/* Copyright (c) 2012-2013, The Linux Foundataion. All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are * met: * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above * copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following * disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided * with the distribution. * * Neither the name of The Linux Foundation nor the names of its * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived * from this software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED * WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NON-INFRINGEMENT * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS * BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR * CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF * SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR * BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, * WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE * OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN * IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. * */ #define LOG_TAG "QCamera3Stream" #include <utils/Log.h> #include <utils/Errors.h> #include "QCamera3HWI.h" #include "QCamera3Stream.h" #include "QCamera3Channel.h" using namespace android; namespace qcamera { /*=========================================================================== * FUNCTION : get_bufs * * DESCRIPTION: static function entry to allocate stream buffers * * PARAMETERS : * @offset : offset info of stream buffers * @num_bufs : number of buffers allocated * @initial_reg_flag: flag to indicate if buffer needs to be registered * at kernel initially * @bufs : output of allocated buffers * @ops_tbl : ptr to buf mapping/unmapping ops * @user_data : user data ptr of ops_tbl * * RETURN : int32_t type of status * NO_ERROR -- success * none-zero failure code *==========================================================================*/ int32_t QCamera3Stream::get_bufs( cam_frame_len_offset_t *offset, uint8_t *num_bufs, uint8_t **initial_reg_flag, mm_camera_buf_def_t **bufs, mm_camera_map_unmap_ops_tbl_t *ops_tbl, void *user_data) { QCamera3Stream *stream = reinterpret_cast<QCamera3Stream *>(user_data); if (!stream) { ALOGE("getBufs invalid stream pointer"); return NO_MEMORY; } return stream->getBufs(offset, num_bufs, initial_reg_flag, bufs, ops_tbl); } /*=========================================================================== * FUNCTION : put_bufs * * DESCRIPTION: static function entry to deallocate stream buffers * * PARAMETERS : * @ops_tbl : ptr to buf mapping/unmapping ops * @user_data : user data ptr of ops_tbl * * RETURN : int32_t type of status * NO_ERROR -- success * none-zero failure code *==========================================================================*/ int32_t QCamera3Stream::put_bufs( mm_camera_map_unmap_ops_tbl_t *ops_tbl, void *user_data) { QCamera3Stream *stream = reinterpret_cast<QCamera3Stream *>(user_data); if (!stream) { ALOGE("putBufs invalid stream pointer"); return NO_MEMORY; } return stream->putBufs(ops_tbl); } /*=========================================================================== * FUNCTION : invalidate_buf * * DESCRIPTION: static function entry to invalidate a specific stream buffer * * PARAMETERS : * @index : index of the stream buffer to invalidate * @user_data : user data ptr of ops_tbl * * RETURN : int32_t type of status * NO_ERROR -- success * none-zero failure code *==========================================================================*/ int32_t QCamera3Stream::invalidate_buf(int index, void *user_data) { QCamera3Stream *stream = reinterpret_cast<QCamera3Stream *>(user_data); if (!stream) { ALOGE("invalid stream pointer"); return NO_MEMORY; } return stream->invalidateBuf(index); } /*=========================================================================== * FUNCTION : clean_invalidate_buf * * DESCRIPTION: static function entry to clean and invalidate a specific stream buffer * * PARAMETERS : * @index : index of the stream buffer to invalidate * @user_data : user data ptr of ops_tbl * * RETURN : int32_t type of status * NO_ERROR -- success * none-zero failure code *==========================================================================*/ int32_t QCamera3Stream::clean_invalidate_buf(int index, void *user_data) { QCamera3Stream *stream = reinterpret_cast<QCamera3Stream *>(user_data); if (!stream) { ALOGE("invalid stream pointer"); return NO_MEMORY; } return stream->cleanInvalidateBuf(index); } /*=========================================================================== * FUNCTION : QCamera3Stream * * DESCRIPTION: constructor of QCamera3Stream * * PARAMETERS : * @allocator : memory allocator obj * @camHandle : camera handle * @chId : channel handle * @camOps : ptr to camera ops table * @paddingInfo: ptr to padding info * * RETURN : None *==========================================================================*/ QCamera3Stream::QCamera3Stream(uint32_t camHandle, uint32_t chId, mm_camera_ops_t *camOps, cam_padding_info_t *paddingInfo, QCamera3Channel *channel) : mCamHandle(camHandle), mChannelHandle(chId), mHandle(0), mCamOps(camOps), mStreamInfo(NULL), mNumBufs(0), mDataCB(NULL), mStreamInfoBuf(NULL), mStreamBufs(NULL), mBufDefs(NULL), mChannel(channel) { mMemVtbl.user_data = this; mMemVtbl.get_bufs = get_bufs; mMemVtbl.put_bufs = put_bufs; mMemVtbl.invalidate_buf = invalidate_buf; mMemVtbl.clean_invalidate_buf = clean_invalidate_buf; memset(&mFrameLenOffset, 0, sizeof(mFrameLenOffset)); memcpy(&mPaddingInfo, paddingInfo, sizeof(cam_padding_info_t)); } /*=========================================================================== * FUNCTION : ~QCamera3Stream * * DESCRIPTION: deconstructor of QCamera3Stream * * PARAMETERS : None * * RETURN : None *==========================================================================*/ QCamera3Stream::~QCamera3Stream() { if (mStreamInfoBuf != NULL) { int rc = mCamOps->unmap_stream_buf(mCamHandle, mChannelHandle, mHandle, CAM_MAPPING_BUF_TYPE_STREAM_INFO, 0, -1); if (rc < 0) { ALOGE("Failed to map stream info buffer"); } mStreamInfoBuf->deallocate(); delete mStreamInfoBuf; mStreamInfoBuf = NULL; } // delete stream if (mHandle > 0) { mCamOps->delete_stream(mCamHandle, mChannelHandle, mHandle); mHandle = 0; } } /*=========================================================================== * FUNCTION : init * * DESCRIPTION: initialize stream obj * * PARAMETERS : * @streamInfoBuf: ptr to buf that contains stream info * @stream_cb : stream data notify callback. Can be NULL if not needed * @userdata : user data ptr * * RETURN : int32_t type of status * NO_ERROR -- success * none-zero failure code *==========================================================================*/ int32_t QCamera3Stream::init(cam_stream_type_t streamType, cam_format_t streamFormat, cam_dimension_t streamDim, cam_stream_reproc_config_t* reprocess_config, uint8_t minNumBuffers, stream_cb_routine stream_cb, void *userdata) { int32_t rc = OK; mm_camera_stream_config_t stream_config; mHandle = mCamOps->add_stream(mCamHandle, mChannelHandle); if (!mHandle) { ALOGE("add_stream failed"); rc = UNKNOWN_ERROR; goto done; } // allocate and map stream info memory mStreamInfoBuf = new QCamera3HeapMemory(); if (mStreamInfoBuf == NULL) { ALOGE("%s: no memory for stream info buf obj", __func__); rc = -ENOMEM; goto err1; } rc = mStreamInfoBuf->allocate(1, sizeof(cam_stream_info_t), false); if (rc < 0) { ALOGE("%s: no memory for stream info", __func__); rc = -ENOMEM; goto err2; } mStreamInfo = reinterpret_cast<cam_stream_info_t *>(mStreamInfoBuf->getPtr(0)); memset(mStreamInfo, 0, sizeof(cam_stream_info_t)); mStreamInfo->stream_type = streamType; mStreamInfo->fmt = streamFormat; mStreamInfo->dim = streamDim; mNumBufs = minNumBuffers; if (reprocess_config != NULL) { mStreamInfo->reprocess_config = *reprocess_config; mStreamInfo->streaming_mode = CAM_STREAMING_MODE_BURST; //mStreamInfo->num_of_burst = reprocess_config->offline.num_of_bufs; mStreamInfo->num_of_burst = 1; ALOGE("%s: num_of_burst is %d", __func__, mStreamInfo->num_of_burst); } else { mStreamInfo->streaming_mode = CAM_STREAMING_MODE_CONTINUOUS; } rc = mCamOps->map_stream_buf(mCamHandle, mChannelHandle, mHandle, CAM_MAPPING_BUF_TYPE_STREAM_INFO, 0, -1, mStreamInfoBuf->getFd(0), mStreamInfoBuf->getSize(0)); if (rc < 0) { ALOGE("Failed to map stream info buffer"); goto err3; } // Configure the stream stream_config.stream_info = mStreamInfo; stream_config.mem_vtbl = mMemVtbl; stream_config.padding_info = mPaddingInfo; stream_config.userdata = this; stream_config.stream_cb = dataNotifyCB; rc = mCamOps->config_stream(mCamHandle, mChannelHandle, mHandle, &stream_config); if (rc < 0) { ALOGE("Failed to config stream, rc = %d", rc); goto err4; } mDataCB = stream_cb; mUserData = userdata; return 0; err4: mCamOps->unmap_stream_buf(mCamHandle, mChannelHandle, mHandle, CAM_MAPPING_BUF_TYPE_STREAM_INFO, 0, -1); err3: mStreamInfoBuf->deallocate(); err2: delete mStreamInfoBuf; mStreamInfoBuf = NULL; mStreamInfo = NULL; err1: mCamOps->delete_stream(mCamHandle, mChannelHandle, mHandle); mHandle = 0; mNumBufs = 0; done: return rc; } /*=========================================================================== * FUNCTION : start * * DESCRIPTION: start stream. Will start main stream thread to handle stream * related ops. * * PARAMETERS : none * * RETURN : int32_t type of status * NO_ERROR -- success * none-zero failure code *==========================================================================*/ int32_t QCamera3Stream::start() { int32_t rc = 0; rc = mProcTh.launch(dataProcRoutine, this); return rc; } /*=========================================================================== * FUNCTION : stop * * DESCRIPTION: stop stream. Will stop main stream thread * * PARAMETERS : none * * RETURN : int32_t type of status * NO_ERROR -- success * none-zero failure code *==========================================================================*/ int32_t QCamera3Stream::stop() { int32_t rc = 0; rc = mProcTh.exit(); return rc; } /*=========================================================================== * FUNCTION : processDataNotify * * DESCRIPTION: process stream data notify * * PARAMETERS : * @frame : stream frame received * * RETURN : int32_t type of status * NO_ERROR -- success * none-zero failure code *==========================================================================*/ int32_t QCamera3Stream::processDataNotify(mm_camera_super_buf_t *frame) { ALOGV("%s: E\n", __func__); mDataQ.enqueue((void *)frame); int32_t rc = mProcTh.sendCmd(CAMERA_CMD_TYPE_DO_NEXT_JOB, FALSE, FALSE); ALOGV("%s: X\n", __func__); return rc; } /*=========================================================================== * FUNCTION : dataNotifyCB * * DESCRIPTION: callback for data notify. This function is registered with * mm-camera-interface to handle data notify * * PARAMETERS : * @recvd_frame : stream frame received * userdata : user data ptr * * RETURN : none *==========================================================================*/ void QCamera3Stream::dataNotifyCB(mm_camera_super_buf_t *recvd_frame, void *userdata) { ALOGV("%s: E\n", __func__); QCamera3Stream* stream = (QCamera3Stream *)userdata; if (stream == NULL || recvd_frame == NULL || recvd_frame->bufs[0] == NULL || recvd_frame->bufs[0]->stream_id != stream->getMyHandle()) { ALOGE("%s: Not a valid stream to handle buf", __func__); return; } mm_camera_super_buf_t *frame = (mm_camera_super_buf_t *)malloc(sizeof(mm_camera_super_buf_t)); if (frame == NULL) { ALOGE("%s: No mem for