// This file is part of Eigen, a lightweight C++ template library
// for linear algebra.
// Copyright (C) 2008 Gael Guennebaud <gael.guennebaud@inria.fr>
// This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla
// Public License v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed
// with this file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
namespace Eigen {
// Here we have to handle 3 cases:
// 1 - sparse op dense
// 2 - dense op sparse
// 3 - sparse op sparse
// We also need to implement a 4th iterator for:
// 4 - dense op dense
// Finally, we also need to distinguish between the product and other operations :
// configuration returned mode
// 1 - sparse op dense product sparse
// generic dense
// 2 - dense op sparse product sparse
// generic dense
// 3 - sparse op sparse product sparse
// generic sparse
// 4 - dense op dense product dense
// generic dense
namespace internal {
template<> struct promote_storage_type<Dense,Sparse>
{ typedef Sparse ret; };
template<> struct promote_storage_type<Sparse,Dense>
{ typedef Sparse ret; };
template<typename BinaryOp, typename Lhs, typename Rhs, typename Derived,
typename _LhsStorageMode = typename traits<Lhs>::StorageKind,
typename _RhsStorageMode = typename traits<Rhs>::StorageKind>
class sparse_cwise_binary_op_inner_iterator_selector;
} // end namespace internal
template<typename BinaryOp, typename Lhs, typename Rhs>
class CwiseBinaryOpImpl<BinaryOp, Lhs, Rhs, Sparse>
: public SparseMatrixBase<CwiseBinaryOp<BinaryOp, Lhs, Rhs> >
class InnerIterator;
class ReverseInnerIterator;
typedef CwiseBinaryOp<BinaryOp, Lhs, Rhs> Derived;
typedef typename internal::traits<Lhs>::StorageKind LhsStorageKind;
typedef typename internal::traits<Rhs>::StorageKind RhsStorageKind;
|| ((Lhs::Flags&RowMajorBit) == (Rhs::Flags&RowMajorBit))),
template<typename BinaryOp, typename Lhs, typename Rhs>
class CwiseBinaryOpImpl<BinaryOp,Lhs,Rhs,Sparse>::InnerIterator
: public internal::sparse_cwise_binary_op_inner_iterator_selector<BinaryOp,Lhs,Rhs,typename CwiseBinaryOpImpl<BinaryOp,Lhs,Rhs,Sparse>::InnerIterator>
typedef typename Lhs::Index Index;
typedef internal::sparse_cwise_binary_op_inner_iterator_selector<
BinaryOp,Lhs,Rhs, InnerIterator> Base;
EIGEN_STRONG_INLINE InnerIterator(const CwiseBinaryOpImpl& binOp, typename CwiseBinaryOpImpl::Index outer)
: Base(binOp.derived(),outer)
* Implementation of inner-iterators
// template<typename T> struct internal::func_is_conjunction { enum { ret = false }; };
// template<typename T> struct internal::func_is_conjunction<internal::scalar_product_op<T> > { enum { ret = true }; };
// TODO generalize the internal::scalar_product_op specialization to all conjunctions if any !
