// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
// Copyright 2005-2010 Google, Inc.
// Author: sorenj@google.com (Jeffrey Sorensen)
#include <stddef.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <algorithm>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
using std::vector;
#include <fst/compat.h>
#include <fst/fstlib.h>
#include <fst/mapped-file.h>
#include <fst/extensions/ngram/bitmap-index.h>
// NgramFst implements a n-gram language model based upon the LOUDS data
// structure. Please refer to "Unary Data Strucutres for Language Models"
// http://research.google.com/pubs/archive/37218.pdf
namespace fst {
template <class A> class NGramFst;
template <class A> class NGramFstMatcher;
// Instance data containing mutable state for bookkeeping repeated access to
// the same state.
template <class A>
struct NGramFstInst {
typedef typename A::Label Label;
typedef typename A::StateId StateId;
typedef typename A::Weight Weight;
StateId state_;
size_t num_futures_;
size_t offset_;
size_t node_;
StateId node_state_;
vector<Label> context_;
StateId context_state_;
: state_(kNoStateId), node_state_(kNoStateId),
context_state_(kNoStateId) { }
// Implementation class for LOUDS based NgramFst interface
template <class A>
class NGramFstImpl : public FstImpl<A> {
using FstImpl<A>::SetInputSymbols;
using FstImpl<A>::SetOutputSymbols;
using FstImpl<A>::SetType;
using FstImpl<A>::WriteHeader;
friend class ArcIterator<NGramFst<A> >;
friend class NGramFstMatcher<A>;
using FstImpl<A>::InputSymbols;
using FstImpl<A>::SetProperties;
using FstImpl<A>::Properties;
typedef A Arc;
typedef typename A::Label Label;
typedef typename A::StateId StateId;
typedef typename A::Weight Weight;
NGramFstImpl() : data_region_(0), data_(0), owned_(false) {
NGramFstImpl(const Fst<A> &fst, vector<StateId>* order_out);
~NGramFstImpl() {
if (owned_) {
delete [] data_;
delete data_region_;
static NGramFstImpl<A>* Read(istream &strm, // NOLINT
const FstReadOptions &opts) {
NGramFstImpl<A>* impl = new NGramFstImpl();
FstHeader hdr;
if (!impl->ReadHeader(strm, opts, kMinFileVersion, &hdr)) return 0;
uint64 num_states, num_futures, num_final;
const size_t offset = sizeof(num_states) + sizeof(num_futures) +
// Peek at num_states and num_futures to see how much more needs to be read.
strm.read(reinterpret_cast<char *>(&num_states), sizeof(num_states));
strm.read(reinterpret_cast<char *>(&num_futures), sizeof(num_futures));
strm.read(reinterpret_cast<char *>(&num_final), sizeof(num_final));
size_t size = Storage(num_states, num_futures, num_final);
MappedFile *data_region = MappedFile::Allocate(size);
char *data = reinterpret_cast<char *>(data_region->mutable_data());
// Copy num_states, num_futures and num_final back into data.
memcpy(data, reinterpret_cast<char *>(&num_states), sizeof(num_states));
memcpy(data + sizeof(num_states), reinterpret_cast<char *>(&num_futures),
memcpy(data + sizeof(num_states) + sizeof(num_futures),
reinterpret_cast<char *>(&num_final), sizeof(num_final));
strm.read(data + offset, size - offset);
if (!strm) {
delete impl;
return NULL;
impl->Init(data, false, data_region);
return impl;
bool Write(ostream &strm, // NOLINT
const FstWriteOptions &opts) const {
FstHeader hdr;
WriteHeader(strm, opts, kFileVersion, &hdr);
strm.write(data_, StorageSize());
return strm;
StateId Start() const {
return 1;
Weight Final(StateId state) const {
if (final_index_.Get(state)) {
return final_probs_[final_index_.Rank1(state)];
} else {
return Weight::Zero();
size_t NumArcs(StateId state, NGramFstInst<A> *inst = NULL) const {
if (inst == NULL) {
const size_t next_zero = future_index_.Select0(state + 1);
const size_t this_zero = future_index_.Select0(state);
return next_zero - this_zero - 1;
SetInstFuture(state, inst);
return inst->num_futures_ + ((state == 0) ? 0 : 1);
size_t NumInputEpsilons(StateId state) const {
// State 0 has no parent, thus no backoff.
