/* Copyright (c) 2011-2012, The Linux Foundation. All rights reserved. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * Neither the name of The Linux Foundation nor the names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NON-INFRINGEMENT ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #include <sys/time.h> #include <pthread.h> #include <semaphore.h> #include <errno.h> #include "mm_jpeg_encoder.h" #include "mm_camera_dbg.h" #include <sys/system_properties.h> #include "mm_camera_interface2.h" #ifdef JPG_DBG #undef CDBG #ifdef _ANDROID_ #undef LOG_NIDEBUG #undef LOG_TAG #define LOG_NIDEBUG 0 #define LOG_TAG "mm-camera jpeg" #include <utils/Log.h> #define CDBG(fmt, args...) ALOGV(fmt, ##args) #endif #endif #define JPEG_DEFAULT_MAINIMAGE_QUALITY 75 #define JPEG_DEFAULT_THUMBNAIL_QUALITY 75 int is_encoding = 0; pthread_mutex_t jpege_mutex = PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER; pthread_mutex_t jpegcb_mutex = PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER; int rc; jpege_src_t jpege_source; jpege_dst_t jpege_dest; jpege_cfg_t jpege_config; jpege_img_data_t main_img_info, tn_img_info; jpeg_buffer_t temp; jpege_obj_t jpeg_encoder; exif_info_obj_t exif_info; exif_tag_entry_t sample_tag; struct timeval tdBefore, tdAfter; struct timezone tz; static uint32_t jpegMainimageQuality = JPEG_DEFAULT_MAINIMAGE_QUALITY; static uint32_t jpegThumbnailQuality = JPEG_DEFAULT_THUMBNAIL_QUALITY; static uint32_t jpegRotation = 0; static int8_t usethumbnail = 1; static int8_t use_thumbnail_padding = 0; #ifdef HW_ENCODE static uint8_t hw_encode = true; #else static uint8_t hw_encode = false; #endif static int8_t is_3dmode = 0; static cam_3d_frame_format_t img_format_3d; jpegfragment_callback_t mmcamera_jpegfragment_callback = NULL; jpeg_callback_t mmcamera_jpeg_callback = NULL; void* user_data = NULL; #define JPEGE_FRAGMENT_SIZE (64*1024) /*=========================================================================== FUNCTION jpege_event_handler DESCRIPTION Handler function for jpeg encoder events ===========================================================================*/ inline void jpege_use_thumb_padding(uint8_t a_use_thumb_padding) { use_thumbnail_padding = a_use_thumb_padding; } void mm_jpeg_encoder_cancel() { pthread_mutex_lock(&jpegcb_mutex); mmcamera_jpegfragment_callback = NULL; mmcamera_jpeg_callback = NULL; user_data = NULL; pthread_mutex_unlock(&jpegcb_mutex); mm_jpeg_encoder_join(); } void set_callbacks( jpegfragment_callback_t fragcallback, jpeg_callback_t eventcallback, void* userdata ){ pthread_mutex_lock(&jpegcb_mutex); mmcamera_jpegfragment_callback = fragcallback; mmcamera_jpeg_callback = eventcallback; user_data = userdata; pthread_mutex_unlock(&jpegcb_mutex); } /*=========================================================================== FUNCTION jpege_event_handler DESCRIPTION Handler function for jpeg encoder events ===========================================================================*/ void mm_jpege_event_handler(void *p_user_data, jpeg_event_t event, void *p_arg) { uint32_t buf_size; uint8_t *buf_ptr = NULL; int mainimg_fd, thumbnail_fd; if (event == JPEG_EVENT_DONE) { jpeg_buffer_t