namespace internal {
// sparse - sparse (generic)
template<typename BinaryOp, typename Lhs, typename Rhs, typename Derived>
class sparse_cwise_binary_op_inner_iterator_selector<BinaryOp, Lhs, Rhs, Derived, Sparse, Sparse>
typedef CwiseBinaryOp<BinaryOp, Lhs, Rhs> CwiseBinaryXpr;
typedef typename traits<CwiseBinaryXpr>::Scalar Scalar;
typedef typename traits<CwiseBinaryXpr>::_LhsNested _LhsNested;
typedef typename traits<CwiseBinaryXpr>::_RhsNested _RhsNested;
typedef typename _LhsNested::InnerIterator LhsIterator;
typedef typename _RhsNested::InnerIterator RhsIterator;
typedef typename Lhs::Index Index;
EIGEN_STRONG_INLINE sparse_cwise_binary_op_inner_iterator_selector(const CwiseBinaryXpr& xpr, Index outer)
: m_lhsIter(xpr.lhs(),outer), m_rhsIter(xpr.rhs(),outer), m_functor(xpr.functor())
EIGEN_STRONG_INLINE Derived& operator++()
if (m_lhsIter && m_rhsIter && (m_lhsIter.index() == m_rhsIter.index()))
m_id = m_lhsIter.index();
m_value = m_functor(m_lhsIter.value(), m_rhsIter.value());
else if (m_lhsIter && (!m_rhsIter || (m_lhsIter.index() < m_rhsIter.index())))
m_id = m_lhsIter.index();
m_value = m_functor(m_lhsIter.value(), Scalar(0));
else if (m_rhsIter && (!m_lhsIter || (m_lhsIter.index() > m_rhsIter.index())))
m_id = m_rhsIter.index();
m_value = m_functor(Scalar(0), m_rhsIter.value());
m_value = 0; // this is to avoid a compilation warning
m_id = -1;
return *static_cast<Derived*>(this);
EIGEN_STRONG_INLINE Scalar value() const { return m_value; }
EIGEN_STRONG_INLINE Index index() const { return m_id; }
EIGEN_STRONG_INLINE Index row() const { return Lhs::IsRowMajor ? m_lhsIter.row() : index(); }
EIGEN_STRONG_INLINE Index col() const { return Lhs::IsRowMajor ? index() : m_lhsIter.col(); }
EIGEN_STRONG_INLINE operator bool() const { return m_id>=0; }
LhsIterator m_lhsIter;
RhsIterator m_rhsIter;
const BinaryOp& m_functor;
Scalar m_value;
Index m_id;
// sparse - sparse (product)
template<typename T, typename Lhs, typename Rhs, typename Derived>
class sparse_cwise_binary_op_inner_iterator_selector<scalar_product_op<T>, Lhs, Rhs, Derived, Sparse, Sparse>
typedef scalar_product_op<T> BinaryFunc;
typedef CwiseBinaryOp<BinaryFunc, Lhs, Rhs> CwiseBinaryXpr;
typedef typename CwiseBinaryXpr::Scalar Scalar;
typedef typename traits<CwiseBinaryXpr>::_LhsNested _LhsNested;
typedef typename _LhsNested::InnerIterator LhsIterator;
typedef typename traits<CwiseBinaryXpr>::_RhsNested _RhsNested;
typedef typename _RhsNested::InnerIterator RhsIterator;
typedef typename Lhs::Index Index;
EIGEN_STRONG_INLINE sparse_cwise_binary_op_inner_iterator_selector(const CwiseBinaryXpr& xpr, Index outer)
: m_lhsIter(xpr.lhs(),outer), m_rhsIter(xpr.rhs(),outer), m_functor(xpr.functor())
while (m_lhsIter && m_rhsIter && (m_lhsIter.index() != m_rhsIter.index()))
if (m_lhsIter.index() < m_rhsIter.index())
EIGEN_STRONG_INLINE Derived& operator++()
while (m_lhsIter && m_rhsIter && (m_lhsIter.index() != m_rhsIter.index()))
if (m_lhsIter.index() < m_rhsIter.index())
return *static_cast<Derived*>(this);
EIGEN_STRONG_INLINE Scalar value() const { return m_functor(m_lhsIter.value(), m_rhsIter.value()); }
EIGEN_STRONG_INLINE Index index() const { return m_lhsIter.index(); }
EIGEN_STRONG_INLINE Index row() const { return m_lhsIter.row(); }
EIGEN_STRONG_INLINE Index col() const { return m_lhsIter.col(); }
EIGEN_STRONG_INLINE operator bool() const { return (m_lhsIter && m_rhsIter); }
LhsIterator m_lhsIter;
RhsIterator m_rhsIter;
const BinaryFunc& m_functor;
// sparse - dense (product)
