/* * Copyright (C) 2009 Google Inc. All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are * met: * * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above * copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer * in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the * distribution. * * Neither the name of Google Inc. nor the names of its * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from * this software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS * "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR * A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT * OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, * SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, * DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY * THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE * OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ // How ownership works // ------------------- // // Big oh represents a refcounted relationship: owner O--- ownee // // WebView (for the toplevel frame only) // O // | // Page O------- Frame (m_mainFrame) O-------O FrameView // || // || // FrameLoader O-------- WebFrame (via FrameLoaderClient) // // FrameLoader and Frame are formerly one object that was split apart because // it got too big. They basically have the same lifetime, hence the double line. // // WebFrame is refcounted and has one ref on behalf of the FrameLoader/Frame. // This is not a normal reference counted pointer because that would require // changing WebKit code that we don't control. Instead, it is created with this // ref initially and it is removed when the FrameLoader is getting destroyed. // // WebFrames are created in two places, first in WebViewImpl when the root // frame is created, and second in WebFrame::createChildFrame when sub-frames // are created. WebKit will hook up this object to the FrameLoader/Frame // and the refcount will be correct. // // How frames are destroyed // ------------------------ // // The main frame is never destroyed and is re-used. The FrameLoader is re-used // and a reference to the main frame is kept by the Page. // // When frame content is replaced, all subframes are destroyed. This happens // in FrameLoader::detachFromParent for each subframe. // // Frame going away causes the FrameLoader to get deleted. In FrameLoader's // destructor, it notifies its client with frameLoaderDestroyed. This derefs // the WebFrame and will cause it to be deleted (unless an external someone // is also holding a reference). // // Thie client is expected to be set whenever the WebFrameImpl is attached to // the DOM. #include "config.h" #include "WebFrameImpl.h" #include <algorithm> #include "AssociatedURLLoader.h" #include "DOMUtilitiesPrivate.h" #include "EventListenerWrapper.h" #include "FindInPageCoordinates.h" #include "HTMLNames.h" #include "PageOverlay.h" #include "V8DOMFileSystem.h" #include "V8DirectoryEntry.h" #include "V8FileEntry.h" #include "WebConsoleMessage.h" #include "WebDOMEvent.h" #include "WebDOMEventListener.h" #include "WebDataSourceImpl.h" #include "WebDevToolsAgentPrivate.h" #include "WebDocument.h" #include "WebFindOptions.h" #include "WebFormElement.h" #include "WebFrameClient.h" #include "WebHistoryItem.h" #include "WebIconURL.h" #include "WebInputElement.h" #include "WebNode.h" #include "WebPerformance.h" #include "WebPlugin.h" #include "WebPluginContainerImpl.h" #include "WebPrintParams.h" #include "WebRange.h" #include "WebScriptSource.h" #include "WebSecurityOrigin.h" #include "WebSerializedScriptValue.h" #include "WebViewImpl.h" #include "bindings/v8/DOMWrapperWorld.h" #include "bindings/v8/ExceptionState.h" #include "bindings/v8/ExceptionStatePlaceholder.h" #include "bindings/v8/ScriptController.h" #include "bindings/v8/ScriptSourceCode.h" #include "bindings/v8/ScriptValue.h" #include "bindings/v8/V8GCController.h" #include "core/dom/Document.h" #include "core/dom/DocumentMarker.h" #include "core/dom/DocumentMarkerController.h" #include "core/dom/IconURL.h" #include "core/dom/MessagePort.h" #include "core/dom/Node.h" #include "core/dom/NodeTraversal.h" #include "core/dom/shadow/ShadowRoot.h" #include "core/editing/Editor.h" #include "core/editing/FrameSelection.h" #include "core/editing/InputMethodController.h" #include "core/editing/PlainTextRange.h" #include "core/editing/SpellChecker.h" #include "core/editing/TextAffinity.h" #include "core/editing/TextIterator.h" #include "core/editing/htmlediting.h" #include "core/editing/markup.h" #include "core/frame/Console.h" #include "core/frame/DOMWindow.h" #include "core/frame/FrameView.h" #include "core/history/HistoryItem.h" #include "core/html/HTMLCollection.h" #include "core/html/HTMLFormElement.h" #include "core/html/HTMLFrameOwnerElement.h" #include "core/html/HTMLHeadElement.h" #include "core/html/HTMLInputElement.h" #include "core/html/HTMLLinkElement.h" #include "core/html/HTMLTextAreaElement.h" #include "core/html/PluginDocument.h" #include "core/inspector/InspectorController.h" #include "core/inspector/ScriptCallStack.h" #include "core/loader/DocumentLoader.h" #include "core/loader/FormState.h" #include "core/loader/FrameLoadRequest.h" #include "core/loader/FrameLoader.h" #include "core/loader/SubstituteData.h" #include "core/page/Chrome.h" #include "core/page/EventHandler.h" #include "core/page/FocusController.h" #include "core/page/FrameTree.h" #include "core/page/Page.h" #include "core/page/PrintContext.h" #include "core/frame/Settings.h" #include "core/rendering/HitTestResult.h" #include "core/rendering/RenderBox.h" #include "core/rendering/RenderFrame.h" #include "core/rendering/RenderLayer.h" #include "core/rendering/RenderObject.h" #include "core/rendering/RenderTreeAsText.h" #include "core/rendering/RenderView.h" #include "core/rendering/style/StyleInheritedData.h" #include "core/timing/Performance.h" #include "core/xml/DocumentXPathEvaluator.h" #include "core/xml/XPathResult.h" #include "modules/filesystem/DOMFileSystem.h" #include "modules/filesystem/DirectoryEntry.h" #include "modules/filesystem/FileEntry.h" #include "platform/FileSystemType.h" #include "platform/TraceEvent.h" #include "platform/UserGestureIndicator.h" #include "platform/clipboard/ClipboardUtilities.h" #include "platform/fonts/FontCache.h" #include "platform/graphics/GraphicsContext.h" #include "platform/graphics/GraphicsLayerClient.h" #include "platform/graphics/skia/SkiaUtils.h" #include "platform/network/ResourceRequest.h" #include "platform/scroll/ScrollbarTheme.h" #include "platform/scroll/ScrollTypes.h" #include "platform/weborigin/KURL.h" #include "platform/weborigin/SchemeRegistry.h" #include "platform/weborigin/SecurityPolicy.h" #include "public/platform/Platform.h" #include "public/platform/WebFileSystem.h" #include "public/platform/WebFloatPoint.h" #include "public/platform/WebFloatRect.h" #include "public/platform/WebLayer.h" #include "public/platform/WebPoint.h" #include "public/platform/WebRect.h" #include "public/platform/WebSize.h" #include "public/platform/WebURLError.h" #include "public/platform/WebVector.h" #include "wtf/CurrentTime.h" #include "wtf/HashMap.h" using namespace WebCore; namespace blink { static int frameCount = 0; // Key for a StatsCounter tracking how many WebFrames are active. static const char webFrameActiveCount[] = "WebFrameActiveCount"; static void frameContentAsPlainText(size_t maxChars, Frame* frame, StringBuilder& output) { Document* document = frame->document(); if (!document) return; if (!frame->view()) return; // TextIterator iterates over the visual representation of the DOM. As such, // it requires you to do a layout before using it (otherwise it'll crash). document->updateLayout(); // Select the document body. RefPtr<Range> range(document->createRange()); TrackExceptionState exceptionState; range->selectNodeContents(document->body(), exceptionState); if (!exceptionState.hadException()) { // The text iterator will walk nodes giving us text. This is similar to // the plainText() function in core/editing/TextIterator.h, but we implement the maximum // size and also copy the results directly into a wstring, avoiding the // string conversion. for (TextIterator it(range.get()); !it.atEnd(); it.advance()) { it.appendTextToStringBuilder(output, 0, maxChars - output.length()); if (output.length() >= maxChars) return; // Filled up the buffer. } } // The separator between frames when the frames are converted to plain text. const LChar frameSeparator[] = { '\n', '\n' }; const size_t frameSeparatorLength = WTF_ARRAY_LENGTH(frameSeparator); // Recursively walk the children. const FrameTree& frameTree = frame->tree(); for (Frame* curChild = frameTree.firstChild(); curChild; curChild = curChild->tree().nextSibling()) { // Ignore the text of non-visible frames. RenderView* contentRenderer = curChild->contentRenderer(); RenderPart* ownerRenderer = curChild->ownerRenderer(); if (!contentRenderer || !contentRenderer->width() || !contentRenderer->height() || (contentRenderer->x() + contentRenderer->width() <= 0) || (contentRenderer->y() + contentRenderer->height() <= 0) || (ownerRenderer && ownerRenderer->style() && ownerRenderer->style()->visibility() != VISIBLE)) { continue; } // Make sure the frame separator won't fill up the buffer, and give up if // it will. The danger is if the separator will make the buffer longer than // maxChars. This will cause the computation above: // maxChars - output->size() // to be a negative number which will crash when the subframe is added. if (output.length() >= maxChars - frameSeparatorLength) return; output.append(frameSeparator, frameSeparatorLength); frameContentAsPlainText(maxChars, curChild, output); if (output.length() >= maxChars) return; // Filled up the buffer. } } WebPluginContainerImpl* WebFrameImpl::pluginContainerFromFrame(Frame* frame) { if (!frame) return 0; if (!frame->document() || !frame->document()->isPluginDocument()) return 0; PluginDocument* pluginDocument = toPluginDocument(frame->document()); return toPluginContainerImpl(pluginDocument->pluginWidget()); } WebPluginContainerImpl* WebFrameImpl::pluginContainerFromNode(WebCore::Frame* frame, const WebNode& node) { WebPluginContainerImpl* pluginContainer = pluginContainerFromFrame(frame); if (pluginContainer) return