// Copyright (c) 2002-2010 The ANGLE Project Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// geometry/VertexDataManager.h: Defines the VertexDataManager, a class that
// runs the Buffer translation process.
#include "libGLESv2/geometry/VertexDataManager.h"
#include "common/debug.h"
#include "libGLESv2/Buffer.h"
#include "libGLESv2/Program.h"
#include "libGLESv2/main.h"
#include "libGLESv2/geometry/vertexconversion.h"
#include "libGLESv2/geometry/IndexDataManager.h"
enum { INITIAL_STREAM_BUFFER_SIZE = 1024*1024 };
namespace gl
VertexDataManager::VertexDataManager(Context *context, IDirect3DDevice9 *device) : mContext(context), mDevice(device)
for (int i = 0; i < MAX_VERTEX_ATTRIBS; i++)
mDirtyCurrentValue[i] = true;
mCurrentValueBuffer[i] = NULL;
const D3DCAPS9 &caps = context->getDeviceCaps();
mStreamingBuffer = new StreamingVertexBuffer(mDevice, INITIAL_STREAM_BUFFER_SIZE);
delete mStreamingBuffer;
for (int i = 0; i < MAX_VERTEX_ATTRIBS; i++)
delete mCurrentValueBuffer[i];
UINT VertexDataManager::writeAttributeData(ArrayVertexBuffer *vertexBuffer, GLint start, GLsizei count, const VertexAttribute &attribute)
Buffer *buffer = attribute.mBoundBuffer.get();
int inputStride = attribute.stride();
int elementSize = attribute.typeSize();
const FormatConverter &converter = formatConverter(attribute);
UINT streamOffset = 0;
void *output = NULL;
if (vertexBuffer)
output = vertexBuffer->map(attribute, spaceRequired(attribute, count), &streamOffset);
if (output == NULL)
ERR("Failed to map vertex buffer.");
return -1;
const char *input = NULL;
if (buffer)
int offset = attribute.mOffset;
input = static_cast<const char*>(buffer->data()) + offset;
input = static_cast<const char*>(attribute.mPointer);
input += inputStride * start;
if (converter.identity && inputStride == elementSize)
memcpy(output, input, count * inputStride);
converter.convertArray(input, inputStride, count, output);
return streamOffset;
GLenum VertexDataManager::prepareVertexData(GLint start, GLsizei count, TranslatedAttribute *translated)
GLenum error = GL_NO_ERROR;
const VertexAttributeArray &attribs = mContext->getVertexAttributes();
Program *program = mContext->getCurrentProgram();
for (int attributeIndex = 0; attributeIndex < MAX_VERTEX_ATTRIBS; attributeIndex++)
translated[attributeIndex].active = (program->getSemanticIndex(attributeIndex) != -1);
// Determine the required storage size per used buffer
for (int i = 0; i < MAX_VERTEX_ATTRIBS; i++)
Buffer *buffer = attribs[i].mBoundBuffer.get();
if (translated[i].active && attribs[i].mArrayEnabled && (buffer || attribs[i].mPointer))
StaticVertexBuffer *staticBuffer = buffer ? buffer->getVertexBuffer() : NULL;
if (staticBuffer && staticBuffer->size() == 0)
int totalCount = buffer->size() / attribs[i].stride();
staticBuffer->addRequiredSpace(spaceRequired(attribs[i], totalCount));
else if (!staticBuffer || staticBuffer->lookupAttribute(attribs[i]) == -1)
if (mStreamingBuffer)
mStreamingBuffer->addRequiredSpace(spaceRequired(attribs[i], count));
// Invalidate static buffers if the attribute formats no longer match
for (int i = 0; i < MAX_VERTEX_ATTRIBS; i++)
Buffer *buffer = attribs[i].mBoundBuffer.get();
if (translated[i].active && attribs[i].mArrayEnabled && buffer)
StaticVertexBuffer *staticBuffer = buffer->getVertexBuffer();
if (staticBuffer && staticBuffer->size() != 0)
bool matchingAttributes = true;
for (int j = 0; j < MAX_VERTEX_ATTRIBS; j++)
if (translated[j].active && attribs[j].mArrayEnabled && attribs[j].mBoundBuffer.get() == buffer)
if (staticBuffer->lookupAttribute(attribs[j]) == -1)
matchingAttributes = false;
if (!matchingAttributes && mStreamingBuffer)
// Reserve the required space per used buffer