if (state == 0) return 0;
return 1;
size_t NumOutputEpsilons(StateId state) const {
return NumInputEpsilons(state);
StateId NumStates() const {
return num_states_;
void InitStateIterator(StateIteratorData<A>* data) const {
data->base = 0;
data->nstates = num_states_;
static size_t Storage(uint64 num_states, uint64 num_futures,
uint64 num_final) {
uint64 b64;
Weight weight;
Label label;
size_t offset = sizeof(num_states) + sizeof(num_futures) +
offset += sizeof(b64) * (
BitmapIndex::StorageSize(num_states * 2 + 1) +
BitmapIndex::StorageSize(num_futures + num_states + 1) +
offset += (num_states + 1) * sizeof(label) + num_futures * sizeof(label);
// Pad for alignemnt, see
// http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Data_structure_alignment#Computing_padding
offset = (offset + sizeof(weight) - 1) & ~(sizeof(weight) - 1);
offset += (num_states + 1) * sizeof(weight) + num_final * sizeof(weight) +
(num_futures + 1) * sizeof(weight);
return offset;
void SetInstFuture(StateId state, NGramFstInst<A> *inst) const {
if (inst->state_ != state) {
inst->state_ = state;
const size_t next_zero = future_index_.Select0(state + 1);
const size_t this_zero = future_index_.Select0(state);
inst->num_futures_ = next_zero - this_zero - 1;
inst->offset_ = future_index_.Rank1(future_index_.Select0(state) + 1);
void SetInstNode(NGramFstInst<A> *inst) const {
if (inst->node_state_ != inst->state_) {
inst->node_state_ = inst->state_;
inst->node_ = context_index_.Select1(inst->state_);
void SetInstContext(NGramFstInst<A> *inst) const {
if (inst->context_state_ != inst->state_) {
inst->context_state_ = inst->state_;
size_t node = inst->node_;
while (node != 0) {
node = context_index_.Select1(context_index_.Rank0(node) - 1);
// Access to the underlying representation
const char* GetData(size_t* data_size) const {
*data_size = StorageSize();
return data_;
void Init(const char* data, bool owned, MappedFile *file = 0);
const vector<Label> &GetContext(StateId s, NGramFstInst<A> *inst) const {
SetInstFuture(s, inst);
return inst->context_;
size_t StorageSize() const {
return Storage(num_states_, num_futures_, num_final_);
void GetStates(const vector<Label>& context, vector<StateId> *states) const;
StateId Transition(const vector<Label> &context, Label future) const;
// Properties always true for this Fst class.
static const uint64 kStaticProperties = kAcceptor | kIDeterministic |
kODeterministic | kEpsilons | kIEpsilons | kOEpsilons | kILabelSorted |
kOLabelSorted | kWeighted | kCyclic | kInitialAcyclic | kNotTopSorted |
kAccessible | kCoAccessible | kNotString | kExpanded;
// Current file format version.
static const int kFileVersion = 4;
// Minimum file format version supported.
static const int kMinFileVersion = 4;
MappedFile *data_region_;
const char* data_;
bool owned_; // True if we own data_
uint64 num_states_, num_futures_, num_final_;
size_t root_num_children_;
const Label *root_children_;
size_t root_first_child_;
// borrowed references
const uint64 *context_, *future_, *final_;
const Label *context_words_, *future_words_;
const Weight *backoff_, *final_probs_, *future_probs_;
BitmapIndex context_index_;
BitmapIndex future_index_;
BitmapIndex final_index_;
void operator=(const NGramFstImpl<A> &); // Disallow
template<typename A>
NGramFstImpl<A>::NGramFstImpl(const Fst<A> &fst, vector<StateId>* order_out)
: data_region_(0), data_(0), owned_(false) {
typedef A Arc;
typedef typename Arc::Label Label;
typedef typename Arc::Weight Weight;
typedef typename Arc::StateId StateId;
// Check basic requirements for an OpenGRM language model Fst.
int64 props = kAcceptor | kIDeterministic | kIEpsilons | kILabelSorted;
if (fst.Properties(props, true) != props) {
FSTERROR() << "NGramFst only accepts OpenGRM langauge models as input";
SetProperties(kError, kError);
int64 num_states = CountStates(fst);
Label* context = new Label[num_states];
// Find the unigram state by starting from the start state, following
// epsilons.
