next_x;
void OobeProgressBar::OnLocaleChanged() {
font_ = ResourceBundle::GetSharedInstance().GetFont(ResourceBundle::BaseFont);
void OobeProgressBar::SetStep(int step) {
for (size_t i = 0; i < steps_.size(); ++i) {
if (steps_[i] == step) {
progress_ = i;
} // namespace chromeos