// string-weight.h
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
// Copyright 2005-2010 Google, Inc.
// Author: riley@google.com (Michael Riley)
// \file
// String weight set and associated semiring operation definitions.
#include <list>
#include <string>
#include <fst/product-weight.h>
#include <fst/weight.h>
namespace fst {
const int kStringInfinity = -1; // Label for the infinite string
const int kStringBad = -2; // Label for a non-string
const char kStringSeparator = '_'; // Label separator in strings
// Determines whether to use left or right string semiring. Includes
// restricted versions that signal an error if proper prefixes
// (suffixes) would otherwise be returned by Plus, useful with various
// algorithms that require functional transducer input with the
// string semirings.
enum StringType { STRING_LEFT = 0, STRING_RIGHT = 1 ,
template <typename L, StringType S = STRING_LEFT>
class StringWeight;
template <typename L, StringType S = STRING_LEFT>
class StringWeightIterator;
template <typename L, StringType S = STRING_LEFT>
class StringWeightReverseIterator;
template <typename L, StringType S>
bool operator==(const StringWeight<L, S> &, const StringWeight<L, S> &);
// String semiring: (longest_common_prefix/suffix, ., Infinity, Epsilon)
template <typename L, StringType S>
class StringWeight {
typedef L Label;
typedef StringWeight<L, REVERSE_STRING_TYPE(S)> ReverseWeight;
friend class StringWeightIterator<L, S>;
friend class StringWeightReverseIterator<L, S>;
friend bool operator==<>(const StringWeight<L, S> &,
const StringWeight<L, S> &);
StringWeight() { Init(); }
template <typename Iter>
StringWeight(const Iter &begin, const Iter &end) {
for (Iter iter = begin; iter != end; ++iter)
explicit StringWeight(L l) { Init(); PushBack(l); }
static const StringWeight<L, S> &Zero() {
static const StringWeight<L, S> zero(kStringInfinity);
return zero;
static const StringWeight<L, S> &One() {
static const StringWeight<L, S> one;
return one;
static const StringWeight<L, S> &NoWeight() {
static const StringWeight<L, S> no_weight(kStringBad);
return no_weight;
static const string &Type() {
static const string type =
S == STRING_LEFT ? "string" :
(S == STRING_RIGHT ? "right_string" :
(S == STRING_LEFT_RESTRICT ? "restricted_string" :
return type;
bool Member() const;
istream &Read(istream &strm);
ostream &Write(ostream &strm) const;
size_t Hash() const;
StringWeight<L, S> Quantize(float delta = kDelta) const {
return *this;
ReverseWeight Reverse() const;
static uint64 Properties() {
kLeftSemiring : kRightSemiring) | kIdempotent;
// NB: This needs to be uncommented only if default fails for this impl.
// StringWeight<L, S> &operator=(const StringWeight<L, S> &w);
// These operations combined with the StringWeightIterator and
// StringWeightReverseIterator provide the access and mutation of
// the string internal elements.
// Common initializer among constructors.
void Init() { first_ = 0; }
// Clear existing StringWeight.
void Clear() { first_ = 0; rest_.clear(); }
size_t Size() const { return first_ ? rest_.size() + 1 : 0; }
void PushFront(L l) {
if (first_)
first_ = l;
void PushBack(L l) {
if (!first_)
first_ = l;
L first_; // first label in string (0 if empty)
list<L> rest_; // remaining labels in string
// Traverses string in forward direction.
template <typename L, StringType S>
class StringWeightIterator {
explicit StringWeightIterator(const StringWeight<L, S>& w)
: first_(w.first_), rest_(w.rest_), init_(true),
iter_(rest_.begin()) {}
bool Done() const {
if (init_) return first_ == 0;
else return iter_ == rest_.end();
const L& Value() const { return init_ ? first_ : *iter_; }
void Next() {
if (init_) init_ = false;
else ++iter_;
void Reset() {
init_ = true;
iter_ = rest_.begin();
const L &first_;
const list<L> &rest_;
bool init_; // in the initialized state?