for (int i = 0; i < MAX_VERTEX_ATTRIBS; i++)
Buffer *buffer = attribs[i].mBoundBuffer.get();
if (translated[i].active && attribs[i].mArrayEnabled && (buffer || attribs[i].mPointer))
ArrayVertexBuffer *staticBuffer = buffer ? buffer->getVertexBuffer() : NULL;
ArrayVertexBuffer *vertexBuffer = staticBuffer ? staticBuffer : mStreamingBuffer;
if (vertexBuffer)
// Perform the vertex data translations
for (int i = 0; i < MAX_VERTEX_ATTRIBS; i++)
if (translated[i].active)
Buffer *buffer = attribs[i].mBoundBuffer.get();
if (attribs[i].mArrayEnabled)
if (!buffer && attribs[i].mPointer == NULL)
// This is an application error that would normally result in a crash, but we catch it and return an error
ERR("An enabled vertex array has no buffer and no pointer.");
const FormatConverter &converter = formatConverter(attribs[i]);
StaticVertexBuffer *staticBuffer = buffer ? buffer->getVertexBuffer() : NULL;
ArrayVertexBuffer *vertexBuffer = staticBuffer ? staticBuffer : static_cast<ArrayVertexBuffer*>(mStreamingBuffer);
UINT streamOffset = -1;
if (staticBuffer)
streamOffset = staticBuffer->lookupAttribute(attribs[i]);
if (streamOffset == -1)
// Convert the entire buffer
int totalCount = buffer->size() / attribs[i].stride();
int startIndex = attribs[i].mOffset / attribs[i].stride();
streamOffset = writeAttributeData(staticBuffer, -startIndex, totalCount, attribs[i]);
if (streamOffset != -1)
streamOffset += (start + attribs[i].mOffset / attribs[i].stride()) * converter.outputElementSize;
streamOffset = writeAttributeData(mStreamingBuffer, start, count, attribs[i]);
if (streamOffset == -1)
translated[i].vertexBuffer = vertexBuffer->getBuffer();
translated[i].type = converter.d3dDeclType;
translated[i].stride = converter.outputElementSize;
translated[i].offset = streamOffset;
if (mDirtyCurrentValue[i])
delete mCurrentValueBuffer[i];
mCurrentValueBuffer[i] = new ConstantVertexBuffer(mDevice, attribs[i].mCurrentValue[0], attribs[i].mCurrentValue[1], attribs[i].mCurrentValue[2], attribs[i].mCurrentValue[3]);
mDirtyCurrentValue[i] = false;
translated[i].vertexBuffer = mCurrentValueBuffer[i]->getBuffer();
translated[i].type = D3DDECLTYPE_FLOAT4;
translated[i].stride = 0;
translated[i].offset = 0;
return GL_NO_ERROR;
std::size_t VertexDataManager::spaceRequired(const VertexAttribute &attrib, std::size_t count) const
return formatConverter(attrib).outputElementSize * count;
// Mapping from OpenGL-ES vertex attrib type to D3D decl type:
// BYTE SHORT (Cast)
// BYTE-norm FLOAT (Normalize) (can't be exactly represented as SHORT-norm)
// UNSIGNED_BYTE UBYTE4 (Identity) or SHORT (Cast)
// UNSIGNED_BYTE-norm UBYTE4N (Identity) or FLOAT (Normalize)
// SHORT SHORT (Identity)
// SHORT-norm SHORT-norm (Identity) or FLOAT (Normalize)
// UNSIGNED_SHORT-norm USHORT-norm (Identity) or FLOAT (Normalize)
// FIXED (not in WebGL) FLOAT (FixedToFloat)
// FLOAT FLOAT (Identity)
// GLToCType maps from GL type (as GLenum) to the C typedef.
template <GLenum GLType> struct GLToCType { };
template <> struct GLToCType<GL_BYTE> { typedef GLbyte type; };
template <> struct GLToCType<GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE> { typedef GLubyte type; };
template <> struct GLToCType<GL_SHORT> { typedef GLshort type; };
template <> struct GLToCType<GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT> { typedef GLushort type; };
template <> struct GLToCType<GL_FIXED> { typedef GLuint type; };
template <> struct GLToCType<GL_FLOAT> { typedef GLfloat type; };
// This differs from D3DDECLTYPE in that it is unsized. (Size expansion is applied last.)
enum D3DVertexType
// D3DToCType maps from D3D vertex type (as enum D3DVertexType) to the corresponding C type.
