// Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include "sync/engine/commit_util.h" #include <limits> #include <set> #include <string> #include <vector> #include "base/strings/string_util.h" #include "sync/engine/syncer_proto_util.h" #include "sync/internal_api/public/base/unique_position.h" #include "sync/protocol/bookmark_specifics.pb.h" #include "sync/protocol/sync.pb.h" #include "sync/sessions/sync_session.h" #include "sync/syncable/directory.h" #include "sync/syncable/entry.h" #include "sync/syncable/model_neutral_mutable_entry.h" #include "sync/syncable/syncable_base_transaction.h" #include "sync/syncable/syncable_base_write_transaction.h" #include "sync/syncable/syncable_changes_version.h" #include "sync/syncable/syncable_proto_util.h" #include "sync/syncable/syncable_util.h" #include "sync/util/time.h" using std::set; using std::string; using std::vector; namespace syncer { using sessions::SyncSession; using syncable::Entry; using syncable::IS_DEL; using syncable::IS_UNAPPLIED_UPDATE; using syncable::IS_UNSYNCED; using syncable::Id; using syncable::SPECIFICS; using syncable::UNIQUE_POSITION; namespace commit_util { void AddExtensionsActivityToMessage( ExtensionsActivity* activity, ExtensionsActivity::Records* extensions_activity_buffer, sync_pb::CommitMessage* message) { // This isn't perfect, since the set of extensions activity may not correlate // exactly with the items being committed. That's OK as long as we're looking // for a rough estimate of extensions activity, not an precise mapping of // which commits were triggered by which extension. // // We will push this list of extensions activity back into the // ExtensionsActivityMonitor if this commit fails. That's why we must keep a // copy of these records in the session. activity->GetAndClearRecords(extensions_activity_buffer); const ExtensionsActivity::Records& records = *extensions_activity_buffer; for (ExtensionsActivity::Records::const_iterator it = records.begin(); it != records.end(); ++it) { sync_pb::ChromiumExtensionsActivity* activity_message = message->add_extensions_activity(); activity_message->set_extension_id(it->second.extension_id); activity_message->set_bookmark_writes_since_last_commit( it->second.bookmark_write_count); } } void AddClientConfigParamsToMessage( ModelTypeSet enabled_types, sync_pb::CommitMessage* message) { sync_pb::ClientConfigParams* config_params = message->mutable_config_params(); for (ModelTypeSet::Iterator it = enabled_types.First(); it.Good(); it.Inc()) { if (ProxyTypes().Has(it.Get())) continue; int field_number = GetSpecificsFieldNumberFromModelType(it.Get()); config_params->mutable_enabled_type_ids()->Add(field_number); } config_params->set_tabs_datatype_enabled( enabled_types.Has(syncer::PROXY_TABS)); } namespace { void SetEntrySpecifics(const Entry& meta_entry, sync_pb::SyncEntity* sync_entry) { // Add the new style extension and the folder bit. sync_entry->mutable_specifics()->CopyFrom(meta_entry.GetSpecifics()); sync_entry->set_folder(meta_entry.GetIsDir()); CHECK(!sync_entry->specifics().password().has_client_only_encrypted_data()); DCHECK_EQ(meta_entry.GetModelType(), GetModelType(*sync_entry)); } } // namespace void BuildCommitItem( const syncable::Entry& meta_entry, sync_pb::SyncEntity* sync_entry) { syncable::Id id = meta_entry.GetId(); sync_entry->set_id_string(SyncableIdToProto(id)); string name = meta_entry.GetNonUniqueName(); CHECK(!name.empty()); // Make sure this isn't an update. // Note: Truncation is also performed in WriteNode::SetTitle(..). But this // call is still necessary to handle any title changes that might originate // elsewhere, or already be persisted in the directory. base::TruncateUTF8ToByteSize(name, 255, &name); sync_entry->set_name(name); // Set the non_unique_name. If we do, the server ignores // the |name| value (using |non_unique_name| instead), and will return // in the CommitResponse a unique name if one is generated. // We send both because it may aid in