thumbnail_buffer, snapshot_buffer; thumbnail_buffer = tn_img_info.p_fragments[0].color.yuv.luma_buf; thumbnail_fd = jpeg_buffer_get_pmem_fd(thumbnail_buffer); jpeg_buffer_get_actual_size(thumbnail_buffer, &buf_size); jpeg_buffer_get_addr(thumbnail_buffer, &buf_ptr); snapshot_buffer = main_img_info.p_fragments[0].color.yuv.luma_buf; mainimg_fd = jpeg_buffer_get_pmem_fd(snapshot_buffer); jpeg_buffer_get_actual_size(snapshot_buffer, &buf_size); jpeg_buffer_get_addr(snapshot_buffer, &buf_ptr); #if 0 gettimeofday(&tdAfter, &tz); CDBG("Profiling: JPEG encoding latency %ld microseconds\n", 1000000 * (tdAfter.tv_sec - tdBefore.tv_sec) + tdAfter.tv_usec - tdBefore.tv_usec); #endif // mmcamera_util_profile("encoder done"); } if(mmcamera_jpeg_callback) mmcamera_jpeg_callback(event, user_data); } /*=========================================================================== FUNCTION jpege_output_produced_handler DESCRIPTION Handler function for when jpeg encoder has output produced ===========================================================================*/ void mm_jpege_output_produced_handler(void *p_user_data, void *p_arg, jpeg_buffer_t buffer) { uint32_t buf_size; uint8_t *buf_ptr; /* The mutex is to prevent the very rare case where the file writing is */ /* so slow that the next ping-pong output is delivered before the */ /* current one is finished writing, in which case the writing of the new */ /* buffer will be performed after the first one finishes (because of the lock) */ jpeg_buffer_get_actual_size(buffer, &buf_size); jpeg_buffer_get_addr(buffer, &buf_ptr); pthread_mutex_lock(&jpegcb_mutex); if(mmcamera_jpegfragment_callback) mmcamera_jpegfragment_callback(buf_ptr, buf_size, user_data); pthread_mutex_unlock(&jpegcb_mutex); } #if !defined(_TARGET_7x2x_) && !defined(_TARGET_7x27A_) /*=========================================================================== FUNCTION jpege_output_produced_handler2 DESCRIPTION Handler function for when jpeg encoder has output produced ===========================================================================*/ int mm_jpege_output_produced_handler2(void *p_user_data, void *p_arg, jpeg_buffer_t buffer, uint8_t last_buf_flag) { uint32_t buf_size; uint8_t *buf_ptr; int rv; /* The mutex is to prevent the very rare case where the file writing is */ /* so slow that the next ping-pong output is delivered before the */ /* current one is finished writing, in which case the writing of the new */ /* buffer will be performed after the first one finishes (because of the lock) */ jpeg_buffer_get_actual_size(buffer, &buf_size); jpeg_buffer_get_addr(buffer, &buf_ptr); pthread_mutex_lock(&jpegcb_mutex); if(mmcamera_jpegfragment_callback) mmcamera_jpegfragment_callback(buf_ptr, buf_size, user_data); pthread_mutex_unlock(&jpegcb_mutex); rv = jpeg_buffer_set_actual_size(buffer, 0); if(rv == JPEGERR_SUCCESS){ rv = jpege_enqueue_output_buffer( jpeg_encoder, &buffer, 1); } return rv; } #endif static int jpeg_encoder_initialized = 0; void mm_jpeg_encoder_set_3D_info(cam_3d_frame_format_t format) { pthread_mutex_lock(&jpege_mutex); is_3dmode = 1; img_format_3d = format; pthread_mutex_unlock(&jpege_mutex); } extern int8_t