template <unsigned int D3DType> struct D3DToCType { };
template <> struct D3DToCType<D3DVT_FLOAT> { typedef float type; };
template <> struct D3DToCType<D3DVT_SHORT> { typedef short type; };
template <> struct D3DToCType<D3DVT_SHORT_NORM> { typedef short type; };
template <> struct D3DToCType<D3DVT_UBYTE> { typedef unsigned char type; };
template <> struct D3DToCType<D3DVT_UBYTE_NORM> { typedef unsigned char type; };
template <> struct D3DToCType<D3DVT_USHORT_NORM> { typedef unsigned short type; };
// Encode the type/size combinations that D3D permits. For each type/size it expands to a widener that will provide the appropriate final size.
template <unsigned int type, int size>
struct WidenRule
template <int size> struct WidenRule<D3DVT_FLOAT, size> : gl::NoWiden<size> { };
template <int size> struct WidenRule<D3DVT_SHORT, size> : gl::WidenToEven<size> { };
template <int size> struct WidenRule<D3DVT_SHORT_NORM, size> : gl::WidenToEven<size> { };
template <int size> struct WidenRule<D3DVT_UBYTE, size> : gl::WidenToFour<size> { };
template <int size> struct WidenRule<D3DVT_UBYTE_NORM, size> : gl::WidenToFour<size> { };
template <int size> struct WidenRule<D3DVT_USHORT_NORM, size> : gl::WidenToEven<size> { };
// VertexTypeFlags encodes the D3DCAPS9::DeclType flag and vertex declaration flag for each D3D vertex type & size combination.
template <unsigned int d3dtype, int size>
struct VertexTypeFlags
template <unsigned int capflag, unsigned int declflag>
struct VertexTypeFlagsHelper
enum { capflag = capflag };
enum { declflag = declflag };
template <> struct VertexTypeFlags<D3DVT_FLOAT, 1> : VertexTypeFlagsHelper<0, D3DDECLTYPE_FLOAT1> { };
template <> struct VertexTypeFlags<D3DVT_FLOAT, 2> : VertexTypeFlagsHelper<0, D3DDECLTYPE_FLOAT2> { };
template <> struct VertexTypeFlags<D3DVT_FLOAT, 3> : VertexTypeFlagsHelper<0, D3DDECLTYPE_FLOAT3> { };
template <> struct VertexTypeFlags<D3DVT_FLOAT, 4> : VertexTypeFlagsHelper<0, D3DDECLTYPE_FLOAT4> { };
template <> struct VertexTypeFlags<D3DVT_SHORT, 2> : VertexTypeFlagsHelper<0, D3DDECLTYPE_SHORT2> { };
template <> struct VertexTypeFlags<D3DVT_SHORT, 4> : VertexTypeFlagsHelper<0, D3DDECLTYPE_SHORT4> { };
template <> struct VertexTypeFlags<D3DVT_SHORT_NORM, 2> : VertexTypeFlagsHelper<D3DDTCAPS_SHORT2N, D3DDECLTYPE_SHORT2N> { };
template <> struct VertexTypeFlags<D3DVT_SHORT_NORM, 4> : VertexTypeFlagsHelper<D3DDTCAPS_SHORT4N, D3DDECLTYPE_SHORT4N> { };
template <> struct VertexTypeFlags<D3DVT_UBYTE, 4> : VertexTypeFlagsHelper<D3DDTCAPS_UBYTE4, D3DDECLTYPE_UBYTE4> { };
template <> struct VertexTypeFlags<D3DVT_UBYTE_NORM, 4> : VertexTypeFlagsHelper<D3DDTCAPS_UBYTE4N, D3DDECLTYPE_UBYTE4N> { };
template <> struct VertexTypeFlags<D3DVT_USHORT_NORM, 2> : VertexTypeFlagsHelper<D3DDTCAPS_USHORT2N, D3DDECLTYPE_USHORT2N> { };
template <> struct VertexTypeFlags<D3DVT_USHORT_NORM, 4> : VertexTypeFlagsHelper<D3DDTCAPS_USHORT4N, D3DDECLTYPE_USHORT4N> { };
// VertexTypeMapping maps GL type & normalized flag to preferred and fallback D3D vertex types (as D3DVertexType enums).