template<typename T, typename Lhs, typename Rhs, typename Derived>
class sparse_cwise_binary_op_inner_iterator_selector<scalar_product_op<T>, Lhs, Rhs, Derived, Sparse, Dense>
typedef scalar_product_op<T> BinaryFunc;
typedef CwiseBinaryOp<BinaryFunc, Lhs, Rhs> CwiseBinaryXpr;
typedef typename CwiseBinaryXpr::Scalar Scalar;
typedef typename traits<CwiseBinaryXpr>::_LhsNested _LhsNested;
typedef typename traits<CwiseBinaryXpr>::RhsNested RhsNested;
typedef typename _LhsNested::InnerIterator LhsIterator;
typedef typename Lhs::Index Index;
enum { IsRowMajor = (int(Lhs::Flags)&RowMajorBit)==RowMajorBit };
EIGEN_STRONG_INLINE sparse_cwise_binary_op_inner_iterator_selector(const CwiseBinaryXpr& xpr, Index outer)
: m_rhs(xpr.rhs()), m_lhsIter(xpr.lhs(),outer), m_functor(xpr.functor()), m_outer(outer)
EIGEN_STRONG_INLINE Derived& operator++()
return *static_cast<Derived*>(this);
EIGEN_STRONG_INLINE Scalar value() const
{ return m_functor(m_lhsIter.value(),
m_rhs.coeff(IsRowMajor?m_outer:m_lhsIter.index(),IsRowMajor?m_lhsIter.index():m_outer)); }
EIGEN_STRONG_INLINE Index index() const { return m_lhsIter.index(); }
EIGEN_STRONG_INLINE Index row() const { return m_lhsIter.row(); }
EIGEN_STRONG_INLINE Index col() const { return m_lhsIter.col(); }
EIGEN_STRONG_INLINE operator bool() const { return m_lhsIter; }
RhsNested m_rhs;
LhsIterator m_lhsIter;
const BinaryFunc m_functor;
const Index m_outer;
// sparse - dense (product)
template<typename T, typename Lhs, typename Rhs, typename Derived>
class sparse_cwise_binary_op_inner_iterator_selector<scalar_product_op<T>, Lhs, Rhs, Derived, Dense, Sparse>
typedef scalar_product_op<T> BinaryFunc;
typedef CwiseBinaryOp<BinaryFunc, Lhs, Rhs> CwiseBinaryXpr;
typedef typename CwiseBinaryXpr::Scalar Scalar;
typedef typename traits<CwiseBinaryXpr>::_RhsNested _RhsNested;
typedef typename _RhsNested::InnerIterator RhsIterator;
typedef typename Lhs::Index Index;
enum { IsRowMajor = (int(Rhs::Flags)&RowMajorBit)==RowMajorBit };
EIGEN_STRONG_INLINE sparse_cwise_binary_op_inner_iterator_selector(const CwiseBinaryXpr& xpr, Index outer)
: m_xpr(xpr), m_rhsIter(xpr.rhs(),outer), m_functor(xpr.functor()), m_outer(outer)
EIGEN_STRONG_INLINE Derived& operator++()
return *static_cast<Derived*>(this);
EIGEN_STRONG_INLINE Scalar value() const
{ return m_functor(m_xpr.lhs().coeff(IsRowMajor?m_outer:m_rhsIter.index(),IsRowMajor?m_rhsIter.index():m_outer), m_rhsIter.value()); }
EIGEN_STRONG_INLINE Index index() const { return m_rhsIter.index(); }
EIGEN_STRONG_INLINE Index row() const { return m_rhsIter.row(); }
EIGEN_STRONG_INLINE Index col() const { return m_rhsIter.col(); }
EIGEN_STRONG_INLINE operator bool() const { return m_rhsIter; }
const CwiseBinaryXpr& m_xpr;
RhsIterator m_rhsIter;
const BinaryFunc& m_functor;
const Index m_outer;
} // end namespace internal
* Implementation of SparseMatrixBase and SparseCwise functions/operators
template<typename Derived>
template<typename OtherDerived>
SparseMatrixBase<Derived>::operator-=(const SparseMatrixBase<OtherDerived> &other)
return *this = derived() - other.derived();
template<typename Derived>
template<typename OtherDerived>
SparseMatrixBase<Derived>::operator+=(const SparseMatrixBase<OtherDerived>& other)
return *this = derived() + other.derived();
template<typename Derived>
template<typename OtherDerived>
SparseMatrixBase<Derived>::cwiseProduct(const MatrixBase<OtherDerived> &other) const
return EIGEN_SPARSE_CWISE_PRODUCT_RETURN_TYPE(derived(), other.derived());
} // end namespace Eigen