logging. sync_entry->set_non_unique_name(name); if (!meta_entry.GetUniqueClientTag().empty()) { sync_entry->set_client_defined_unique_tag( meta_entry.GetUniqueClientTag()); } // Deleted items with server-unknown parent ids can be a problem so we set // the parent to 0. (TODO(sync): Still true in protocol?). Id new_parent_id; if (meta_entry.GetIsDel() && !meta_entry.GetParentId().ServerKnows()) { new_parent_id = syncable::BaseTransaction::root_id(); } else { new_parent_id = meta_entry.GetParentId(); } sync_entry->set_parent_id_string(SyncableIdToProto(new_parent_id)); // If our parent has changed, send up the old one so the server // can correctly deal with multiple parents. // TODO(nick): With the server keeping track of the primary sync parent, // it should not be necessary to provide the old_parent_id: the version // number should suffice. if (new_parent_id != meta_entry.GetServerParentId() && 0 != meta_entry.GetBaseVersion() && syncable::CHANGES_VERSION != meta_entry.GetBaseVersion()) { sync_entry->set_old_parent_id( SyncableIdToProto(meta_entry.GetServerParentId())); } int64 version = meta_entry.GetBaseVersion(); if (syncable::CHANGES_VERSION == version || 0 == version) { // Undeletions are only supported for items that have a client tag. DCHECK(!id.ServerKnows() || !meta_entry.GetUniqueClientTag().empty()) << meta_entry; // Version 0 means to create or undelete an object. sync_entry->set_version(0); } else { DCHECK(id.ServerKnows()) << meta_entry; sync_entry->set_version(meta_entry.GetBaseVersion()); } sync_entry->set_ctime(TimeToProtoTime(meta_entry.GetCtime())); sync_entry->set_mtime(TimeToProtoTime(meta_entry.GetMtime())); // Deletion is final on the server, let's move things and then delete them. if (meta_entry.GetIsDel()) { sync_entry->set_deleted(true); } else { if (meta_entry.GetSpecifics().has_bookmark()) { // Both insert_after_item_id and position_in_parent fields are set only // for legacy reasons. See comments in sync.proto for more information. const Id& prev_id = meta_entry.GetPredecessorId(); string prev_id_string = prev_id.IsRoot() ? string() : prev_id.GetServerId(); sync_entry->set_insert_after_item_id(prev_id_string); sync_entry->set_position_in_parent( meta_entry.GetUniquePosition().ToInt64()); meta_entry.GetUniquePosition().ToProto( sync_entry->mutable_unique_position()); } SetEntrySpecifics(meta_entry, sync_entry); } } // Helpers for ProcessSingleCommitResponse. namespace { void LogServerError(const sync_pb::CommitResponse_EntryResponse& res) { if (res.has_error_message()) LOG(WARNING) << " " << res.error_message(); else LOG(WARNING) << " No detailed error message returned from server"; } const string& GetResultingPostCommitName( const sync_pb::SyncEntity& committed_entry, const sync_pb::CommitResponse_EntryResponse& entry_response) { const string& response_name = SyncerProtoUtil::NameFromCommitEntryResponse(entry_response); if (!response_name.empty()) return response_name; return SyncerProtoUtil::NameFromSyncEntity(committed_entry); } bool UpdateVersionAfterCommit( const sync_pb::SyncEntity& committed_entry, const sync_pb::CommitResponse_EntryResponse& entry_response, const syncable::Id& pre_commit_id, syncable::ModelNeutralMutableEntry* local_entry) { int64 old_version = local_entry->GetBaseVersion(); int64 new_version = entry_response.version(); bool bad_commit_version = false; if (committed_entry.deleted() && !local_entry->GetUniqueClientTag().empty()) { // If the item was deleted, and it's undeletable (uses the client tag), // change the version back to zero. We must set the version to zero so // that the server knows to re-create the item if it gets committed // later for undeletion. new_version = 0; } else if (!pre_commit_id.ServerKnows()) { bad_commit_version = 0 == new_version; } else { bad_commit_version = old_version > new_version; } if (bad_commit_version) { LOG(ERROR) << "Bad version in commit return for " << *local_entry << " new_id:" << SyncableIdFromProto(entry_response.id_string()) << " new_version:" << entry_response.version(); return false; } // Update the base version and server version. The base version must change // here, even if syncing_was_set is false; that's because local changes were // on top of the successfully committed version. local_entry->PutBaseVersion(new_version); DVLOG(1) << "Commit is changing base version of " << local_entry->GetId() << " to: " << new_version; local_entry->PutServerVersion(new_version); return true; } bool ChangeIdAfterCommit( const sync_pb::CommitResponse_EntryResponse& entry_response, const syncable::Id& pre_commit_id, syncable::ModelNeutralMutableEntry* local_entry) { syncable::BaseWriteTransaction* trans = local_entry->base_write_transaction(); const syncable::Id& entry_response_id = SyncableIdFromProto(entry_response.id_string()); if (entry_response_id != pre_commit_id) { if (pre_commit_id.ServerKnows()) { // The server can sometimes generate a new ID on commit; for example, // when committing an undeletion. DVLOG(1) << " ID changed while committing an old entry. " << pre_commit_id << " became " << entry_response_id << "."; } syncable::ModelNeutralMutableEntry same_id( trans, syncable::GET_BY_ID, entry_response_id); // We should trap this before this function. if (same_id.good()) { LOG(ERROR) << "ID clash with id " << entry_response_id << " during commit " << same_id; return false; } ChangeEntryIDAndUpdateChildren(trans, local_entry, entry_response_id); DVLOG(1) << "Changing ID to " << entry_response_id; } return true; } void UpdateServerFieldsAfterCommit( const sync_pb::SyncEntity& committed_entry, const sync_pb::CommitResponse_EntryResponse& entry_response, syncable::ModelNeutralMutableEntry* local_entry) { // We just committed an entry successfully, and now we want to make our view // of the server state consistent with the server state. We must be careful; // |entry_response| and |committed_entry| have some identically named // fields. We only want to consider fields from |committed_entry| when there // is not an overriding field in the |entry_response|. We do not want to // update the server data from the local data in the entry -- it's possible // that the local data changed during the commit, and even if not, the server // has the last word on the values of several properties. local_entry->PutServerIsDel(committed_entry.deleted()); if (committed_entry.deleted()) { // Don't clobber any other fields of deleted objects. return; } local_entry->PutServerIsDir( (committed_entry.folder() || committed_entry.bookmarkdata().bookmark_folder())); local_entry->PutServerSpecifics(committed_entry.specifics()); local_entry->PutServerMtime(ProtoTimeToTime(committed_entry.mtime())); local_entry->PutServerCtime(ProtoTimeToTime(committed_entry.ctime())); if (committed_entry.has_unique_position()) { local_entry->PutServerUniquePosition( UniquePosition::FromProto( committed_entry.unique_position())); } // TODO(nick): The server doesn't set entry_response.server_parent_id in // practice; to update SERVER_PARENT_ID appropriately here we'd need to // get the post-commit ID of the parent indicated by // committed_entry.parent_id_string(). That should be inferrable from the // information we have, but it's a bit convoluted to pull it out directly. // Getting this right is important: SERVER_PARENT_ID gets fed back into // old_parent_id during the next commit. local_entry->PutServerParentId(local_entry->GetParentId()); local_entry->PutServerNonUniqueName( GetResultingPostCommitName(committed_entry, entry_response)); if (local_entry->GetIsUnappliedUpdate()) { // This shouldn't happen; an unapplied update shouldn't be committed, and // if it were, the commit should have failed. But if it does happen: we've // just overwritten the update info, so clear the flag. local_entry->PutIsUnappliedUpdate(false); } } void ProcessSuccessfulCommitResponse( const sync_pb::SyncEntity& committed_entry, const sync_pb::CommitResponse_EntryResponse& entry_response, const