mm_jpeg_encoder_init() { pthread_mutex_lock(&jpege_mutex); is_3dmode = 0; /* Initialize jpeg encoder */ rc = jpege_init(&jpeg_encoder, mm_jpege_event_handler, NULL); if (rc) { //CDBG("jpege_init failed: %d\n", rc); pthread_mutex_unlock(&jpege_mutex); return FALSE; } jpeg_encoder_initialized = 1; pthread_mutex_unlock(&jpege_mutex); return TRUE; } void mm_jpeg_encoder_join(void) { pthread_mutex_lock(&jpege_mutex); if (jpeg_encoder_initialized) { jpeg_encoder_initialized = 0; pthread_mutex_destroy(&jpege_mutex); jpege_abort(jpeg_encoder); jpeg_buffer_destroy(&temp); if (usethumbnail) { jpeg_buffer_destroy(&tn_img_info.p_fragments[0].color.yuv.luma_buf); jpeg_buffer_destroy(&tn_img_info.p_fragments[0].color.yuv.chroma_buf); } jpeg_buffer_destroy(&main_img_info.p_fragments[0].color.yuv.luma_buf); jpeg_buffer_destroy(&main_img_info.p_fragments[0].color.yuv.chroma_buf); jpeg_buffer_destroy(&jpege_dest.buffers[0]); jpeg_buffer_destroy(&jpege_dest.buffers[1]); exif_destroy(&exif_info); jpege_destroy(&jpeg_encoder); } is_3dmode = 0; pthread_mutex_unlock(&jpege_mutex); } /* This function returns the Yoffset and CbCr offset requirements for the Jpeg encoding*/ int8_t mm_jpeg_encoder_get_buffer_offset(uint32_t width, uint32_t height, uint32_t* p_y_offset, uint32_t* p_cbcr_offset, uint32_t* p_buf_size, uint8_t *num_planes, uint32_t planes[]) { CDBG("jpeg_encoder_get_buffer_offset"); if ((NULL == p_y_offset) || (NULL == p_cbcr_offset)) { return FALSE; } /* Hardcode num planes and planes array for now. TBD Check if this * needs to be set based on format. */ *num_planes = 2; if (hw_encode) { int cbcr_offset = 0; uint32_t actual_size = width*height; uint32_t padded_size = width * CEILING16(height); *p_y_offset = 0; *p_cbcr_offset = 0; if ((jpegRotation == 90) || (jpegRotation == 180)) { *p_y_offset = padded_size - actual_size; *p_cbcr_offset = ((padded_size - actual_size) >> 1); } *p_buf_size = padded_size * 3/2; planes[0] = width * CEILING16(height); planes[1] = width * CEILING16(height)/2; } else { *p_y_offset = 0; *p_cbcr_offset = PAD_TO_WORD(width*CEILING16(height)); *p_buf_size = *p_cbcr_offset * 3/2; planes[0] = PAD_TO_WORD(width*CEILING16(height)); planes[1] = PAD_TO_WORD(width*CEILING16(height)/2); } return TRUE; } int8_t mm_jpeg_encoder_encode(const cam_ctrl_dimension_t * dimension, const uint8_t * thumbnail_buf, int thumbnail_fd, uint32_t thumbnail_offset, const uint8_t * snapshot_buf, int snapshot_fd, uint32_t snapshot_offset, common_crop_t *scaling_params, exif_tags_info_t *exif_data, int exif_numEntries, const int32_t a_cbcroffset, cam_point_t* main_crop_offset, cam_point_t* thumb_crop_offset) { int buf_size = 0; int ret = 0; int i = 0; int cbcroffset = 0; int actual_size = 0, padded_size = 0; usethumbnail = thumbnail_buf ? 1 : 0; int w_scale_factor = (is_3dmode && img_format_3d == SIDE_BY_SIDE_FULL) ? 2 : 1; pthread_mutex_lock(&jpege_mutex); //mmcamera_util_profile("encoder configure"); /* Do not allow snapshot if the previous one is not done */ /* Alternately we can queue the snapshot to be done after the one in progress is completed, */ /* but it involves more complex logic */ if (is_encoding) { CDBG("Previous Jpeg Encoding is not done!