* Copyright (C) 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
* Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
* modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
* are met:
* 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
* notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
* 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
* notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
* documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
#include "config.h"
#include "visible_units.h"
#include "Document.h"
#include "Element.h"
#include "HTMLNames.h"
#include "Position.h"
#include "RenderBlock.h"
#include "RenderLayer.h"
#include "RenderObject.h"
#include "TextBoundaries.h"
#include "TextBreakIterator.h"
#include "TextIterator.h"
#include "VisiblePosition.h"
#include "VisibleSelection.h"
#include "htmlediting.h"
#include <wtf/unicode/Unicode.h>
namespace WebCore {
using namespace HTMLNames;
using namespace WTF::Unicode;
enum BoundarySearchContextAvailability { DontHaveMoreContext, MayHaveMoreContext };
typedef unsigned (*BoundarySearchFunction)(const UChar*, unsigned length, unsigned offset, BoundarySearchContextAvailability, bool& needMoreContext);
static VisiblePosition previousBoundary(const VisiblePosition& c, BoundarySearchFunction searchFunction)
Position pos = c.deepEquivalent();
Node* boundary = pos.parentEditingBoundary();
if (!boundary)
return VisiblePosition();
Document* d = boundary->document();
Position start = Position(boundary, 0).parentAnchoredEquivalent();
Position end = pos.parentAnchoredEquivalent();
RefPtr<Range> searchRange = Range::create(d);
Vector<UChar, 1024> string;
unsigned suffixLength = 0;
ExceptionCode ec = 0;
if (requiresContextForWordBoundary(c.characterBefore())) {
RefPtr<Range> forwardsScanRange(d->createRange());
forwardsScanRange->setEndAfter(boundary, ec);
forwardsScanRange->setStart(end.deprecatedNode(), end.deprecatedEditingOffset(), ec);
TextIterator forwardsIterator(forwardsScanRange.get());
while (!forwardsIterator.atEnd()) {
const UChar* characters = forwardsIterator.characters();
int length = forwardsIterator.length();
int i = endOfFirstWordBoundaryContext(characters, length);
string.append(characters, i);
suffixLength += i;
if (i < length)
searchRange->setStart(start.deprecatedNode(), start.deprecatedEditingOffset(), ec);
searchRange->setEnd(end.deprecatedNode(), end.deprecatedEditingOffset(), ec);
if (ec)
return VisiblePosition();
SimplifiedBackwardsTextIterator it(searchRange.get());
unsigned next = 0;
bool inTextSecurityMode = start.deprecatedNode() && start.deprecatedNode()->renderer() && start.deprecatedNode()->renderer()->style()->textSecurity() != TSNONE;
bool needMoreContext = false;
while (!it.atEnd()) {
// iterate to get chunks until the searchFunction returns a non-zero value.
if (!inTextSecurityMode)
string.prepend(it.characters(), it.length());
else {
// Treat bullets used in the text security mode as regular characters when looking for boundaries
String iteratorString(it.characters(), it.length());
iteratorString = iteratorString.impl()->secure('x');
string.prepend(iteratorString.characters(), iteratorString.length());
next = searchFunction(string.data(), string.size(), string.size() - suffixLength, MayHaveMoreContext, needMoreContext);
if (next != 0)
if (needMoreContext) {
// The last search returned the beginning of the buffer and asked for more context,
// but there is no earlier text. Force a search with what's available.
next = searchFunction(string.data(), string.size(), string.size() - suffixLength, DontHaveMoreContext, needMoreContext);
if (!next)
return VisiblePosition(it.atEnd() ? it.range()->startPosition() : pos, DOWNSTREAM);
Node* node = it.range()->startContainer(ec);
if ((node->isTextNode() && static_cast<int>(next) <= node->maxCharacterOffset()) || (node->renderer() && node->renderer()->isBR() && !next))
// The next variable contains a usable index into a text node
return VisiblePosition(Position(node, next), DOWNSTREAM);
// Use the character iterator to translate the next value into a DOM position.
BackwardsCharacterIterator charIt(searchRange.get());
charIt.advance(string.size() - suffixLength - next);
// FIXME: charIt can get out of shadow host.
return VisiblePosition(charIt.range()->endPosition(), DOWNSTREAM);
static VisiblePosition nextBoundary(const VisiblePosition& c, BoundarySearchFunction searchFunction)
Position pos = c.deepEquivalent();
Node* boundary = pos.parentEditingBoundary();
if (!boundary)
return VisiblePosition();
Document* d = boundary->document();
RefPtr<Range> searchRange(d->createRange());
Position start(pos.parentAnchoredEquivalent());
Vector<UChar, 1024> string;
unsigned prefixLength = 0;
ExceptionCode ec = 0;
if (requiresContextForWordBoundary(c.characterAfter())) {
RefPtr<Range> backwardsScanRange(d->createRange());
backwardsScanRange->setEnd(start.deprecatedNode(), start.deprecatedEditingOffset(), ec);
SimplifiedBackwardsTextIterator backwardsIterator(backwardsScanRange.get());
while (!backwardsIterator.atEnd()) {
const UChar* characters = backwardsIterator.characters();
int length = backwardsIterator.length();
int i = startOfLastWordBoundaryContext(characters, length);
string.prepend(characters + i, length - i);
prefixLength += length - i;
if (i > 0)
searchRange->selectNodeContents(boundary, ec);
searchRange->setStart(start.deprecatedNode(), start.deprecatedEditingOffset(), ec);
TextIterator it(searchRange.get(), TextIteratorEmitsCharactersBetweenAllVisiblePositions);
unsigned next = 0;
bool inTextSecurityMode = start.deprecatedNode() && start.deprecatedNode()->renderer() && start.deprecatedNode()->renderer()->style()->textSecurity() != TSNONE;
bool needMoreContext = false;
while (!it.atEnd()) {
// Keep asking the iterator for chunks until the search function
// returns an end value not equal to the length of the string passed to it.
if (!inTextSecurityMode)
string.append(it.characters(), it.length());
else {
// Treat bullets used in the text security mode as regular characters when looking for boundaries
String iteratorString(it.characters(), it.length());
iteratorString = iteratorString.impl()->secure('x');
string.append(iteratorString.characters(), iteratorString.length());
next = searchFunction(string.data(), string.size(), prefixLength, MayHaveMoreContext, needMoreContext);
if (next != string.size())
if (needMoreContext) {
// The last search returned the end of the buffer and asked for more context,
// but there is no further text. Force a search with what's available.
next = searchFunction(string.data(), string.size(), prefixLength, DontHaveMoreContext, needMoreContext);
if (it.atEnd() && next == string.size()) {
pos = it.range()->startPosition();
} else if (next != prefixLength) {
// Use the character iterator to translate the next value into a DOM position.