StateId unigram = fst.Start();
while (1) {
if (unigram == kNoStateId) {
FSTERROR() << "Could not identify unigram state.";
SetProperties(kError, kError);
ArcIterator<Fst<A> > aiter(fst, unigram);
if (aiter.Done()) {
LOG(WARNING) << "Unigram state " << unigram << " has no arcs.";
if (aiter.Value().ilabel != 0) break;
unigram = aiter.Value().nextstate;
// Each state's context is determined by the subtree it is under from the
// unigram state.
queue<pair<StateId, Label> > label_queue;
vector<bool> visited(num_states);
// Force an epsilon link to the start state.
label_queue.push(make_pair(fst.Start(), 0));
for (ArcIterator<Fst<A> > aiter(fst, unigram);
!aiter.Done(); aiter.Next()) {
label_queue.push(make_pair(aiter.Value().nextstate, aiter.Value().ilabel));
// investigate states in breadth first fashion to assign context words.
while (!label_queue.empty()) {
pair<StateId, Label> &now = label_queue.front();
if (!visited[now.first]) {
context[now.first] = now.second;
visited[now.first] = true;
for (ArcIterator<Fst<A> > aiter(fst, now.first);
!aiter.Done(); aiter.Next()) {
const Arc &arc = aiter.Value();
if (arc.ilabel != 0) {
label_queue.push(make_pair(arc.nextstate, now.second));
// The arc from the start state should be assigned an epsilon to put it
// in front of the all other labels (which makes Start state 1 after
// unigram which is state 0).
context[fst.Start()] = 0;
// Build the tree of contexts fst by reversing the epsilon arcs from fst.
VectorFst<Arc> context_fst;
uint64 num_final = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < num_states; ++i) {
if (fst.Final(i) != Weight::Zero()) {
context_fst.SetFinal(context_fst.AddState(), fst.Final(i));
int64 num_context_arcs = 0;
int64 num_futures = 0;
for (StateIterator<Fst<A> > siter(fst); !siter.Done(); siter.Next()) {
const StateId &state = siter.Value();
num_futures += fst.NumArcs(state) - fst.NumInputEpsilons(state);
ArcIterator<Fst<A> > aiter(fst, state);
if (!aiter.Done()) {
const Arc &arc = aiter.Value();
// this arc goes from state to arc.nextstate, so create an arc from
// arc.nextstate to state to reverse it.
if (arc.ilabel == 0) {
context_fst.AddArc(arc.nextstate, Arc(context[state], context[state],
arc.weight, state));
if (num_context_arcs != context_fst.NumStates() - 1) {
FSTERROR() << "Number of contexts arcs != number of states - 1";
SetProperties(kError, kError);
if (context_fst.NumStates() != num_states) {
FSTERROR() << "Number of contexts != number of states";
SetProperties(kError, kError);
int64 context_props = context_fst.Properties(kIDeterministic |
kILabelSorted, true);
if (!(context_props & kIDeterministic)) {
FSTERROR() << "Input fst is not structured properly";
SetProperties(kError, kError);
if (!(context_props & kILabelSorted)) {
ArcSort(&context_fst, ILabelCompare<Arc>());
delete [] context;
uint64 b64;
Weight weight;
Label label = kNoLabel;
const size_t storage = Storage(num_states, num_futures, num_final);
MappedFile *data_region = MappedFile::Allocate(storage);
char *data = reinterpret_cast<char *>(data_region->mutable_data());
memset(data, 0, storage);
size_t offset = 0;
memcpy(data + offset, reinterpret_cast<char *>(&num_states),
offset += sizeof(num_states);
memcpy(data + offset, reinterpret_cast<char *>(&num_futures),
offset += sizeof(num_futures);
memcpy(data + offset, reinterpret_cast<char *>(&num_final),
offset += sizeof(num_final);
uint64* context_bits = reinterpret_cast<uint64*>(data + offset);
offset += BitmapIndex::StorageSize(num_states * 2 + 1) * sizeof(b64);
uint64* future_bits = reinterpret_cast<uint64*>(data + offset);
offset +=
BitmapIndex::StorageSize(num_futures + num_states + 1) * sizeof(b64);
uint64* final_bits = reinterpret_cast<uint64*>(data + offset);
