#!/usr/bin/env ruby # Copyright (C) 2012, 2013 Apple Inc. All rights reserved. # # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without # modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions # are met: # 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. # 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the # documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. # # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY APPLE INC. AND ITS CONTRIBUTORS ``AS IS'' # AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, # THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR # PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL APPLE INC. OR ITS CONTRIBUTORS # BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR # CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF # SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS # INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN # CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) # ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF # THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. require 'rubygems' require 'readline' begin require 'json' require 'highline' rescue LoadError $stderr.puts "Error: some required gems are not installed!" $stderr.puts $stderr.puts "Try running:" $stderr.puts $stderr.puts "sudo gem install json" $stderr.puts "sudo gem install highline" exit 1 end class Bytecode attr_accessor :bytecodes, :bytecodeIndex, :opcode, :description, :topCounts, :bottomCounts, :machineInlinees, :osrExits def initialize(bytecodes, bytecodeIndex, opcode, description) @bytecodes = bytecodes @bytecodeIndex = bytecodeIndex @opcode = opcode @description = description @topCounts = [] # "source" counts @bottomCounts = {} # "machine" counts, maps compilations to counts @machineInlinees = {} # maps my compilation to a set of inlinees @osrExits = [] end def shouldHaveCounts? @opcode != "op_call_put_result" end def addTopCount(count) @topCounts << count end def addBottomCountForCompilation(count, compilation) @bottomCounts[compilation] = [] unless @bottomCounts[compilation] @bottomCounts[compilation] << count end def addMachineInlinee(compilation, inlinee) @machineInlinees[compilation] = {} unless @machineInlinees[compilation] @machineInlinees[compilation][inlinee] = true end def totalTopExecutionCount sum = 0 @topCounts.each { | value | sum += value.count } sum end def topExecutionCount(engine) sum = 0 @topCounts.each { | value | if value.engine == engine sum += value.count end } sum end def totalBottomExecutionCount sum = 0 @bottomCounts.each_value { | counts | max = 0 counts.each { | value | max = [max, value.count].max } sum += max } sum end def bottomExecutionCount(engine) sum = 0 @bottomCounts.each_pair { | compilation, counts | if compilation.engine == engine max = 0 counts.each { | value | max = [max, value.count].max } sum += max end } sum end def totalExitCount sum = 0 @osrExits.each { | exit | sum += exit.count } sum end end class Bytecodes attr_accessor :codeHash, :inferredName, :source, :instructionCount, :machineInlineSites, :compilations def initialize(json) @codeHash = json["hash"].to_s @inferredName = json["inferredName"].to_s @source = json["sourceCode"].to_s @instructionCount = json["instructionCount"].to_i @bytecode = {} json["bytecode"].each { | subJson | index = subJson["bytecodeIndex"].to_i @bytecode[index] = Bytecode.new(self, index, subJson["opcode"].to_s, subJson["description"].to_s) } @machineInlineSites = {} # maps compilation to a set of origins @compilations = [] end def name(limit) if to_s.size > limit "\##{@codeHash}" else to_s end end def to_s "#{@inferredName}\##{@codeHash}" end def matches(pattern) if pattern =~ /^#/ $~.post_match == @codeHash elsif pattern =~ /#/ pattern == to_s else pattern == @inferredName or pattern == @codeHash end end def each @bytecode.values.sort{|a, b| a.bytecodeIndex <=> b.bytecodeIndex}.each { | value | yield value } end def bytecode(bytecodeIndex) @bytecode[bytecodeIndex] end def addMachineInlineSite(compilation, origin) @machineInlineSites[compilation] = {} unless @machineInlineSites[compilation] @machineInlineSites[compilation][origin] = true end def totalMachineInlineSites sum = 0 @machineInlineSites.each_value { | set | sum += set.size } sum end def sourceMachineInlineSites set = {} @machineInlineSites.each_value { | mySet | set.merge!