typename list<L>::const_iterator iter_;
// Traverses string in backward direction.
template <typename L, StringType S>
class StringWeightReverseIterator {
explicit StringWeightReverseIterator(const StringWeight<L, S>& w)
: first_(w.first_), rest_(w.rest_), fin_(first_ == 0),
iter_(rest_.rbegin()) {}
bool Done() const { return fin_; }
const L& Value() const { return iter_ == rest_.rend() ? first_ : *iter_; }
void Next() {
if (iter_ == rest_.rend()) fin_ = true;
else ++iter_;
void Reset() {
fin_ = false;
iter_ = rest_.rbegin();
const L &first_;
const list<L> &rest_;
bool fin_; // in the final state?
typename list<L>::const_reverse_iterator iter_;
// StringWeight member functions follow that require
// StringWeightIterator or StringWeightReverseIterator.
template <typename L, StringType S>
inline istream &StringWeight<L, S>::Read(istream &strm) {
int32 size;
ReadType(strm, &size);
for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i) {
L label;
ReadType(strm, &label);
return strm;
template <typename L, StringType S>
inline ostream &StringWeight<L, S>::Write(ostream &strm) const {
int32 size = Size();
WriteType(strm, size);
for (StringWeightIterator<L, S> iter(*this); !iter.Done(); iter.Next()) {
L label = iter.Value();
WriteType(strm, label);
return strm;
template <typename L, StringType S>
inline bool StringWeight<L, S>::Member() const {
if (Size() != 1)
return true;
StringWeightIterator<L, S> iter(*this);
return iter.Value() != kStringBad;
template <typename L, StringType S>
inline typename StringWeight<L, S>::ReverseWeight
StringWeight<L, S>::Reverse() const {
ReverseWeight rw;
for (StringWeightIterator<L, S> iter(*this); !iter.Done(); iter.Next())
return rw;
template <typename L, StringType S>
inline size_t StringWeight<L, S>::Hash() const {
size_t h = 0;
for (StringWeightIterator<L, S> iter(*this); !iter.Done(); iter.Next())
h ^= h<<1 ^ iter.Value();
return h;
// NB: This needs to be uncommented only if default fails for this the impl.
// template <typename L, StringType S>
// inline StringWeight<L, S>
// &StringWeight<L, S>::operator=(const StringWeight<L, S> &w) {
// if (this != &w) {
// Clear();
// for (StringWeightIterator<L, S> iter(w); !iter.Done(); iter.Next())
// PushBack(iter.Value());
// }
// return *this;
// }
template <typename L, StringType S>
inline bool operator==(const StringWeight<L, S> &w1,
const StringWeight<L, S> &w2) {
if (w1.Size() != w2.Size())
return false;
StringWeightIterator<L, S> iter1(w1);
StringWeightIterator<L, S> iter2(w2);
for (; !iter1.Done() ; iter1.Next(), iter2.Next())
if (iter1.Value() != iter2.Value())
return false;
return true;
template <typename L, StringType S>
inline bool operator!=(const StringWeight<L, S> &w1,
const StringWeight<L, S> &w2) {
return !(w1 == w2);
template <typename L, StringType S>
inline bool ApproxEqual(const StringWeight<L, S> &w1,
const StringWeight<L, S> &w2,
float delta = kDelta) {
return w1 == w2;
template <typename L, StringType S>
inline ostream &operator<<(ostream &strm, const StringWeight<L, S> &w) {
StringWeightIterator<L, S> iter(w);
if (iter.Done())
return strm << "Epsilon";
else if (iter.Value() == kStringInfinity)
return strm << "Infinity";
else if (iter.Value() == kStringBad)
return strm << "BadString";
for (size_t i = 0; !iter.Done(); ++i, iter.Next()) {
if (i > 0)
strm << kStringSeparator;
strm << iter.Value();
return strm;
template <typename L, StringType S>
inline istream &operator>>(istream &strm, StringWeight<L, S> &w) {
string s;
strm >> s;
if (s == "Infinity") {
w = StringWeight<L, S>::Zero();
} else if (s == "Epsilon") {
w = StringWeight<L, S>::One();
} else {
char *p = 0;
for (const char *cs = s.c_str(); !p || *p != '\0'; cs = p + 1) {
int l = strtoll(cs, &p, 10);
if (p == cs || (*p != 0 && *p != kStringSeparator)) {
return strm;
// Default is for the restricted left and right semirings. String
// equality is required (for non-Zero() input. This restriction
// is used in e.g. Determinize to ensure functional input.