CharacterIterator charIt(searchRange.get(), TextIteratorEmitsCharactersBetweenAllVisiblePositions);
charIt.advance(next - prefixLength - 1);
RefPtr<Range> characterRange = charIt.range();
pos = characterRange->endPosition();
if (*charIt.characters() == '\n') {
// FIXME: workaround for collapsed range (where only start position is correct) emitted for some emitted newlines (see rdar://5192593)
VisiblePosition visPos = VisiblePosition(pos);
if (visPos == VisiblePosition(characterRange->startPosition())) {
pos = charIt.range()->startPosition();
// generate VisiblePosition, use UPSTREAM affinity if possible
return VisiblePosition(pos, VP_UPSTREAM_IF_POSSIBLE);
static bool canHaveCursor(RenderObject* o)
return (o->isText() && toRenderText(o)->linesBoundingBox().height())
|| (o->isBox() && toRenderBox(o)->borderBoundingBox().height());
// ---------
static unsigned startWordBoundary(const UChar* characters, unsigned length, unsigned offset, BoundarySearchContextAvailability mayHaveMoreContext, bool& needMoreContext)
if (mayHaveMoreContext && !startOfLastWordBoundaryContext(characters, offset)) {
needMoreContext = true;
return 0;
needMoreContext = false;
int start, end;
findWordBoundary(characters, length, offset - 1, &start, &end);
return start;
VisiblePosition startOfWord(const VisiblePosition &c, EWordSide side)
// FIXME: This returns a null VP for c at the start of the document
// and side == LeftWordIfOnBoundary
VisiblePosition p = c;
if (side == RightWordIfOnBoundary) {
// at paragraph end, the startofWord is the current position
if (isEndOfParagraph(c))
return c;
p = c.next();
if (p.isNull())
return c;
return previousBoundary(p, startWordBoundary);
static unsigned endWordBoundary(const UChar* characters, unsigned length, unsigned offset, BoundarySearchContextAvailability mayHaveMoreContext, bool& needMoreContext)
ASSERT(offset <= length);
if (mayHaveMoreContext && endOfFirstWordBoundaryContext(characters + offset, length - offset) == static_cast<int>(length - offset)) {
needMoreContext = true;
return length;
needMoreContext = false;
int start, end;
findWordBoundary(characters, length, offset, &start, &end);
return end;
VisiblePosition endOfWord(const VisiblePosition &c, EWordSide side)
VisiblePosition p = c;
if (side == LeftWordIfOnBoundary) {
if (isStartOfParagraph(c))
return c;
p = c.previous();
if (p.isNull())
return c;
} else if (isEndOfParagraph(c))
return c;
return nextBoundary(p, endWordBoundary);
static unsigned previousWordPositionBoundary(const UChar* characters, unsigned length, unsigned offset, BoundarySearchContextAvailability mayHaveMoreContext, bool& needMoreContext)
if (mayHaveMoreContext && !startOfLastWordBoundaryContext(characters, offset)) {
needMoreContext = true;
return 0;
needMoreContext = false;
return findNextWordFromIndex(characters, length, offset, false);
VisiblePosition previousWordPosition(const VisiblePosition &c)
VisiblePosition prev = previousBoundary(c, previousWordPositionBoundary);
return c.honorEditableBoundaryAtOrBefore(prev);
static unsigned nextWordPositionBoundary(const UChar* characters, unsigned length, unsigned offset, BoundarySearchContextAvailability mayHaveMoreContext, bool& needMoreContext)
if (mayHaveMoreContext && endOfFirstWordBoundaryContext(characters + offset, length - offset) == static_cast<int>(length - offset)) {
needMoreContext = true;
return length;
needMoreContext = false;
return findNextWordFromIndex(characters, length, offset, true);
VisiblePosition nextWordPosition(const VisiblePosition &c)
VisiblePosition next = nextBoundary(c, nextWordPositionBoundary);
return c.honorEditableBoundaryAtOrAfter(next);
// ---------
static RootInlineBox *rootBoxForLine(const VisiblePosition &c)
Position p = c.deepEquivalent();
Node* node = p.deprecatedNode();
if (!node)
return 0;
RenderObject *renderer = node->renderer();
if (!renderer)
return 0;
InlineBox* box;
int offset;
c.getInlineBoxAndOffset(box, offset);
return box ? box->root() : 0;
static VisiblePosition positionAvoidingFirstPositionInTable(const VisiblePosition& c)
// return table offset 0 instead of the first VisiblePosition inside the table
VisiblePosition previous = c.previous();
if (isLastPositionBeforeTable(previous) && isEditablePosition(previous.deepEquivalent()))
return previous;
return c;
static VisiblePosition startPositionForLine(const VisiblePosition& c)
if (c.isNull())
return VisiblePosition();
RootInlineBox *rootBox = rootBoxForLine(c);
if (!rootBox) {
// There are VisiblePositions at offset 0 in blocks without
// RootInlineBoxes, like empty editable blocks and bordered blocks.
Position p = c.deepEquivalent();
if (p.deprecatedNode()->renderer() && p.deprecatedNode()->renderer()->isRenderBlock() && !p.deprecatedEditingOffset())
return positionAvoidingFirstPositionInTable(c);
return VisiblePosition();
// Generated content (e.g. list markers and CSS :before and :after
// pseudoelements) have no corresponding DOM element, and so cannot be
// represented by a VisiblePosition. Use whatever follows instead.
InlineBox *startBox = rootBox->firstLeafChild();
Node *startNode;
while (1) {
if (!startBox)
return VisiblePosition();
RenderObject *startRenderer = startBox->renderer();
if (!startRenderer)
return VisiblePosition();
startNode = startRenderer->node();
if (startNode)
startBox = startBox->nextLeafChild();
VisiblePosition visPos = startNode->isTextNode() ? VisiblePosition(Position(startNode, static_cast<InlineTextBox *>(startBox)->start(), Position::PositionIsOffsetInAnchor), DOWNSTREAM)
: VisiblePosition(positionBeforeNode(startNode), DOWNSTREAM);
return positionAvoidingFirstPositionInTable(visPos);
VisiblePosition startOfLine(const VisiblePosition& c)
VisiblePosition visPos = startPositionForLine(c);
return c.honorEditableBoundaryAtOrBefore(visPos);
static VisiblePosition endPositionForLine(const VisiblePosition& c)
if (c.isNull())
return VisiblePosition();
RootInlineBox *rootBox = rootBoxForLine(c);
if (!rootBox) {
// There are VisiblePositions at offset 0 in blocks without
// RootInlineBoxes, like empty editable blocks and bordered blocks.
Position p = c.deepEquivalent();
if (p.deprecatedNode()->renderer() && p.deprecatedNode()->renderer()->isRenderBlock() && !p.deprecatedEditingOffset())
return c;
return VisiblePosition();
// Generated content (e.g. list markers and CSS :before and :after
// pseudoelements) have no corresponding DOM element, and so cannot be
// represented by a VisiblePosition. Use whatever precedes instead.