template <GLenum GLtype, bool normalized>
struct VertexTypeMapping
template <D3DVertexType Preferred, D3DVertexType Fallback = Preferred>
struct VertexTypeMappingBase
enum { preferred = Preferred };
enum { fallback = Fallback };
template <> struct VertexTypeMapping<GL_BYTE, false> : VertexTypeMappingBase<D3DVT_SHORT> { }; // Cast
template <> struct VertexTypeMapping<GL_BYTE, true> : VertexTypeMappingBase<D3DVT_FLOAT> { }; // Normalize
template <> struct VertexTypeMapping<GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, false> : VertexTypeMappingBase<D3DVT_UBYTE, D3DVT_FLOAT> { }; // Identity, Cast
template <> struct VertexTypeMapping<GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, true> : VertexTypeMappingBase<D3DVT_UBYTE_NORM, D3DVT_FLOAT> { }; // Identity, Normalize
template <> struct VertexTypeMapping<GL_SHORT, false> : VertexTypeMappingBase<D3DVT_SHORT> { }; // Identity
template <> struct VertexTypeMapping<GL_SHORT, true> : VertexTypeMappingBase<D3DVT_SHORT_NORM, D3DVT_FLOAT> { }; // Cast, Normalize
template <> struct VertexTypeMapping<GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT, false> : VertexTypeMappingBase<D3DVT_FLOAT> { }; // Cast
template <> struct VertexTypeMapping<GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT, true> : VertexTypeMappingBase<D3DVT_USHORT_NORM, D3DVT_FLOAT> { }; // Cast, Normalize
template <bool normalized> struct VertexTypeMapping<GL_FIXED, normalized> : VertexTypeMappingBase<D3DVT_FLOAT> { }; // FixedToFloat
template <bool normalized> struct VertexTypeMapping<GL_FLOAT, normalized> : VertexTypeMappingBase<D3DVT_FLOAT> { }; // Identity
// Given a GL type & norm flag and a D3D type, ConversionRule provides the type conversion rule (Cast, Normalize, Identity, FixedToFloat).
// The conversion rules themselves are defined in vertexconversion.h.
// Almost all cases are covered by Cast (including those that are actually Identity since Cast<T,T> knows it's an identity mapping).
template <GLenum fromType, bool normalized, unsigned int toType>
struct ConversionRule : gl::Cast<typename GLToCType<fromType>::type, typename D3DToCType<toType>::type>
// All conversions from normalized types to float use the Normalize operator.
template <GLenum fromType> struct ConversionRule<fromType, true, D3DVT_FLOAT> : gl::Normalize<typename GLToCType<fromType>::type> { };
// Use a full specialisation for this so that it preferentially matches ahead of the generic normalize-to-float rules.
template <> struct ConversionRule<GL_FIXED, true, D3DVT_FLOAT> : gl::FixedToFloat<GLuint, 16> { };
template <> struct ConversionRule<GL_FIXED, false, D3DVT_FLOAT> : gl::FixedToFloat<GLuint, 16> { };
// A 2-stage construction is used for DefaultVertexValues because float must use SimpleDefaultValues (i.e. 0/1)
// whether it is normalized or not.
template <class T, bool normalized>
struct DefaultVertexValuesStage2
template <class T> struct DefaultVertexValuesStage2<T, true> : gl::NormalizedDefaultValues<T> { };
template <class T> struct DefaultVertexValuesStage2<T, false> : gl::SimpleDefaultValues<T> { };
// Work out the default value rule for a D3D type (expressed as the C type) and
template <class T, bool normalized>
struct DefaultVertexValues : DefaultVertexValuesStage2<T, normalized>
template <bool normalized> struct DefaultVertexValues<float, normalized> : gl::SimpleDefaultValues<float> { };
// Policy rules for use with Converter, to choose whether to use the preferred or fallback conversion.
// The fallback conversion produces an output that all D3D9 devices must support.
template <class T> struct UsePreferred { enum { type = T::preferred }; };
template <class T> struct UseFallback { enum { type = T::fallback }; };
// Converter ties it all together. Given an OpenGL type/norm/size and choice of preferred/fallback conversion,
// it provides all the members of the appropriate VertexDataConverter, the D3DCAPS9::DeclTypes flag in cap flag
// and the D3DDECLTYPE member needed for the vertex declaration in declflag.
