// map.h
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
// Copyright 2005-2010 Google, Inc.
// Author: riley@google.com (Michael Riley)
// \file
// Class to map over/transform states e.g., sort transitions
// Consider using when operation does not change the number of states.
#include <algorithm>
#include <tr1/unordered_map>
using std::tr1::unordered_map;
using std::tr1::unordered_multimap;
#include <string>
#include <utility>
using std::pair; using std::make_pair;
#include <fst/cache.h>
#include <fst/arc-map.h>
#include <fst/mutable-fst.h>
namespace fst {
// StateMapper Interface - class determinies how states are mapped.
// Useful for implementing operations that do not change the number of states.
// class StateMapper {
// public:
// typedef A FromArc;
// typedef B ToArc;
// // Typical constructor
// StateMapper(const Fst<A> &fst);
// // Required copy constructor that allows updating Fst argument;
// // pass only if relevant and changed.
// StateMapper(const StateMapper &mapper, const Fst<A> *fst = 0);
// // Specifies initial state of result
// B::StateId Start() const;
// // Specifies state's final weight in result
// B::Weight Final(B::StateId s) const;
// // These methods iterate through a state's arcs in result
// // Specifies state to iterate over
// void SetState(B::StateId s);
// // End of arcs?
// bool Done() const;
// // Current arc
// const B &Value() const;
// // Advance to next arc (when !Done)
// void Next();
// // Specifies input symbol table action the mapper requires (see above).
// MapSymbolsAction InputSymbolsAction() const;
// // Specifies output symbol table action the mapper requires (see above).
// MapSymbolsAction OutputSymbolsAction() const;
// // This specifies the known properties of an Fst mapped by this
// // mapper. It takes as argument the input Fst's known properties.
// uint64 Properties(uint64 props) const;
// };
// We include a various state map versions below. One dimension of
// variation is whether the mapping mutates its input, writes to a
// new result Fst, or is an on-the-fly Fst. Another dimension is how
// we pass the mapper. We allow passing the mapper by pointer
// for cases that we need to change the state of the user's mapper.
// We also include map versions that pass the mapper
// by value or const reference when this suffices.
// Maps an arc type A using a mapper function object C, passed
// by pointer. This version modifies its Fst input.
template<class A, class C>
void StateMap(MutableFst<A> *fst, C* mapper) {
typedef typename A::StateId StateId;
typedef typename A::Weight Weight;
if (mapper->InputSymbolsAction() == MAP_CLEAR_SYMBOLS)
if (mapper->OutputSymbolsAction() == MAP_CLEAR_SYMBOLS)
if (fst->Start() == kNoStateId)
uint64 props = fst->Properties(kFstProperties, false);
for (StateId s = 0; s < fst->NumStates(); ++s) {
for (; !mapper->Done(); mapper->Next())
fst->AddArc(s, mapper->Value());
fst->SetFinal(s, mapper->Final(s));
fst->SetProperties(mapper->Properties(props), kFstProperties);
// Maps an arc type A using a mapper function object C, passed
// by value. This version modifies its Fst input.
template<class A, class C>
void StateMap(MutableFst<A> *fst, C mapper) {
StateMap(fst, &mapper);
// Maps an arc type A to an arc type B using mapper function
// object C, passed by pointer. This version writes the mapped
// input Fst to an output MutableFst.
template<class A, class B, class C>
void StateMap(const Fst<A> &ifst, MutableFst<B> *ofst, C* mapper) {
typedef typename A::StateId StateId;
typedef typename A::Weight Weight;
if (mapper->InputSymbolsAction() == MAP_COPY_SYMBOLS)
else if (mapper->InputSymbolsAction() == MAP_CLEAR_SYMBOLS)
if (mapper->OutputSymbolsAction() == MAP_COPY_SYMBOLS)
else if (mapper->OutputSymbolsAction() == MAP_CLEAR_SYMBOLS)
uint64 iprops = ifst.Properties(kCopyProperties, false);
if (ifst.Start() == kNoStateId) {
if (iprops & kError) ofst->SetProperties(kError, kError);
// Add all states.