(mySet) } set.size end def totalMaxTopExecutionCount max = 0 @bytecode.each_value { | bytecode | max = [max, bytecode.totalTopExecutionCount].max } max end def maxTopExecutionCount(engine) max = 0 @bytecode.each_value { | bytecode | max = [max, bytecode.topExecutionCount(engine)].max } max end def totalMaxBottomExecutionCount max = 0 @bytecode.each_value { | bytecode | max = [max, bytecode.totalBottomExecutionCount].max } max end def maxBottomExecutionCount(engine) max = 0 @bytecode.each_value { | bytecode | max = [max, bytecode.bottomExecutionCount(engine)].max } max end def totalExitCount sum = 0 each { | bytecode | sum += bytecode.totalExitCount } sum end end class ProfiledBytecode attr_reader :bytecodeIndex, :description def initialize(json) @bytecodeIndex = json["bytecodeIndex"].to_i @description = json["description"].to_s end end class ProfiledBytecodes attr_reader :header, :bytecodes def initialize(json) @header = json["header"] @bytecodes = $bytecodes[json["bytecodesID"].to_i] @sequence = json["bytecode"].map { | subJson | ProfiledBytecode.new(subJson) } end def each @sequence.each { | description | yield description } end end def originStackFromJSON(json) json.map { | subJson | $bytecodes[subJson["bytecodesID"].to_i].bytecode(subJson["bytecodeIndex"].to_i) } end class CompiledBytecode attr_accessor :origin, :description def initialize(json) @origin = originStackFromJSON(json["origin"]) @description = json["description"].to_s end end class ExecutionCounter attr_accessor :origin, :engine, :count def initialize(origin, engine, count) @origin = origin @engine = engine @count = count end end class OSRExit attr_reader :compilation, :origin, :codeAddresses, :exitKind, :isWatchpoint, :count def initialize(compilation, origin, codeAddresses, exitKind, isWatchpoint, count) @compilation = compilation @origin = origin @codeAddresses = codeAddresses @exitKind = exitKind @isWatchpoint = isWatchpoint @count = count end def dumpForDisplay(prefix) puts(prefix + "EXIT: due to #{@exitKind}, #{@count} times") end end class Compilation attr_accessor :bytecode, :engine, :descriptions, :counters, :compilationIndex attr_accessor :osrExits, :profiledBytecodes, :numInlinedGetByIds, :numInlinedPutByIds attr_accessor :numInlinedCalls def initialize(json) @bytecode = $bytecodes[json["bytecodesID"].to_i] @bytecode.compilations << self @compilationIndex = @bytecode.compilations.size @engine = json["compilationKind"] @descriptions = json["descriptions"].map { | subJson | CompiledBytecode.new(subJson) } @descriptions.each { | description | next if description.origin.empty? description.origin[1..-1].each_with_index { | inlinee, index | description.origin[0].addMachineInlinee(self, inlinee.bytecodes) inlinee.bytecodes.addMachineInlineSite(self, description.origin[0...index]) } } @counters = {} json["counters"].each { | subJson | origin = originStackFromJSON(subJson["origin"]) counter = ExecutionCounter.new(origin, @engine, subJson["executionCount"].to_i) @counters[origin] = counter origin[-1].addTopCount(counter) origin[0].addBottomCountForCompilation(counter, self) } @osrExits = {} json["osrExits"].each { | subJson | osrExit = OSRExit.new(self, originStackFromJSON(subJson["origin"]), json["osrExitSites"][subJson["id"]].map { | value | value.hex }, subJson["exitKind"], subJson["isWatchpoint"], subJson["count"]) osrExit.codeAddresses.each { | codeAddress | osrExits[codeAddress] = [] unless osrExits[codeAddress] osrExits[codeAddress] << osrExit } osrExit.origin[-1].osrExits << osrExit } @profiledBytecodes = [] json["profiledBytecodes"].each { | subJson | @profiledBytecodes << ProfiledBytecodes.new(subJson) } @numInlinedGetByIds = json["numInlinedGetByIds"] @numInlinedPutByIds = json["numInlinedPutByIds"] @numInlinedCalls = json["numInlinedCalls"] end def counter(origin) @counters[origin] end def to_s "#{bytecode}-#{compilationIndex}-#{engine}" end end class DescriptionLine attr_reader :actualCountsString, :sourceCountsString, :disassembly, :shouldShow def initialize(actualCountsString, sourceCountsString, disassembly, shouldShow) @actualCountsString = actualCountsString @sourceCountsString = sourceCountsString @disassembly = disassembly @shouldShow = shouldShow end def codeAddress if @disassembly =~ /^\s*(0x[0-9a-fA-F]+):/ $1.hex else nil end end end if ARGV.length != 1 $stderr.puts "Usage: display-profiler-output <path to profiler output file>" $stderr.puts $stderr.puts "The typical usage pattern for the profiler currently looks something like:" $stderr.puts $stderr.puts "Path/To/jsc -p profile.json myprogram.js" $stderr.puts "display-profiler-output profile.json" exit 1 end $json = JSON::parse(IO::read(ARGV[0])) $bytecodes = $json["bytecodes"].map { | subJson | Bytecodes.new(subJson) } $compilations = $json["compilations"].map { | subJson | Compilation.new(subJson) } $engines = ["Baseline", "DFG"] def lpad(str,chars) if str.length>chars str else "%#{chars}s"%(str) end end def rpad(str, chars) while str.length < chars str += " " end str end def center(str, chars) while str.length < chars str += " " if str.length < chars str = " " + str end end str end def mayBeHash(hash) hash =~ /#/ or hash.size == 6 end def sourceOnOneLine(source, limit) source.gsub(/\s+/, ' ')[0...limit] end def screenWidth if $stdin.tty? HighLine::SystemExtensions.terminal_size[0] else 200 end end def summary(mode) remaining = screenWidth # Figure out how many columns we need for the code block names, and for counts maxCount = 0 maxName = 0 $bytecodes.each { | bytecodes | maxCount = ([maxCount] + $engines.map { | engine | bytecodes.maxTopExecutionCount(engine) } + $engines.map { | engine | bytecodes.maxBottomExecutionCount(engine) }).max maxName = [bytecodes.to_s.size, maxName].max } maxCountDigits = maxCount.to_s.size hashCols = [[maxName, 30].min, "CodeBlock".size].max remaining -= hashCols + 1 countCols = [maxCountDigits * $engines.size, "Source Counts".size].max remaining -= countCols + 1 if mode == :full instructionCountCols = 6 remaining -= instructionCountCols + 1 machineCountCols = [maxCountDigits * $engines.size, "Machine Counts".size].max remaining -= machineCountCols + 1 compilationsCols = 7 remaining -= compilationsCols + 1 inlinesCols = 9 remaining -= inlinesCols + 1 exitCountCols = 7 remaining -= exitCountCols + 1 recentOptsCols = 12 remaining -= recentOptsCols + 1 end if remaining > 0 sourceCols = remaining else sourceCols = nil end print(center("CodeBlock", hashCols)) if mode == :full print(" " + center("#Instr", instructionCountCols)) end print(" " + center("Source Counts", countCols)) if mode == :full print(" " + center("Machine Counts", machineCountCols)) print(" " + center("#Compil", compilationsCols)) print(" " + center("Inlines", inlinesCols)) print(" " + center("#Exits", exitCountCols)) print(" " + center("Last Opts", recentOptsCols)) end if sourceCols print(" " + center("Source", sourceCols)) end puts print(center("", hashCols)) if mode == :full print(" " + (" " * instructionCountCols)) end print(" " + center("Base/DFG", countCols)) if mode == :full print(" " + center("Base/DFG", machineCountCols)) print(" " + (" " * compilationsCols)) print(" " + center("Src/Total", inlinesCols)) print(" " + (" " * exitCountCols)) print(" " + center("Get/Put/Call", recentOptsCols)) end puts $bytecodes.sort { | a, b | b.totalMaxTopExecutionCount <=> a.totalMaxTopExecutionCount }.each { | bytecode | print(center(bytecode.name(hashCols), hashCols)) if mode == :full print(" " + center(bytecode.instructionCount.to_s, instructionCountCols)) end print(" " + center($engines.map { | engine | bytecode.maxTopExecutionCount(engine).to_s }.join("/"), countCols)) if mode == :full print(" " + center($engines.map { | engine | bytecode.maxBottomExecutionCount(engine).to_s }.join("/"), machineCountCols)) print(" " + center(bytecode.compilations.size.to_s, compilationsCols)) print(" " + center(bytecode.sourceMachineInlineSites.to_s + "/" + bytecode.totalMachineInlineSites.to_s, inlinesCols)) print(" " + center(bytecode.totalExitCount.to_s, exitCountCols)) lastCompilation = bytecode.compilations[-1] if lastCompilation optData = [lastCompilation.numInlinedGetByIds, lastCompilation.numInlinedPutByIds, lastCompilation.numInlinedCalls] else optData = ["N/A"] end print(" " + center(optData.join('/'), recentOptsCols)) end if sourceCols print(" " + sourceOnOneLine(bytecode.source, sourceCols)) end puts } end def executeCommand(*commandArray) command = commandArray[0] args = commandArray[1..-1] case command when "help", "h", "?" puts "summary (s) Print a summary of code block execution rates." puts "full (f) Same as summary, but prints more information." puts "source Show the source for a code block." puts "bytecode (b) Show the bytecode for a code block, with counts." puts "profiling (p) Show the (internal) profiling data for a code block." puts "display (d) Display details for a code block." puts "inlines Show all inlining stacks that the code block was on." puts "help (h) Print this message." puts "quit (q) Quit." when "quit", "q", "exit" exit 0 when "summary", "s" summary(:summary) when "full", "f" summary(:full) when "source" if args.length != 1 puts "Usage: source <code block hash>" return end $bytecodes.each { | bytecode | if bytecode.matches(args[0]) puts bytecode.source end } when "bytecode", "b" if args.length != 1 puts "Usage: source <code block hash>" return end hash = args[0] countCols = 10 * $engines.size machineCols = 10 * $engines.size pad = 1 while (countCols + 1 + machineCols + pad) % 8 != 0 pad += 1 end $bytecodes.each { | bytecodes | next unless bytecodes.matches(hash) puts(center("Source Counts", countCols) + " " + center("Machine Counts", machineCols) + (" " * pad) + center("Bytecode for #{bytecodes}", screenWidth - pad - countCols - 1 - machineCols)) puts(center("Base/DFG", countCols) + " " + center("Base/DFG", countCols)) bytecodes.each { | bytecode | if bytecode.shouldHaveCounts? countsString = $engines.map { | myEngine | bytecode.topExecutionCount(myEngine) }.join("/") machineString = $engines.map { | myEngine | bytecode.bottomExecutionCount(myEngine) }.join("/") else countsString = "" machineString = "" end puts(center(countsString, countCols) + " " + center(machineString, machineCols) + (" " * pad) + bytecode.description.chomp) bytecode.osrExits.each { | exit | puts(center("!!!!!", countCols) + " " + center("!!!!!", machineCols) + (" " * (pad + 10)) + "EXIT: in #{exit.compilation} due to #{exit.exitKind}, #{exit.count} times") } } } when "profiling", "p" if args.length != 1 puts "Usage: profiling <code block hash>" return end hash = args[0] first = true $compilations.each { | compilation | compilation.profiledBytecodes.each { | profiledBytecodes | if profiledBytecodes.bytecodes.matches(hash) if first first = false else puts end puts "Compilation #{compilation}:" profiledBytecodes.header.each { | header | puts(" " * 6 + header) } profiledBytecodes.each { | bytecode | puts(" " * 8 + bytecode.description) profiledBytecodes.bytecodes.bytecode(bytecode.bytecodeIndex).osrExits.each { | exit | if exit.compilation == compilation puts(" !!!!! EXIT: due to #{exit.exitKind}, #{exit.count} times") end } } end } } when "inlines" if args.length != 1 puts "Usage: inlines <code block hash>" return end hash = args[0] $bytecodes.each { | bytecodes | next unless bytecodes.matches(hash) # FIXME: print something useful to say more about which code block this is. $compilations.each { | compilation | myOrigins = [] compilation.descriptions.each { | description | if description.origin.index { | myBytecode | bytecodes == myBytecode.bytecodes } myOrigins << description.origin end } myOrigins.uniq! myOrigins.sort! { | a, b | result = 0 [a.size, b.size].min.times { | index | result = a[index].bytecodeIndex <=> b[index].bytecodeIndex break if result != 0 } result } next if myOrigins.empty? printArray = [] lastPrintStack = [] def originToPrintStack(origin) (0...