pluginContainer; return toPluginContainerImpl(node.pluginContainer()); } // Simple class to override some of PrintContext behavior. Some of the methods // made virtual so that they can be overridden by ChromePluginPrintContext. class ChromePrintContext : public PrintContext { WTF_MAKE_NONCOPYABLE(ChromePrintContext); public: ChromePrintContext(Frame* frame) : PrintContext(frame) , m_printedPageWidth(0) { } virtual ~ChromePrintContext() { } virtual void begin(float width, float height) { ASSERT(!m_printedPageWidth); m_printedPageWidth = width; PrintContext::begin(m_printedPageWidth, height); } virtual void end() { PrintContext::end(); } virtual float getPageShrink(int pageNumber) const { IntRect pageRect = m_pageRects[pageNumber]; return m_printedPageWidth / pageRect.width(); } // Spools the printed page, a subrect of frame(). Skip the scale step. // NativeTheme doesn't play well with scaling. Scaling is done browser side // instead. Returns the scale to be applied. // On Linux, we don't have the problem with NativeTheme, hence we let WebKit // do the scaling and ignore the return value. virtual float spoolPage(GraphicsContext& context, int pageNumber) { IntRect pageRect = m_pageRects[pageNumber]; float scale = m_printedPageWidth / pageRect.width(); context.save(); #if OS(POSIX) && !OS(MACOSX) context.scale(WebCore::FloatSize(scale, scale)); #endif context.translate(static_cast<float>(-pageRect.x()), static_cast<float>(-pageRect.y())); context.clip(pageRect); frame()->view()->paintContents(&context, pageRect); if (context.supportsURLFragments()) outputLinkedDestinations(context, frame()->document(), pageRect); context.restore(); return scale; } void spoolAllPagesWithBoundaries(GraphicsContext& graphicsContext, const FloatSize& pageSizeInPixels) { if (!frame()->document() || !frame()->view() || !frame()->document()->renderer()) return; frame()->document()->updateLayout(); float pageHeight; computePageRects(FloatRect(FloatPoint(0, 0), pageSizeInPixels), 0, 0, 1, pageHeight); const float pageWidth = pageSizeInPixels.width(); size_t numPages = pageRects().size(); int totalHeight = numPages * (pageSizeInPixels.height() + 1) - 1; // Fill the whole background by white. graphicsContext.setFillColor(Color::white); graphicsContext.fillRect(FloatRect(0, 0, pageWidth, totalHeight)); graphicsContext.save(); int currentHeight = 0; for (size_t pageIndex = 0; pageIndex < numPages; pageIndex++) { // Draw a line for a page boundary if this isn't the first page. if (pageIndex > 0) { graphicsContext.save(); graphicsContext.setStrokeColor(Color(0, 0, 255)); graphicsContext.setFillColor(Color(0, 0, 255)); graphicsContext.drawLine(IntPoint(0, currentHeight), IntPoint(pageWidth, currentHeight)); graphicsContext.restore(); } graphicsContext.save(); graphicsContext.translate(0, currentHeight); #if OS(WIN) || OS(MACOSX) // Account for the disabling of scaling in spoolPage. In the context // of spoolAllPagesWithBoundaries the scale HAS NOT been pre-applied. float scale = getPageShrink(pageIndex); graphicsContext.scale(WebCore::FloatSize(scale, scale)); #endif spoolPage(graphicsContext, pageIndex); graphicsContext.restore(); currentHeight += pageSizeInPixels.height() + 1; } graphicsContext.restore(); } virtual void computePageRects(const FloatRect& printRect, float headerHeight, float footerHeight, float userScaleFactor, float& outPageHeight) { PrintContext::computePageRects(printRect, headerHeight, footerHeight, userScaleFactor, outPageHeight); } virtual int pageCount() const { return PrintContext::pageCount(); } private: // Set when printing. float m_printedPageWidth; }; // Simple class to override some of PrintContext behavior. This is used when // the frame hosts a plugin that supports custom printing. In this case, we // want to delegate all printing related calls to the plugin. class ChromePluginPrintContext : public ChromePrintContext { public: ChromePluginPrintContext(Frame* frame, WebPluginContainerImpl* plugin, const WebPrintParams& printParams) : ChromePrintContext(frame), m_plugin(plugin), m_pageCount(0), m_printParams(printParams) { } virtual ~ChromePluginPrintContext() { } virtual void begin(float width, float height) { } virtual void end() { m_plugin->printEnd(); } virtual float getPageShrink(int pageNumber) const { // We don't shrink the page (maybe we should ask the widget ??) return 1.0; } virtual void computePageRects(const FloatRect& printRect, float headerHeight, float footerHeight, float userScaleFactor, float& outPageHeight) { m_printParams.printContentArea = IntRect(printRect); m_pageCount = m_plugin->printBegin(m_printParams); } virtual int pageCount() const { return m_pageCount; } // Spools the printed page, a subrect of frame(). Skip the scale step. // NativeTheme doesn't play well with scaling. Scaling is done browser side // instead. Returns the scale to be applied. virtual float spoolPage(GraphicsContext& context, int pageNumber) { m_plugin->printPage(pageNumber, &context); return 1.0; } private: // Set when printing. WebPluginContainerImpl* m_plugin; int m_pageCount; WebPrintParams m_printParams; }; static WebDataSource* DataSourceForDocLoader(DocumentLoader* loader) { return loader ? WebDataSourceImpl::fromDocumentLoader(loader) : 0; } WebFrameImpl::FindMatch::FindMatch(PassRefPtr<Range> range, int ordinal) : m_range(range) , m_ordinal(ordinal) { } class WebFrameImpl::DeferredScopeStringMatches { public: DeferredScopeStringMatches(WebFrameImpl* webFrame, int identifier, const WebString& searchText, const WebFindOptions& options, bool reset) : m_timer(this, &DeferredScopeStringMatches::doTimeout) , m_webFrame(webFrame) , m_identifier(identifier) , m_searchText(searchText) , m_options(options) , m_reset(reset) { m_timer.startOneShot(0.0); } private: void doTimeout(Timer<DeferredScopeStringMatches>*) { m_webFrame->callScopeStringMatches(this, m_identifier, m_searchText, m_options, m_reset); } Timer<DeferredScopeStringMatches> m_timer; RefPtr<WebFrameImpl> m_webFrame; int m_identifier; WebString m_searchText; WebFindOptions m_options; bool m_reset; }; // WebFrame ------------------------------------------------------------------- int WebFrame::instanceCount() { return frameCount; } WebFrame* WebFrame::frameForCurrentContext() { v8::Handle<v8::Context> context = v8::Isolate::GetCurrent()->GetCurrentContext(); if (context.IsEmpty()) return 0; return frameForContext(context); } WebFrame* WebFrame::frameForContext(v8::Handle<v8::Context> context) { return WebFrameImpl::fromFrame(toFrameIfNotDetached(context)); } WebFrame* WebFrame::fromFrameOwnerElement(const WebElement& element) { return WebFrameImpl::fromFrameOwnerElement(PassRefPtr<Element>(element).get()); } void WebFrameImpl::close() { m_client = 0; deref(); // Balances ref() acquired in WebFrame::create } WebString WebFrameImpl::uniqueName() const { return frame()->tree().uniqueName(); } WebString WebFrameImpl::assignedName() const { return frame()->tree().name(); } void WebFrameImpl::setName(const WebString& name) { frame()->tree().setName(name); } long long WebFrameImpl::embedderIdentifier() const { return m_frameInit->frameID(); } WebVector<WebIconURL> WebFrameImpl::iconURLs(int iconTypesMask) const { // The URL to the icon may be in the header. As such, only // ask the loader for the icon if it's finished loading. if (frame()->loader().state() == FrameStateComplete) return frame()->document()->iconURLs(iconTypesMask); return WebVector<WebIconURL>(); } void WebFrameImpl::setRemoteWebLayer(WebLayer* webLayer) { if (!frame()) return; if (frame()->remotePlatformLayer()) GraphicsLayer::unregisterContentsLayer(frame()->remotePlatformLayer()); if (webLayer) GraphicsLayer::registerContentsLayer(webLayer); frame()->setRemotePlatformLayer(webLayer); frame()->ownerElement()->setNeedsStyleRecalc(WebCore::SubtreeStyleChange, WebCore::StyleChangeFromRenderer); } void WebFrameImpl::setPermissionClient(WebPermissionClient* permissionClient) { m_permissionClient = permissionClient; } WebSize WebFrameImpl::scrollOffset() const { FrameView* view = frameView(); if (!view) return WebSize(); return view->scrollOffset(); } WebSize WebFrameImpl::minimumScrollOffset() const { FrameView* view = frameView(); if (!view) return WebSize(); return toIntSize(view->minimumScrollPosition()); } WebSize WebFrameImpl::maximumScrollOffset() const { FrameView* view = frameView(); if (!view) return WebSize(); return toIntSize(view->maximumScrollPosition()); } void WebFrameImpl::setScrollOffset(const WebSize& offset) { if (FrameView* view = frameView()) view->setScrollOffset(IntPoint(offset.width, offset.height)); } WebSize WebFrameImpl::contentsSize() const { return frame()->view()->contentsSize(); } bool WebFrameImpl::hasVisibleContent() const { return frame()->view()->visibleWidth() > 0 && frame()->view()->visibleHeight() > 0; } WebRect WebFrameImpl::visibleContentRect() const { return frame()->view()->visibleContentRect(); } bool WebFrameImpl::hasHorizontalScrollbar() const { return frame() && frame()->view() && frame()->view()->horizontalScrollbar(); } bool WebFrameImpl::hasVerticalScrollbar() const { return frame() && frame()->view() && frame()->view()->verticalScrollbar(); } WebView* WebFrameImpl::view() const { return viewImpl(); } WebFrame* WebFrameImpl::opener() const { if (!frame()) return 0; return fromFrame(frame()->loader().opener()); } void WebFrameImpl::setOpener(const WebFrame* webFrame) { frame()->loader().setOpener(webFrame ? toWebFrameImpl(webFrame)->frame() : 0); } WebFrame* WebFrameImpl::parent() const { if (!frame()) return 0; return fromFrame(frame()->tree().parent()); } WebFrame* WebFrameImpl::top() const { if (!frame()) return 0; return fromFrame(frame()->tree().top()); } WebFrame* WebFrameImpl::firstChild() const { if (!frame()) return 0; return fromFrame(frame()->tree().firstChild()); } WebFrame* WebFrameImpl::lastChild() const { if (!frame()) return 0; return fromFrame(frame()->tree().lastChild()); } WebFrame* WebFrameImpl::nextSibling() const { if (!frame()) return 0; return fromFrame(frame()->tree().nextSibling()); } WebFrame* WebFrameImpl::previousSibling() const { if (!frame()) return 0; return fromFrame(frame()->tree().previousSibling()); } WebFrame* WebFrameImpl::traverseNext(bool wrap) const { if (!frame()) return 0; return