offset += BitmapIndex::StorageSize(num_states) * sizeof(b64);
Label* context_words = reinterpret_cast<Label*>(data + offset);
offset += (num_states + 1) * sizeof(label);
Label* future_words = reinterpret_cast<Label*>(data + offset);
offset += num_futures * sizeof(label);
offset = (offset + sizeof(weight) - 1) & ~(sizeof(weight) - 1);
Weight* backoff = reinterpret_cast<Weight*>(data + offset);
offset += (num_states + 1) * sizeof(weight);
Weight* final_probs = reinterpret_cast<Weight*>(data + offset);
offset += num_final * sizeof(weight);
Weight* future_probs = reinterpret_cast<Weight*>(data + offset);
int64 context_arc = 0, future_arc = 0, context_bit = 0, future_bit = 0,
final_bit = 0;
// pseudo-root bits
BitmapIndex::Set(context_bits, context_bit++);
context_words[context_arc] = label;
backoff[context_arc] = Weight::Zero();
if (order_out) {
queue<StateId> context_q;
StateId state_number = 0;
while (!context_q.empty()) {
const StateId &state = context_q.front();
if (order_out) {
(*order_out)[state] = state_number;
const Weight &final = context_fst.Final(state);
if (final != Weight::Zero()) {
BitmapIndex::Set(final_bits, state_number);
final_probs[final_bit] = final;
for (ArcIterator<VectorFst<A> > aiter(context_fst, state);
!aiter.Done(); aiter.Next()) {
const Arc &arc = aiter.Value();
context_words[context_arc] = arc.ilabel;
backoff[context_arc] = arc.weight;
BitmapIndex::Set(context_bits, context_bit++);
for (ArcIterator<Fst<A> > aiter(fst, state); !aiter.Done(); aiter.Next()) {
const Arc &arc = aiter.Value();
if (arc.ilabel != 0) {
future_words[future_arc] = arc.ilabel;
future_probs[future_arc] = arc.weight;
BitmapIndex::Set(future_bits, future_bit++);
if ((state_number != num_states) ||
(context_bit != num_states * 2 + 1) ||
(context_arc != num_states) ||
(future_arc != num_futures) ||
(future_bit != num_futures + num_states + 1) ||
(final_bit != num_final)) {
FSTERROR() << "Structure problems detected during construction";
SetProperties(kError, kError);
Init(data, false, data_region);
template<typename A>
inline void NGramFstImpl<A>::Init(const char* data, bool owned,
MappedFile *data_region) {
if (owned_) {
delete [] data_;
delete data_region_;
data_region_ = data_region;
owned_ = owned;
data_ = data;
size_t offset = 0;
num_states_ = *(reinterpret_cast<const uint64*>(data_ + offset));
offset += sizeof(num_states_);
num_futures_ = *(reinterpret_cast<const uint64*>(data_ + offset));
offset += sizeof(num_futures_);
num_final_ = *(reinterpret_cast<const uint64*>(data_ + offset));
offset += sizeof(num_final_);
uint64 bits;
size_t context_bits = num_states_ * 2 + 1;
size_t future_bits = num_futures_ + num_states_ + 1;
context_ = reinterpret_cast<const uint64*>(data_ + offset);
offset += BitmapIndex::StorageSize(context_bits) * sizeof(bits);
future_ = reinterpret_cast<const uint64*>(data_ + offset);
offset += BitmapIndex::StorageSize(future_bits) * sizeof(bits);
final_ = reinterpret_cast<const uint64*>(data_ + offset);
offset += BitmapIndex::StorageSize(num_states_) * sizeof(bits);
context_words_ = reinterpret_cast<const Label*>(data_ + offset);
offset += (num_states_ + 1) * sizeof(*context_words_);
future_words_ = reinterpret_cast<const Label*>(data_ + offset);
offset += num_futures_ * sizeof(*future_words_);
offset = (offset + sizeof(*backoff_) - 1) & ~(sizeof(*backoff_) - 1);
backoff_ = reinterpret_cast<const Weight*>(data_ + offset);
offset += (num_states_ + 1) * sizeof(*backoff_);
final_probs_ = reinterpret_cast<const Weight*>(data_ + offset);
offset += num_final_ * sizeof(*final_probs_);
future_probs_ = reinterpret_cast<const Weight*>(data_ + offset);
context_index_.BuildIndex(context_, context_bits);