mm_camera_buf_def_t", __func__); stream->bufDone(recvd_frame->bufs[0]->buf_idx); return; } *frame = *recvd_frame; stream->processDataNotify(frame); return; } /*=========================================================================== * FUNCTION : dataProcRoutine * * DESCRIPTION: function to process data in the main stream thread * * PARAMETERS : * @data : user data ptr * * RETURN : none *==========================================================================*/ void *QCamera3Stream::dataProcRoutine(void *data) { int running = 1; int ret; QCamera3Stream *pme = (QCamera3Stream *)data; QCameraCmdThread *cmdThread = &pme->mProcTh; ALOGV("%s: E", __func__); do { do { ret = cam_sem_wait(&cmdThread->cmd_sem); if (ret != 0 && errno != EINVAL) { ALOGE("%s: cam_sem_wait error (%s)", __func__, strerror(errno)); return NULL; } } while (ret != 0); // we got notified about new cmd avail in cmd queue camera_cmd_type_t cmd = cmdThread->getCmd(); switch (cmd) { case CAMERA_CMD_TYPE_DO_NEXT_JOB: { ALOGV("%s: Do next job", __func__); mm_camera_super_buf_t *frame = (mm_camera_super_buf_t *)pme->mDataQ.dequeue(); if (NULL != frame) { if (pme->mDataCB != NULL) { pme->mDataCB(frame, pme, pme->mUserData); } else { // no data cb routine, return buf here pme->bufDone(frame->bufs[0]->buf_idx); } } } break; case CAMERA_CMD_TYPE_EXIT: ALOGD("%s: Exit", __func__); /* flush data buf queue */ pme->mDataQ.flush(); running = 0; break; default: break; } } while (running); ALOGV("%s: X", __func__); return NULL; } /*=========================================================================== * FUNCTION : getInternalFormatBuffer * * DESCRIPTION: return buffer in the internal format structure * * PARAMETERS : * @index : index of buffer to be returned * * RETURN : int32_t type of status * NO_ERROR -- success * none-zero failure code *==========================================================================*/ mm_camera_buf_def_t* QCamera3Stream::getInternalFormatBuffer(int index) { mm_camera_buf_def_t *rc = NULL; if (index >= mNumBufs || mBufDefs == NULL) { ALOGE("%s:Index out of range/no internal buffers yet", __func__); return NULL; } rc = (mm_camera_buf_def_t*)malloc(sizeof(mm_camera_buf_def_t)); if(rc) { memcpy(rc, &mBufDefs[index], sizeof(mm_camera_buf_def_t)); } else { ALOGE("%s: Failed to allocate memory",__func__); } return rc; } /*=========================================================================== * FUNCTION : bufDone * * DESCRIPTION: return stream buffer to kernel * * PARAMETERS : * @index : index of buffer to be returned * * RETURN : int32_t type of status * NO_ERROR -- success * none-zero failure code *==========================================================================*/ int32_t QCamera3Stream::bufDone(int index) { int32_t rc = NO_ERROR; if (index >= mNumBufs || mBufDefs == NULL) return BAD_INDEX; rc = mCamOps->qbuf(mCamHandle, mChannelHandle, &mBufDefs[index]); if (rc < 0) return FAILED_TRANSACTION; return rc; } /*=========================================================================== * FUNCTION : getBufs * * DESCRIPTION: allocate stream buffers * * PARAMETERS : * @offset : offset info of stream buffers * @num_bufs : number of buffers allocated * @initial_reg_flag: flag to indicate if buffer needs to be registered * at kernel initially * @bufs : output of allocated buffers * @ops_tbl : ptr to buf mapping/unmapping ops * * RETURN : int32_t type of status * NO_ERROR -- success * none-zero failure code *==========================================================================*/ int32_t QCamera3Stream::getBufs(cam_frame_len_offset_t *offset, uint8_t *num_bufs, uint8_t **initial_reg_flag, mm_camera_buf_def_t **bufs, mm_camera_map_unmap_ops_tbl_t *ops_tbl) { int rc = NO_ERROR; uint8_t *regFlags; if (!ops_tbl) { ALOGE("%s: ops_tbl is NULL", __func__); return INVALID_OPERATION; } mFrameLenOffset = *offset; mStreamBufs = mChannel->getStreamBufs(mFrameLenOffset.frame_len); if (!mStreamBufs) { ALOGE("%s: Failed to allocate stream buffers", __func__); return NO_MEMORY; } for (int i = 0; i < mNumBufs; i++) { rc = ops_tbl->map_ops(i, -1, mStreamBufs->getFd(i), mStreamBufs->getSize(i), ops_tbl->userdata); if (rc < 0) { ALOGE("%s: map_stream_buf failed: %d", __func__, rc); for (int j = 0; j < i; j++) { ops_tbl->unmap_ops(j, -1, ops_tbl->userdata); } return INVALID_OPERATION; } } //regFlags array is allocated by us, but consumed and freed by mm-camera-interface regFlags = (uint8_t *)malloc(sizeof(uint8_t) * mNumBufs); if (!regFlags) { ALOGE("%s: Out of memory", __func__); for (int i = 0; i < mNumBufs; i++) { ops_tbl->unmap_ops(i, -1, ops_tbl->userdata); } return NO_MEMORY; } mBufDefs = (mm_camera_buf_def_t *)malloc(mNumBufs * sizeof(mm_camera_buf_def_t)); if (mBufDefs == NULL) { ALOGE("%s: Failed to allocate mm_camera_buf_def_t %d", __func__, rc); for (int i = 0; i < mNumBufs; i++) { ops_tbl->unmap_ops(i, -1, ops_tbl->userdata); } free(regFlags); regFlags = NULL; return INVALID_OPERATION; } for (int i = 0; i < mNumBufs; i++) { mStreamBufs->getBufDef(mFrameLenOffset, mBufDefs[i], i); } rc = mStreamBufs->getRegFlags(regFlags); if (rc < 0) { ALOGE("%s: getRegFlags failed %d", __func__, rc); for (int i = 0; i < mNumBufs; i++) { ops_tbl->unmap_ops(i, -1, ops_tbl->userdata); } free(mBufDefs); mBufDefs = NULL; free(regFlags); regFlags = NULL; return INVALID_OPERATION; } *num_bufs = mNumBufs; *initial_reg_flag = regFlags; *bufs = mBufDefs; return NO_ERROR; } /*=========================================================================== * FUNCTION : putBufs * * DESCRIPTION: deallocate stream buffers * * PARAMETERS : * @ops_tbl : ptr to buf mapping/unmapping ops * * RETURN : int32_t type of status * NO_ERROR -- success * none-zero failure code *==========================================================================*/ int32_t QCamera3Stream::putBufs(mm_camera_map_unmap_ops_tbl_t *ops_tbl) { int rc = NO_ERROR; for (int i = 0; i < mNumBufs; i++) { rc = ops_tbl->unmap_ops(i, -1, ops_tbl->userdata); if (rc < 0) { ALOGE("%s: map_stream_buf failed: %d", __func__, rc); } } mBufDefs = NULL; // mBufDefs just keep a ptr to the buffer // mm-camera-interface own the buffer, so no need to free memset(&mFrameLenOffset, 0, sizeof(mFrameLenOffset)); mChannel->putStreamBufs(); return rc; } /*=========================================================================== * FUNCTION : invalidateBuf * * DESCRIPTION: invalidate a specific stream buffer * * PARAMETERS : * @index : index of the buffer to invalidate * * RETURN : int32_t type of status * NO_ERROR -- success * none-zero failure code *==========================================================================*/ int32_t QCamera3Stream::invalidateBuf(int index) { return mStreamBufs->invalidateCache(index); } /*=========================================================================== * FUNCTION : cleanInvalidateBuf * * DESCRIPTION: clean and invalidate a specific stream buffer * * PARAMETERS : * @index : index of the buffer to invalidate * * RETURN : int32_t type of status * NO_ERROR -- success * none-zero failure code *==========================================================================*/ int32_t QCamera3Stream::cleanInvalidateBuf(int index) { return mStreamBufs->cleanInvalidateCache(index); } /*=========================================================================== * FUNCTION : getFrameOffset * * DESCRIPTION: query stream buffer frame offset info * * PARAMETERS : * @offset : reference to struct to store the queried frame offset info * * RETURN : int32_t type of status * NO_ERROR -- success * none-zero failure code *==========================================================================*/ int32_t QCamera3Stream::getFrameOffset(cam_frame_len_offset_t &offset) { offset = mFrameLenOffset; return 