fromFrame(frame()->tree().traverseNextWithWrap(wrap)); } WebFrame* WebFrameImpl::traversePrevious(bool wrap) const { if (!frame()) return 0; return fromFrame(frame()->tree().traversePreviousWithWrap(wrap)); } WebFrame* WebFrameImpl::findChildByName(const WebString& name) const { if (!frame()) return 0; return fromFrame(frame()->tree().child(name)); } WebFrame* WebFrameImpl::findChildByExpression(const WebString& xpath) const { if (xpath.isEmpty()) return 0; Document* document = frame()->document(); RefPtr<XPathResult> xpathResult = DocumentXPathEvaluator::evaluate(document, xpath, document, 0, XPathResult::ORDERED_NODE_ITERATOR_TYPE, 0, IGNORE_EXCEPTION); if (!xpathResult) return 0; Node* node = xpathResult->iterateNext(IGNORE_EXCEPTION); if (!node || !node->isFrameOwnerElement()) return 0; return fromFrame(toHTMLFrameOwnerElement(node)->contentFrame()); } WebDocument WebFrameImpl::document() const { if (!frame() || !frame()->document()) return WebDocument(); return WebDocument(frame()->document()); } WebPerformance WebFrameImpl::performance() const { if (!frame()) return WebPerformance(); return WebPerformance(frame()->domWindow()->performance()); } NPObject* WebFrameImpl::windowObject() const { if (!frame()) return 0; return frame()->script().windowScriptNPObject(); } void WebFrameImpl::bindToWindowObject(const WebString& name, NPObject* object) { bindToWindowObject(name, object, 0); } void WebFrameImpl::bindToWindowObject(const WebString& name, NPObject* object, void*) { if (!frame() || !frame()->script().canExecuteScripts(NotAboutToExecuteScript)) return; frame()->script().bindToWindowObject(frame(), String(name), object); } void WebFrameImpl::executeScript(const WebScriptSource& source) { ASSERT(frame()); TextPosition position(OrdinalNumber::fromOneBasedInt(source.startLine), OrdinalNumber::first()); frame()->script().executeScriptInMainWorld(ScriptSourceCode(source.code, source.url, position)); } void WebFrameImpl::executeScriptInIsolatedWorld(int worldID, const WebScriptSource* sourcesIn, unsigned numSources, int extensionGroup) { ASSERT(frame()); RELEASE_ASSERT(worldID > 0); RELEASE_ASSERT(worldID < EmbedderWorldIdLimit); Vector<ScriptSourceCode> sources; for (unsigned i = 0; i < numSources; ++i) { TextPosition position(OrdinalNumber::fromOneBasedInt(sourcesIn[i].startLine), OrdinalNumber::first()); sources.append(ScriptSourceCode(sourcesIn[i].code, sourcesIn[i].url, position)); } frame()->script().executeScriptInIsolatedWorld(worldID, sources, extensionGroup, 0); } void WebFrameImpl::setIsolatedWorldSecurityOrigin(int worldID, const WebSecurityOrigin& securityOrigin) { ASSERT(frame()); DOMWrapperWorld::setIsolatedWorldSecurityOrigin(worldID, securityOrigin.get()); } void WebFrameImpl::setIsolatedWorldContentSecurityPolicy(int worldID, const WebString& policy) { ASSERT(frame()); DOMWrapperWorld::setIsolatedWorldContentSecurityPolicy(worldID, policy); } void WebFrameImpl::addMessageToConsole(const WebConsoleMessage& message) { ASSERT(frame()); MessageLevel webCoreMessageLevel; switch (message.level) { case WebConsoleMessage::LevelDebug: webCoreMessageLevel = DebugMessageLevel; break; case WebConsoleMessage::LevelLog: webCoreMessageLevel = LogMessageLevel; break; case WebConsoleMessage::LevelWarning: webCoreMessageLevel = WarningMessageLevel; break; case WebConsoleMessage::LevelError: webCoreMessageLevel = ErrorMessageLevel; break; default: ASSERT_NOT_REACHED(); return; } frame()->document()->addConsoleMessage(OtherMessageSource, webCoreMessageLevel, message.text); } void WebFrameImpl::collectGarbage() { if (!frame()) return; if (!frame()->settings()->isScriptEnabled()) return; V8GCController::collectGarbage(v8::Isolate::GetCurrent()); } bool WebFrameImpl::checkIfRunInsecureContent(const WebURL& url) const { ASSERT(frame()); return frame()->loader().mixedContentChecker()->canRunInsecureContent(frame()->document()->securityOrigin(), url); } v8::Handle<v8::Value> WebFrameImpl::executeScriptAndReturnValue(const WebScriptSource& source) { ASSERT(frame()); // FIXME: This fake user gesture is required to make a bunch of pyauto // tests pass. If this isn't needed in non-test situations, we should // consider removing this code and changing the tests. // http://code.google.com/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=86397 UserGestureIndicator gestureIndicator(DefinitelyProcessingNewUserGesture); TextPosition position(OrdinalNumber::fromOneBasedInt(source.startLine), OrdinalNumber::first()); return frame()->script().executeScriptInMainWorldAndReturnValue(ScriptSourceCode(source.code, source.url, position)).v8Value(); } void WebFrameImpl::executeScriptInIsolatedWorld(int worldID, const WebScriptSource* sourcesIn, unsigned numSources, int extensionGroup, WebVector<v8::Local<v8::Value> >* results) { ASSERT(frame()); RELEASE_ASSERT(worldID > 0); RELEASE_ASSERT(worldID < EmbedderWorldIdLimit); Vector<ScriptSourceCode> sources; for (unsigned i = 0; i < numSources; ++i) { TextPosition position(OrdinalNumber::fromOneBasedInt(sourcesIn[i].startLine), OrdinalNumber::first()); sources.append(ScriptSourceCode(sourcesIn[i].code, sourcesIn[i].url, position)); } if (results) { Vector<ScriptValue> scriptResults; frame()->script().executeScriptInIsolatedWorld(worldID, sources, extensionGroup, &scriptResults); WebVector<v8::Local<v8::Value> > v8Results(scriptResults.size()); for (unsigned i = 0; i < scriptResults.size(); i++) v8Results[i] = v8::Local<v8::Value>::New(toIsolate(frame()), scriptResults[i].v8Value()); results->swap(v8Results); } else { frame()->script().executeScriptInIsolatedWorld(worldID, sources, extensionGroup, 0); } } v8::Handle<v8::Value> WebFrameImpl::callFunctionEvenIfScriptDisabled(v8::Handle<v8::Function> function, v8::Handle<v8::Object> receiver, int argc, v8::Handle<v8::Value> argv[]) { ASSERT(frame()); return frame()->script().callFunction(function, receiver, argc, argv); } v8::Local<v8::Context> WebFrameImpl::mainWorldScriptContext() const { if (!frame()) return v8::Local<v8::Context>(); return ScriptController::mainWorldContext(frame()); } v8::Handle<v8::Value> WebFrameImpl::createFileSystem(WebFileSystemType type, const WebString& name, const WebString& path) { ASSERT(frame()); return toV8(DOMFileSystem::create(frame()->document(), name, static_cast<WebCore::FileSystemType>(type), KURL(ParsedURLString, path.utf8().data())), v8::Handle<v8::Object>(), toIsolate(frame())); } v8::Handle<v8::Value> WebFrameImpl::createSerializableFileSystem(WebFileSystemType type, const WebString& name, const WebString& path) { ASSERT(frame()); RefPtr<DOMFileSystem> fileSystem = DOMFileSystem::create(frame()->document(), name, static_cast<WebCore::FileSystemType>(type), KURL(ParsedURLString, path.utf8().data())); fileSystem->makeClonable(); return toV8(fileSystem.release(), v8::Handle<v8::Object>(), toIsolate(frame())); } v8::Handle<v8::Value> WebFrameImpl::createFileEntry(WebFileSystemType type, const WebString& fileSystemName, const WebString& fileSystemPath, const WebString& filePath, bool isDirectory) { ASSERT(frame()); RefPtr<DOMFileSystemBase> fileSystem = DOMFileSystem::create(frame()->document(), fileSystemName, static_cast<WebCore::FileSystemType>(type), KURL(ParsedURLString, fileSystemPath.utf8().data())); if (isDirectory) return toV8(DirectoryEntry::create(fileSystem, filePath), v8::Handle<v8::Object>(), toIsolate(frame())); return toV8(FileEntry::create(fileSystem, filePath), v8::Handle<v8::Object>(), toIsolate(frame())); } void WebFrameImpl::reload(bool ignoreCache) { ASSERT(frame()); frame()->loader().reload(ignoreCache ? EndToEndReload : NormalReload); } void WebFrameImpl::reloadWithOverrideURL(const WebURL& overrideUrl, bool ignoreCache) { ASSERT(frame()); frame()->loader().reload(ignoreCache ? EndToEndReload : NormalReload, overrideUrl); } void WebFrameImpl::loadRequest(const WebURLRequest& request) { ASSERT(frame()); ASSERT(!request.isNull()); const ResourceRequest& resourceRequest = request.toResourceRequest(); if (resourceRequest.url().protocolIs("javascript")) { loadJavaScriptURL(resourceRequest.url()); return; } frame()->loader().load(FrameLoadRequest(0, resourceRequest)); } void WebFrameImpl::loadHistoryItem(const WebHistoryItem& item) { ASSERT(frame()); RefPtr<HistoryItem> historyItem = PassRefPtr<HistoryItem>(item); ASSERT(historyItem); frame()->page()->historyController().goToItem(historyItem.get()); } void WebFrameImpl::loadData(const WebData& data, const WebString& mimeType, const WebString& textEncoding, const WebURL& baseURL, const WebURL& unreachableURL, bool replace) { ASSERT(frame()); // If we are loading substitute data to replace an existing load, then // inherit all of the properties of that original request. This way, // reload will re-attempt the original request. It is essential that // we only do this when there is an unreachableURL since a non-empty // unreachableURL informs FrameLoader::reload to load unreachableURL // instead of the currently loaded URL. ResourceRequest request; if (replace && !unreachableURL.isEmpty()) request = frame()->loader().originalRequest(); request.setURL(baseURL); FrameLoadRequest frameRequest(0, request, SubstituteData(data, mimeType, textEncoding, unreachableURL)); ASSERT(frameRequest.substituteData().isValid()); frameRequest.setLockBackForwardList(replace); frame()->loader().load(frameRequest); } void WebFrameImpl::loadHTMLString(const WebData& data, const WebURL& baseURL, const WebURL& unreachableURL, bool replace) { ASSERT(frame()); loadData(data, WebString::fromUTF8("text/html"), WebString::fromUTF8("UTF-8"), baseURL, unreachableURL, replace); } bool WebFrameImpl::isLoading() const { if (!frame()) return false; return frame()->loader().isLoading(); } void WebFrameImpl::stopLoading() { if (!frame()) return; // FIXME: Figure out what we should really do here. It seems like a bug // that FrameLoader::stopLoading doesn't call stopAllLoaders. frame()->loader().stopAllLoaders(); } WebDataSource* WebFrameImpl::provisionalDataSource() const { ASSERT(frame()); // We regard the policy document loader as still provisional. DocumentLoader* documentLoader = frame()->loader().provisionalDocumentLoader(); if (!documentLoader) documentLoader = frame()->loader().policyDocumentLoader(); return