Node *endNode;
InlineBox *endBox = rootBox->lastLeafChild();
while (1) {
if (!endBox)
return VisiblePosition();
RenderObject *endRenderer = endBox->renderer();
if (!endRenderer)
return VisiblePosition();
endNode = endRenderer->node();
if (endNode)
endBox = endBox->prevLeafChild();
Position pos;
if (endNode->hasTagName(brTag)) {
pos = positionBeforeNode(endNode);
} else if (endBox->isInlineTextBox()) {
InlineTextBox *endTextBox = static_cast<InlineTextBox *>(endBox);
int endOffset = endTextBox->start();
if (!endTextBox->isLineBreak())
endOffset += endTextBox->len();
pos = Position(endNode, endOffset, Position::PositionIsOffsetInAnchor);
} else
pos = positionAfterNode(endNode);
return VisiblePosition(pos, VP_UPSTREAM_IF_POSSIBLE);
VisiblePosition endOfLine(const VisiblePosition& c)
VisiblePosition visPos = endPositionForLine(c);
// Make sure the end of line is at the same line as the given input position. Else use the previous position to
// obtain end of line. This condition happens when the input position is before the space character at the end
// of a soft-wrapped non-editable line. In this scenario, endPositionForLine would incorrectly hand back a position
// in the next line instead. This fix is to account for the discrepancy between lines with webkit-line-break:after-white-space style
// versus lines without that style, which would break before a space by default.
if (!inSameLine(c, visPos)) {
visPos = c.previous();
if (visPos.isNull())
return VisiblePosition();
visPos = endPositionForLine(visPos);
return c.honorEditableBoundaryAtOrAfter(visPos);
bool inSameLine(const VisiblePosition &a, const VisiblePosition &b)
return a.isNotNull() && startOfLine(a) == startOfLine(b);
bool isStartOfLine(const VisiblePosition &p)
return p.isNotNull() && p == startOfLine(p);
bool isEndOfLine(const VisiblePosition &p)
return p.isNotNull() && p == endOfLine(p);
// The first leaf before node that has the same editability as node.
static Node* previousLeafWithSameEditability(Node* node)
bool editable = node->rendererIsEditable();
Node* n = node->previousLeafNode();
while (n) {
if (editable == n->rendererIsEditable())
return n;
n = n->previousLeafNode();
return 0;
static Node* enclosingNodeWithNonInlineRenderer(Node* n)
for (Node* p = n; p; p = p->parentNode()) {
if (p->renderer() && !p->renderer()->isInline())
return p;
return 0;
VisiblePosition previousLinePosition(const VisiblePosition &visiblePosition, int x)
Position p = visiblePosition.deepEquivalent();
Node* node = p.deprecatedNode();
Node* highestRoot = highestEditableRoot(p);
if (!node)
return VisiblePosition();
RenderObject *renderer = node->renderer();
if (!renderer)
return VisiblePosition();
RenderBlock *containingBlock = 0;
RootInlineBox *root = 0;
InlineBox* box;
int ignoredCaretOffset;
visiblePosition.getInlineBoxAndOffset(box, ignoredCaretOffset);
if (box) {
root = box->root()->prevRootBox();
// We want to skip zero height boxes.
// This could happen in case it is a TrailingFloatsRootInlineBox.
if (root && root->logicalHeight())
containingBlock = renderer->containingBlock();
root = 0;
if (!root) {
// This containing editable block does not have a previous line.
// Need to move back to previous containing editable block in this root editable
// block and find the last root line box in that block.
Node* startBlock = enclosingNodeWithNonInlineRenderer(node);
Node* n = previousLeafWithSameEditability(node);
while (n && startBlock == enclosingNodeWithNonInlineRenderer(n))
n = previousLeafWithSameEditability(n);
while (n) {
if (highestEditableRoot(firstPositionInOrBeforeNode(n)) != highestRoot)
Position pos(n, caretMinOffset(n));
if (pos.isCandidate()) {
RenderObject* o = n->renderer();
if (canHaveCursor(o)) {
Position maxPos(n, caretMaxOffset(n));
maxPos.getInlineBoxAndOffset(DOWNSTREAM, box, ignoredCaretOffset);
if (box) {
// previous root line box found
root = box->root();
containingBlock = n->renderer()->containingBlock();
return VisiblePosition(pos, DOWNSTREAM);
n = previousLeafWithSameEditability(n);
if (root) {
// FIXME: Can be wrong for multi-column layout and with transforms.
FloatPoint absPos = containingBlock->localToAbsolute(FloatPoint());
if (containingBlock->hasOverflowClip())
absPos -= containingBlock->layer()->scrolledContentOffset();
RenderObject* renderer = root->closestLeafChildForLogicalLeftPosition(x - absPos.x(), isEditablePosition(p))->renderer();
Node* node = renderer->node();
if (node && editingIgnoresContent(node))
return positionInParentBeforeNode(node);
return renderer->positionForPoint(IntPoint(x - absPos.x(), root->lineTop()));
// Could not find a previous line. This means we must already be on the first line.
// Move to the start of the content in this block, which effectively moves us
// to the start of the line we're on.
Element* rootElement = node->rendererIsEditable() ? node->rootEditableElement() : node->document()->documentElement();
if (!rootElement)
return VisiblePosition();
return VisiblePosition(firstPositionInNode(rootElement), DOWNSTREAM);
static Node* nextLeafWithSameEditability(Node* node, int offset)
bool editable = node->rendererIsEditable();
ASSERT(offset >= 0);
Node* child = node->childNode(offset);
Node* n = child ? child->nextLeafNode() : node->lastDescendant()->nextLeafNode();
while (n) {
if (editable == n->rendererIsEditable())
return n;
n = n->nextLeafNode();
return 0;
static Node* nextLeafWithSameEditability(Node* node)
if (!node)
return 0;
bool editable = node->rendererIsEditable();
Node* n = node->nextLeafNode();
while (n) {
if (editable == n->rendererIsEditable())
return n;
n = n->nextLeafNode();
return 0;
VisiblePosition nextLinePosition(const VisiblePosition &visiblePosition, int x)
Position p = visiblePosition.deepEquivalent();
Node* node = p.deprecatedNode();
Node* highestRoot = highestEditableRoot(p);
if (!node)
return VisiblePosition();
RenderObject *renderer = node->renderer();
if (!renderer)
return VisiblePosition();
RenderBlock *containingBlock = 0;
RootInlineBox *root = 0;
InlineBox* box;
int ignoredCaretOffset;
visiblePosition.getInlineBoxAndOffset(box, ignoredCaretOffset);
if (box) {
root = box->root()->nextRootBox();
// We want to skip zero height boxes.
// This could happen in case it is a TrailingFloatsRootInlineBox.
if (root && root->logicalHeight())
containingBlock = renderer->containingBlock();
root = 0;
if (!root) {
// This containing editable block does not have a next line.
// Need to move forward to next containing editable block in this root editable
// block and find the first root line box in that block.