future_index_.BuildIndex(future_, future_bits);
final_index_.BuildIndex(final_, num_states_);
const size_t node_rank = context_index_.Rank1(0);
root_first_child_ = context_index_.Select0(node_rank) + 1;
if (context_index_.Get(root_first_child_) == false) {
FSTERROR() << "Missing unigrams";
SetProperties(kError, kError);
const size_t last_child = context_index_.Select0(node_rank + 1) - 1;
root_num_children_ = last_child - root_first_child_ + 1;
root_children_ = context_words_ + context_index_.Rank1(root_first_child_);
template<typename A>
inline typename A::StateId NGramFstImpl<A>::Transition(
const vector<Label> &context, Label future) const {
const Label *children = root_children_;
const Label *loc = lower_bound(children, children + root_num_children_,
if (loc == children + root_num_children_ || *loc != future) {
return context_index_.Rank1(0);
size_t node = root_first_child_ + loc - children;
size_t node_rank = context_index_.Rank1(node);
size_t first_child = context_index_.Select0(node_rank) + 1;
if (context_index_.Get(first_child) == false) {
return context_index_.Rank1(node);
size_t last_child = context_index_.Select0(node_rank + 1) - 1;
for (int word = context.size() - 1; word >= 0; --word) {
children = context_words_ + context_index_.Rank1(first_child);
loc = lower_bound(children, children + last_child - first_child + 1,
if (loc == children + last_child - first_child + 1 ||
*loc != context[word]) {
node = first_child + loc - children;
node_rank = context_index_.Rank1(node);
first_child = context_index_.Select0(node_rank) + 1;
if (context_index_.Get(first_child) == false) break;
last_child = context_index_.Select0(node_rank + 1) - 1;
return context_index_.Rank1(node);
template<typename A>
inline void NGramFstImpl<A>::GetStates(
const vector<Label> &context,
vector<typename A::StateId>* states) const {
typename vector<Label>::const_reverse_iterator cit = context.rbegin();
const Label *children = root_children_;
const Label *loc = lower_bound(children, children + root_num_children_, *cit);
if (loc == children + root_num_children_ || *loc != *cit) return;
size_t node = root_first_child_ + loc - children;
if (context.size() == 1) return;
size_t node_rank = context_index_.Rank1(node);
size_t first_child = context_index_.Select0(node_rank) + 1;
if (context_index_.Get(first_child) != false) {
size_t last_child = context_index_.Select0(node_rank + 1) - 1;
while (cit != context.rend()) {
children = context_words_ + context_index_.Rank1(first_child);
loc = lower_bound(children, children + last_child - first_child + 1,
if (loc == children + last_child - first_child + 1 || *loc != *cit) {
node = first_child + loc - children;
node_rank = context_index_.Rank1(node);
first_child = context_index_.Select0(node_rank) + 1;
if (context_index_.Get(first_child) == false) break;
last_child = context_index_.Select0(node_rank + 1) - 1;
template<class A>
class NGramFst : public ImplToExpandedFst<NGramFstImpl<A> > {
friend class ArcIterator<NGramFst<A> >;
friend class NGramFstMatcher<A>;
typedef A Arc;
typedef typename A::StateId StateId;
typedef typename A::Label Label;
typedef typename A::Weight Weight;
typedef NGramFstImpl<A> Impl;
explicit NGramFst(const Fst<A> &dst)
: ImplToExpandedFst<Impl>(new Impl(dst, NULL)) {}
NGramFst(const Fst<A> &fst, vector<StateId>* order_out)
: ImplToExpandedFst<Impl>(new Impl(fst, order_out)) {}
// Because the NGramFstImpl is a const stateless data structure, there
// is never a need to do anything beside copy the reference.
NGramFst(const NGramFst<A> &fst, bool safe = false)
: ImplToExpandedFst<Impl>(fst, false) {}
NGramFst() : ImplToExpandedFst<Impl>(new Impl()) {}
// Non-standard constructor to initialize NGramFst directly from data.