DataSourceForDocLoader(documentLoader); } WebDataSource* WebFrameImpl::dataSource() const { ASSERT(frame()); return DataSourceForDocLoader(frame()->loader().documentLoader()); } WebHistoryItem WebFrameImpl::previousHistoryItem() const { ASSERT(frame()); // We use the previous item here because documentState (filled-out forms) // only get saved to history when it becomes the previous item. The caller // is expected to query the history item after a navigation occurs, after // the desired history item has become the previous entry. return WebHistoryItem(frame()->page()->historyController().previousItemForExport()); } WebHistoryItem WebFrameImpl::currentHistoryItem() const { ASSERT(frame()); // We're shutting down. if (!frame()->loader().activeDocumentLoader()) return WebHistoryItem(); // If we are still loading, then we don't want to clobber the current // history item as this could cause us to lose the scroll position and // document state. However, it is OK for new navigations. // FIXME: Can we make this a plain old getter, instead of worrying about // clobbering here? if (!frame()->page()->historyController().inSameDocumentLoad() && (frame()->loader().loadType() == FrameLoadTypeStandard || !frame()->loader().activeDocumentLoader()->isLoadingInAPISense())) frame()->loader().saveDocumentAndScrollState(); if (RefPtr<HistoryItem> item = frame()->page()->historyController().provisionalItemForExport()) return WebHistoryItem(item); return WebHistoryItem(frame()->page()->historyController().currentItemForExport()); } void WebFrameImpl::enableViewSourceMode(bool enable) { if (frame()) frame()->setInViewSourceMode(enable); } bool WebFrameImpl::isViewSourceModeEnabled() const { if (!frame()) return false; return frame()->inViewSourceMode(); } void WebFrameImpl::setReferrerForRequest(WebURLRequest& request, const WebURL& referrerURL) { String referrer = referrerURL.isEmpty() ? frame()->document()->outgoingReferrer() : String(referrerURL.spec().utf16()); referrer = SecurityPolicy::generateReferrerHeader(frame()->document()->referrerPolicy(), request.url(), referrer); if (referrer.isEmpty()) return; request.setHTTPHeaderField(WebString::fromUTF8("Referer"), referrer); } void WebFrameImpl::dispatchWillSendRequest(WebURLRequest& request) { ResourceResponse response; frame()->loader().client()->dispatchWillSendRequest(0, 0, request.toMutableResourceRequest(), response); } WebURLLoader* WebFrameImpl::createAssociatedURLLoader(const WebURLLoaderOptions& options) { return new AssociatedURLLoader(this, options); } unsigned WebFrameImpl::unloadListenerCount() const { return frame()->domWindow()->pendingUnloadEventListeners(); } void WebFrameImpl::replaceSelection(const WebString& text) { bool selectReplacement = false; bool smartReplace = true; frame()->editor().replaceSelectionWithText(text, selectReplacement, smartReplace); } void WebFrameImpl::insertText(const WebString& text) { if (frame()->inputMethodController().hasComposition()) frame()->inputMethodController().confirmComposition(text); else frame()->editor().insertText(text, 0); } void WebFrameImpl::setMarkedText(const WebString& text, unsigned location, unsigned length) { Vector<CompositionUnderline> decorations; frame()->inputMethodController().setComposition(text, decorations, location, length); } void WebFrameImpl::unmarkText() { frame()->inputMethodController().cancelComposition(); } bool WebFrameImpl::hasMarkedText() const { return frame()->inputMethodController().hasComposition(); } WebRange WebFrameImpl::markedRange() const { return frame()->inputMethodController().compositionRange(); } bool WebFrameImpl::firstRectForCharacterRange(unsigned location, unsigned length, WebRect& rect) const { if ((location + length < location) && (location + length)) length = 0; Element* editable = frame()->selection().rootEditableElementOrDocumentElement(); ASSERT(editable); RefPtr<Range> range = PlainTextRange(location, location + length).createRange(*editable); if (!range) return false; IntRect intRect = frame()->editor().firstRectForRange(range.get()); rect = WebRect(intRect); rect = frame()->view()->contentsToWindow(rect); return true; } size_t WebFrameImpl::characterIndexForPoint(const WebPoint& webPoint) const { if (!frame()) return kNotFound; IntPoint point = frame()->view()->windowToContents(webPoint); HitTestResult result = frame()->eventHandler().hitTestResultAtPoint(point, HitTestRequest::ReadOnly | HitTestRequest::Active | HitTestRequest::ConfusingAndOftenMisusedDisallowShadowContent); RefPtr<Range> range = frame()->rangeForPoint(result.roundedPointInInnerNodeFrame()); if (!range) return kNotFound; Element* editable = frame()->selection().rootEditableElementOrDocumentElement(); ASSERT(editable); return PlainTextRange::create(*editable, *range.get()).start(); } bool WebFrameImpl::executeCommand(const WebString& name, const WebNode& node) { ASSERT(frame()); if (name.length() <= 2) return false; // Since we don't have NSControl, we will convert the format of command // string and call the function on Editor directly. String command = name; // Make sure the first letter is upper case. command.replace(0, 1, command.substring(0, 1).upper()); // Remove the trailing ':' if existing. if (command[command.length() - 1] == UChar(':')) command = command.substring(0, command.length() - 1); WebPluginContainerImpl* pluginContainer = pluginContainerFromNode(frame(), node); if (pluginContainer && pluginContainer->executeEditCommand(name)) return true; bool result = true; // Specially handling commands that Editor::execCommand does not directly // support. if (command == "DeleteToEndOfParagraph") { if (!frame()->editor().deleteWithDirection(DirectionForward, ParagraphBoundary, true, false)) frame()->editor().deleteWithDirection(DirectionForward, CharacterGranularity, true, false); } else if (command == "Indent") { frame()->editor().indent(); } else if (command == "Outdent") { frame()->editor().outdent(); } else if (command == "DeleteBackward") { result = frame()->editor().command(AtomicString("BackwardDelete")).execute(); } else if (command == "DeleteForward") { result = frame()->editor().command(AtomicString("ForwardDelete")).execute(); } else if (command == "AdvanceToNextMisspelling") { // Wee need to pass false here or else the currently selected word will never be skipped. frame()->spellChecker().advanceToNextMisspelling(false); } else if (command == "ToggleSpellPanel") { frame()->spellChecker().showSpellingGuessPanel(); } else { result = frame()->editor().command(command).execute(); } return result; } bool WebFrameImpl::executeCommand(const WebString& name, const WebString& value, const WebNode& node) { ASSERT(frame()); String webName = name; WebPluginContainerImpl* pluginContainer = pluginContainerFromNode(frame(), node); if (pluginContainer && pluginContainer->executeEditCommand(name, value)) return true; // moveToBeginningOfDocument and moveToEndfDocument are only handled by WebKit for editable nodes. if (!frame()->editor().canEdit() && webName == "moveToBeginningOfDocument") return viewImpl()->propagateScroll(ScrollUp, ScrollByDocument); if (!frame()->editor().canEdit() && webName == "moveToEndOfDocument") return viewImpl()->propagateScroll(ScrollDown, ScrollByDocument); if (webName == "showGuessPanel") { frame()->spellChecker().showSpellingGuessPanel(); return true; } return frame()->editor().command(webName).execute(value); } bool WebFrameImpl::isCommandEnabled(const WebString& name) const { ASSERT(frame()); return frame()->editor().command(name).isEnabled(); } void WebFrameImpl::enableContinuousSpellChecking(bool enable) { if (enable == isContinuousSpellCheckingEnabled()) return; frame()->spellChecker().toggleContinuousSpellChecking(); } bool WebFrameImpl::isContinuousSpellCheckingEnabled() const { return frame()->spellChecker().isContinuousSpellCheckingEnabled(); } void WebFrameImpl::requestTextChecking(const WebElement& webElement) { if (webElement.isNull()) return; frame()->spellChecker().requestTextChecking(*webElement.constUnwrap<Element>()); } void WebFrameImpl::replaceMisspelledRange(const WebString& text) { // If this caret selection has two or more markers, this function replace the range covered by the first marker with the specified word as Microsoft Word does. if (pluginContainerFromFrame(frame())) return; RefPtr<Range> caretRange = frame()->selection().toNormalizedRange(); if (!caretRange) return; Vector<DocumentMarker*> markers = frame()->document()->markers()->markersInRange(caretRange.get(), DocumentMarker::MisspellingMarkers()); if (markers.size() < 1 || markers[0]->startOffset() >= markers[0]->endOffset()) return; RefPtr<Range> markerRange = Range::create(caretRange->ownerDocument(), caretRange->startContainer(), markers[0]->startOffset(), caretRange->endContainer(), markers[0]->endOffset()); if (!markerRange) return; frame()->selection().setSelection(markerRange.get(), CharacterGranularity); frame()->editor().replaceSelectionWithText(text, false, false); } void WebFrameImpl::removeSpellingMarkers() { frame()->document()->markers()->removeMarkers(DocumentMarker::MisspellingMarkers()); } bool WebFrameImpl::hasSelection() const { WebPluginContainerImpl* pluginContainer = pluginContainerFromFrame(frame()); if (pluginContainer) return pluginContainer->plugin()->hasSelection(); // frame()->selection()->isNone() never returns true. return frame()->selection().start() != frame()->selection().end(); } WebRange WebFrameImpl::selectionRange() const { return frame()->selection().toNormalizedRange(); } WebString WebFrameImpl::selectionAsText() const { WebPluginContainerImpl* pluginContainer = pluginContainerFromFrame(frame()); if (pluginContainer) return pluginContainer->plugin()->selectionAsText(); RefPtr<Range> range = frame()->selection().toNormalizedRange(); if (!range) return WebString(); String text = range->text(); #if OS(WIN) replaceNewlinesWithWindowsStyleNewlines(text); #endif replaceNBSPWithSpace(text); return text; } WebString WebFrameImpl::selectionAsMarkup() const { WebPluginContainerImpl* pluginContainer = pluginContainerFromFrame(frame()); if (pluginContainer) return pluginContainer->plugin()->selectionAsMarkup(); RefPtr<Range> range = frame()->selection().toNormalizedRange(); if (!range) return WebString(); return createMarkup(range.get(), 