template <GLenum fromType, bool normalized, int size, template <class T> class PreferenceRule>
struct Converter
: gl::VertexDataConverter<typename GLToCType<fromType>::type,
WidenRule<PreferenceRule< VertexTypeMapping<fromType, normalized> >::type, size>,
PreferenceRule< VertexTypeMapping<fromType, normalized> >::type>,
DefaultVertexValues<typename D3DToCType<PreferenceRule< VertexTypeMapping<fromType, normalized> >::type>::type, normalized > >
enum { d3dtype = PreferenceRule< VertexTypeMapping<fromType, normalized> >::type };
enum { d3dsize = WidenRule<d3dtype, size>::finalWidth };
enum { capflag = VertexTypeFlags<d3dtype, d3dsize>::capflag };
enum { declflag = VertexTypeFlags<d3dtype, d3dsize>::declflag };
// Initialise a TranslationInfo
#define TRANSLATION(type, norm, size, preferred) \
{ \
Converter<type, norm, size, preferred>::identity, \
Converter<type, norm, size, preferred>::finalSize, \
Converter<type, norm, size, preferred>::convertArray, \
static_cast<D3DDECLTYPE>(Converter<type, norm, size, preferred>::declflag) \
#define TRANSLATION_FOR_TYPE_NORM_SIZE(type, norm, size) \
{ \
Converter<type, norm, size, UsePreferred>::capflag, \
TRANSLATION(type, norm, size, UsePreferred), \
TRANSLATION(type, norm, size, UseFallback) \
{ \
const VertexDataManager::TranslationDescription VertexDataManager::mPossibleTranslations[NUM_GL_VERTEX_ATTRIB_TYPES][2][4] = // [GL types as enumerated by typeIndex()][normalized][size-1]
void VertexDataManager::checkVertexCaps(DWORD declTypes)
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < NUM_GL_VERTEX_ATTRIB_TYPES; i++)
for (unsigned int j = 0; j < 2; j++)
for (unsigned int k = 0; k < 4; k++)
if (mPossibleTranslations[i][j][k].capsFlag == 0 || (declTypes & mPossibleTranslations[i][j][k].capsFlag) != 0)
mAttributeTypes[i][j][k] = mPossibleTranslations[i][j][k].preferredConversion;
mAttributeTypes[i][j][k] = mPossibleTranslations[i][j][k].fallbackConversion;
// This is used to index mAttributeTypes and mPossibleTranslations.
unsigned int VertexDataManager::typeIndex(GLenum type) const
switch (type)
case GL_BYTE: return 0;
case GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE: return 1;
case GL_SHORT: return 2;
case GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT: return 3;
case GL_FIXED: return 4;
case GL_FLOAT: return 5;
default: UNREACHABLE(); return 5;
void VertexDataManager::setupAttributes(const TranslatedAttribute *attributes)
D3DVERTEXELEMENT9 *element = &elements[0];
for (int i = 0; i < MAX_VERTEX_ATTRIBS; i++)
if (attributes[i].active)
mDevice->SetStreamSource(i, attributes[i].vertexBuffer, attributes[i].offset, attributes[i].stride);
element->Stream = i;
element->Offset = 0;
element->Type = attributes[i].type;
element->Method = D3DDECLMETHOD_DEFAULT;
element->UsageIndex = attributes[i].semanticIndex;
static const D3DVERTEXELEMENT9 end = D3DDECL_END();
*element = end;
IDirect3DVertexDeclaration9 *vertexDeclaration;
mDevice->CreateVertexDeclaration(elements, &vertexDeclaration);
VertexBuffer::VertexBuffer(IDirect3DDevice9 *device, std::size_t size, DWORD usageFlags) : mDevice(device), mVertexBuffer(NULL)
if (size > 0)
D3DPOOL pool = getDisplay()->getBufferPool(usageFlags);
HRESULT result = device->CreateVertexBuffer(size, usageFlags, 0, pool, &mVertexBuffer, NULL);
if (FAILED(result))
ERR("Out of memory allocating a vertex buffer of size %lu.", size);
if (mVertexBuffer)
void VertexBuffer::unmap()
if (mVertexBuffer)
IDirect3DVertexBuffer9 *VertexBuffer::getBuffer() const
return mVertexBuffer;
ConstantVertexBuffer::ConstantVertexBuffer(IDirect3DDevice9 *device, float x, float y, float z, float w) : VertexBuffer(device, 4 * sizeof(float), D3DUSAGE_WRITEONLY)
void *buffer = NULL;
if (mVertexBuffer)
HRESULT result = mVertexBuffer->Lock(0, 0, &buffer, 0);
if (FAILED(result))