if (ifst.Properties(kExpanded, false))
for (StateIterator< Fst<A> > siter(ifst); !siter.Done(); siter.Next())
for (StateIterator< Fst<A> > siter(ifst); !siter.Done(); siter.Next()) {
StateId s = siter.Value();
for (; !mapper->Done(); mapper->Next())
ofst->AddArc(s, mapper->Value());
ofst->SetFinal(s, mapper->Final(s));
uint64 oprops = ofst->Properties(kFstProperties, false);
ofst->SetProperties(mapper->Properties(iprops) | oprops, kFstProperties);
// Maps an arc type A to an arc type B using mapper function
// object C, passed by value. This version writes the mapped input
// Fst to an output MutableFst.
template<class A, class B, class C>
void StateMap(const Fst<A> &ifst, MutableFst<B> *ofst, C mapper) {
StateMap(ifst, ofst, &mapper);
typedef CacheOptions StateMapFstOptions;
template <class A, class B, class C> class StateMapFst;
// Implementation of delayed StateMapFst.
template <class A, class B, class C>
class StateMapFstImpl : public CacheImpl<B> {
using FstImpl<B>::SetType;
using FstImpl<B>::SetProperties;
using FstImpl<B>::SetInputSymbols;
using FstImpl<B>::SetOutputSymbols;
using CacheImpl<B>::PushArc;
using CacheImpl<B>::HasArcs;
using CacheImpl<B>::HasFinal;
using CacheImpl<B>::HasStart;
using CacheImpl<B>::SetArcs;
using CacheImpl<B>::SetFinal;
using CacheImpl<B>::SetStart;
friend class StateIterator< StateMapFst<A, B, C> >;
typedef B Arc;
typedef typename B::Weight Weight;
typedef typename B::StateId StateId;
StateMapFstImpl(const Fst<A> &fst, const C &mapper,
const StateMapFstOptions& opts)
: CacheImpl<B>(opts),
mapper_(new C(mapper, fst_)),
own_mapper_(true) {
StateMapFstImpl(const Fst<A> &fst, C *mapper,
const StateMapFstOptions& opts)
: CacheImpl<B>(opts),
own_mapper_(false) {
StateMapFstImpl(const StateMapFstImpl<A, B, C> &impl)
: CacheImpl<B>(impl),
mapper_(new C(*impl.mapper_, fst_)),
own_mapper_(true) {
~StateMapFstImpl() {
delete fst_;
if (own_mapper_) delete mapper_;
StateId Start() {
if (!HasStart())
return CacheImpl<B>::Start();
Weight Final(StateId s) {
if (!HasFinal(s))
SetFinal(s, mapper_->Final(s));
return CacheImpl<B>::Final(s);
size_t NumArcs(StateId s) {
if (!HasArcs(s))
return CacheImpl<B>::NumArcs(s);
size_t NumInputEpsilons(StateId s) {
if (!HasArcs(s))
return CacheImpl<B>::NumInputEpsilons(s);
size_t NumOutputEpsilons(StateId s) {
if (!HasArcs(s))
return CacheImpl<B>::NumOutputEpsilons(s);
void InitStateIterator(StateIteratorData<A> *data) const {
void InitArcIterator(StateId s, ArcIteratorData<B> *data) {
if (!HasArcs(s))
CacheImpl<B>::InitArcIterator(s, data);
uint64 Properties() const { return Properties(kFstProperties); }
// Set error if found; return FST impl properties.
uint64 Properties(uint64 mask) const {
if ((mask & kError) && (fst_->Properties(kError, false) ||
(mapper_->Properties(0) & kError)))
SetProperties(kError, kError);
return FstImpl<Arc>::Properties(mask);
void Expand(StateId s) {
// Add exiting arcs.
for (mapper_->SetState(s); !mapper_->Done(); mapper_->Next())
PushArc(s, mapper_->Value());
const Fst<A> &GetFst() const {
return *fst_;
void Init() {
if (mapper_->InputSymbolsAction() == MAP_COPY_SYMBOLS)
else if (mapper_->InputSymbolsAction() == MAP_CLEAR_SYMBOLS)
if (mapper_->OutputSymbolsAction() == MAP_COPY_SYMBOLS)
else if (mapper_->OutputSymbolsAction() == MAP_CLEAR_SYMBOLS)
uint64 props = fst_->Properties(kCopyProperties, false);
const Fst<A> *fst_;
C* mapper_;
bool own_mapper_;
void operator=(const StateMapFstImpl<A, B, C> &); // disallow
// Maps an arc type A to an arc type B using Mapper function object
// C. This version is a delayed Fst.