0, AnnotateForInterchange, false, ResolveNonLocalURLs); } void WebFrameImpl::selectWordAroundPosition(Frame* frame, VisiblePosition position) { VisibleSelection selection(position); selection.expandUsingGranularity(WordGranularity); TextGranularity granularity = selection.isRange() ? WordGranularity : CharacterGranularity; frame->selection().setSelection(selection, granularity); } bool WebFrameImpl::selectWordAroundCaret() { FrameSelection& selection = frame()->selection(); ASSERT(!selection.isNone()); if (selection.isNone() || selection.isRange()) return false; selectWordAroundPosition(frame(), selection.selection().visibleStart()); return true; } void WebFrameImpl::selectRange(const WebPoint& base, const WebPoint& extent) { moveRangeSelection(base, extent); } void WebFrameImpl::selectRange(const WebRange& webRange) { if (RefPtr<Range> range = static_cast<PassRefPtr<Range> >(webRange)) frame()->selection().setSelectedRange(range.get(), WebCore::VP_DEFAULT_AFFINITY, false); } void WebFrameImpl::moveRangeSelection(const WebPoint& base, const WebPoint& extent) { VisiblePosition basePosition = visiblePositionForWindowPoint(base); VisiblePosition extentPosition = visiblePositionForWindowPoint(extent); VisibleSelection newSelection = VisibleSelection(basePosition, extentPosition); frame()->selection().setSelection(newSelection, CharacterGranularity); } void WebFrameImpl::moveCaretSelection(const WebPoint& point) { Element* editable = frame()->selection().rootEditableElement(); if (!editable) return; VisiblePosition position = visiblePositionForWindowPoint(point); frame()->selection().moveTo(position, UserTriggered); } void WebFrameImpl::setCaretVisible(bool visible) { frame()->selection().setCaretVisible(visible); } VisiblePosition WebFrameImpl::visiblePositionForWindowPoint(const WebPoint& point) { FloatPoint unscaledPoint(point); unscaledPoint.scale(1 / view()->pageScaleFactor(), 1 / view()->pageScaleFactor()); HitTestRequest request = HitTestRequest::Move | HitTestRequest::ReadOnly | HitTestRequest::Active | HitTestRequest::IgnoreClipping | HitTestRequest::ConfusingAndOftenMisusedDisallowShadowContent; HitTestResult result(frame()->view()->windowToContents(roundedIntPoint(unscaledPoint))); frame()->document()->renderView()->layer()->hitTest(request, result); if (Node* node = result.targetNode()) return frame()->selection().selection().visiblePositionRespectingEditingBoundary(result.localPoint(), node); return VisiblePosition(); } int WebFrameImpl::printBegin(const WebPrintParams& printParams, const WebNode& constrainToNode) { ASSERT(!frame()->document()->isFrameSet()); WebPluginContainerImpl* pluginContainer = 0; if (constrainToNode.isNull()) { // If this is a plugin document, check if the plugin supports its own // printing. If it does, we will delegate all printing to that. pluginContainer = pluginContainerFromFrame(frame()); } else { // We only support printing plugin nodes for now. pluginContainer = toPluginContainerImpl(constrainToNode.pluginContainer()); } if (pluginContainer && pluginContainer->supportsPaginatedPrint()) m_printContext = adoptPtr(new ChromePluginPrintContext(frame(), pluginContainer, printParams)); else m_printContext = adoptPtr(new ChromePrintContext(frame())); FloatRect rect(0, 0, static_cast<float>(printParams.printContentArea.width), static_cast<float>(printParams.printContentArea.height)); m_printContext->begin(rect.width(), rect.height()); float pageHeight; // We ignore the overlays calculation for now since they are generated in the // browser. pageHeight is actually an output parameter. m_printContext->computePageRects(rect, 0, 0, 1.0, pageHeight); return m_printContext->pageCount(); } float WebFrameImpl::getPrintPageShrink(int page) { ASSERT(m_printContext && page >= 0); return m_printContext->getPageShrink(page); } float WebFrameImpl::printPage(int page, WebCanvas* canvas) { #if ENABLE(PRINTING) ASSERT(m_printContext && page >= 0 && frame() && frame()->document()); GraphicsContext graphicsContext(canvas); graphicsContext.setPrinting(true); return m_printContext->spoolPage(graphicsContext, page); #else return 0; #endif } void WebFrameImpl::printEnd() { ASSERT(m_printContext); m_printContext->end(); m_printContext.clear(); } bool WebFrameImpl::isPrintScalingDisabledForPlugin(const WebNode& node) { WebPluginContainerImpl* pluginContainer = node.isNull() ? pluginContainerFromFrame(frame()) : toPluginContainerImpl(node.pluginContainer()); if (!pluginContainer || !pluginContainer->supportsPaginatedPrint()) return false; return pluginContainer->isPrintScalingDisabled(); } bool WebFrameImpl::hasCustomPageSizeStyle(int pageIndex) { return frame()->document()->styleForPage(pageIndex)->pageSizeType() != PAGE_SIZE_AUTO; } bool WebFrameImpl::isPageBoxVisible(int pageIndex) { return frame()->document()->isPageBoxVisible(pageIndex); } void WebFrameImpl::pageSizeAndMarginsInPixels(int pageIndex, WebSize& pageSize, int& marginTop, int& marginRight, int& marginBottom, int& marginLeft) { IntSize size = pageSize; frame()->document()->pageSizeAndMarginsInPixels(pageIndex, size, marginTop, marginRight, marginBottom, marginLeft); pageSize = size; } WebString WebFrameImpl::pageProperty(const WebString& propertyName, int pageIndex) { ASSERT(m_printContext); return m_printContext->pageProperty(frame(), propertyName.utf8().data(), pageIndex); } bool WebFrameImpl::find(int identifier, const WebString& searchText, const WebFindOptions& options, bool wrapWithinFrame, WebRect* selectionRect) { if (!frame() || !frame()->page()) return false; WebFrameImpl* mainFrameImpl = viewImpl()->mainFrameImpl(); if (!options.findNext) frame()->page()->unmarkAllTextMatches(); else setMarkerActive(m_activeMatch.get(), false); if (m_activeMatch && &m_activeMatch->ownerDocument() != frame()->document()) m_activeMatch = 0; // If the user has selected something since the last Find operation we want // to start from there. Otherwise, we start searching from where the last Find // operation left off (either a Find or a FindNext operation). VisibleSelection selection(frame()->selection().selection()); bool activeSelection = !selection.isNone(); if (activeSelection) { m_activeMatch = selection.firstRange().get(); frame()->selection().clear(); } ASSERT(frame() && frame()->view()); const FindOptions findOptions = (options.forward ? 0 : Backwards) | (options.matchCase ? 0 : CaseInsensitive) | (wrapWithinFrame ? WrapAround : 0) | (options.wordStart ? AtWordStarts : 0) | (options.medialCapitalAsWordStart ? TreatMedialCapitalAsWordStart : 0) | (options.findNext ? 0 : StartInSelection); m_activeMatch = frame()->editor().findStringAndScrollToVisible(searchText, m_activeMatch.get(), findOptions); if (!m_activeMatch) { // If we're finding next the next active match might not be in the current frame. // In this case we don't want to clear the matches cache. if (!options.findNext) clearFindMatchesCache(); invalidateArea(InvalidateAll); return false; } #if OS(ANDROID) viewImpl()->zoomToFindInPageRect(frameView()->contentsToWindow(enclosingIntRect(RenderObject::absoluteBoundingBoxRectForRange(m_activeMatch.get())))); #endif setMarkerActive(m_activeMatch.get(), true); WebFrameImpl* oldActiveFrame = mainFrameImpl->m_currentActiveMatchFrame; mainFrameImpl->m_currentActiveMatchFrame = this; // Make sure no node is focused. See http://crbug.com/38700. frame()->document()->setFocusedElement(0); if (!options.findNext || activeSelection) { // This is either a Find operation or a Find-next from a new start point // due to a selection, so we set the flag to ask the scoping effort // to find the active rect for us and report it back to the UI. m_locatingActiveRect = true; } else { if (oldActiveFrame != this) { if (options.forward) m_activeMatchIndexInCurrentFrame = 0; else m_activeMatchIndexInCurrentFrame = m_lastMatchCount - 1; } else { if (options.forward) ++m_activeMatchIndexInCurrentFrame; else --m_activeMatchIndexInCurrentFrame; if (m_activeMatchIndexInCurrentFrame + 1 > m_lastMatchCount) m_activeMatchIndexInCurrentFrame = 0; if (m_activeMatchIndexInCurrentFrame == -1) m_activeMatchIndexInCurrentFrame = m_lastMatchCount - 1; } if (selectionRect) { *selectionRect = frameView()->contentsToWindow(m_activeMatch->boundingBox()); reportFindInPageSelection(*selectionRect, m_activeMatchIndexInCurrentFrame + 1, identifier); } } return true; } void WebFrameImpl::stopFinding(bool clearSelection) { if (!clearSelection) setFindEndstateFocusAndSelection(); cancelPendingScopingEffort(); // Remove all markers for matches found and turn off the highlighting. frame()->document()->markers()->removeMarkers(DocumentMarker::TextMatch); frame()->editor().setMarkedTextMatchesAreHighlighted(false); clearFindMatchesCache(); // Let the frame know that we don't want tickmarks or highlighting anymore. invalidateArea(InvalidateAll); } void WebFrameImpl::scopeStringMatches(int identifier, const WebString& searchText, const WebFindOptions& options, bool reset) { if (reset) { // This is a brand new search, so we need to reset everything. // Scoping is just about to begin. m_scopingInProgress = true; // Need to keep the current identifier locally in order to finish the // request in case the frame is detached during the process. m_findRequestIdentifier = identifier; // Clear highlighting for this frame. if (frame() && frame()->page() && frame()->editor().markedTextMatchesAreHighlighted()) frame()->page()->unmarkAllTextMatches(); // Clear the tickmarks and results cache. clearFindMatchesCache(); // Clear the counters from last operation. m_lastMatchCount = 0; m_nextInvalidateAfter = 0; m_resumeScopingFromRange = 0; // The view might be null on detached frames. if (frame() && frame()->page()) viewImpl()->mainFrameImpl()->m_framesScopingCount++; // Now, defer scoping until later to allow find operation to finish quickly. scopeStringMatchesSoon(identifier, searchText, options, false); // false means just reset, so don't do it again. return; } if (!shouldScopeMatches(searchText)) { // Note that we want to defer the final update when resetting even if shouldScopeMatches returns false. // This is done in order to prevent sending a final message based only on the results of the first frame // since m_framesScopingCount would be 0 as other frames have yet to