0; } /*=========================================================================== * FUNCTION : getFrameDimension * * DESCRIPTION: query stream frame dimension info * * PARAMETERS : * @dim : reference to struct to store the queried frame dimension * * RETURN : int32_t type of status * NO_ERROR -- success * none-zero failure code *==========================================================================*/ int32_t QCamera3Stream::getFrameDimension(cam_dimension_t &dim) { if (mStreamInfo != NULL) { dim = mStreamInfo->dim; return 0; } return -1; } /*=========================================================================== * FUNCTION : getFormat * * DESCRIPTION: query stream format * * PARAMETERS : * @fmt : reference to stream format * * RETURN : int32_t type of status * NO_ERROR -- success * none-zero failure code *==========================================================================*/ int32_t QCamera3Stream::getFormat(cam_format_t &fmt) { if (mStreamInfo != NULL) { fmt = mStreamInfo->fmt; return 0; } return -1; } /*=========================================================================== * FUNCTION : getMyServerID * * DESCRIPTION: query server stream ID * * PARAMETERS : None * * RETURN : stream ID from server *==========================================================================*/ uint32_t QCamera3Stream::getMyServerID() { if (mStreamInfo != NULL) { return mStreamInfo->stream_svr_id; } else { return 0; } } /*=========================================================================== * FUNCTION : getMyType * * DESCRIPTION: query stream type * * PARAMETERS : None * * RETURN : type of stream *==========================================================================*/ cam_stream_type_t QCamera3Stream::getMyType() const { if (mStreamInfo != NULL) { return mStreamInfo->stream_type; } else { return CAM_STREAM_TYPE_MAX; } } /*=========================================================================== * FUNCTION : mapBuf * * DESCRIPTION: map stream related buffer to backend server * * PARAMETERS : * @buf_type : mapping type of buffer * @buf_idx : index of buffer * @plane_idx: plane index * @fd : fd of the buffer * @size : lenght of the buffer * * RETURN : int32_t type of status * NO_ERROR -- success * none-zero failure code *==========================================================================*/ int32_t QCamera3Stream::mapBuf(uint8_t buf_type, uint32_t buf_idx, int32_t plane_idx, int fd, uint32_t size) { return mCamOps->map_stream_buf(mCamHandle, mChannelHandle, mHandle, buf_type, buf_idx, plane_idx, fd, size); } /*=========================================================================== * FUNCTION : unmapBuf * * DESCRIPTION: unmap stream related buffer to backend server * * PARAMETERS : * @buf_type : mapping type of buffer * @buf_idx : index of buffer * @plane_idx: plane index * * RETURN : int32_t type of status * NO_ERROR -- success * none-zero failure code *==========================================================================*/ int32_t QCamera3Stream::unmapBuf(uint8_t buf_type, uint32_t buf_idx, int32_t plane_idx) { return mCamOps->unmap_stream_buf(mCamHandle, mChannelHandle, mHandle, buf_type, buf_idx, plane_idx); } /*=========================================================================== * FUNCTION : setParameter * * DESCRIPTION: set stream based parameters * * PARAMETERS : * @param : ptr to parameters to be set * * RETURN : int32_t type of status * NO_ERROR -- success * none-zero failure code *==========================================================================*/ int32_t QCamera3Stream::setParameter(cam_stream_parm_buffer_t ¶m) { int32_t rc = NO_ERROR; mStreamInfo->parm_buf = param; rc = mCamOps->set_stream_parms(mCamHandle, mChannelHandle, mHandle, &mStreamInfo->parm_buf); if (rc == NO_ERROR) { param = mStreamInfo->parm_buf; } return rc; } }; // namespace qcamera