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// Copyright (c) 2002-2010 The ANGLE Project Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

// Symbol table for parsing.  Most functionaliy and main ideas
// are documented in the header file.

#include "compiler/SymbolTable.h"

#include <stdio.h>

// TType helper function needs a place to live.

// Recursively generate mangled names.
void TType::buildMangledName(TString& mangledName)
    if (isMatrix())
        mangledName += 'm';
    else if (isVector())
        mangledName += 'v';

    switch (type) {
    case EbtFloat:              mangledName += 'f';      break;
    case EbtInt:                mangledName += 'i';      break;
    case EbtBool:               mangledName += 'b';      break;
    case EbtSampler2D:          mangledName += "s2";     break;
    case EbtSamplerCube:        mangledName += "sC";     break;
    case EbtStruct:
        mangledName += "struct-";
        if (typeName)
            mangledName += *typeName;
        {// support MSVC++6.0
            for (unsigned int i = 0; i < structure->size(); ++i) {
                mangledName += '-';

    mangledName += static_cast<char>('0' + getNominalSize());
    if (isArray()) {
        char buf[20];
        sprintf(buf, "%d", arraySize);
        mangledName += '[';
        mangledName += buf;
        mangledName += ']';

int TType::getStructSize() const
    if (!getStruct()) {
        assert(false && "Not a struct");
        return 0;

    if (structureSize == 0)
        for (TTypeList::const_iterator tl = getStruct()->begin(); tl != getStruct()->end(); tl++)
            structureSize += ((*tl).type)->getObjectSize();

    return structureSize;

// Dump functions.

void TVariable::dump(TInfoSink& infoSink) const
    infoSink.debug << getName().c_str() << ": " << type.getQualifierString() << " " << type.getPrecisionString() << " " << type.getBasicString();
    if (type.isArray()) {
        infoSink.debug << "[0]";
    infoSink.debug << "\n";

void TFunction::dump(TInfoSink &infoSink) const
    infoSink.debug << getName().c_str() << ": " <<  returnType.getBasicString() << " " << getMangledName().c_str() << "\n";

void TSymbolTableLevel::dump(TInfoSink &infoSink) const
    tLevel::const_iterator it;
    for (it = level.begin(); it != level.end(); ++it)

void TSymbolTable::dump(TInfoSink &infoSink) const
    for (int level = currentLevel(); level >= 0; --level) {
        infoSink.debug << "LEVEL " << level << "\n";

// Functions have buried pointers to delete.
    for (TParamList::iterator i = parameters.begin(); i != parameters.end(); ++i)
        delete (*i).type;

// Symbol table levels are a map of pointers to symbols that have to be deleted.
    for (tLevel::iterator it = level.begin(); it != level.end(); ++it)
        delete (*it).second;

// Change all function entries in the table with the non-mangled name
// to be related to the provided built-in operation.  This is a low
// performance operation, and only intended for symbol tables that
// live across a large number of compiles.
void TSymbolTableLevel::relateToOperator(const char* name, TOperator op)
    tLevel::iterator it;
    for (it = level.begin(); it != level.end(); ++it) {
        if ((*it).second->isFunction()) {
            TFunction* function = static_cast<TFunction*>((*it).second);
            if (function->getName() == name)

// Change all function entries in the table with the non-mangled name
// to be related to the provided built-in extension. This is a low
// performance operation, and only intended for symbol tables that
// live across a large number of compiles.
void TSymbolTableLevel::relateToExtension(const char* name, const TString& ext)
    for (tLevel::iterator it = level.begin(); it != level.end(); ++it) {
        if (it->second->isFunction()) {
            TFunction* function = static_cast<TFunction*>(it->second);
            if (function->getName() == name)

TSymbol::TSymbol(const TSymbol& copyOf)
    name = NewPoolTString(copyOf.name->c_str());
    uniqueId = copyOf.uniqueId;

TVariable::TVariable(const TVariable& copyOf, TStructureMap& remapper) : TSymbol(copyOf)
    type.copyType(copyOf.type, remapper);
    userType = copyOf.userType;
    // for builtIn symbol table level, unionArray and arrayInformation pointers should be NULL
    assert(copyOf.arrayInformationType == 0);
    arrayInformationType = 0;

    if (copyOf.unionArray) {
        assert(copyOf.type.getObjectSize() == 1);
        unionArray = new ConstantUnion[1];
        unionArray[0] = copyOf.unionArray[0];
    } else
        unionArray = 0;

TVariable* TVariable::clone(TStructureMap& remapper)
    TVariable *variable = new TVariable(*this, remapper);

    return variable;

TFunction::TFunction(const TFunction& copyOf, TStructureMap& remapper) : TSymbol(copyOf)
    for (unsigned int i = 0; i < copyOf.parameters.size(); ++i) {
        TParameter param;
        parameters.back().copyParam(copyOf.parameters[i], remapper);

    returnType.copyType(copyOf.returnType, remapper);
    mangledName = copyOf.mangledName;
    op = copyOf.op;
    defined = copyOf.defined;

TFunction* TFunction::clone(TStructureMap& remapper)
    TFunction *function = new TFunction(*this, remapper);

    return function;

TSymbolTableLevel* TSymbolTableLevel::clone(TStructureMap& remapper)
    TSymbolTableLevel *symTableLevel = new TSymbolTableLevel();
    tLevel::iterator iter;
    for (iter = level.begin(); iter != level.end(); ++iter) {

    return symTableLevel;

void TSymbolTable::copyTable(const TSymbolTable& copyOf)
    TStructureMap remapper;
    uniqueId = copyOf.uniqueId;
    for (unsigned int i = 0; i < copyOf.table.size(); ++i) {
    for( unsigned int i = 0; i < copyOf.precisionStack.size(); i++) {
        precisionStack.push_back( copyOf.precisionStack[i] );