// Copyright (c) 2011 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#pragma once
class BaseTab;
namespace gfx {
class Point;
namespace views {
class MouseEvent;
// Controller for tabs.
class TabController {
// Selects the tab.
virtual void SelectTab(BaseTab* tab) = 0;
// Extends the selection from the anchor to |tab|.
virtual void ExtendSelectionTo(BaseTab* tab) = 0;
// Toggles whether |tab| is selected.
virtual void ToggleSelected(BaseTab* tab) = 0;
// Adds the selection the anchor to |tab|.
virtual void AddSelectionFromAnchorTo(BaseTab* tab) = 0;
// Closes the tab.
virtual void CloseTab(BaseTab* tab) = 0;
// Shows a context menu for the tab at the specified point in screen coords.
virtual void ShowContextMenuForTab(BaseTab* tab, const gfx::Point& p) = 0;
// Returns true if |tab| is the active tab. The active tab is the one whose
// content is shown in the browser.
virtual bool IsActiveTab(const BaseTab* tab) const = 0;
// Returns true if the specified Tab is selected.
virtual bool IsTabSelected(const BaseTab* tab) const = 0;
// Returns true if the specified Tab is pinned.
virtual bool IsTabPinned(const BaseTab* tab) const = 0;
// Returns true if the specified Tab is closeable.
virtual bool IsTabCloseable(const BaseTab* tab) const = 0;
// Potentially starts a drag for the specified Tab.
virtual void MaybeStartDrag(BaseTab* tab, const views::MouseEvent& event) = 0;
// Continues dragging a Tab.
virtual void ContinueDrag(const views::MouseEvent& event) = 0;
// Ends dragging a Tab. |canceled| is true if the drag was aborted in a way
// other than the user releasing the mouse. Returns whether the tab has been
// destroyed.
virtual bool EndDrag(bool canceled) = 0;
// Returns the tab that contains the specified coordinates, in terms of |tab|,
// or NULL if there is no tab that contains the specified point.
virtual BaseTab* GetTabAt(BaseTab* tab,
const gfx::Point& tab_in_tab_coordinates) = 0;
virtual ~TabController() {}