ERR("Lock failed with error 0x%08x", result);
if (buffer)
float *vector = (float*)buffer;
vector[0] = x;
vector[1] = y;
vector[2] = z;
vector[3] = w;
ArrayVertexBuffer::ArrayVertexBuffer(IDirect3DDevice9 *device, std::size_t size, DWORD usageFlags) : VertexBuffer(device, size, usageFlags)
mBufferSize = size;
mWritePosition = 0;
mRequiredSpace = 0;
void ArrayVertexBuffer::addRequiredSpace(UINT requiredSpace)
mRequiredSpace += requiredSpace;
void ArrayVertexBuffer::addRequiredSpaceFor(ArrayVertexBuffer *buffer)
mRequiredSpace += buffer->mRequiredSpace;
StreamingVertexBuffer::StreamingVertexBuffer(IDirect3DDevice9 *device, std::size_t initialSize) : ArrayVertexBuffer(device, initialSize, D3DUSAGE_DYNAMIC | D3DUSAGE_WRITEONLY)
void *StreamingVertexBuffer::map(const VertexAttribute &attribute, std::size_t requiredSpace, std::size_t *offset)
void *mapPtr = NULL;
if (mVertexBuffer)
HRESULT result = mVertexBuffer->Lock(mWritePosition, requiredSpace, &mapPtr, D3DLOCK_NOOVERWRITE);
if (FAILED(result))
ERR("Lock failed with error 0x%08x", result);
return NULL;
*offset = mWritePosition;
mWritePosition += requiredSpace;
return mapPtr;
void StreamingVertexBuffer::reserveRequiredSpace()
if (mRequiredSpace > mBufferSize)
if (mVertexBuffer)
mVertexBuffer = NULL;
mBufferSize = std::max(mRequiredSpace, 3 * mBufferSize / 2); // 1.5 x mBufferSize is arbitrary and should be checked to see we don't have too many reallocations.
D3DPOOL pool = getDisplay()->getBufferPool(D3DUSAGE_DYNAMIC | D3DUSAGE_WRITEONLY);
HRESULT result = mDevice->CreateVertexBuffer(mBufferSize, D3DUSAGE_DYNAMIC | D3DUSAGE_WRITEONLY, 0, pool, &mVertexBuffer, NULL);
if (FAILED(result))
ERR("Out of memory allocating a vertex buffer of size %lu.", mBufferSize);
mWritePosition = 0;
else if (mWritePosition + mRequiredSpace > mBufferSize) // Recycle
if (mVertexBuffer)
void *dummy;
mVertexBuffer->Lock(0, 1, &dummy, D3DLOCK_DISCARD);
mWritePosition = 0;
mRequiredSpace = 0;
StaticVertexBuffer::StaticVertexBuffer(IDirect3DDevice9 *device) : ArrayVertexBuffer(device, 0, D3DUSAGE_WRITEONLY)
void *StaticVertexBuffer::map(const VertexAttribute &attribute, std::size_t requiredSpace, UINT *streamOffset)
void *mapPtr = NULL;
if (mVertexBuffer)
HRESULT result = mVertexBuffer->Lock(mWritePosition, requiredSpace, &mapPtr, 0);
if (FAILED(result))
ERR("Lock failed with error 0x%08x", result);
return NULL;
int attributeOffset = attribute.mOffset % attribute.stride();
VertexElement element = {attribute.mType, attribute.mSize, attribute.mNormalized, attributeOffset, mWritePosition};
*streamOffset = mWritePosition;
mWritePosition += requiredSpace;
return mapPtr;
void StaticVertexBuffer::reserveRequiredSpace()
if (!mVertexBuffer && mBufferSize == 0)
D3DPOOL pool = getDisplay()->getBufferPool(D3DUSAGE_WRITEONLY);
HRESULT result = mDevice->CreateVertexBuffer(mRequiredSpace, D3DUSAGE_WRITEONLY, 0, pool, &mVertexBuffer, NULL);
if (FAILED(result))
ERR("Out of memory allocating a vertex buffer of size %lu.", mRequiredSpace);
mBufferSize = mRequiredSpace;
else if (mVertexBuffer && mBufferSize >= mRequiredSpace)
// Already allocated
else UNREACHABLE(); // Static vertex buffers can't be resized
mRequiredSpace = 0;
UINT StaticVertexBuffer::lookupAttribute(const VertexAttribute &attribute)
for (unsigned int element = 0; element < mCache.size(); element++)
if (mCache[element].type == attribute.mType && mCache[element].size == attribute.mSize && mCache[element].normalized == attribute.mNormalized)
if (mCache[element].attributeOffset == attribute.mOffset % attribute.stride())
return mCache[element].streamOffset;
return -1;
const VertexDataManager::FormatConverter &VertexDataManager::formatConverter(const VertexAttribute &attribute) const
return mAttributeTypes[typeIndex(attribute.mType)][attribute.mNormalized][attribute.mSize - 1];