reset. finishCurrentScopingEffort(identifier); return; } WebFrameImpl* mainFrameImpl = viewImpl()->mainFrameImpl(); RefPtr<Range> searchRange(rangeOfContents(frame()->document())); Node* originalEndContainer = searchRange->endContainer(); int originalEndOffset = searchRange->endOffset(); TrackExceptionState exceptionState, exceptionState2; if (m_resumeScopingFromRange) { // This is a continuation of a scoping operation that timed out and didn't // complete last time around, so we should start from where we left off. searchRange->setStart(m_resumeScopingFromRange->startContainer(), m_resumeScopingFromRange->startOffset(exceptionState2) + 1, exceptionState); if (exceptionState.hadException() || exceptionState2.hadException()) { if (exceptionState2.hadException()) // A non-zero |exceptionState| happens when navigating during search. ASSERT_NOT_REACHED(); return; } } // This timeout controls how long we scope before releasing control. This // value does not prevent us from running for longer than this, but it is // periodically checked to see if we have exceeded our allocated time. const double maxScopingDuration = 0.1; // seconds int matchCount = 0; bool timedOut = false; double startTime = currentTime(); do { // Find next occurrence of the search string. // FIXME: (http://b/1088245) This WebKit operation may run for longer // than the timeout value, and is not interruptible as it is currently // written. We may need to rewrite it with interruptibility in mind, or // find an alternative. RefPtr<Range> resultRange(findPlainText(searchRange.get(), searchText, options.matchCase ? 0 : CaseInsensitive)); if (resultRange->collapsed(exceptionState)) { if (!resultRange->startContainer()->isInShadowTree()) break; searchRange->setStartAfter( resultRange->startContainer()->deprecatedShadowAncestorNode(), exceptionState); searchRange->setEnd(originalEndContainer, originalEndOffset, exceptionState); continue; } ++matchCount; // Catch a special case where Find found something but doesn't know what // the bounding box for it is. In this case we set the first match we find // as the active rect. IntRect resultBounds = resultRange->boundingBox(); IntRect activeSelectionRect; if (m_locatingActiveRect) { activeSelectionRect = m_activeMatch.get() ? m_activeMatch->boundingBox() : resultBounds; } // If the Find function found a match it will have stored where the // match was found in m_activeSelectionRect on the current frame. If we // find this rect during scoping it means we have found the active // tickmark. bool foundActiveMatch = false; if (m_locatingActiveRect && (activeSelectionRect == resultBounds)) { // We have found the active tickmark frame. mainFrameImpl->m_currentActiveMatchFrame = this; foundActiveMatch = true; // We also know which tickmark is active now. m_activeMatchIndexInCurrentFrame = matchCount - 1; // To stop looking for the active tickmark, we set this flag. m_locatingActiveRect = false; // Notify browser of new location for the selected rectangle. reportFindInPageSelection( frameView()->contentsToWindow(resultBounds), m_activeMatchIndexInCurrentFrame + 1, identifier); } addMarker(resultRange.get(), foundActiveMatch); m_findMatchesCache.append(FindMatch(resultRange.get(), m_lastMatchCount + matchCount)); // Set the new start for the search range to be the end of the previous // result range. There is no need to use a VisiblePosition here, // since findPlainText will use a TextIterator to go over the visible // text nodes. searchRange->setStart(resultRange->endContainer(exceptionState), resultRange->endOffset(exceptionState), exceptionState); Node* shadowTreeRoot = searchRange->shadowRoot(); if (searchRange->collapsed(exceptionState) && shadowTreeRoot) searchRange->setEnd(shadowTreeRoot, shadowTreeRoot->childNodeCount(), exceptionState); m_resumeScopingFromRange = resultRange; timedOut = (currentTime() - startTime) >= maxScopingDuration; } while (!timedOut); // Remember what we search for last time, so we can skip searching if more // letters are added to the search string (and last outcome was 0). m_lastSearchString = searchText; if (matchCount > 0) { frame()->editor().setMarkedTextMatchesAreHighlighted(true); m_lastMatchCount += matchCount; // Let the mainframe know how much we found during this pass. mainFrameImpl->increaseMatchCount(matchCount, identifier); } if (timedOut) { // If we found anything during this pass, we should redraw. However, we // don't want to spam too much if the page is extremely long, so if we // reach a certain point we start throttling the redraw requests. if (matchCount > 0) invalidateIfNecessary(); // Scoping effort ran out of time, lets ask for another time-slice. scopeStringMatchesSoon( identifier, searchText, options, false); // don't reset. return; // Done for now, resume work later. } finishCurrentScopingEffort(identifier); } void WebFrameImpl::flushCurrentScopingEffort(int identifier) { if (!frame() || !frame()->page()) return; WebFrameImpl* mainFrameImpl = viewImpl()->mainFrameImpl(); // This frame has no further scoping left, so it is done. Other frames might, // of course, continue to scope matches. mainFrameImpl->m_framesScopingCount--; // If this is the last frame to finish scoping we need to trigger the final // update to be sent. if (!mainFrameImpl->m_framesScopingCount) mainFrameImpl->increaseMatchCount(0, identifier); } void WebFrameImpl::finishCurrentScopingEffort(int identifier) { flushCurrentScopingEffort(identifier); m_scopingInProgress = false; m_lastFindRequestCompletedWithNoMatches = !m_lastMatchCount; // This frame is done, so show any scrollbar tickmarks we haven't drawn yet. invalidateArea(InvalidateScrollbar); } void WebFrameImpl::cancelPendingScopingEffort() { deleteAllValues(m_deferredScopingWork); m_deferredScopingWork.clear(); m_activeMatchIndexInCurrentFrame = -1; // Last request didn't complete. if (m_scopingInProgress) m_lastFindRequestCompletedWithNoMatches = false; m_scopingInProgress = false; } void WebFrameImpl::increaseMatchCount(int count, int identifier) { // This function should only be called on the mainframe. ASSERT(!parent()); if (count) ++m_findMatchMarkersVersion; m_totalMatchCount += count; // Update the UI with the latest findings. if (client()) client()->reportFindInPageMatchCount(identifier, m_totalMatchCount, !m_framesScopingCount); } void WebFrameImpl::reportFindInPageSelection(const WebRect& selectionRect, int activeMatchOrdinal, int identifier) { // Update the UI with the latest selection rect. if (client()) client()->reportFindInPageSelection(identifier, ordinalOfFirstMatchForFrame(this) + activeMatchOrdinal, selectionRect); } void WebFrameImpl::resetMatchCount() { if (m_totalMatchCount > 0) ++m_findMatchMarkersVersion; m_totalMatchCount = 0; m_framesScopingCount = 0; } void WebFrameImpl::sendOrientationChangeEvent(int orientation) { #if ENABLE(ORIENTATION_EVENTS) if (frame()) frame()->sendOrientationChangeEvent(orientation); #endif } void WebFrameImpl::dispatchMessageEventWithOriginCheck(const WebSecurityOrigin& intendedTargetOrigin, const WebDOMEvent& event) { ASSERT(!event.isNull()); frame()->domWindow()->dispatchMessageEventWithOriginCheck(intendedTargetOrigin.get(), event, 0); } int WebFrameImpl::findMatchMarkersVersion() const { ASSERT(!parent()); return m_findMatchMarkersVersion; } void WebFrameImpl::clearFindMatchesCache() { if (!m_findMatchesCache.isEmpty()) viewImpl()->mainFrameImpl()->m_findMatchMarkersVersion++; m_findMatchesCache.clear(); m_findMatchRectsAreValid = false; } bool WebFrameImpl::isActiveMatchFrameValid() const { WebFrameImpl* mainFrameImpl = viewImpl()->mainFrameImpl(); WebFrameImpl* activeMatchFrame = mainFrameImpl->activeMatchFrame(); return activeMatchFrame && activeMatchFrame->m_activeMatch && activeMatchFrame->frame()->tree().isDescendantOf(mainFrameImpl->frame()); } void WebFrameImpl::updateFindMatchRects() { IntSize currentContentsSize = contentsSize(); if (m_contentsSizeForCurrentFindMatchRects != currentContentsSize) { m_contentsSizeForCurrentFindMatchRects = currentContentsSize; m_findMatchRectsAreValid = false; } size_t deadMatches = 0; for (Vector<FindMatch>::iterator it = m_findMatchesCache.begin(); it != m_findMatchesCache.end(); ++it) { if (!it->m_range->boundaryPointsValid() || !it->m_range->startContainer()->inDocument()) it->m_rect = FloatRect(); else if (!m_findMatchRectsAreValid) it->m_rect = findInPageRectFromRange(it->m_range.get()); if (it->m_rect.isEmpty()) ++deadMatches; } // Remove any invalid matches from the cache. if (deadMatches) { Vector<FindMatch> filteredMatches; filteredMatches.reserveCapacity(m_findMatchesCache.size() - deadMatches); for (Vector<FindMatch>::const_iterator it = m_findMatchesCache.begin(); it != m_findMatchesCache.end(); ++it) if (!it->m_rect.isEmpty()) filteredMatches.append(*it); m_findMatchesCache.swap(filteredMatches); } // Invalidate the rects in child frames. Will be updated later during traversal. if (!m_findMatchRectsAreValid) for (WebFrame* child = firstChild(); child; child = child->nextSibling()) toWebFrameImpl(child)->m_findMatchRectsAreValid = false; m_findMatchRectsAreValid = true; } WebFloatRect WebFrameImpl::activeFindMatchRect() { ASSERT(!parent()); if (!isActiveMatchFrameValid()) return WebFloatRect(); return WebFloatRect(findInPageRectFromRange(m_currentActiveMatchFrame->m_activeMatch.get())); } void WebFrameImpl::findMatchRects(WebVector<WebFloatRect>& outputRects) { ASSERT(!parent()); Vector<WebFloatRect> matchRects; for (WebFrameImpl* frame = this; frame; frame = toWebFrameImpl(frame->traverseNext(false))) frame->appendFindMatchRects(matchRects); outputRects = matchRects; } void WebFrameImpl::appendFindMatchRects(Vector<WebFloatRect>& frameRects) { updateFindMatchRects(); frameRects.reserveCapacity(frameRects.size() + m_findMatchesCache.size()); for (Vector<FindMatch>::const_iterator it = m_findMatchesCache.begin(); it != m_findMatchesCache.end(); ++it) { ASSERT(!it->m_rect.isEmpty()); frameRects.append(it->m_rect); } } int WebFrameImpl::selectNearestFindMatch(const WebFloatPoint& point, WebRect* selectionRect) { ASSERT(!parent()); WebFrameImpl* bestFrame = 0; int indexInBestFrame = -1; float distanceInBestFrame = FLT_MAX; for (WebFrameImpl* frame = this; frame; frame = toWebFrameImpl(frame->traverseNext(false))) { float