(origin.size - 1)).map { | index | "bc\##{origin[index].bytecodeIndex} --> #{origin[index + 1].bytecodes}" } end def printStack(printArray, stack, lastStack) stillCommon = true stack.each_with_index { | entry, index | next if stillCommon and entry == lastStack[index] printArray << (" " * (index + 1) + entry) stillCommon = false } end myOrigins.each { | origin | currentPrintStack = originToPrintStack(origin) printStack(printArray, currentPrintStack, lastPrintStack) lastPrintStack = currentPrintStack } next if printArray.empty? puts "Compilation #{compilation}:" printArray.each { | entry | puts entry } } } when "display", "d" compilationIndex = nil case args.length when 1 if args[0] == "*" hash = nil else hash = args[0] end engine = nil when 2 if mayBeHash(args[0]) hash = args[0] engine = args[1] else engine = args[0] hash = args[1] end else puts "Usage: summary <code block hash> <engine>" return end if hash and hash =~ /-([0-9]+)-/ hash = $~.pre_match engine = $~.post_match compilationIndex = $1.to_i end if engine and not $engines.index(engine) pattern = Regexp.new(Regexp.escape(engine), "i") trueEngine = nil $engines.each { | myEngine | if myEngine =~ pattern trueEngine = myEngine break end } unless trueEngine puts "#{engine} is not a valid engine, try #{$engines.join(' or ')}." return end engine = trueEngine end actualCountCols = 13 sourceCountCols = 10 * $engines.size first = true $compilations.each { | compilation | next if hash and not compilation.bytecode.matches(hash) next if engine and compilation.engine != engine next if compilationIndex and compilation.compilationIndex != compilationIndex if first first = false else puts end puts("Compilation #{compilation}:") puts(" Num inlined: GetByIds: #{compilation.numInlinedGetByIds} PutByIds: #{compilation.numInlinedPutByIds} Calls: #{compilation.numInlinedCalls}") puts(center("Actual Counts", actualCountCols) + " " + center("Source Counts", sourceCountCols) + " " + center("Disassembly in #{compilation.engine}", screenWidth - 1 - sourceCountCols - 1 - actualCountCols)) puts((" " * actualCountCols) + " " + center("Base/DFG", sourceCountCols)) lines = [] compilation.descriptions.each { | description | # FIXME: We should have a better way of detecting things like CountExecution nodes # and slow path entries in the baseline JIT. if description.description =~ /CountExecution\(/ and compilation.engine == "DFG" shouldShow = false else shouldShow = true end if description.origin.empty? or not description.origin[-1].shouldHaveCounts? or (compilation.engine == "Baseline" and description.description =~ /^\s*\(S\)/) actualCountsString = "" sourceCountsString = "" else actualCountsString = compilation.counter(description.origin).count.to_s sourceCountsString = $engines.map { | myEngine | description.origin[-1].topExecutionCount(myEngine) }.join("/") end description.description.split("\n").each { | line | lines << DescriptionLine.new(actualCountsString, sourceCountsString, line.chomp, shouldShow) } } exitPrefix = center("!!!!!", actualCountCols) + " " + center("!!!!!", sourceCountCols) + (" " * 25) lines.each_with_index { | line, index | codeAddress = line.codeAddress if codeAddress list = compilation.osrExits[codeAddress] if list list.each { | exit | if exit.isWatchpoint exit.dumpForDisplay(exitPrefix) end } end end if line.shouldShow puts(center(line.actualCountsString, actualCountCols) + " " + center(line.sourceCountsString, sourceCountCols) + " " + line.disassembly) end if codeAddress # Find the next disassembly address. endIndex = index + 1 endAddress = nil while endIndex < lines.size myAddress = lines[endIndex].codeAddress if myAddress endAddress = myAddress break end endIndex += 1 end if endAddress list = compilation.osrExits[endAddress] if list list.each { | exit | unless exit.isWatchpoint exit.dumpForDisplay(exitPrefix) end } end end end } } else puts "Invalid command: #{command}" end end if $stdin.tty? executeCommand("full") end while commandLine = Readline.readline("> ", true) executeCommand(*commandLine.split) end