Node* startBlock = enclosingNodeWithNonInlineRenderer(node);
Node* n = nextLeafWithSameEditability(node, p.deprecatedEditingOffset());
while (n && startBlock == enclosingNodeWithNonInlineRenderer(n))
n = nextLeafWithSameEditability(n);
while (n) {
if (highestEditableRoot(firstPositionInOrBeforeNode(n)) != highestRoot)
Position pos(n, caretMinOffset(n));
if (pos.isCandidate()) {
pos.getInlineBoxAndOffset(DOWNSTREAM, box, ignoredCaretOffset);
if (box) {
// next root line box found
root = box->root();
containingBlock = n->renderer()->containingBlock();
return VisiblePosition(pos, DOWNSTREAM);
n = nextLeafWithSameEditability(n);
if (root) {
// FIXME: Can be wrong for multi-column layout and with transforms.
FloatPoint absPos = containingBlock->localToAbsolute(FloatPoint());
if (containingBlock->hasOverflowClip())
absPos -= containingBlock->layer()->scrolledContentOffset();
RenderObject* renderer = root->closestLeafChildForLogicalLeftPosition(x - absPos.x(), isEditablePosition(p))->renderer();
Node* node = renderer->node();
if (node && editingIgnoresContent(node))
return positionInParentBeforeNode(node);
return renderer->positionForPoint(IntPoint(x - absPos.x(), root->lineTop()));
// Could not find a next line. This means we must already be on the last line.
// Move to the end of the content in this block, which effectively moves us
// to the end of the line we're on.
Element* rootElement = node->rendererIsEditable() ? node->rootEditableElement() : node->document()->documentElement();
if (!rootElement)
return VisiblePosition();
return VisiblePosition(lastPositionInNode(rootElement), DOWNSTREAM);
// ---------
static unsigned startSentenceBoundary(const UChar* characters, unsigned length, unsigned, BoundarySearchContextAvailability, bool&)
TextBreakIterator* iterator = sentenceBreakIterator(characters, length);
// FIXME: The following function can return -1; we don't handle that.
return textBreakPreceding(iterator, length);
VisiblePosition startOfSentence(const VisiblePosition &c)
return previousBoundary(c, startSentenceBoundary);
static unsigned endSentenceBoundary(const UChar* characters, unsigned length, unsigned, BoundarySearchContextAvailability, bool&)
TextBreakIterator* iterator = sentenceBreakIterator(characters, length);
return textBreakNext(iterator);
// FIXME: This includes the space after the punctuation that marks the end of the sentence.
VisiblePosition endOfSentence(const VisiblePosition &c)
return nextBoundary(c, endSentenceBoundary);
static unsigned previousSentencePositionBoundary(const UChar* characters, unsigned length, unsigned, BoundarySearchContextAvailability, bool&)
// FIXME: This is identical to startSentenceBoundary. I'm pretty sure that's not right.
TextBreakIterator* iterator = sentenceBreakIterator(characters, length);
// FIXME: The following function can return -1; we don't handle that.
return textBreakPreceding(iterator, length);
VisiblePosition previousSentencePosition(const VisiblePosition &c)
VisiblePosition prev = previousBoundary(c, previousSentencePositionBoundary);
return c.honorEditableBoundaryAtOrBefore(prev);
static unsigned nextSentencePositionBoundary(const UChar* characters, unsigned length, unsigned, BoundarySearchContextAvailability, bool&)
// FIXME: This is identical to endSentenceBoundary. This isn't right, it needs to
// move to the equivlant position in the following sentence.
TextBreakIterator* iterator = sentenceBreakIterator(characters, length);
return textBreakFollowing(iterator, 0);
VisiblePosition nextSentencePosition(const VisiblePosition &c)
VisiblePosition next = nextBoundary(c, nextSentencePositionBoundary);
return c.honorEditableBoundaryAtOrAfter(next);
VisiblePosition startOfParagraph(const VisiblePosition& c, EditingBoundaryCrossingRule boundaryCrossingRule)
Position p = c.deepEquivalent();
Node* startNode = p.deprecatedNode();
if (!startNode)
return VisiblePosition();
if (isRenderedAsNonInlineTableImageOrHR(startNode))
return positionBeforeNode(startNode);
Node* startBlock = enclosingBlock(startNode);
Node* node = startNode;
Node* highestRoot = highestEditableRoot(p);
int offset = p.deprecatedEditingOffset();
Position::AnchorType type = p.anchorType();
Node* n = startNode;
while (n) {
if (boundaryCrossingRule == CannotCrossEditingBoundary && n->rendererIsEditable() != startNode->rendererIsEditable())
if (boundaryCrossingRule == CanSkipOverEditingBoundary) {
while (n && n->rendererIsEditable() != startNode->rendererIsEditable())
n = n->traversePreviousNodePostOrder(startBlock);
if (!n || !n->isDescendantOf(highestRoot))
RenderObject *r = n->renderer();
if (!r) {
n = n->traversePreviousNodePostOrder(startBlock);
RenderStyle *style = r->style();
if (style->visibility() != VISIBLE) {
n = n->traversePreviousNodePostOrder(startBlock);
if (r->isBR() || isBlock(n))
if (r->isText() && r->caretMaxRenderedOffset() > 0) {
type = Position::PositionIsOffsetInAnchor;
if (style->preserveNewline()) {
const UChar* chars = toRenderText(r)->characters();
int i = toRenderText(r)->textLength();
int o = offset;
if (n == startNode && o < i)
i = max(0, o);
while (--i >= 0)
if (chars[i] == '\n')
return VisiblePosition(Position(n, i + 1, Position::PositionIsOffsetInAnchor), DOWNSTREAM);
node = n;
offset = 0;
n = n->traversePreviousNodePostOrder(startBlock);
} else if (editingIgnoresContent(n) || isTableElement(n)) {
node = n;
type = Position::PositionIsBeforeAnchor;
n = n->previousSibling() ? n->previousSibling() : n->traversePreviousNodePostOrder(startBlock);
} else
n = n->traversePreviousNodePostOrder(startBlock);
if (type == Position::PositionIsOffsetInAnchor)
return VisiblePosition(Position(node, offset, type), DOWNSTREAM);
return VisiblePosition(Position(node, type), DOWNSTREAM);
VisiblePosition endOfParagraph(const VisiblePosition &c, EditingBoundaryCrossingRule boundaryCrossingRule)
if (c.isNull())
return VisiblePosition();
Position p = c.deepEquivalent();
Node* startNode = p.deprecatedNode();
if (isRenderedAsNonInlineTableImageOrHR(startNode))
return positionAfterNode(startNode);
Node* startBlock = enclosingBlock(startNode);
Node* stayInsideBlock = startBlock;
Node* node = startNode;
Node* highestRoot = highestEditableRoot(p);
int offset = p.deprecatedEditingOffset();
Position::AnchorType type = p.anchorType();
Node* n = startNode;
while (n) {
if (boundaryCrossingRule == CannotCrossEditingBoundary && n->rendererIsEditable() != startNode->rendererIsEditable())
if (boundaryCrossingRule == CanSkipOverEditingBoundary) {
while (n && n->rendererIsEditable() != startNode->rendererIsEditable())
n = n->traverseNextNode(stayInsideBlock);
if (!n || !n->isDescendantOf(highestRoot))
RenderObject *r = n->renderer();
if (!r) {
n = n->traverseNextNode(stayInsideBlock);
RenderStyle *style = r->style();
if (style->visibility() != VISIBLE) {
n = n->traverseNextNode(stayInsideBlock);
if (r->isBR() || isBlock(n))
// FIXME: We avoid returning a position where the renderer can't accept the caret.