syncable::Id& pre_commit_id, syncable::ModelNeutralMutableEntry* local_entry, bool syncing_was_set, set<syncable::Id>* deleted_folders) { DCHECK(local_entry->GetIsUnsynced()); // Update SERVER_VERSION and BASE_VERSION. if (!UpdateVersionAfterCommit(committed_entry, entry_response, pre_commit_id, local_entry)) { LOG(ERROR) << "Bad version in commit return for " << *local_entry << " new_id:" << SyncableIdFromProto(entry_response.id_string()) << " new_version:" << entry_response.version(); return; } // If the server gave us a new ID, apply it. if (!ChangeIdAfterCommit(entry_response, pre_commit_id, local_entry)) { return; } // Update our stored copy of the server state. UpdateServerFieldsAfterCommit(committed_entry, entry_response, local_entry); // If the item doesn't need to be committed again (an item might need to be // committed again if it changed locally during the commit), we can remove // it from the unsynced list. if (syncing_was_set) { local_entry->PutIsUnsynced(false); } // Make a note of any deleted folders, whose children would have // been recursively deleted. // TODO(nick): Here, commit_message.deleted() would be more correct than // local_entry->GetIsDel(). For example, an item could be renamed, and then // deleted during the commit of the rename. Unit test & fix. if (local_entry->GetIsDir() && local_entry->GetIsDel()) { deleted_folders->insert(local_entry->GetId()); } } } // namespace sync_pb::CommitResponse::ResponseType ProcessSingleCommitResponse( syncable::BaseWriteTransaction* trans, const sync_pb::CommitResponse_EntryResponse& server_entry, const sync_pb::SyncEntity& commit_request_entry, int64 metahandle, set<syncable::Id>* deleted_folders) { syncable::ModelNeutralMutableEntry local_entry( trans, syncable::GET_BY_HANDLE, metahandle); CHECK(local_entry.good()); bool syncing_was_set = local_entry.GetSyncing(); local_entry.PutSyncing(false); sync_pb::CommitResponse::ResponseType response = server_entry.response_type(); if (!sync_pb::CommitResponse::ResponseType_IsValid(response)) { LOG(ERROR) << "Commit response has unknown response type! Possibly out " "of date client?"; return sync_pb::CommitResponse::INVALID_MESSAGE; } if (sync_pb::CommitResponse::TRANSIENT_ERROR == response) { DVLOG(1) << "Transient Error Committing: " << local_entry; LogServerError(server_entry); return sync_pb::CommitResponse::TRANSIENT_ERROR; } if (sync_pb::CommitResponse::INVALID_MESSAGE == response) { LOG(ERROR) << "Error Commiting: " << local_entry; LogServerError(server_entry); return response; } if (sync_pb::CommitResponse::CONFLICT == response) { DVLOG(1) << "Conflict Committing: " << local_entry; return response; } if (sync_pb::CommitResponse::RETRY == response) { DVLOG(1) << "Retry Committing: " << local_entry; return response; } if (sync_pb::CommitResponse::OVER_QUOTA == response) { LOG(WARNING) << "Hit deprecated OVER_QUOTA Committing: " << local_entry; return response; } if (!server_entry.has_id_string()) { LOG(ERROR) << "Commit response has no id"; return sync_pb::CommitResponse::INVALID_MESSAGE; } // Implied by the IsValid call above, but here for clarity. DCHECK_EQ(sync_pb::CommitResponse::SUCCESS, response) << response; // Check to see if we've been given the ID of an existing entry. If so treat // it as an error response and retry later. const syncable::Id& server_entry_id = SyncableIdFromProto(server_entry.id_string()); if (local_entry.GetId() != server_entry_id) { Entry e(trans, syncable::GET_BY_ID, server_entry_id); if (e.good()) { LOG(ERROR) << "Got duplicate id when commiting id: " << local_entry.GetId() << ". Treating as an error return"; return sync_pb::CommitResponse::INVALID_MESSAGE; } } if (server_entry.version() == 0) { LOG(WARNING) << "Server returned a zero version on a commit response."; } ProcessSuccessfulCommitResponse(commit_request_entry, server_entry, local_entry.GetId(), &local_entry, syncing_was_set, deleted_folders); return response; } } // namespace commit_util } // namespace syncer