\n"); pthread_mutex_unlock(&jpege_mutex); return FALSE; } CDBG("jpeg_encoder_encode: thumbnail_fd = %d snapshot_fd = %d usethumbnail %d\n", thumbnail_fd, snapshot_fd, usethumbnail); gettimeofday(&tdBefore, &tz); /* Initialize exif info */ exif_init(&exif_info); /* Zero out supporting structures */ memset(&main_img_info, 0, sizeof(jpege_img_data_t)); memset(&tn_img_info, 0, sizeof(jpege_img_data_t)); memset(&jpege_source, 0, sizeof(jpege_src_t)); memset(&jpege_dest, 0, sizeof(jpege_dst_t)); /* Initialize JPEG buffers */ jpege_dest.buffer_cnt = 2; if ((rc = jpeg_buffer_init(&temp)) || (usethumbnail && (rc = jpeg_buffer_init(&tn_img_info.p_fragments[0].color.yuv.luma_buf))) || (usethumbnail && (rc = jpeg_buffer_init(&tn_img_info.p_fragments[0].color.yuv.chroma_buf))) || (rc = jpeg_buffer_init(&main_img_info.p_fragments[0].color.yuv.luma_buf)) || (rc = jpeg_buffer_init(&main_img_info.p_fragments[0].color.yuv.chroma_buf)) || (rc = jpeg_buffer_init(&jpege_dest.buffers[0])) || (rc = jpeg_buffer_init(&jpege_dest.buffers[1]))) { CDBG_ERROR("jpeg_buffer_init failed: %d\n", rc); pthread_mutex_unlock(&jpege_mutex); jpege_dest.buffer_cnt = 0; return FALSE; } #if !defined(_TARGET_7x2x_) && !defined(_TARGET_7x27A_) jpege_dest.p_buffer = &jpege_dest.buffers[0]; #endif #if defined(_TARGET_7x27A_) /* Allocate 2 ping-pong buffers on the heap for jpeg encoder outputs */ if ((rc = jpeg_buffer_allocate(jpege_dest.buffers[0], JPEGE_FRAGMENT_SIZE, 1)) || (rc = jpeg_buffer_allocate(jpege_dest.buffers[1], JPEGE_FRAGMENT_SIZE, 1))) { CDBG("jpeg_buffer_allocate failed: %d\n", rc); pthread_mutex_unlock(&jpege_mutex); return FALSE; } #else /* Allocate 2 ping-pong buffers on the heap for jpeg encoder outputs */ if ((rc = jpeg_buffer_allocate(jpege_dest.buffers[0], JPEGE_FRAGMENT_SIZE, 0)) || (rc = jpeg_buffer_allocate(jpege_dest.buffers[1], JPEGE_FRAGMENT_SIZE, 0))) { CDBG("jpeg_buffer_allocate failed: %d\n", rc); pthread_mutex_unlock(&jpege_mutex); return FALSE; } #endif if (usethumbnail) { tn_img_info.width = dimension->thumbnail_width * w_scale_factor; tn_img_info.height = dimension->thumbnail_height; buf_size = tn_img_info.width * tn_img_info.height * 2; tn_img_info.fragment_cnt = 1; tn_img_info.color_format = YCRCBLP_H2V2; tn_img_info.p_fragments[0].width = tn_img_info.width; tn_img_info.p_fragments[0].height = CEILING16(dimension->thumbnail_height); jpeg_buffer_reset(tn_img_info.p_fragments[0].color.yuv.luma_buf); jpeg_buffer_reset(tn_img_info.p_fragments[0].color.yuv.chroma_buf); CDBG("%s: Thumbnail: fd: %d offset: %d Main: fd: %d offset: %d", __func__, thumbnail_fd, thumbnail_offset, snapshot_fd, snapshot_offset); rc = jpeg_buffer_use_external_buffer( tn_img_info.p_fragments[0].color.yuv.luma_buf, (uint8_t *)thumbnail_buf, buf_size, thumbnail_fd); if (rc == JPEGERR_EFAILED) { CDBG_ERROR("jpeg_buffer_use_external_buffer Thumbnail pmem failed...