if (r->isText() && r->caretMaxRenderedOffset() > 0) {
int length = toRenderText(r)->textLength();
type = Position::PositionIsOffsetInAnchor;
if (style->preserveNewline()) {
const UChar* chars = toRenderText(r)->characters();
int o = n == startNode ? offset : 0;
for (int i = o; i < length; ++i)
if (chars[i] == '\n')
return VisiblePosition(Position(n, i, Position::PositionIsOffsetInAnchor), DOWNSTREAM);
node = n;
offset = r->caretMaxOffset();
n = n->traverseNextNode(stayInsideBlock);
} else if (editingIgnoresContent(n) || isTableElement(n)) {
node = n;
type = Position::PositionIsAfterAnchor;
n = n->traverseNextSibling(stayInsideBlock);
} else
n = n->traverseNextNode(stayInsideBlock);
if (type == Position::PositionIsOffsetInAnchor)
return VisiblePosition(Position(node, offset, type), DOWNSTREAM);
return VisiblePosition(Position(node, type), DOWNSTREAM);
// FIXME: isStartOfParagraph(startOfNextParagraph(pos)) is not always true
VisiblePosition startOfNextParagraph(const VisiblePosition& visiblePosition)
VisiblePosition paragraphEnd(endOfParagraph(visiblePosition, CanSkipOverEditingBoundary));
VisiblePosition afterParagraphEnd(paragraphEnd.next(CannotCrossEditingBoundary));
// The position after the last position in the last cell of a table
// is not the start of the next paragraph.
if (isFirstPositionAfterTable(afterParagraphEnd))
return afterParagraphEnd.next(CannotCrossEditingBoundary);
return afterParagraphEnd;
bool inSameParagraph(const VisiblePosition &a, const VisiblePosition &b, EditingBoundaryCrossingRule boundaryCrossingRule)
return a.isNotNull() && startOfParagraph(a, boundaryCrossingRule) == startOfParagraph(b, boundaryCrossingRule);
bool isStartOfParagraph(const VisiblePosition &pos, EditingBoundaryCrossingRule boundaryCrossingRule)
return pos.isNotNull() && pos == startOfParagraph(pos, boundaryCrossingRule);
bool isEndOfParagraph(const VisiblePosition &pos, EditingBoundaryCrossingRule boundaryCrossingRule)
return pos.isNotNull() && pos == endOfParagraph(pos, boundaryCrossingRule);
VisiblePosition previousParagraphPosition(const VisiblePosition& p, int x)
VisiblePosition pos = p;
do {
VisiblePosition n = previousLinePosition(pos, x);
if (n.isNull() || n == pos)
pos = n;
} while (inSameParagraph(p, pos));
return pos;
VisiblePosition nextParagraphPosition(const VisiblePosition& p, int x)
VisiblePosition pos = p;
do {
VisiblePosition n = nextLinePosition(pos, x);
if (n.isNull() || n == pos)
pos = n;
} while (inSameParagraph(p, pos));
return pos;
// ---------
VisiblePosition startOfBlock(const VisiblePosition& visiblePosition, EditingBoundaryCrossingRule rule)
Position position = visiblePosition.deepEquivalent();
Node* startBlock;
if (!position.containerNode() || !(startBlock = enclosingBlock(position.containerNode(), rule)))
return VisiblePosition();
return firstPositionInNode(startBlock);
VisiblePosition endOfBlock(const VisiblePosition& visiblePosition, EditingBoundaryCrossingRule rule)
Position position = visiblePosition.deepEquivalent();
Node* endBlock;
if (!position.containerNode() || !(endBlock = enclosingBlock(position.containerNode(), rule)))
return VisiblePosition();
return lastPositionInNode(endBlock);
bool inSameBlock(const VisiblePosition &a, const VisiblePosition &b)
return !a.isNull() && enclosingBlock(a.deepEquivalent().containerNode()) == enclosingBlock(b.deepEquivalent().containerNode());
bool isStartOfBlock(const VisiblePosition &pos)
return pos.isNotNull() && pos == startOfBlock(pos, CanCrossEditingBoundary);
bool isEndOfBlock(const VisiblePosition &pos)
return pos.isNotNull() && pos == endOfBlock(pos, CanCrossEditingBoundary);
// ---------
VisiblePosition startOfDocument(const Node* node)
if (!node)
return VisiblePosition();
return VisiblePosition(firstPositionInNode(node->document()->documentElement()), DOWNSTREAM);
VisiblePosition startOfDocument(const VisiblePosition &c)
return startOfDocument(c.deepEquivalent().deprecatedNode());
VisiblePosition endOfDocument(const Node* node)
if (!node || !node->document() || !node->document()->documentElement())
return VisiblePosition();
Element* doc = node->document()->documentElement();
return VisiblePosition(lastPositionInNode(doc), DOWNSTREAM);
VisiblePosition endOfDocument(const VisiblePosition &c)
return endOfDocument(c.deepEquivalent().deprecatedNode());
bool inSameDocument(const VisiblePosition &a, const VisiblePosition &b)
Position ap = a.deepEquivalent();
Node* an = ap.deprecatedNode();
if (!an)
return false;
Position bp = b.deepEquivalent();
Node* bn = bp.deprecatedNode();
if (an == bn)
return true;
return an->document() == bn->document();
bool isStartOfDocument(const VisiblePosition &p)
return p.isNotNull() && p.previous().isNull();
bool isEndOfDocument(const VisiblePosition &p)
return p.isNotNull() && p.next().isNull();
// ---------
VisiblePosition startOfEditableContent(const VisiblePosition& visiblePosition)
Node* highestRoot = highestEditableRoot(visiblePosition.deepEquivalent());
if (!highestRoot)
return VisiblePosition();
return firstPositionInNode(highestRoot);
VisiblePosition endOfEditableContent(const VisiblePosition& visiblePosition)
Node* highestRoot = highestEditableRoot(visiblePosition.deepEquivalent());
if (!highestRoot)
return VisiblePosition();
return lastPositionInNode(highestRoot);
static VisiblePosition logicalStartPositionForLine(const VisiblePosition& c)
if (c.isNull())
return VisiblePosition();
RootInlineBox* rootBox = rootBoxForLine(c);
if (!rootBox) {
// There are VisiblePositions at offset 0 in blocks without
// RootInlineBoxes, like empty editable blocks and bordered blocks.