template <typename L, StringType S> inline StringWeight<L, S>
Plus(const StringWeight<L, S> &w1,
const StringWeight<L, S> &w2) {
if (!w1.Member() || !w2.Member())
return StringWeight<L, S>::NoWeight();
if (w1 == StringWeight<L, S>::Zero())
return w2;
if (w2 == StringWeight<L, S>::Zero())
return w1;
if (w1 != w2) {
FSTERROR() << "StringWeight::Plus: unequal arguments "
<< "(non-functional FST?)"
<< " w1 = " << w1
<< " w2 = " << w2;
return StringWeight<L, S>::NoWeight();
return w1;
// Longest common prefix for left string semiring.
template <typename L> inline StringWeight<L, STRING_LEFT>
Plus(const StringWeight<L, STRING_LEFT> &w1,
const StringWeight<L, STRING_LEFT> &w2) {
if (!w1.Member() || !w2.Member())
return StringWeight<L, STRING_LEFT>::NoWeight();
if (w1 == StringWeight<L, STRING_LEFT>::Zero())
return w2;
if (w2 == StringWeight<L, STRING_LEFT>::Zero())
return w1;
StringWeight<L, STRING_LEFT> sum;
StringWeightIterator<L, STRING_LEFT> iter1(w1);
StringWeightIterator<L, STRING_LEFT> iter2(w2);
for (; !iter1.Done() && !iter2.Done() && iter1.Value() == iter2.Value();
iter1.Next(), iter2.Next())
return sum;
// Longest common suffix for right string semiring.
template <typename L> inline StringWeight<L, STRING_RIGHT>
Plus(const StringWeight<L, STRING_RIGHT> &w1,
const StringWeight<L, STRING_RIGHT> &w2) {
if (!w1.Member() || !w2.Member())
return StringWeight<L, STRING_RIGHT>::NoWeight();
if (w1 == StringWeight<L, STRING_RIGHT>::Zero())
return w2;
if (w2 == StringWeight<L, STRING_RIGHT>::Zero())
return w1;
StringWeight<L, STRING_RIGHT> sum;
StringWeightReverseIterator<L, STRING_RIGHT> iter1(w1);
StringWeightReverseIterator<L, STRING_RIGHT> iter2(w2);
for (; !iter1.Done() && !iter2.Done() && iter1.Value() == iter2.Value();
iter1.Next(), iter2.Next())
return sum;
template <typename L, StringType S>
inline StringWeight<L, S> Times(const StringWeight<L, S> &w1,
const StringWeight<L, S> &w2) {
if (!w1.Member() || !w2.Member())
return StringWeight<L, S>::NoWeight();
if (w1 == StringWeight<L, S>::Zero() || w2 == StringWeight<L, S>::Zero())
return StringWeight<L, S>::Zero();
StringWeight<L, S> prod(w1);
for (StringWeightIterator<L, S> iter(w2); !iter.Done(); iter.Next())
return prod;
// Default is for left division in the left string and the
// left restricted string semirings.
