// Copyright (c) 2011 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#pragma once
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "base/basictypes.h"
#include "base/hash_tables.h"
#include "base/memory/ref_counted.h"
#include "base/synchronization/lock.h"
#include "chrome/browser/chromeos/login/user_image_loader.h"
#include "content/common/notification_observer.h"
#include "content/common/notification_registrar.h"
#include "third_party/skia/include/core/SkBitmap.h"
class FilePath;
class PrefService;
namespace base {
template<typename> struct DefaultLazyInstanceTraits;
namespace chromeos {
class RemoveUserDelegate;
// This class provides a mechanism for discovering users who have logged
// into this chromium os device before and updating that list.
class UserManager : public UserImageLoader::Delegate,
public NotificationObserver {
// A class representing information about a previously logged in user.
class User {
// The email the user used to log in.
void set_email(const std::string& email) { email_ = email; }
const std::string& email() const { return email_; }
// Returns the name to display for this user.
std::string GetDisplayName() const;
// Tooltip contains user's display name and his email domain to distinguish
// this user from the other one with the same display name.
std::string GetNameTooltip() const;
// The image for this user.
void set_image(const SkBitmap& image) { image_ = image; }
const SkBitmap& image() const { return image_; }
std::string email_;
SkBitmap image_;
// Gets a shared instance of a UserManager. Not thread-safe...should
// only be called from the main UI thread.
static UserManager* Get();
// Registers user manager preferences.
static void RegisterPrefs(PrefService* local_state);
// Returns a list of the users who have logged into this device previously.
// It is sorted in order of recency, with most recent at the beginning.
virtual std::vector<User> GetUsers() const;
// Indicates that user just started incognito session.
virtual void OffTheRecordUserLoggedIn();
// Indicates that a user with the given email has just logged in.
// The persistent list will be updated accordingly.
virtual void UserLoggedIn(const std::string& email);
// Removes the user from the device. Note, it will verify that the given user
// isn't the owner, so calling this method for the owner will take no effect.
// Note, |delegate| can be NULL.
virtual void RemoveUser(const std::string& email,
RemoveUserDelegate* delegate);
// Removes the user from the persistent list only. Also removes the user's
// picture.
virtual void RemoveUserFromList(const std::string& email);
// Returns true if given user has logged into the device before.
virtual bool IsKnownUser(const std::string& email);
// Returns the logged-in user.
virtual const User& logged_in_user() const;
// Sets image for logged-in user and sends LOGIN_USER_IMAGE_CHANGED
// notification about the image changed via NotificationService.
void SetLoggedInUserImage(const SkBitmap& image);
// Tries to load logged-in user image from disk and sets it for the user.
void LoadLoggedInUserImage(const FilePath& path);
// Saves image to file and saves image path in local state preferences.
void SaveUserImage(const std::string& username,
const SkBitmap& image);
// Saves user image path for the user. Can be used to set default images.
void SaveUserImagePath(const std::string& username,
const std::string& image_path);
// Returns the index of user's default image or -1 if the image is not
// default.
int GetUserDefaultImageIndex(const std::string& username);
// chromeos::UserImageLoader::Delegate implementation.
virtual void OnImageLoaded(const std::string& username,
const SkBitmap& image,
bool save_image);
// NotificationObserver implementation.
virtual void Observe(NotificationType type,
const NotificationSource& source,
const NotificationDetails& details);
// Accessor for current_user_is_owner_
virtual bool current_user_is_owner() const;
virtual void set_current_user_is_owner(bool current_user_is_owner);
// Accessor for current_user_is_new_.
bool current_user_is_new() const {
return current_user_is_new_;
bool user_is_logged_in() const { return user_is_logged_in_; }
// Returns true if we're logged in as a Guest.
bool IsLoggedInAsGuest() const;
virtual ~UserManager();
// Returns image filepath for the given user.
FilePath GetImagePathForUser(const std::string& username);
// Notifies on new user session.
void NotifyOnLogin();
// Sets one of the default images to the specified user and saves this
// setting in local state.
void SetDefaultUserImage(const std::string& username);
// Loads user image from its file.
scoped_refptr<UserImageLoader> image_loader_;
// Cache for user images. Stores image for each username.
typedef base::hash_map<std::string, SkBitmap> UserImages;
mutable UserImages user_images_;
// The logged-in user.
User logged_in_user_;
// Cached flag of whether currently logged-in user is owner or not.
// May be accessed on different threads, requires locking.
bool current_user_is_owner_;
mutable base::Lock current_user_is_owner_lock_;
// Cached flag of whether the currently logged-in user existed before this
// login.
bool current_user_is_new_;
// Cached flag of whether any user is logged in at the moment.
bool user_is_logged_in_;
NotificationRegistrar registrar_;
friend struct base::DefaultLazyInstanceTraits<UserManager>;
typedef std::vector<UserManager::User> UserVector;
} // namespace chromeos