Position p = c.deepEquivalent();
if (p.deprecatedNode()->renderer() && p.deprecatedNode()->renderer()->isRenderBlock() && !p.deprecatedEditingOffset())
return positionAvoidingFirstPositionInTable(c);
return VisiblePosition();
InlineBox* logicalStartBox;
Node* logicalStartNode = rootBox->getLogicalStartBoxWithNode(logicalStartBox);
if (!logicalStartNode)
return VisiblePosition();
VisiblePosition visPos = logicalStartNode->isTextNode() ? VisiblePosition(Position(logicalStartNode, logicalStartBox->caretMinOffset(), Position::PositionIsOffsetInAnchor), DOWNSTREAM)
: VisiblePosition(positionBeforeNode(logicalStartNode), DOWNSTREAM);
return positionAvoidingFirstPositionInTable(visPos);
VisiblePosition logicalStartOfLine(const VisiblePosition& c)
// TODO: this is the current behavior that might need to be fixed.
// Please refer to https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=49107 for detail.
VisiblePosition visPos = logicalStartPositionForLine(c);
return c.honorEditableBoundaryAtOrBefore(visPos);
static VisiblePosition logicalEndPositionForLine(const VisiblePosition& c)
if (c.isNull())
return VisiblePosition();
RootInlineBox* rootBox = rootBoxForLine(c);
if (!rootBox) {
// There are VisiblePositions at offset 0 in blocks without
// RootInlineBoxes, like empty editable blocks and bordered blocks.
Position p = c.deepEquivalent();
if (p.deprecatedNode()->renderer() && p.deprecatedNode()->renderer()->isRenderBlock() && !p.deprecatedEditingOffset())
return c;
return VisiblePosition();
InlineBox* logicalEndBox;
Node* logicalEndNode = rootBox->getLogicalEndBoxWithNode(logicalEndBox);
if (!logicalEndNode)
return VisiblePosition();
Position pos;
if (logicalEndNode->hasTagName(brTag))
pos = positionBeforeNode(logicalEndNode);
else if (logicalEndBox->isInlineTextBox()) {
InlineTextBox* endTextBox = static_cast<InlineTextBox*>(logicalEndBox);
int endOffset = endTextBox->start();
if (!endTextBox->isLineBreak())
endOffset += endTextBox->len();
pos = Position(logicalEndNode, endOffset, Position::PositionIsOffsetInAnchor);
} else
pos = positionAfterNode(logicalEndNode);
return VisiblePosition(pos, VP_UPSTREAM_IF_POSSIBLE);
bool inSameLogicalLine(const VisiblePosition& a, const VisiblePosition& b)
return a.isNotNull() && logicalStartOfLine(a) == logicalStartOfLine(b);
VisiblePosition logicalEndOfLine(const VisiblePosition& c)
// TODO: this is the current behavior that might need to be fixed.
// Please refer to https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=49107 for detail.
VisiblePosition visPos = logicalEndPositionForLine(c);
// Make sure the end of line is at the same line as the given input position. For a wrapping line, the logical end
// position for the not-last-2-lines might incorrectly hand back the logical beginning of the next line.
// For example, <div contenteditable dir="rtl" style="line-break:before-white-space">abcdefg abcdefg abcdefg
// a abcdefg abcdefg abcdefg abcdefg abcdefg abcdefg abcdefg abcdefg abcdefg abcdefg </div>
// In this case, use the previous position of the computed logical end position.
if (!inSameLogicalLine(c, visPos))
visPos = visPos.previous();
return c.honorEditableBoundaryAtOrAfter(visPos);
VisiblePosition leftBoundaryOfLine(const VisiblePosition& c, TextDirection direction)
return direction == LTR ? logicalStartOfLine(c) : logicalEndOfLine(c);
VisiblePosition rightBoundaryOfLine(const VisiblePosition& c, TextDirection direction)
return direction == LTR ? logicalEndOfLine(c) : logicalStartOfLine(c);
static const int invalidOffset = -1;
static VisiblePosition previousWordBreakInBoxInsideBlockWithSameDirectionality(const InlineBox* box, const VisiblePosition& previousWordBreak, int& offsetOfWordBreak)
bool hasSeenWordBreakInThisBox = previousWordBreak.isNotNull();
// In a LTR block, the word break should be on the left boundary of a word.
// In a RTL block, the word break should be on the right boundary of a word.
// Because nextWordPosition() returns the word break on the right boundary of the word for LTR text,
// we need to use previousWordPosition() to traverse words within the inline boxes from right to left
// to find the previous word break (i.e. the first word break on the left). The same applies to RTL text.
VisiblePosition wordBreak = hasSeenWordBreakInThisBox ? previousWordBreak : Position(box->renderer()->node(), box->caretMaxOffset(), Position::PositionIsOffsetInAnchor);
// FIXME: handle multi-spaces (http://webkit.org/b/57543).
wordBreak = previousWordPosition(wordBreak);
if (previousWordBreak == wordBreak)
return VisiblePosition();
InlineBox* boxContainingPreviousWordBreak;
wordBreak.getInlineBoxAndOffset(boxContainingPreviousWordBreak, offsetOfWordBreak);
if (boxContainingPreviousWordBreak != box)
return VisiblePosition();
return wordBreak;
static VisiblePosition leftmostPositionInRTLBoxInLTRBlock(const InlineBox* box)
// FIXME: Probably need to take care of bidi level too.
Node* node = box->renderer()->node();
InlineBox* previousLeaf = box->prevLeafChild();
InlineBox* nextLeaf = box->nextLeafChild();
if (previousLeaf && !previousLeaf->isLeftToRightDirection())
return Position(node, box->caretMaxOffset(), Position::PositionIsOffsetInAnchor);
if (nextLeaf && !nextLeaf->isLeftToRightDirection()) {
if (previousLeaf)
return Position(previousLeaf->renderer()->node(), previousLeaf->caretMaxOffset(), Position::PositionIsOffsetInAnchor);
InlineBox* lastRTLLeaf;
do {
lastRTLLeaf = nextLeaf;
nextLeaf = nextLeaf->nextLeafChild();
} while (nextLeaf && !nextLeaf->isLeftToRightDirection());
return Position(lastRTLLeaf->renderer()->node(), lastRTLLeaf->caretMinOffset(), Position::PositionIsOffsetInAnchor);
return Position(node, box->caretMinOffset(), Position::PositionIsOffsetInAnchor);
static VisiblePosition rightmostPositionInLTRBoxInRTLBlock(const InlineBox* box)
// FIXME: Probably need to take care of bidi level too.
