// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include "media/audio/pulse/pulse_input.h" #include <pulse/pulseaudio.h> #include "base/logging.h" #include "media/audio/pulse/audio_manager_pulse.h" #include "media/audio/pulse/pulse_util.h" #include "media/base/seekable_buffer.h" namespace media { using pulse::AutoPulseLock; using pulse::WaitForOperationCompletion; PulseAudioInputStream::PulseAudioInputStream(AudioManagerPulse* audio_manager, const std::string& device_name, const AudioParameters& params, pa_threaded_mainloop* mainloop, pa_context* context) : audio_manager_(audio_manager), callback_(NULL), device_name_(device_name), params_(params), channels_(0), volume_(0.0), stream_started_(false), pa_mainloop_(mainloop), pa_context_(context), handle_(NULL), context_state_changed_(false) { DCHECK(mainloop); DCHECK(context); } PulseAudioInputStream::~PulseAudioInputStream() { // All internal structures should already have been freed in Close(), // which calls AudioManagerPulse::Release which deletes this object. DCHECK(!handle_); } bool PulseAudioInputStream::Open() { DCHECK(thread_checker_.CalledOnValidThread()); AutoPulseLock auto_lock(pa_mainloop_); if (!pulse::CreateInputStream(pa_mainloop_, pa_context_, &handle_, params_, device_name_, &StreamNotifyCallback, this)) { return false; } DCHECK(handle_); buffer_.reset(new media::SeekableBuffer(0, 2 * params_.GetBytesPerBuffer())); audio_data_buffer_.reset(new uint8[params_.GetBytesPerBuffer()]); return true; } void PulseAudioInputStream::Start(AudioInputCallback* callback) { DCHECK(thread_checker_.CalledOnValidThread()); DCHECK(callback); DCHECK(handle_); // AGC needs to be started out of the lock. StartAgc(); AutoPulseLock auto_lock(pa_mainloop_); if (stream_started_) return; // Clean up the old buffer. pa_stream_drop(handle_); buffer_->Clear(); // Start the streaming. callback_ = callback; pa_stream_set_read_callback(handle_, &ReadCallback, this); pa_stream_readable_size(handle_); stream_started_ = true; pa_operation* operation = pa_stream_cork(handle_, 0, NULL, NULL); WaitForOperationCompletion(pa_mainloop_, operation); } void PulseAudioInputStream::Stop() { DCHECK(thread_checker_.CalledOnValidThread()); AutoPulseLock auto_lock(pa_mainloop_); if (!stream_started_) return; StopAgc(); // Set the flag to false to stop filling new data to soundcard. stream_started_ = false; pa_operation* operation = pa_stream_flush(handle_, &pulse::StreamSuccessCallback, pa_mainloop_); WaitForOperationCompletion(pa_mainloop_, operation); // Stop the stream. pa_stream_set_read_callback(handle_, NULL, NULL); operation = pa_stream_cork(handle_, 1, &pulse::StreamSuccessCallback, pa_mainloop_); WaitForOperationCompletion(pa_mainloop_, operation); } void PulseAudioInputStream::Close() { DCHECK(thread_checker_.CalledOnValidThread()); { AutoPulseLock auto_lock(pa_mainloop_); if (handle_) { // Disable all the callbacks before disconnecting. pa_stream_set_state_callback(handle_, NULL, NULL); pa_stream_flush(handle_, NULL, NULL); if (pa_stream_get_state(handle_) != PA_STREAM_UNCONNECTED) pa_stream_disconnect(handle_); // Release PulseAudio structures. pa_stream_unref(handle_); handle_ = NULL; } } if (callback_) callback_->OnClose(this); // Signal to the manager that we're closed and can be removed. // This should be the last call in the function as it deletes "this". audio_manager_->ReleaseInputStream(this); } double PulseAudioInputStream::GetMaxVolume() { return static_cast<double>(PA_VOLUME_NORM); } void PulseAudioInputStream::SetVolume(double volume) { AutoPulseLock auto_lock(pa_mainloop_); if (!handle_) return; size_t index = pa_stream_get_device_index(handle_); pa_operation* operation = NULL; if (!channels_) { // Get the number of channels for the source only when the |channels_| is 0. // We are assuming the stream source is not changed on the fly here. operation = pa_context_get_source_info_by_index( pa_context_, index, &VolumeCallback, this); WaitForOperationCompletion(pa_mainloop_, operation); if (!channels_) { DLOG(WARNING) << "Failed to get the number of channels for the