\n"); pthread_mutex_unlock(&jpege_mutex); return FALSE; } cbcroffset = PAD_TO_WORD(tn_img_info.width * tn_img_info.height); if (hw_encode) { actual_size = dimension->thumbnail_width * dimension->thumbnail_height; padded_size = dimension->thumbnail_width * CEILING16(dimension->thumbnail_height); cbcroffset = padded_size; } // The chroma plane in YUV4:2:0 semiplanar is at the end of the luma plane, // so we attach the chroma buf to the luma buffer, which we've allocated to // be large enough to hold the entire YUV image. // jpeg_buffer_attach_existing(tn_img_info.p_fragments[0].color.yuv.chroma_buf, tn_img_info.p_fragments[0].color.yuv.luma_buf, cbcroffset); jpeg_buffer_set_actual_size(tn_img_info.p_fragments[0].color.yuv.luma_buf, tn_img_info.width * tn_img_info.height); jpeg_buffer_set_actual_size( tn_img_info.p_fragments[0].color.yuv.chroma_buf, tn_img_info.width * tn_img_info.height / 2); if (hw_encode) { if ((jpegRotation == 90) || (jpegRotation == 180)) { jpeg_buffer_set_start_offset(tn_img_info.p_fragments[0].color.yuv.luma_buf, (padded_size - actual_size)); jpeg_buffer_set_start_offset(tn_img_info.p_fragments[0].color.yuv.chroma_buf, ((padded_size - actual_size) >> 1)); } } } /* Set phy offset */ jpeg_buffer_set_phy_offset(tn_img_info.p_fragments[0].color.yuv.luma_buf, thumbnail_offset); CDBG("jpeg_encoder_encode size %dx%d\n",dimension->orig_picture_dx,dimension->orig_picture_dy); main_img_info.width = dimension->orig_picture_dx * w_scale_factor; main_img_info.height = dimension->orig_picture_dy; buf_size = main_img_info.width * main_img_info.height * 2; main_img_info.fragment_cnt = 1; main_img_info.color_format = YCRCBLP_H2V2; main_img_info.p_fragments[0].width = main_img_info.width; main_img_info.p_fragments[0].height = CEILING16(main_img_info.height); jpeg_buffer_reset(main_img_info.p_fragments[0].color.yuv.luma_buf); jpeg_buffer_reset(main_img_info.p_fragments[0].color.yuv.chroma_buf); rc = jpeg_buffer_use_external_buffer( main_img_info.p_fragments[0].color.yuv.luma_buf, (uint8_t *)snapshot_buf, buf_size, snapshot_fd); if (rc == JPEGERR_EFAILED) { CDBG("jpeg_buffer_use_external_buffer Snapshot pmem failed...\n"); pthread_mutex_unlock(&jpege_mutex); return FALSE; } cbcroffset = PAD_TO_WORD(main_img_info.width * CEILING16(main_img_info.height)); actual_size = 0; padded_size = 0; if (a_cbcroffset >= 0) { cbcroffset = a_cbcroffset; } else { if (hw_encode) { actual_size = dimension->orig_picture_dx * dimension->orig_picture_dy; padded_size = dimension->orig_picture_dx * CEILING16(dimension->orig_picture_dy); cbcroffset = padded_size; } } CDBG("jpeg_encoder_encode: cbcroffset %d",cbcroffset); jpeg_buffer_attach_existing(main_img_info.p_fragments[0].color.yuv.chroma_buf, main_img_info.p_fragments[0].color.yuv.luma_buf, cbcroffset); jpeg_buffer_set_actual_size(main_img_info.p_fragments[0].color.yuv.luma_buf, main_img_info.width * main_img_info.height); jpeg_buffer_set_actual_size(main_img_info.p_fragments[0].color.yuv.chroma_buf, main_img_info.width * main_img_info.height / 2); if (hw_encode) { if ((jpegRotation == 90) || (jpegRotation == 180)) { jpeg_buffer_set_start_offset(main_img_info.p_fragments[0].color.yuv.luma_buf, (padded_size - actual_size)); jpeg_buffer_set_start_offset(main_img_info.p_fragments[0].color.yuv.chroma_buf, ((padded_size - actual_size) >> 1)); } } jpeg_buffer_set_phy_offset(main_img_info.p_fragments[0].color.yuv.luma_buf, snapshot_offset); /* Set Source */ jpege_source.p_main = &main_img_info; if (usethumbnail) { jpege_source.p_thumbnail = &tn_img_info; CDBG("fragment_cnt: thumb %d \n", jpege_source.p_thumbnail->fragment_cnt); } CDBG("fragment_cnt: main %d \n", jpege_source.p_main->fragment_cnt); rc = jpege_set_source(jpeg_encoder, &jpege_source); if (rc) { CDBG("jpege_set_source failed: %d\n", rc); pthread_mutex_unlock(&jpege_mutex); return FALSE; } #if defined(_TARGET_7x2x_) || defined(_TARGET_7x27A_) jpege_dest.p_output_handler = (jpege_output_handler_t) mm_jpege_output_produced_handler; #else jpege_dest.p_output_handler = mm_jpege_output_produced_handler2; #endif jpege_dest.buffer_cnt = 2; rc = jpege_set_destination(jpeg_encoder, &jpege_dest); if (rc) { CDBG("jpege_set_desination failed: %d\n", rc); pthread_mutex_unlock(&jpege_mutex); return FALSE; } /* Get default configuration */ jpege_get_default_config(&jpege_config); jpege_config.thumbnail_present = usethumbnail; if(hw_encode) jpege_config.preference = JPEG_ENCODER_PREF_HW_ACCELERATED_PREFERRED; else jpege_config.preference = JPEG_ENCODER_PREF_SOFTWARE_ONLY; CDBG("%s: preference %d ", __func__, jpege_config.preference); jpege_config.main_cfg.quality = jpegMainimageQuality; jpege_config.thumbnail_cfg.quality = jpegThumbnailQuality; CDBG("Scaling params thumb in1_w %d in1_h %d out1_w %d out1_h %d " "main_img in2_w %d in2_h %d out2_w %d out2_h %d\n", scaling_params->in1_w, scaling_params->in1_h, scaling_params->out1_w, scaling_params->out1_h, scaling_params->in2_w, scaling_params->in2_h, scaling_params->out2_w, scaling_params->out2_h); if(scaling_params->in2_w && scaling_params->in2_h) { if(jpegRotation) jpege_config.preference = JPEG_ENCODER_PREF_SOFTWARE_ONLY; /* Scaler information for main image */ jpege_config.main_cfg.scale_cfg.enable = TRUE; jpege_config.main_cfg.scale_cfg.input_width = CEILING2(scaling_params->in2_w); jpege_config.main_cfg.scale_cfg.input_height = CEILING2(scaling_params->in2_h); if (main_crop_offset) { jpege_config.main_cfg.scale_cfg.h_offset = main_crop_offset->x; jpege_config.main_cfg.scale_cfg.v_offset = main_crop_offset->y; } else { jpege_config.main_cfg.scale_cfg.h_offset = 0; jpege_config.main_cfg.scale_cfg.v_offset = 0; } jpege_config.main_cfg.scale_cfg.output_width = scaling_params->out2_w; jpege_config.main_cfg.scale_cfg.output_height = scaling_params->out2_h; } else { CDBG("There is no scaling information for JPEG main image scaling."); } if(scaling_params->in1_w && scaling_params->in1_h) { /* Scaler information for thumbnail */ jpege_config.thumbnail_cfg.scale_cfg.enable = TRUE; jpege_config.thumbnail_cfg.scale_cfg.input_width = CEILING2(scaling_params->in1_w); jpege_config.thumbnail_cfg.scale_cfg.input_height = CEILING2(scaling_params->in1_h); if (thumb_crop_offset) { jpege_config.thumbnail_cfg.scale_cfg.h_offset = thumb_crop_offset->x; jpege_config.thumbnail_cfg.scale_cfg.v_offset = thumb_crop_offset->y; } else { jpege_config.thumbnail_cfg.scale_cfg.h_offset = 0; jpege_config.thumbnail_cfg.scale_cfg.v_offset = 0; } jpege_config.thumbnail_cfg.scale_cfg.output_width = scaling_params->out1_w; jpege_config.thumbnail_cfg.scale_cfg.output_height = scaling_params->out1_h; } else { CDBG("There is no scaling information for JPEG thumbnail upscaling."); } /* Set rotation based on the mode selected */ CDBG(" Setting Jpeg Rotation mode to %d ", jpegRotation ); jpege_config.main_cfg.rotation_degree_clk = jpegRotation; jpege_config.thumbnail_cfg.rotation_degree_clk = jpegRotation; if( exif_data != NULL) { for(i = 0; i < exif_numEntries; i++) { rc = exif_set_tag(exif_info, exif_data[i].tag_id, &(exif_data[i].tag_entry)); if (rc) { CDBG("exif_set_tag failed: %d\n", rc); pthread_mutex_unlock(&jpege_mutex); return FALSE; } } } #if 0 /* Enable when JPS/MPO is ready */ /* 3D config */ CDBG("%s: is_3dmode %d ", __func__, is_3dmode ); if (is_3dmode) { jps_cfg_3d_t cfg_3d; if (jpege_config.main_cfg.scale_cfg.enable || (jpege_config.main_cfg.rotation_degree_clk > 0)) { CDBG("%s: img_format_3d %d ", __func__, img_format_3d ); return FALSE; } CDBG("%s: img_format_3d %d ", __func__, img_format_3d ); switch (img_format_3d) { case TOP_DOWN_HALF: cfg_3d.layout = OVER_UNDER; cfg_3d.width_flag = FULL_WIDTH; cfg_3d.height_flag = HALF_HEIGHT; cfg_3d.field_order = LEFT_FIELD_FIRST; cfg_3d.separation = 0; break; case TOP_DOWN_FULL: cfg_3d.layout = OVER_UNDER; cfg_3d.width_flag = FULL_WIDTH; cfg_3d.height_flag = FULL_HEIGHT; cfg_3d.field_order = LEFT_FIELD_FIRST; cfg_3d.separation = 0; break; case SIDE_BY_SIDE_HALF: cfg_3d.layout = SIDE_BY_SIDE; cfg_3d.width_flag = HALF_WIDTH; cfg_3d.height_flag = FULL_HEIGHT; cfg_3d.field_order = LEFT_FIELD_FIRST; cfg_3d.separation = 0; break; default: case SIDE_BY_SIDE_FULL: cfg_3d.layout = SIDE_BY_SIDE; cfg_3d.width_flag = FULL_WIDTH; cfg_3d.height_flag = FULL_HEIGHT; cfg_3d.field_order = LEFT_FIELD_FIRST; cfg_3d.separation = 0; break; } rc = jpse_config_3d(jpeg_encoder, cfg_3d); if (rc) { CDBG_ERROR("%s: jpse_config_3d failed: %d\n", __func__, rc); pthread_mutex_unlock(&jpege_mutex); return FALSE; } } #endif /* Start encoder */ /* if( jpege_config.main_cfg.scale_cfg.enable) { mmcamera_util_profile("SW encoder starting encoding"); } else { mmcamera_util_profile("HW encoder starting encoding"); } */ rc = jpege_start(jpeg_encoder, &jpege_config, &exif_info); if (rc) { CDBG("jpege_start failed: %d\n", rc); pthread_mutex_unlock(&jpege_mutex); return FALSE; } pthread_mutex_unlock(&jpege_mutex); return TRUE; } int8_t mm_jpeg_encoder_setMainImageQuality(uint32_t quality) { pthread_mutex_lock(&jpege_mutex); CDBG(" jpeg_encoder_setMainImageQuality current main inage quality %d ," \ " new quality : %d\n", jpegMainimageQuality, quality); if (quality <= 100) jpegMainimageQuality = quality; pthread_mutex_unlock(&jpege_mutex); return TRUE; } int8_t mm_jpeg_encoder_setThumbnailQuality(uint32_t quality) { pthread_mutex_lock(&jpege_mutex); CDBG(" jpeg_encoder_setThumbnailQuality current thumbnail quality %d ," \ " new quality : %d\n", jpegThumbnailQuality, quality); if (quality <= 100) jpegThumbnailQuality = quality; pthread_mutex_unlock(&jpege_mutex); return TRUE; } int8_t mm_jpeg_encoder_setRotation(int rotation) { pthread_mutex_lock(&jpege_mutex); /* Set rotation configuration */ switch(rotation) { case 0: case 90: case 180: case 270: jpegRotation = rotation; break; default: /* Invalid rotation mode, set to default */ CDBG(" Setting Default rotation mode "); jpegRotation = 0; break; } pthread_mutex_unlock(&jpege_mutex); return TRUE; }