Node* node = box->renderer()->node();
InlineBox* previousLeaf = box->prevLeafChild();
InlineBox* nextLeaf = box->nextLeafChild();
if (nextLeaf && nextLeaf->isLeftToRightDirection())
return Position(node, box->caretMaxOffset(), Position::PositionIsOffsetInAnchor);
if (previousLeaf && previousLeaf->isLeftToRightDirection()) {
if (nextLeaf)
return Position(nextLeaf->renderer()->node(), nextLeaf->caretMaxOffset(), Position::PositionIsOffsetInAnchor);
InlineBox* firstLTRLeaf;
do {
firstLTRLeaf = previousLeaf;
previousLeaf = previousLeaf->prevLeafChild();
} while (previousLeaf && previousLeaf->isLeftToRightDirection());
return Position(firstLTRLeaf->renderer()->node(), firstLTRLeaf->caretMinOffset(), Position::PositionIsOffsetInAnchor);
return Position(node, box->caretMinOffset(), Position::PositionIsOffsetInAnchor);
static VisiblePosition lastWordBreakInBox(const InlineBox* box, int& offsetOfWordBreak)
// Add the leftmost word break for RTL box or rightmost word break for LTR box.
InlineBox* previousLeaf = box->prevLeafChild();
InlineBox* nextLeaf = box->nextLeafChild();
VisiblePosition boundaryPosition;
if (box->direction() == RTL && (!previousLeaf || previousLeaf->isLeftToRightDirection()))
boundaryPosition = leftmostPositionInRTLBoxInLTRBlock(box);
else if (box->direction() == LTR && (!nextLeaf || !nextLeaf->isLeftToRightDirection()))
boundaryPosition = rightmostPositionInLTRBoxInRTLBlock(box);
if (boundaryPosition.isNull())
return VisiblePosition();
VisiblePosition wordBreak = nextWordPosition(boundaryPosition);
if (wordBreak != boundaryPosition)
wordBreak = previousWordPosition(wordBreak);
InlineBox* boxOfWordBreak;
wordBreak.getInlineBoxAndOffset(boxOfWordBreak, offsetOfWordBreak);
if (boxOfWordBreak == box)
return wordBreak;
return VisiblePosition();
static bool positionIsVisuallyOrderedInBoxInBlockWithDifferentDirectionality(const VisiblePosition& wordBreak, const InlineBox* box, int& offsetOfWordBreak)
int previousOffset = offsetOfWordBreak;
InlineBox* boxOfWordBreak;
wordBreak.getInlineBoxAndOffset(boxOfWordBreak, offsetOfWordBreak);
if (boxOfWordBreak == box && (previousOffset == invalidOffset || previousOffset < offsetOfWordBreak))
return true;
return false;
static VisiblePosition nextWordBreakInBoxInsideBlockWithDifferentDirectionality(
const InlineBox* box, const VisiblePosition& previousWordBreak, int& offsetOfWordBreak, bool& isLastWordBreakInBox)
// FIXME: Probably need to take care of bidi level too.
// In a LTR block, the word break should be on the left boundary of a word.
// In a RTL block, the word break should be on the right boundary of a word.
// Because previousWordPosition() returns the word break on the right boundary of the word for RTL text,
// we need to use nextWordPosition() to traverse words within the inline boxes from right to left to find the next word break.
// The same applies to LTR text, in which words are traversed within the inline boxes from left to right.
// FIXME: handle multi-spaces (http://webkit.org/b/57543).
bool hasSeenWordBreakInThisBox = previousWordBreak.isNotNull();
VisiblePosition wordBreak = hasSeenWordBreakInThisBox ? previousWordBreak : Position(box->renderer()->node(), box->caretMinOffset(), Position::PositionIsOffsetInAnchor);
wordBreak = nextWordPosition(wordBreak);
if (wordBreak == previousWordBreak) {
isLastWordBreakInBox = true;
return VisiblePosition();
// Given RTL box "ABC DEF" either follows a LTR box or is the first visual box in an LTR block as an example,
// the visual display of the RTL box is: "(0)J(10)I(9)H(8) (7)F(6)E(5)D(4) (3)C(2)B(1)A(11)",
// where the number in parenthesis represents offset in visiblePosition.
// Start at offset 0, the first word break is at offset 3, the 2nd word break is at offset 7, and the 3rd word break should be at offset 0.
// But nextWordPosition() of offset 7 is offset 11, which should be ignored,
// and the position at offset 0 should be manually added as the last word break within the box.
if (positionIsVisuallyOrderedInBoxInBlockWithDifferentDirectionality(wordBreak, box, offsetOfWordBreak)) {
isLastWordBreakInBox = false;
return wordBreak;
isLastWordBreakInBox = true;
return lastWordBreakInBox(box, offsetOfWordBreak);
struct WordBoundaryEntry {
: offsetInInlineBox(invalidOffset)
WordBoundaryEntry(const VisiblePosition& position, int offset)
: visiblePosition(position)
, offsetInInlineBox(offset)
VisiblePosition visiblePosition;
int offsetInInlineBox;
typedef Vector<WordBoundaryEntry, 50> WordBoundaryVector;
static void collectWordBreaksInBoxInsideBlockWithSameDirectionality(const InlineBox* box, WordBoundaryVector& orderedWordBoundaries)
VisiblePosition wordBreak;
int offsetOfWordBreak = invalidOffset;
while (1) {
wordBreak = previousWordBreakInBoxInsideBlockWithSameDirectionality(box, wordBreak, offsetOfWordBreak);
if (wordBreak.isNull())
WordBoundaryEntry wordBoundaryEntry(wordBreak, offsetOfWordBreak);
static void collectWordBreaksInBoxInsideBlockWithDifferntDirectionality(const InlineBox* box, WordBoundaryVector& orderedWordBoundaries)
VisiblePosition wordBreak;
int offsetOfWordBreak = invalidOffset;
while (1) {
bool isLastWordBreakInBox = false;
wordBreak = nextWordBreakInBoxInsideBlockWithDifferentDirectionality(box, wordBreak, offsetOfWordBreak, isLastWordBreakInBox);
if (wordBreak.isNotNull()) {
WordBoundaryEntry wordBoundaryEntry(wordBreak, offsetOfWordBreak);
if (isLastWordBreakInBox)
static VisiblePosition previousWordBreakInBox(const InlineBox* box, int offset, TextDirection blockDirection)
int offsetOfWordBreak = 0;
VisiblePosition wordBreak;
while (true) {
if (box->direction() == blockDirection)
wordBreak = previousWordBreakInBoxInsideBlockWithSameDirectionality(box, wordBreak, offsetOfWordBreak);
// FIXME: Implement the 'else' case when the box direction is not equal to the block direction.
if (wordBreak.isNull())
if (offset == invalidOffset || offsetOfWordBreak != offset)
return wordBreak;
return VisiblePosition();
static int greatestValueUnder(int offset, bool boxAndBlockAreInSameDirection, const WordBoundaryVector& orderedWordBoundaries)
if (!orderedWordBoundaries.size())
return invalidOffset;
// FIXME: binary search.