template <class A, class B, class C>
class StateMapFst : public ImplToFst< StateMapFstImpl<A, B, C> > {
friend class ArcIterator< StateMapFst<A, B, C> >;
typedef B Arc;
typedef typename B::Weight Weight;
typedef typename B::StateId StateId;
typedef CacheState<B> State;
typedef StateMapFstImpl<A, B, C> Impl;
StateMapFst(const Fst<A> &fst, const C &mapper,
const StateMapFstOptions& opts)
: ImplToFst<Impl>(new Impl(fst, mapper, opts)) {}
StateMapFst(const Fst<A> &fst, C* mapper, const StateMapFstOptions& opts)
: ImplToFst<Impl>(new Impl(fst, mapper, opts)) {}
StateMapFst(const Fst<A> &fst, const C &mapper)
: ImplToFst<Impl>(new Impl(fst, mapper, StateMapFstOptions())) {}
StateMapFst(const Fst<A> &fst, C* mapper)
: ImplToFst<Impl>(new Impl(fst, mapper, StateMapFstOptions())) {}
// See Fst<>::Copy() for doc.
StateMapFst(const StateMapFst<A, B, C> &fst, bool safe = false)
: ImplToFst<Impl>(fst, safe) {}
// Get a copy of this StateMapFst. See Fst<>::Copy() for further doc.
virtual StateMapFst<A, B, C> *Copy(bool safe = false) const {
return new StateMapFst<A, B, C>(*this, safe);
virtual void InitStateIterator(StateIteratorData<A> *data) const {
virtual void InitArcIterator(StateId s, ArcIteratorData<B> *data) const {
GetImpl()->InitArcIterator(s, data);
Impl *GetImpl() const { return ImplToFst<Impl>::GetImpl(); }
void operator=(const StateMapFst<A, B, C> &fst); // disallow
// Specialization for StateMapFst.
template <class A, class B, class C>
class ArcIterator< StateMapFst<A, B, C> >
: public CacheArcIterator< StateMapFst<A, B, C> > {
typedef typename A::StateId StateId;
ArcIterator(const StateMapFst<A, B, C> &fst, StateId s)
: CacheArcIterator< StateMapFst<A, B, C> >(fst.GetImpl(), s) {
if (!fst.GetImpl()->HasArcs(s))
// Utility Mappers
// Mapper that returns its input.
template <class A>
class IdentityStateMapper {
typedef A FromArc;
typedef A ToArc;
typedef typename A::StateId StateId;
typedef typename A::Weight Weight;
explicit IdentityStateMapper(const Fst<A> &fst) : fst_(fst), aiter_(0) {}
// Allows updating Fst argument; pass only if changed.
IdentityStateMapper(const IdentityStateMapper<A> &mapper,
const Fst<A> *fst = 0)
: fst_(fst ? *fst : mapper.fst_), aiter_(0) {}
~IdentityStateMapper() { delete aiter_; }
StateId Start() const { return fst_.Start(); }
Weight Final(StateId s) const { return fst_.Final(s); }
void SetState(StateId s) {
if (aiter_) delete aiter_;
aiter_ = new ArcIterator< Fst<A> >(fst_, s);
bool Done() const { return aiter_->Done(); }
const A &Value() const { return aiter_->Value(); }
void Next() { aiter_->Next(); }
MapSymbolsAction InputSymbolsAction() const { return MAP_COPY_SYMBOLS; }
MapSymbolsAction OutputSymbolsAction() const { return MAP_COPY_SYMBOLS;}
uint64 Properties(uint64 props) const { return props; }
const Fst<A> &fst_;
ArcIterator< Fst<A> > *aiter_;
template <class A>
class ArcSumMapper {
typedef A FromArc;
typedef A ToArc;
typedef typename A::StateId StateId;
typedef typename A::Weight Weight;
explicit ArcSumMapper(const Fst<A> &fst) : fst_(fst), i_(0) {}
// Allows updating Fst argument; pass only if changed.
