// Copyright (c) 2011 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#pragma once
#include "chrome/browser/cookies_tree_model.h"
class ListValue;
class Value;
class WebUI;
// CookiesTreeModelAdapter binds a CookiesTreeModel with a JS tree. It observes
// tree model changes and forwards them to JS tree. It also provides a
// a callback for JS tree to load children of a specific node.
class CookiesTreeModelAdapter : public CookiesTreeModel::Observer {
virtual ~CookiesTreeModelAdapter();
// Initializes with given WebUI.
void Init(WebUI* web_ui);
// Sets up the bindings between js tree and |model|.
// Note that this class does not take ownership of the model.
void Bind(const std::string& tree_id, CookiesTreeModel* model);
// CookiesTreeModel::Observer implementation.
virtual void TreeNodesAdded(ui::TreeModel* model,
ui::TreeModelNode* parent,
int start,
int count);
virtual void TreeNodesRemoved(ui::TreeModel* model,
ui::TreeModelNode* parent,
int start,
int count);
virtual void TreeNodeChanged(ui::TreeModel* model, ui::TreeModelNode* node) {}
virtual void TreeModelBeginBatch(CookiesTreeModel* model);
virtual void TreeModelEndBatch(CookiesTreeModel* model);
// JS callback that gets the tree node using the tree path info in |args| and
// call SendChildren to pass back children nodes data to WebUI.
void RequestChildren(const ListValue* args);
// Get children nodes data and pass it to 'CookiesTree.loadChildren' to
// update the WebUI.
void SendChildren(CookieTreeNode* parent);
// Helper function to get a Value* representing id of |node|.
// Caller needs to free the returned Value.
Value* GetTreeNodeId(CookieTreeNode* node);
// Hosting WebUI of the js tree.
WebUI* web_ui_;
// Id of JS tree that is managed by this handler.
std::string tree_id_;
// The Cookies Tree model. Note that we are not owning the model.
CookiesTreeModel* model_;
// Flag to indicate whether there is a batch update in progress.
bool batch_update_;