if (boxAndBlockAreInSameDirection) {
for (unsigned i = 0; i < orderedWordBoundaries.size(); ++i) {
if (orderedWordBoundaries[i].offsetInInlineBox < offset)
return i;
return invalidOffset;
for (int i = orderedWordBoundaries.size() - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
if (orderedWordBoundaries[i].offsetInInlineBox < offset)
return i;
return invalidOffset;
static int smallestOffsetAbove(int offset, bool boxAndBlockAreInSameDirection, const WordBoundaryVector& orderedWordBoundaries)
if (!orderedWordBoundaries.size())
return invalidOffset;
// FIXME: binary search.
if (boxAndBlockAreInSameDirection) {
for (int i = orderedWordBoundaries.size() - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
if (orderedWordBoundaries[i].offsetInInlineBox > offset)
return i;
return invalidOffset;
for (unsigned i = 0; i < orderedWordBoundaries.size(); ++i) {
if (orderedWordBoundaries[i].offsetInInlineBox > offset)
return i;
return invalidOffset;
static VisiblePosition leftWordBoundary(const InlineBox* box, int offset, TextDirection blockDirection)
VisiblePosition wordBreak;
for (const InlineBox* adjacentBox = box; adjacentBox; adjacentBox = adjacentBox->prevLeafChild()) {
if (blockDirection == LTR)
wordBreak = previousWordBreakInBox(adjacentBox, adjacentBox == box ? offset : invalidOffset, blockDirection);
// FIXME: Implement the "else" case.
if (wordBreak.isNotNull())
return wordBreak;
return VisiblePosition();
static VisiblePosition rightWordBoundary(const InlineBox* box, int offset, TextDirection blockDirection)
VisiblePosition wordBreak;
for (const InlineBox* adjacentBox = box; adjacentBox; adjacentBox = adjacentBox->nextLeafChild()) {
if (blockDirection == RTL)
wordBreak = previousWordBreakInBox(adjacentBox, adjacentBox == box ? offset : invalidOffset, blockDirection);
// FIXME: Implement the "else" case.
if (!wordBreak.isNull())
return wordBreak;
return VisiblePosition();
static bool positionIsInsideBox(const VisiblePosition& wordBreak, const InlineBox* box)
InlineBox* boxOfWordBreak;
int offsetOfWordBreak;
wordBreak.getInlineBoxAndOffset(boxOfWordBreak, offsetOfWordBreak);
return box == boxOfWordBreak && offsetOfWordBreak != box->caretMaxOffset() && offsetOfWordBreak != box->caretMinOffset();
static VisiblePosition positionBeforeNextWord(const VisiblePosition& position)
VisiblePosition positionAfterCurrentWord = nextWordPosition(position);
VisiblePosition positionAfterNextWord = nextWordPosition(positionAfterCurrentWord);
if (positionAfterCurrentWord == positionAfterNextWord)
return positionAfterCurrentWord;
return previousWordPosition(positionAfterNextWord);
static VisiblePosition positionAfterPreviousWord(const VisiblePosition& position)
VisiblePosition positionBeforeCurrentWord = previousWordPosition(position);
VisiblePosition positionBeforePreviousWord = previousWordPosition(positionBeforeCurrentWord);
if (positionBeforeCurrentWord == positionBeforePreviousWord)
return positionBeforeCurrentWord;
return nextWordPosition(positionBeforePreviousWord);
VisiblePosition leftWordPosition(const VisiblePosition& visiblePosition)
InlineBox* box;
int offset;
visiblePosition.getInlineBoxAndOffset(box, offset);
TextDirection blockDirection = directionOfEnclosingBlock(visiblePosition.deepEquivalent());
// FIXME: If the box's directionality is the same as that of the enclosing block, when the offset is at the box boundary
// and the direction is towards inside the box, do I still need to make it a special case? For example, a LTR box inside a LTR block,
// when offset is at box's caretMinOffset and the direction is DirectionRight, should it be taken care as a general case?
if (offset == box->caretLeftmostOffset())
return leftWordBoundary(box->prevLeafChild(), invalidOffset, blockDirection);
if (offset == box->caretRightmostOffset())
return leftWordBoundary(box, offset, blockDirection);
VisiblePosition wordBreak;
if (box->direction() == blockDirection) {
if (blockDirection == RTL)
wordBreak = positionBeforeNextWord(visiblePosition);
wordBreak = previousWordPosition(visiblePosition);
} else {
if (blockDirection == RTL)
wordBreak = positionAfterPreviousWord(visiblePosition);
wordBreak = nextWordPosition(visiblePosition);
if (positionIsInsideBox(wordBreak, box))
return wordBreak;
WordBoundaryVector orderedWordBoundaries;
if (box->direction() == blockDirection)
collectWordBreaksInBoxInsideBlockWithSameDirectionality(box, orderedWordBoundaries);
collectWordBreaksInBoxInsideBlockWithDifferntDirectionality(box, orderedWordBoundaries);
int index = box->isLeftToRightDirection() ? greatestValueUnder(offset, blockDirection == LTR, orderedWordBoundaries) :
smallestOffsetAbove(offset, blockDirection == RTL, orderedWordBoundaries);
if (index != invalidOffset)
return orderedWordBoundaries[index].visiblePosition;
return leftWordBoundary(box->prevLeafChild(), invalidOffset, blockDirection);
VisiblePosition rightWordPosition(const VisiblePosition& visiblePosition)
InlineBox* box;
int offset;
visiblePosition.getInlineBoxAndOffset(box, offset);
TextDirection blockDirection = directionOfEnclosingBlock(visiblePosition.deepEquivalent());
if (offset == box->caretLeftmostOffset())
return rightWordBoundary(box, offset, blockDirection);
if (offset == box->caretRightmostOffset())
return rightWordBoundary(box->nextLeafChild(), invalidOffset, blockDirection);
VisiblePosition wordBreak;
if (box->direction() == blockDirection) {
if (blockDirection == LTR)
wordBreak = positionBeforeNextWord(visiblePosition);
wordBreak = previousWordPosition(visiblePosition);
} else {
if (blockDirection == LTR)
wordBreak = positionAfterPreviousWord(visiblePosition);
wordBreak = nextWordPosition(visiblePosition);
if (positionIsInsideBox(wordBreak, box))
return wordBreak;
WordBoundaryVector orderedWordBoundaries;
if (box->direction() == blockDirection)
collectWordBreaksInBoxInsideBlockWithSameDirectionality(box, orderedWordBoundaries);
collectWordBreaksInBoxInsideBlockWithDifferntDirectionality(box, orderedWordBoundaries);
int index = box->isLeftToRightDirection() ? smallestOffsetAbove(offset, blockDirection == LTR, orderedWordBoundaries) :
greatestValueUnder(offset, blockDirection == RTL, orderedWordBoundaries);
if (index != invalidOffset)
return orderedWordBoundaries[index].visiblePosition;
return rightWordBoundary(box->nextLeafChild(), invalidOffset, blockDirection);