// Copyright (c) 2011 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#pragma once
#include "chrome/browser/plugin_data_remover_helper.h"
#include "chrome/browser/prefs/pref_change_registrar.h"
#include "chrome/browser/ui/webui/options/options_ui.h"
#include "chrome/common/content_settings_types.h"
#include "content/common/notification_observer.h"
#include "content/common/notification_registrar.h"
class HostContentSettingsMap;
class ContentSettingsHandler : public OptionsPageUIHandler {
virtual ~ContentSettingsHandler();
// OptionsPageUIHandler implementation.
virtual void GetLocalizedValues(DictionaryValue* localized_strings);
virtual void Initialize();
virtual void RegisterMessages();
// NotificationObserver implementation.
virtual void Observe(NotificationType type,
const NotificationSource& source,
const NotificationDetails& details);
// Gets a string identifier for the group name, for use in HTML.
static std::string ContentSettingsTypeToGroupName(ContentSettingsType type);
// Functions that call into the page -----------------------------------------
// Updates the page with the default settings (allow, ask, block, etc.)
void UpdateSettingDefaultFromModel(ContentSettingsType type);
// Clobbers and rebuilds the specific content setting type exceptions table.
void UpdateExceptionsViewFromModel(ContentSettingsType type);
// Clobbers and rebuilds the specific content setting type exceptions
// OTR table.
void UpdateOTRExceptionsViewFromModel(ContentSettingsType type);
// Clobbers and rebuilds all the exceptions tables in the page (both normal
// and OTR tables).
void UpdateAllExceptionsViewsFromModel();
// As above, but only OTR tables.
void UpdateAllOTRExceptionsViewsFromModel();
// Clobbers and rebuilds just the geolocation exception table.
void UpdateGeolocationExceptionsView();
// Clobbers and rebuilds just the desktop notification exception table.
void UpdateNotificationExceptionsView();
// Clobbers and rebuilds an exception table that's managed by the host content
// settings map.
void UpdateExceptionsViewFromHostContentSettingsMap(ContentSettingsType type);
// As above, but acts on the OTR table for the content setting type.
void UpdateExceptionsViewFromOTRHostContentSettingsMap(
ContentSettingsType type);
// Callbacks used by the page ------------------------------------------------
// Sets the default value for a specific content type. |args| includes the
// content type and a string describing the new default the user has
// chosen.
void SetContentFilter(const ListValue* args);
// Removes the given row from the table. The first entry in |args| is the
// content type, and the rest of the arguments depend on the content type
// to be removed.
void RemoveException(const ListValue* args);
// Changes the value of an exception. Called after the user is done editing an
// exception.
void SetException(const ListValue* args);
// Called to decide whether a given pattern is valid, or if it should be
// rejected. Called while the user is editing an exception pattern.
void CheckExceptionPatternValidity(const ListValue* args);
// Sets the global 3rd party cookies pref.
void SetAllowThirdPartyCookies(const ListValue* args);
// Utility functions ---------------------------------------------------------
// Gets the HostContentSettingsMap for the normal profile.
HostContentSettingsMap* GetContentSettingsMap();
// Gets the HostContentSettingsMap for the incognito profile, or NULL if there
// is no active incognito session.
HostContentSettingsMap* GetOTRContentSettingsMap();
// Gets the default setting in string form.
std::string GetSettingDefaultFromModel(ContentSettingsType type);
// Returns true if the default setting for the given content settings type
// |type| is managed.
bool GetDefaultSettingManagedFromModel(ContentSettingsType type);
// Member variables ---------------------------------------------------------
NotificationRegistrar notification_registrar_;
PrefChangeRegistrar pref_change_registrar_;