template <typename L, StringType S> inline StringWeight<L, S>
Divide(const StringWeight<L, S> &w1,
const StringWeight<L, S> &w2,
DivideType typ) {
if (typ != DIVIDE_LEFT) {
FSTERROR() << "StringWeight::Divide: only left division is defined "
<< "for the " << StringWeight<L, S>::Type() << " semiring";
return StringWeight<L, S>::NoWeight();
if (!w1.Member() || !w2.Member())
return StringWeight<L, S>::NoWeight();
if (w2 == StringWeight<L, S>::Zero())
return StringWeight<L, S>(kStringBad);
else if (w1 == StringWeight<L, S>::Zero())
return StringWeight<L, S>::Zero();
StringWeight<L, S> div;
StringWeightIterator<L, S> iter(w1);
for (int i = 0; !iter.Done(); iter.Next(), ++i) {
if (i >= w2.Size())
return div;
// Right division in the right string semiring.
template <typename L> inline StringWeight<L, STRING_RIGHT>
Divide(const StringWeight<L, STRING_RIGHT> &w1,
const StringWeight<L, STRING_RIGHT> &w2,
DivideType typ) {
if (typ != DIVIDE_RIGHT) {
FSTERROR() << "StringWeight::Divide: only right division is defined "
<< "for the right string semiring";
return StringWeight<L, STRING_RIGHT>::NoWeight();
if (!w1.Member() || !w2.Member())
return StringWeight<L, STRING_RIGHT>::NoWeight();
if (w2 == StringWeight<L, STRING_RIGHT>::Zero())
return StringWeight<L, STRING_RIGHT>(kStringBad);
else if (w1 == StringWeight<L, STRING_RIGHT>::Zero())
return StringWeight<L, STRING_RIGHT>::Zero();
StringWeight<L, STRING_RIGHT> div;
StringWeightReverseIterator<L, STRING_RIGHT> iter(w1);
for (int i = 0; !iter.Done(); iter.Next(), ++i) {
if (i >= w2.Size())
return div;
// Right division in the right restricted string semiring.
template <typename L> inline StringWeight<L, STRING_RIGHT_RESTRICT>
Divide(const StringWeight<L, STRING_RIGHT_RESTRICT> &w1,
const StringWeight<L, STRING_RIGHT_RESTRICT> &w2,
DivideType typ) {
if (typ != DIVIDE_RIGHT) {
FSTERROR() << "StringWeight::Divide: only right division is defined "
<< "for the right restricted string semiring";
return StringWeight<L, STRING_RIGHT_RESTRICT>::NoWeight();
if (!w1.Member() || !w2.Member())
return StringWeight<L, STRING_RIGHT_RESTRICT>::NoWeight();
if (w2 == StringWeight<L, STRING_RIGHT_RESTRICT>::Zero())
return StringWeight<L, STRING_RIGHT_RESTRICT>(kStringBad);
else if (w1 == StringWeight<L, STRING_RIGHT_RESTRICT>::Zero())
return StringWeight<L, STRING_RIGHT_RESTRICT>::Zero();
StringWeightReverseIterator<L, STRING_RIGHT_RESTRICT> iter(w1);
for (int i = 0; !iter.Done(); iter.Next(), ++i) {
if (i >= w2.Size())
return div;
// Product of string weight and an arbitray weight.
template <class L, class W, StringType S = STRING_LEFT>
struct GallicWeight : public ProductWeight<StringWeight<L, S>, W> {
typedef GallicWeight<L, typename W::ReverseWeight, REVERSE_STRING_TYPE(S)>
GallicWeight() {}
GallicWeight(StringWeight<L, S> w1, W w2)
: ProductWeight<StringWeight<L, S>, W>(w1, w2) {}
explicit GallicWeight(const string &s, int *nread = 0)
: ProductWeight<StringWeight<L, S>, W>(s, nread) {}
GallicWeight(const ProductWeight<StringWeight<L, S>, W> &w)
: ProductWeight<StringWeight<L, S>, W>(w) {}
} // namespace fst