NGramFst(const char* data, bool owned) : ImplToExpandedFst<Impl>(new Impl()) {
GetImpl()->Init(data, owned, NULL);
// Get method that gets the data associated with Init().
const char* GetData(size_t* data_size) const {
return GetImpl()->GetData(data_size);
const vector<Label> GetContext(StateId s) const {
return GetImpl()->GetContext(s, &inst_);
// Consumes as much as possible of context from right to left, returns the
// the states corresponding to the increasingly conditioned input sequence.
void GetStates(const vector<Label>& context, vector<StateId> *state) const {
return GetImpl()->GetStates(context, state);
virtual size_t NumArcs(StateId s) const {
return GetImpl()->NumArcs(s, &inst_);
virtual NGramFst<A>* Copy(bool safe = false) const {
return new NGramFst(*this, safe);
static NGramFst<A>* Read(istream &strm, const FstReadOptions &opts) {
Impl* impl = Impl::Read(strm, opts);
return impl ? new NGramFst<A>(impl) : 0;
static NGramFst<A>* Read(const string &filename) {
if (!filename.empty()) {
ifstream strm(filename.c_str(), ifstream::in | ifstream::binary);
if (!strm) {
LOG(ERROR) << "NGramFst::Read: Can't open file: " << filename;
return 0;
return Read(strm, FstReadOptions(filename));
} else {
return Read(cin, FstReadOptions("standard input"));
virtual bool Write(ostream &strm, const FstWriteOptions &opts) const {
return GetImpl()->Write(strm, opts);
virtual bool Write(const string &filename) const {
return Fst<A>::WriteFile(filename);
virtual inline void InitStateIterator(StateIteratorData<A>* data) const {
virtual inline void InitArcIterator(
StateId s, ArcIteratorData<A>* data) const;
virtual MatcherBase<A>* InitMatcher(MatchType match_type) const {
return new NGramFstMatcher<A>(*this, match_type);
size_t StorageSize() const {
return GetImpl()->StorageSize();
explicit NGramFst(Impl* impl) : ImplToExpandedFst<Impl>(impl) {}
Impl* GetImpl() const {
ImplToExpandedFst<Impl, ExpandedFst<A> >::GetImpl();
void SetImpl(Impl* impl, bool own_impl = true) {
ImplToExpandedFst<Impl, Fst<A> >::SetImpl(impl, own_impl);
mutable NGramFstInst<A> inst_;
template <class A> inline void
NGramFst<A>::InitArcIterator(StateId s, ArcIteratorData<A>* data) const {
GetImpl()->SetInstFuture(s, &inst_);
data->base = new ArcIterator<NGramFst<A> >(*this, s);
template <class A>
class NGramFstMatcher : public MatcherBase<A> {
typedef A Arc;
typedef typename A::Label Label;
typedef typename A::StateId StateId;
typedef typename A::Weight Weight;
NGramFstMatcher(const NGramFst<A> &fst, MatchType match_type)
: fst_(fst), inst_(fst.inst_), match_type_(match_type),
loop_(kNoLabel, 0, A::Weight::One(), kNoStateId) {
if (match_type_ == MATCH_OUTPUT) {
swap(loop_.ilabel, loop_.olabel);
NGramFstMatcher(const NGramFstMatcher<A> &matcher, bool safe = false)
: fst_(matcher.fst_), inst_(matcher.inst_),
match_type_(matcher.match_type_), current_loop_(false),
loop_(kNoLabel, 0, A::Weight::One(), kNoStateId) {
if (match_type_ == MATCH_OUTPUT) {
swap(loop_.ilabel, loop_.olabel);
virtual NGramFstMatcher<A>* Copy(bool safe = false) const {
return new NGramFstMatcher<A>(*this, safe);
virtual MatchType Type(bool test) const {
return match_type_;
virtual const Fst<A> &GetFst() const {
return fst_;
virtual uint64 Properties(uint64 props) const {
return props;
virtual void SetState_(StateId s) {
fst_.GetImpl()->SetInstFuture(s, &inst_);
current_loop_ = false;
virtual bool Find_(Label label) {
const Label nolabel = kNoLabel;
done_ = true;
if (label == 0 || label == nolabel) {
if (label == 0) {
current_loop_ = true;
loop_.nextstate = inst_.state_;
// The unigram state has no epsilon arc.
