/* * Copyright (C) 2013 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #define LOG_TAG "healthd-manta" #include <errno.h> #include <fcntl.h> #include <healthd.h> #include <time.h> #include <unistd.h> #include <batteryservice/BatteryService.h> #include <cutils/klog.h> #include <sys/stat.h> #include <sys/types.h> #define POWER_SUPPLY_SUBSYSTEM "power_supply" #define POWER_SUPPLY_SYSFS_PATH "/sys/class/" POWER_SUPPLY_SUBSYSTEM #define DS2784_PATH POWER_SUPPLY_SYSFS_PATH "/ds2784-fuelgauge" using namespace android; #define TEMP_HIGH_THRESHOLD 600 /* 60C */ #define TEMP_HIGH_RECOVERY 420 /* 42C */ #define TEMP_LOW_RECOVERY 0 /* 0C */ #define TEMP_LOW_THRESHOLD -50 /* -5C */ #define FULL_CHARGING_TIME (12 * 60 * 60) #define RECHARGING_TIME (2 * 60 * 60) #define RECHARGING_VOLTAGE (4250) static bool manta_bat_recharging; static time_t manta_bat_charging_start_time; static unsigned int manta_bat_health = BATTERY_HEALTH_GOOD; static unsigned int manta_bat_charging_status = BATTERY_STATUS_DISCHARGING; static bool manta_bat_batterypresent; static int charge_enabled_fd; static void manta_bat_check_temp(struct BatteryProperties *props) { if (props->chargerAcOnline == false && props->chargerUsbOnline == false) return; if (props->batteryTemperature >= TEMP_HIGH_THRESHOLD) { if (manta_bat_health != BATTERY_HEALTH_OVERHEAT && manta_bat_health != BATTERY_HEALTH_UNSPECIFIED_FAILURE) { KLOG_INFO(LOG_TAG, "battery overheat (%d), charging unavailable\n", props->batteryTemperature); manta_bat_health = BATTERY_HEALTH_OVERHEAT; } } else if (props->batteryTemperature <= TEMP_HIGH_RECOVERY && props->batteryTemperature >= TEMP_LOW_RECOVERY) { if (manta_bat_health == BATTERY_HEALTH_OVERHEAT || manta_bat_health == BATTERY_HEALTH_COLD) { KLOG_INFO(LOG_TAG, "battery recovery (%d), charging available\n", props->batteryTemperature); manta_bat_health = BATTERY_HEALTH_GOOD; } } else if (props->batteryTemperature <= TEMP_LOW_THRESHOLD) { if (manta_bat_health != BATTERY_HEALTH_COLD && manta_bat_health != BATTERY_HEALTH_UNSPECIFIED_FAILURE) { KLOG_INFO(LOG_TAG, "battery cold (%d), charging unavailable\n", props->batteryTemperature); manta_bat_health = BATTERY_HEALTH_COLD; } } } static void manta_bat_set_charge_time(bool enable) { if (enable && !manta_bat_charging_start_time) time(&manta_bat_charging_start_time); else if (!enable) manta_bat_charging_start_time = 0; } static void manta_bat_enable_charging(bool enable) { int ret; char val[20]; if (enable && (manta_bat_health != BATTERY_HEALTH_GOOD)) { manta_bat_charging_status = BATTERY_STATUS_NOT_CHARGING; return; } if (charge_enabled_fd < 0) goto err; snprintf(val, sizeof(val), "%d", enable); ret = write(charge_enabled_fd, val, strlen(val)); if (ret == -1) { KLOG_ERROR(LOG_TAG, "charge_enabled write error; errno=%d\n", errno); goto err; } manta_bat_set_charge_time(enable); KLOG_INFO(LOG_TAG, "battery charge enable=%d\n", enable); return; err: if (enable) manta_bat_charging_status = BATTERY_STATUS_NOT_CHARGING; } static bool manta_bat_charge_timeout(time_t timeout) { if (!manta_bat_charging_start_time) return false; return time(NULL) >= manta_bat_charging_start_time + timeout; } static void manta_bat_set_full(void) { KLOG_INFO(LOG_TAG, "battery full\n"); manta_bat_charging_status = BATTERY_STATUS_FULL; manta_bat_enable_charging(false); manta_bat_recharging = false; } static void manta_bat_charging_timer(struct BatteryProperties *props) { if (!manta_bat_charging_start_time && manta_bat_charging_status == BATTERY_STATUS_CHARGING) { KLOG_WARNING("battery charging timer not started, starting\n"); manta_bat_enable_charging(true); manta_bat_recharging = true; } else if (!manta_bat_charging_start_time) { return; } if (manta_bat_charge_timeout(manta_bat_recharging ? RECHARGING_TIME : FULL_CHARGING_TIME)) { KLOG_INFO(LOG_TAG, "battery charging timer expired\n"); if (props->batteryVoltage > RECHARGING_VOLTAGE && props->batteryLevel == 100) { manta_bat_set_full(); } else { manta_bat_enable_charging(false); manta_bat_recharging = false; manta_bat_charging_start_time = 0; } } } static void manta_bat_check_charge_source_changed( struct BatteryProperties *props) { if (props->chargerUsbOnline || props->chargerAcOnline) { if (manta_bat_charging_status == BATTERY_STATUS_CHARGING || (manta_bat_charging_status == BATTERY_STATUS_FULL && manta_bat_recharging)) return; /* * If charging status indicates a charger was already * connected prior to this and the status is something * other than charging ("full" or "not-charging"), leave * the status alone. */ if (manta_bat_charging_status == BATTERY_STATUS_DISCHARGING || manta_bat_charging_status == BATTERY_STATUS_UNKNOWN) manta_bat_charging_status = BATTERY_STATUS_CHARGING; /* * Don't re-enable charging if the battery is full and we * are not actively re-charging it, or if "not-charging" * status is set. */ if (!(manta_bat_charging_status == BATTERY_STATUS_FULL && !manta_bat_recharging) && manta_bat_charging_status != BATTERY_STATUS_NOT_CHARGING) manta_bat_enable_charging(true); } else if (manta_bat_charging_status == BATTERY_STATUS_CHARGING || manta_bat_charging_status == BATTERY_STATUS_NOT_CHARGING || manta_bat_charging_status == BATTERY_STATUS_FULL) { manta_bat_charging_status = BATTERY_STATUS_DISCHARGING; manta_bat_enable_charging(false); manta_bat_health = BATTERY_HEALTH_GOOD; manta_bat_recharging = false; manta_bat_charging_start_time = 0; } } static void manta_bat_monitor(struct BatteryProperties *props) { unsigned int old_bat_health = manta_bat_health; if (manta_bat_batterypresent) { manta_bat_check_temp(props); } else { props->batteryTemperature = 42; /* 4.2C */ props->batteryVoltage = 4242; /* 4242mV */ props->batteryLevel = 42; /* 42% */ props->batteryCurrentNow = 42000;/* 42mA */ } if (props->batteryStatus == BATTERY_STATUS_FULL && (manta_bat_charging_status == BATTERY_STATUS_CHARGING || manta_bat_recharging)) { manta_bat_set_full(); } manta_bat_check_charge_source_changed(props); switch (manta_bat_charging_status) { case BATTERY_STATUS_FULL: if (props->batteryVoltage < RECHARGING_VOLTAGE && !manta_bat_recharging) { KLOG_INFO(LOG_TAG, "start recharging, v=%d\n", props->batteryVoltage); manta_bat_recharging = true; manta_bat_enable_charging(true); } break; case BATTERY_STATUS_DISCHARGING: break; case BATTERY_STATUS_CHARGING: switch (manta_bat_health) { case BATTERY_HEALTH_OVERHEAT: case BATTERY_HEALTH_COLD: case BATTERY_HEALTH_OVER_VOLTAGE: case BATTERY_HEALTH_DEAD: case BATTERY_HEALTH_UNSPECIFIED_FAILURE: manta_bat_charging_status = BATTERY_STATUS_NOT_CHARGING; manta_bat_enable_charging(false); KLOG_INFO(LOG_TAG, "Not charging, health=%d\n", manta_bat_health); break; default: break; } break; case BATTERY_STATUS_NOT_CHARGING: if (old_bat_health != BATTERY_HEALTH_GOOD && manta_bat_health == BATTERY_HEALTH_GOOD) { KLOG_INFO(LOG_TAG, "battery health recovered\n"); if (props->chargerUsbOnline || props->chargerAcOnline) { manta_bat_enable_charging(true); manta_bat_charging_status = BATTERY_STATUS_CHARGING; } else { manta_bat_charging_status = BATTERY_STATUS_DISCHARGING; } } break; default: break; } manta_bat_charging_timer(props); // set health and status according to our state, hardcode invariants props->batteryHealth = manta_bat_health; props->batteryStatus = manta_bat_charging_status; props->batteryTechnology = "Li-ion"; props->batteryPresent = manta_bat_batterypresent; } int healthd_board_battery_update(struct BatteryProperties *props) { manta_bat_monitor(props); // return 0 to log periodic polled battery status to kernel log return 0; } void healthd_board_init(struct healthd_config *config) { charge_enabled_fd = open(POWER_SUPPLY_SYSFS_PATH "/manta-battery/charge_enabled", O_WRONLY); if (charge_enabled_fd == -1) KLOG_ERROR(LOG_TAG, "open manta-battery/charge_enabled failed" "; errno=%d\n", errno); config->batteryCurrentNowPath = DS2784_PATH "/current_now"; if (access(config->batteryCurrentNowPath.string(), R_OK) == 0) { manta_bat_batterypresent = true; } else { KLOG_INFO("Missing battery, using fake battery data\n"); config->batteryCurrentNowPath.clear(); } }