distanceInFrame; int indexInFrame = frame->nearestFindMatch(point, distanceInFrame); if (distanceInFrame < distanceInBestFrame) { bestFrame = frame; indexInBestFrame = indexInFrame; distanceInBestFrame = distanceInFrame; } } if (indexInBestFrame != -1) return bestFrame->selectFindMatch(static_cast<unsigned>(indexInBestFrame), selectionRect); return -1; } int WebFrameImpl::nearestFindMatch(const FloatPoint& point, float& distanceSquared) { updateFindMatchRects(); int nearest = -1; distanceSquared = FLT_MAX; for (size_t i = 0; i < m_findMatchesCache.size(); ++i) { ASSERT(!m_findMatchesCache[i].m_rect.isEmpty()); FloatSize offset = point - m_findMatchesCache[i].m_rect.center(); float width = offset.width(); float height = offset.height(); float currentDistanceSquared = width * width + height * height; if (currentDistanceSquared < distanceSquared) { nearest = i; distanceSquared = currentDistanceSquared; } } return nearest; } int WebFrameImpl::selectFindMatch(unsigned index, WebRect* selectionRect) { ASSERT_WITH_SECURITY_IMPLICATION(index < m_findMatchesCache.size()); RefPtr<Range> range = m_findMatchesCache[index].m_range; if (!range->boundaryPointsValid() || !range->startContainer()->inDocument()) return -1; // Check if the match is already selected. WebFrameImpl* activeMatchFrame = viewImpl()->mainFrameImpl()->m_currentActiveMatchFrame; if (this != activeMatchFrame || !m_activeMatch || !areRangesEqual(m_activeMatch.get(), range.get())) { if (isActiveMatchFrameValid()) activeMatchFrame->setMarkerActive(activeMatchFrame->m_activeMatch.get(), false); m_activeMatchIndexInCurrentFrame = m_findMatchesCache[index].m_ordinal - 1; // Set this frame as the active frame (the one with the active highlight). viewImpl()->mainFrameImpl()->m_currentActiveMatchFrame = this; viewImpl()->setFocusedFrame(this); m_activeMatch = range.release(); setMarkerActive(m_activeMatch.get(), true); // Clear any user selection, to make sure Find Next continues on from the match we just activated. frame()->selection().clear(); // Make sure no node is focused. See http://crbug.com/38700. frame()->document()->setFocusedElement(0); } IntRect activeMatchRect; IntRect activeMatchBoundingBox = enclosingIntRect(RenderObject::absoluteBoundingBoxRectForRange(m_activeMatch.get())); if (!activeMatchBoundingBox.isEmpty()) { if (m_activeMatch->firstNode() && m_activeMatch->firstNode()->renderer()) m_activeMatch->firstNode()->renderer()->scrollRectToVisible(activeMatchBoundingBox, ScrollAlignment::alignCenterIfNeeded, ScrollAlignment::alignCenterIfNeeded); // Zoom to the active match. activeMatchRect = frameView()->contentsToWindow(activeMatchBoundingBox); viewImpl()->zoomToFindInPageRect(activeMatchRect); } if (selectionRect) *selectionRect = activeMatchRect; return ordinalOfFirstMatchForFrame(this) + m_activeMatchIndexInCurrentFrame + 1; } WebString WebFrameImpl::contentAsText(size_t maxChars) const { if (!frame()) return WebString(); StringBuilder text; frameContentAsPlainText(maxChars, frame(), text); return text.toString(); } WebString WebFrameImpl::contentAsMarkup() const { if (!frame()) return WebString(); return createFullMarkup(frame()->document()); } WebString WebFrameImpl::renderTreeAsText(RenderAsTextControls toShow) const { RenderAsTextBehavior behavior = RenderAsTextBehaviorNormal; if (toShow & RenderAsTextDebug) behavior |= RenderAsTextShowCompositedLayers | RenderAsTextShowAddresses | RenderAsTextShowIDAndClass | RenderAsTextShowLayerNesting; if (toShow & RenderAsTextPrinting) behavior |= RenderAsTextPrintingMode; return externalRepresentation(frame(), behavior); } WebString WebFrameImpl::markerTextForListItem(const WebElement& webElement) const { return WebCore::markerTextForListItem(const_cast<Element*>(webElement.constUnwrap<Element>())); } void WebFrameImpl::printPagesWithBoundaries(WebCanvas* canvas, const WebSize& pageSizeInPixels) { ASSERT(m_printContext); GraphicsContext graphicsContext(canvas); graphicsContext.setPrinting(true); m_printContext->spoolAllPagesWithBoundaries(graphicsContext, FloatSize(pageSizeInPixels.width, pageSizeInPixels.height)); } WebRect WebFrameImpl::selectionBoundsRect() const { return hasSelection() ? WebRect(IntRect(frame()->selection().bounds(false))) : WebRect(); } bool WebFrameImpl::selectionStartHasSpellingMarkerFor(int from, int length) const { if (!frame()) return false; return frame()->spellChecker().selectionStartHasMarkerFor(DocumentMarker::Spelling, from, length); } WebString WebFrameImpl::layerTreeAsText(bool showDebugInfo) const { if (!frame()) return WebString(); return WebString(frame()->layerTreeAsText(showDebugInfo ? LayerTreeIncludesDebugInfo : LayerTreeNormal)); } // WebFrameImpl public --------------------------------------------------------- WebFrame* WebFrame::create(WebFrameClient* client) { return WebFrameImpl::create(client); } WebFrame* WebFrame::create(WebFrameClient* client, long long embedderIdentifier) { return WebFrameImpl::create(client, embedderIdentifier); } long long WebFrame::generateEmbedderIdentifier() { static long long next = 0; // Assume that 64-bit will not wrap to -1. return ++next; } WebFrameImpl* WebFrameImpl::create(WebFrameClient* client) { return WebFrameImpl::create(client, generateEmbedderIdentifier()); } WebFrameImpl* WebFrameImpl::create(WebFrameClient* client, long long embedderIdentifier) { return adoptRef(new WebFrameImpl(client, embedderIdentifier)).leakRef(); } WebFrameImpl::WebFrameImpl(WebFrameClient* client, long long embedderIdentifier) : FrameDestructionObserver(0) , m_frameInit(WebFrameInit::create(this, embedderIdentifier)) , m_client(client) , m_permissionClient(0) , m_currentActiveMatchFrame(0) , m_activeMatchIndexInCurrentFrame(-1) , m_locatingActiveRect(false) , m_resumeScopingFromRange(0) , m_lastMatchCount(-1) , m_totalMatchCount(-1) , m_framesScopingCount(-1) , m_findRequestIdentifier(-1) , m_scopingInProgress(false) , m_lastFindRequestCompletedWithNoMatches(false) , m_nextInvalidateAfter(0) , m_findMatchMarkersVersion(0) , m_findMatchRectsAreValid(false) , m_inputEventsScaleFactorForEmulation(1) { blink::Platform::current()->incrementStatsCounter(webFrameActiveCount); frameCount++; } WebFrameImpl::~WebFrameImpl() { blink::Platform::current()->decrementStatsCounter(webFrameActiveCount); frameCount--; cancelPendingScopingEffort(); } void WebFrameImpl::setWebCoreFrame(WebCore::Frame* frame) { ASSERT(frame); observeFrame(frame); } void WebFrameImpl::initializeAsMainFrame(WebCore::Page* page) { m_frameInit->setPage(page); RefPtr<Frame> mainFrame = Frame::create(m_frameInit); setWebCoreFrame(mainFrame.get()); // Add reference on behalf of FrameLoader. See comments in // WebFrameLoaderClient::frameLoaderDestroyed for more info. ref(); // We must call init() after m_frame is assigned because it is referenced // during init(). frame()->init(); } PassRefPtr<Frame> WebFrameImpl::createChildFrame(const FrameLoadRequest& request, HTMLFrameOwnerElement* ownerElement) { ASSERT(m_client); WebFrameImpl* webframe = toWebFrameImpl(m_client->createChildFrame(this, request.frameName())); // If the embedder is returning 0 from createChildFrame(), it has not been // updated to the new ownership semantics where the embedder creates the // WebFrame. In that case, fall back to the old logic where the // WebFrameImpl is created here and published back to the embedder. To // bridge between the two ownership semantics, webframeLifetimeHack is // needeed to balance out the refcounting. // // FIXME: Remove once all embedders return non-null from createChildFrame(). RefPtr<WebFrameImpl> webframeLifetimeHack; bool mustCallDidCreateFrame = false; if (!webframe) { mustCallDidCreateFrame = true; webframeLifetimeHack = adoptRef(WebFrameImpl::create(m_client)); webframe = webframeLifetimeHack.get(); } // Add an extra ref on behalf of the page/FrameLoader, which references the // WebFrame via the FrameLoaderClient interface. See the comment at the top // of this file for more info. webframe->ref(); webframe->m_frameInit->setPage(frame()->page()); webframe->m_frameInit->setOwnerElement(ownerElement); RefPtr<Frame> childFrame = Frame::create(webframe->m_frameInit); webframe->setWebCoreFrame(childFrame.get()); childFrame->tree().setName(request.frameName()); frame()->tree().appendChild(childFrame); // FIXME: Remove once all embedders return non-null from createChildFrame(). if (mustCallDidCreateFrame) m_client->didCreateFrame(this, webframe); // Frame::init() can trigger onload event in the parent frame, // which may detach this frame and trigger a null-pointer access // in FrameTree::removeChild. Move init() after appendChild call // so that webframe->mFrame is in the tree before triggering // onload event handler. // Because the event handler may set webframe->mFrame to null, // it is necessary to check the value after calling init() and // return without loading URL. // NOTE: m_client will be null if this frame has been detached. // (b:791612) childFrame->init(); // create an empty document if (!childFrame->tree().parent()) return 0; // If we're moving in the back/forward list, we might want to replace the content // of this child frame with whatever was there at that point. HistoryItem* childItem = 0; if (isBackForwardLoadType(frame()->loader().loadType()) && !frame()->document()->loadEventFinished()) childItem = frame()->page()->historyController().itemForNewChildFrame(childFrame.get()); if (childItem) childFrame->loader().loadHistoryItem(childItem); else childFrame->loader().load(FrameLoadRequest(0, request.resourceRequest(), "_self")); // A synchronous navigation (about:blank) would have already processed // onload, so it is possible for the frame to have already been destroyed by // script in the page. // NOTE: m_client will be null if this frame has been detached. if (!childFrame->tree().parent()) return 0; return childFrame.release(); } void WebFrameImpl::didChangeContentsSize(const IntSize& size) { // This is only possible on the main frame. if (m_totalMatchCount > 0) { ASSERT(!parent()); ++m_findMatchMarkersVersion; } } void WebFrameImpl::createFrameView() { TRACE_EVENT0("webkit", "WebFrameImpl::createFrameView"); ASSERT(frame()); // If frame() doesn't exist, we probably didn't init properly. WebViewImpl* webView = viewImpl(); bool isMainFrame = webView->mainFrameImpl()->frame() == frame(); if (isMainFrame) webView->suppressInvalidations(true); frame()->createView(webView->size(), webView->baseBackgroundColor(), webView->isTransparent()); if (webView->shouldAutoResize() && isMainFrame) frame()->view()->enableAutoSizeMode(true, webView->minAutoSize(), webView->maxAutoSize()); frame()->view()->setInputEventsTransformForEmulation(m_inputEventsOffsetForEmulation, m_inputEventsScaleFactorForEmulation); if (isMainFrame) webView->suppressInvalidations(false); } WebFrameImpl* WebFrameImpl::fromFrame(Frame* frame) { if (!frame) return 0; return toFrameLoaderClientImpl(frame->loader().client())->webFrame(); } WebFrameImpl* WebFrameImpl::fromFrameOwnerElement(Element* element) { // FIXME: Why do we check specifically for <iframe> and <frame> here? Why can't we get the WebFrameImpl from an <object> element, for example. if (!element || !element->isFrameOwnerElement() || (!element->hasTagName(HTMLNames::iframeTag) && !element->hasTagName(HTMLNames::frameTag))) return 0; return fromFrame(toHTMLFrameOwnerElement(element)->contentFrame()); } WebViewImpl* WebFrameImpl::viewImpl() const { if (!frame()) return 0; return WebViewImpl::fromPage(frame()->page()); } WebDataSourceImpl* WebFrameImpl::dataSourceImpl() const { return static_cast<WebDataSourceImpl*>(dataSource()); } WebDataSourceImpl* WebFrameImpl::provisionalDataSourceImpl() const { return static_cast<WebDataSourceImpl*>(provisionalDataSource()); } void WebFrameImpl::setFindEndstateFocusAndSelection() { WebFrameImpl* mainFrameImpl = viewImpl()->mainFrameImpl(); if (this == mainFrameImpl->activeMatchFrame() && m_activeMatch.get()) { // If the user has set the selection since the match was found, we // don't focus anything. VisibleSelection selection(frame()->selection().selection()); if (!selection.isNone()) return; // Try to find the first focusable node up the chain, which will, for // example, focus links if we have found text within the link. Node* node = m_activeMatch->firstNode(); if (node && node->isInShadowTree()) { Node* host = node->deprecatedShadowAncestorNode(); if (host->hasTagName(HTMLNames::inputTag) || isHTMLTextAreaElement(host)) node = host; } for (; node; node = node->parentNode()) { if (!node->isElementNode()) continue; Element* element = toElement(node); if (element->isFocusable()) { // Found a focusable parent node. Set the active match as the // selection and focus to the focusable node. frame()->selection().setSelection(m_activeMatch.get()); frame()->document()->setFocusedElement(element); return; } } // Iterate over all the nodes in the range until we find a focusable node. // This, for example, sets focus to the first link if you search for // text and text that is within one or more links. node = m_activeMatch->firstNode(); for (; node && node != m_activeMatch->pastLastNode(); node = NodeTraversal::next(*node)) { if (!node->isElementNode()) continue; Element* element = toElement(node); if (element->isFocusable()) { frame()->document()->setFocusedElement(element); return; } } // No node related to the active match was focusable, so set the // active match as the selection (so that when you end the Find session, // you'll have the last thing you found highlighted) and make sure that // we have nothing focused (otherwise you might have text selected but // a link focused, which is weird). frame()->selection().setSelection(m_activeMatch.get()); frame()->document()->setFocusedElement(0); // Finally clear the active match, for two reasons: // We just finished the find 'session' and we don't want future (potentially // unrelated) find 'sessions' operations to start at the same place. // The WebFrameImpl could get reused and the m_activeMatch could end up pointing // to a document that is no longer valid. Keeping an invalid reference around // is just asking for trouble. m_activeMatch = 0; } } void WebFrameImpl::didFail(const ResourceError& error, bool wasProvisional) { if (!client()) return; WebURLError webError = error; if (wasProvisional) client()->didFailProvisionalLoad(this, webError); else client()->didFailLoad(this, webError); } void WebFrameImpl::setCanHaveScrollbars(bool canHaveScrollbars) { frame()->view()->setCanHaveScrollbars(canHaveScrollbars); } void WebFrameImpl::setInputEventsTransformForEmulation(const IntSize& offset, float contentScaleFactor) { m_inputEventsOffsetForEmulation = offset; m_inputEventsScaleFactorForEmulation = contentScaleFactor; if (frame()->view()) frame()->view()->setInputEventsTransformForEmulation(m_inputEventsOffsetForEmulation, m_inputEventsScaleFactorForEmulation); } void WebFrameImpl::invalidateArea(AreaToInvalidate area) { ASSERT(frame() && frame()->view()); FrameView* view = frame()->view(); if ((area & InvalidateAll) == InvalidateAll) view->invalidateRect(view->frameRect()); else { if ((area & InvalidateContentArea) == InvalidateContentArea) { IntRect contentArea( view->x(), view->y(), view->visibleWidth(), view->visibleHeight()); IntRect frameRect = view->frameRect(); contentArea.move(-frameRect.x(), -frameRect.y()); view->invalidateRect(contentArea); } } if ((area & InvalidateScrollbar) == InvalidateScrollbar) { // Invalidate the vertical scroll bar region for the view. Scrollbar* scrollbar = view->verticalScrollbar(); if (scrollbar) scrollbar->invalidate(); } } void WebFrameImpl::addMarker(Range* range, bool activeMatch) { frame()->document()->markers()->addTextMatchMarker(range, activeMatch); } void WebFrameImpl::setMarkerActive(Range* range, bool active) { if (!range || range->collapsed(IGNORE_EXCEPTION)) return; frame()->document()->markers()->setMarkersActive(range, active); } int WebFrameImpl::ordinalOfFirstMatchForFrame(WebFrameImpl* frame) const { int ordinal = 0; WebFrameImpl* mainFrameImpl = viewImpl()->mainFrameImpl(); // Iterate from the main frame up to (but not including) |frame| and // add up the number of matches found so far. for (WebFrameImpl* it = mainFrameImpl; it != frame; it = toWebFrameImpl(it->traverseNext(true))) { if (it->m_lastMatchCount > 0) ordinal += it->m_lastMatchCount; } return ordinal; } bool WebFrameImpl::shouldScopeMatches(const String& searchText) { // Don't scope if we can't find a frame or a view. // The user may have closed the tab/application, so abort. // Also ignore detached frames, as many find operations report to the main frame. if (!frame() || !frame()->view() || !frame()->page() || !hasVisibleContent()) return false; ASSERT(frame()->document() && frame()->view()); // If the frame completed the scoping operation and found 0 matches the last // time it was searched, then we don't have to search it again if the user is // just adding to the search string or sending the same search string again. if (m_lastFindRequestCompletedWithNoMatches && !m_lastSearchString.isEmpty()) { // Check to see if the search string prefixes match. String previousSearchPrefix = searchText.substring(0, m_lastSearchString.length()); if (previousSearchPrefix == m_lastSearchString) return false; // Don't search this frame, it will be fruitless. } return true; } void WebFrameImpl::scopeStringMatchesSoon(int identifier, const WebString& searchText, const WebFindOptions& options, bool reset) { m_deferredScopingWork.append(new DeferredScopeStringMatches(this, identifier, searchText, options, reset)); } void WebFrameImpl::callScopeStringMatches(DeferredScopeStringMatches* caller, int identifier, const WebString& searchText, const WebFindOptions& options, bool reset) { m_deferredScopingWork.remove(m_deferredScopingWork.find(caller)); scopeStringMatches(identifier, searchText, options, reset); // This needs to happen last since searchText is passed by reference. delete caller; } void WebFrameImpl::invalidateIfNecessary() { if (m_lastMatchCount <= m_nextInvalidateAfter) return; // FIXME: (http://b/1088165) Optimize the drawing of the tickmarks and // remove this. This calculation sets a milestone for when next to // invalidate the scrollbar and the content area. We do this so that we // don't spend too much time drawing the scrollbar over and over again. // Basically, up until the first 500 matches there is no throttle. // After the first 500 matches, we set set the milestone further and // further out (750, 1125, 1688, 2K, 3K). static const int startSlowingDownAfter = 500; static const int slowdown = 750; int i = m_lastMatchCount / startSlowingDownAfter; m_nextInvalidateAfter += i * slowdown; invalidateArea(InvalidateScrollbar); } void WebFrameImpl::loadJavaScriptURL(const KURL& url) { // This is copied from ScriptController::executeScriptIfJavaScriptURL. // Unfortunately, we cannot just use that method since it is private, and // it also doesn't quite behave as we require it to for bookmarklets. The // key difference is that we need to suppress loading the string result // from evaluating the JS URL if executing the JS URL resulted in a // location change. We also allow a JS URL to be loaded even if scripts on // the page are otherwise disabled. if (!frame()->document() || !frame()->page()) return; RefPtr<Document> ownerDocument(frame()->document()); // Protect privileged pages against bookmarklets and other javascript manipulations. if (SchemeRegistry::shouldTreatURLSchemeAsNotAllowingJavascriptURLs(frame()->document()->url().protocol())) return; String script = decodeURLEscapeSequences(url.string().substring(strlen("javascript:"))); UserGestureIndicator gestureIndicator(DefinitelyProcessingNewUserGesture); ScriptValue result = frame()->script().executeScriptInMainWorldAndReturnValue(ScriptSourceCode(script)); String scriptResult; if (!result.getString(scriptResult)) return; if (!frame()->navigationScheduler().locationChangePending()) frame()->document()->loader()->replaceDocument(scriptResult, ownerDocument.get()); } void WebFrameImpl::willDetachPage() { if (!frame() || !frame()->page()) return; // Do not expect string scoping results from any frames that got detached // in the middle of the operation. if (m_scopingInProgress) { // There is a possibility that the frame being detached was the only // pending one. We need to make sure final replies can be sent. flushCurrentScopingEffort(m_findRequestIdentifier); cancelPendingScopingEffort(); } } } // namespace blink