if (inst_.state_ != 0) {
arc_.ilabel = arc_.olabel = 0;
arc_.nextstate = fst_.GetImpl()->context_index_.Rank1(
fst_.GetImpl()->context_index_.Rank0(inst_.node_) - 1));
arc_.weight = fst_.GetImpl()->backoff_[inst_.state_];
done_ = false;
} else {
const Label *start = fst_.GetImpl()->future_words_ + inst_.offset_;
const Label *end = start + inst_.num_futures_;
const Label* search = lower_bound(start, end, label);
if (search != end && *search == label) {
size_t state = search - start;
arc_.ilabel = arc_.olabel = label;
arc_.weight = fst_.GetImpl()->future_probs_[inst_.offset_ + state];
arc_.nextstate = fst_.GetImpl()->Transition(inst_.context_, label);
done_ = false;
return !Done_();
virtual bool Done_() const {
return !current_loop_ && done_;
virtual const Arc& Value_() const {
return (current_loop_) ? loop_ : arc_;
virtual void Next_() {
if (current_loop_) {
current_loop_ = false;
} else {
done_ = true;
const NGramFst<A>& fst_;
NGramFstInst<A> inst_;
MatchType match_type_; // Supplied by caller
bool done_;
Arc arc_;
bool current_loop_; // Current arc is the implicit loop
Arc loop_;
template<class A>
class ArcIterator<NGramFst<A> > : public ArcIteratorBase<A> {
typedef A Arc;
typedef typename A::Label Label;
typedef typename A::StateId StateId;
typedef typename A::Weight Weight;
ArcIterator(const NGramFst<A> &fst, StateId state)
: lazy_(~0), impl_(fst.GetImpl()), i_(0), flags_(kArcValueFlags) {
inst_ = fst.inst_;
impl_->SetInstFuture(state, &inst_);
bool Done() const {
return i_ >= ((inst_.node_ == 0) ? inst_.num_futures_ :
inst_.num_futures_ + 1);
const Arc &Value() const {
bool eps = (inst_.node_ != 0 && i_ == 0);
StateId state = (inst_.node_ == 0) ? i_ : i_ - 1;
if (flags_ & lazy_ & (kArcILabelValue | kArcOLabelValue)) {
arc_.ilabel =
arc_.olabel = eps ? 0 : impl_->future_words_[inst_.offset_ + state];
lazy_ &= ~(kArcILabelValue | kArcOLabelValue);
if (flags_ & lazy_ & kArcNextStateValue) {
if (eps) {
arc_.nextstate = impl_->context_index_.Rank1(
impl_->context_index_.Rank0(inst_.node_) - 1));
} else {
if (lazy_ & kArcNextStateValue) {
impl_->SetInstContext(&inst_); // first time only.
arc_.nextstate =
impl_->future_words_[inst_.offset_ + state]);
lazy_ &= ~kArcNextStateValue;
if (flags_ & lazy_ & kArcWeightValue) {
arc_.weight = eps ? impl_->backoff_[inst_.state_] :
impl_->future_probs_[inst_.offset_ + state];
lazy_ &= ~kArcWeightValue;
return arc_;
void Next() {
lazy_ = ~0;
size_t Position() const { return i_; }
void Reset() {
i_ = 0;
lazy_ = ~0;
void Seek(size_t a) {
if (i_ != a) {
i_ = a;
lazy_ = ~0;
uint32 Flags() const {
return flags_;
void SetFlags(uint32 f, uint32 m) {
flags_ &= ~m;
flags_ |= (f & kArcValueFlags);
virtual bool Done_() const { return Done(); }
virtual const Arc& Value_() const { return Value(); }
virtual void Next_() { Next(); }
virtual size_t Position_() const { return Position(); }
virtual void Reset_() { Reset(); }
virtual void Seek_(size_t a) { Seek(a); }
uint32 Flags_() const { return Flags(); }
void SetFlags_(uint32 f, uint32 m) { SetFlags(f, m); }
mutable Arc arc_;
mutable uint32 lazy_;
const NGramFstImpl<A> *impl_;
mutable NGramFstInst<A> inst_;
size_t i_;
uint32 flags_;
// Specialization for NGramFst; see generic version in fst.h
// for sample usage (but use the ProdLmFst type!). This version
// should inline.
template <class A>
class StateIterator<NGramFst<A> > : public StateIteratorBase<A> {
typedef typename A::StateId StateId;
explicit StateIterator(const NGramFst<A> &fst)
: s_(0), num_states_(fst.NumStates()) { }
bool Done() const { return s_ >= num_states_; }
StateId Value() const { return s_; }
void Next() { ++s_; }
void Reset() { s_ = 0; }
virtual bool Done_() const { return Done(); }
virtual StateId Value_() const { return Value(); }
virtual void Next_() { Next(); }
virtual void Reset_() { Reset(); }
StateId s_, num_states_;
} // namespace fst