source"; return; } } pa_cvolume pa_volume; pa_cvolume_set(&pa_volume, channels_, volume); operation = pa_context_set_source_volume_by_index( pa_context_, index, &pa_volume, NULL, NULL); // Don't need to wait for this task to complete. pa_operation_unref(operation); } double PulseAudioInputStream::GetVolume() { if (pa_threaded_mainloop_in_thread(pa_mainloop_)) { // When being called by the pulse thread, GetVolume() is asynchronous and // called under AutoPulseLock. if (!handle_) return 0.0; size_t index = pa_stream_get_device_index(handle_); pa_operation* operation = pa_context_get_source_info_by_index( pa_context_, index, &VolumeCallback, this); // Do not wait for the operation since we can't block the pulse thread. pa_operation_unref(operation); // Return zero and the callback will asynchronously update the |volume_|. return 0.0; } else { // Called by other thread, put an AutoPulseLock and wait for the operation. AutoPulseLock auto_lock(pa_mainloop_); if (!handle_) return 0.0; size_t index = pa_stream_get_device_index(handle_); pa_operation* operation = pa_context_get_source_info_by_index( pa_context_, index, &VolumeCallback, this); WaitForOperationCompletion(pa_mainloop_, operation); return volume_; } } // static, used by pa_stream_set_read_callback. void PulseAudioInputStream::ReadCallback(pa_stream* handle, size_t length, void* user_data) { PulseAudioInputStream* stream = reinterpret_cast<PulseAudioInputStream*>(user_data); stream->ReadData(); } // static, used by pa_context_get_source_info_by_index. void PulseAudioInputStream::VolumeCallback(pa_context* context, const pa_source_info* info, int error, void* user_data) { PulseAudioInputStream* stream = reinterpret_cast<PulseAudioInputStream*>(user_data); if (error) { pa_threaded_mainloop_signal(stream->pa_mainloop_, 0); return; } if (stream->channels_ != info->channel_map.channels) stream->channels_ = info->channel_map.channels; pa_volume_t volume = PA_VOLUME_MUTED; // Minimum possible value. // Use the max volume of any channel as the volume. for (int i = 0; i < stream->channels_; ++i) { if (volume < info->volume.values[i]) volume = info->volume.values[i]; } // It is safe to access |volume_| here since VolumeCallback() is running // under PulseLock. stream->volume_ = static_cast<double>(volume); } // static, used by pa_stream_set_state_callback. void PulseAudioInputStream::StreamNotifyCallback(pa_stream* s, void* user_data) { PulseAudioInputStream* stream = reinterpret_cast<PulseAudioInputStream*>(user_data); if (s && stream->callback_ && pa_stream_get_state(s) == PA_STREAM_FAILED) { stream->callback_->OnError(stream); } pa_threaded_mainloop_signal(stream->pa_mainloop_, 0); } void PulseAudioInputStream::ReadData() { uint32 hardware_delay = pulse::GetHardwareLatencyInBytes( handle_, params_.sample_rate(), params_.GetBytesPerFrame()); // Update the AGC volume level once every second. Note that, // |volume| is also updated each time SetVolume() is called // through IPC by the render-side AGC. // We disregard the |normalized_volume| from GetAgcVolume() // and use the value calculated by |volume_|. double normalized_volume = 0.0; GetAgcVolume(&normalized_volume); normalized_volume = volume_ / GetMaxVolume(); do { size_t length = 0; const void* data = NULL; pa_stream_peek(handle_, &data, &length); if (!data || length == 0) break; buffer_->Append(reinterpret_cast<const uint8*>(data), length); // Checks if we still have data. pa_stream_drop(handle_); } while (pa_stream_readable_size(handle_) > 0); int packet_size = params_.GetBytesPerBuffer(); while (buffer_->forward_bytes() >= packet_size) { buffer_->Read(audio_data_buffer_.get(), packet_size); callback_->OnData(this, audio_data_buffer_.get(), packet_size, hardware_delay, normalized_volume); if (buffer_->forward_bytes() < packet_size) break; // TODO(xians): Remove once PPAPI is using circular buffers. DVLOG(1) << "OnData is being called consecutively, sleep 5ms to " << "wait until render consumes the data"; base::PlatformThread::Sleep(base::TimeDelta::FromMilliseconds(5)); } pa_threaded_mainloop_signal(pa_mainloop_, 0); } } // namespace media