ArcSumMapper(const ArcSumMapper<A> &mapper,
const Fst<A> *fst = 0)
: fst_(fst ? *fst : mapper.fst_), i_(0) {}
StateId Start() const { return fst_.Start(); }
Weight Final(StateId s) const { return fst_.Final(s); }
void SetState(StateId s) {
i_ = 0;
for (ArcIterator<Fst<A> > aiter(fst_, s); !aiter.Done(); aiter.Next())
// First sorts the exiting arcs by input label, output label
// and destination state and then sums weights of arcs with
// the same input label, output label, and destination state.
sort(arcs_.begin(), arcs_.end(), comp_);
size_t narcs = 0;
for (size_t i = 0; i < arcs_.size(); ++i) {
if (narcs > 0 && equal_(arcs_[i], arcs_[narcs - 1])) {
arcs_[narcs - 1].weight = Plus(arcs_[narcs - 1].weight,
} else {
arcs_[narcs++] = arcs_[i];
bool Done() const { return i_ >= arcs_.size(); }
const A &Value() const { return arcs_[i_]; }
void Next() { ++i_; }
MapSymbolsAction InputSymbolsAction() const { return MAP_COPY_SYMBOLS; }
MapSymbolsAction OutputSymbolsAction() const { return MAP_COPY_SYMBOLS; }
uint64 Properties(uint64 props) const {
return props & kArcSortProperties &
kDeleteArcsProperties & kWeightInvariantProperties;
struct Compare {
bool operator()(const A& x, const A& y) {
if (x.ilabel < y.ilabel) return true;
if (x.ilabel > y.ilabel) return false;
if (x.olabel < y.olabel) return true;
if (x.olabel > y.olabel) return false;
if (x.nextstate < y.nextstate) return true;
if (x.nextstate > y.nextstate) return false;
return false;
struct Equal {
bool operator()(const A& x, const A& y) {
return (x.ilabel == y.ilabel &&
x.olabel == y.olabel &&
x.nextstate == y.nextstate);
const Fst<A> &fst_;
Compare comp_;
Equal equal_;
vector<A> arcs_;
ssize_t i_; // current arc position
void operator=(const ArcSumMapper<A> &); // disallow
template <class A>
class ArcUniqueMapper {
typedef A FromArc;
typedef A ToArc;
typedef typename A::StateId StateId;
typedef typename A::Weight Weight;
explicit ArcUniqueMapper(const Fst<A> &fst) : fst_(fst), i_(0) {}
// Allows updating Fst argument; pass only if changed.
ArcUniqueMapper(const ArcUniqueMapper<A> &mapper,
const Fst<A> *fst = 0)
: fst_(fst ? *fst : mapper.fst_), i_(0) {}
StateId Start() const { return fst_.Start(); }
Weight Final(StateId s) const { return fst_.Final(s); }
void SetState(StateId s) {
i_ = 0;
for (ArcIterator<Fst<A> > aiter(fst_, s); !aiter.Done(); aiter.Next())
// First sorts the exiting arcs by input label, output label
// and destination state and then uniques identical arcs
sort(arcs_.begin(), arcs_.end(), comp_);
typename vector<A>::iterator unique_end =
unique(arcs_.begin(), arcs_.end(), equal_);
arcs_.resize(unique_end - arcs_.begin());
bool Done() const { return i_ >= arcs_.size(); }
const A &Value() const { return arcs_[i_]; }
void Next() { ++i_; }
MapSymbolsAction InputSymbolsAction() const { return MAP_COPY_SYMBOLS; }
MapSymbolsAction OutputSymbolsAction() const { return MAP_COPY_SYMBOLS; }
uint64 Properties(uint64 props) const {
return props & kArcSortProperties & kDeleteArcsProperties;
struct Compare {
bool operator()(const A& x, const A& y) {
if (x.ilabel < y.ilabel) return true;
if (x.ilabel > y.ilabel) return false;
if (x.olabel < y.olabel) return true;
if (x.olabel > y.olabel) return false;
if (x.nextstate < y.nextstate) return true;
if (x.nextstate > y.nextstate) return false;
return false;
struct Equal {
bool operator()(const A& x, const A& y) {
return (x.ilabel == y.ilabel &&
x.olabel == y.olabel &&
x.nextstate == y.nextstate &&
x.weight == y.weight);
const Fst<A> &fst_;
Compare comp_;
Equal equal_;
vector<A> arcs_;
ssize_t i_; // current arc position
void operator=(const ArcUniqueMapper<A> &); // disallow
} // namespace fst
#endif // FST_LIB_STATE_MAP_H__