#!/usr/bin/perl -w # Copyright (C) 2005, 2006 Apple Computer, Inc. All rights reserved. # # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without # modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions # are met: # # 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. # 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the # documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. # 3. Neither the name of Apple Computer, Inc. ("Apple") nor the names of # its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived # from this software without specific prior written permission. # # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY APPLE AND ITS CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY # EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED # WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE # DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL APPLE OR ITS CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY # DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES # (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; # LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND # ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT # (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF # THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. # Extended "svn diff" script for WebKit Open Source Project, used to make patches. # Differences from standard "svn diff": # # Uses the real diff, not svn's built-in diff. # Always passes "-p" to diff so it will try to include function names. # Handles binary files (encoded as a base64 chunk of text). # Sorts the diffs alphabetically by text files, then binary files. # Handles copied and moved files. # # Missing features: # # Handle copied and moved directories. use strict; use warnings; use Config; use File::Basename; use File::Spec; use File::stat; use FindBin; use Getopt::Long; use lib $FindBin::Bin; use MIME::Base64; use POSIX qw(:errno_h); use Time::gmtime; use VCSUtils; sub binarycmp($$); sub diffOptionsForFile($); sub findBaseUrl($); sub findMimeType($;$); sub findModificationType($); sub findSourceFileAndRevision($); sub generateDiff($$); sub generateFileList($\%); sub hunkHeaderLineRegExForFile($); sub isBinaryMimeType($); sub manufacturePatchForAdditionWithHistory($); sub numericcmp($$); sub outputBinaryContent($); sub patchpathcmp($$); sub pathcmp($$); sub processPaths(\@); sub splitpath($); sub testfilecmp($$); $ENV{'LC_ALL'} = 'C'; my $showHelp; my $ignoreChangelogs = 0; my $devNull = File::Spec->devnull(); my $result = GetOptions( "help" => \$showHelp, "ignore-changelogs" => \$ignoreChangelogs ); if (!$result || $showHelp) { print STDERR basename($0) . " [-h|--help] [--ignore-changelogs] [svndir1 [svndir2 ...]]\n"; exit 1; } # Sort the diffs for easier reviewing. my %paths = processPaths(@ARGV); # Generate a list of files requiring diffs. my %diffFiles; for my $path (keys %paths) { generateFileList($path, %diffFiles); } my $svnRoot = determineSVNRoot(); my $prefix = chdirReturningRelativePath($svnRoot); my $patchSize = 0; # Generate the diffs, in a order chosen for easy reviewing. for my $path (sort patchpathcmp values %diffFiles) { $patchSize += generateDiff($path, $prefix); } if ($patchSize > 20480) { print STDERR "WARNING: Patch's size is " . int($patchSize/1024) . " kbytes.\n"; print STDERR "Patches 20k or smaller are more likely to be reviewed. Larger patches may sit unreviewed for a long time.\n"; } exit 0; # Overall sort, considering multiple criteria. sub patchpathcmp($$) { my ($a, $b) = @_; # All binary files come after all non-binary files. my $result = binarycmp($a, $b); return $result if $result; # All test files come after all non-test files. $result = testfilecmp($a, $b); return $result if $result; # Final sort is a "smart" sort by directory and file name. return pathcmp($a, $b); } # Sort so text files appear before binary files. sub binarycmp($$) { my ($fileDataA, $fileDataB) = @_; return $fileDataA->{isBinary} <=> $fileDataB->{isBinary}; } sub diffOptionsForFile($) { my ($file) = @_; my $options = "uaNp"; if (my $hunkHeaderLineRegEx = hunkHeaderLineRegExForFile($file)) { $options .= "F'$hunkHeaderLineRegEx'"; } return $options; } sub findBaseUrl($) { my ($infoPath) = @_; my $baseUrl; my $escapedInfoPath = escapeSubversionPath($infoPath); open INFO, "svn info '$escapedInfoPath' |" or die; while (<INFO>) { if (/^URL: (.+?)[\r\n]*$/) { $baseUrl = $1; } } close INFO; return $baseUrl; } sub findMimeType($;$) { my ($file, $revision) = @_; my $args = $revision ? "--revision $revision" : ""; my $escapedFile = escapeSubversionPath($file); open PROPGET, "svn propget svn:mime-type $args '$escapedFile' |" or die; my $mimeType = <PROPGET>; close PROPGET; # svn may output a different EOL sequence than $/, so avoid chomp. if ($mimeType) { $mimeType =~ s/[\r\n]+$//g; } return $mimeType; } sub findModificationType($) { my ($stat) = @_; my $fileStat = substr($stat, 0, 1); my $propertyStat = substr($stat, 1, 1); if ($fileStat eq "A" || $fileStat eq "R") { my $additionWithHistory = substr($stat, 3, 1); return $additionWithHistory eq "+" ? "additionWithHistory" : "addition"; } return "modification" if ($fileStat eq "M" || $propertyStat eq "M"); return "deletion" if ($fileStat eq "D"); return undef; } sub findSourceFileAndRevision($) { my ($file) = @_; my $baseUrl = findBaseUrl("."); my $sourceFile; my $sourceRevision; my $escapedFile = escapeSubversionPath($file); open INFO, "svn info '$escapedFile' |" or die; while (<INFO>) { if (/^Copied From URL: (.+?)[\r\n]*$/) { $sourceFile = File::Spec->abs2rel($1, $baseUrl); } elsif (/^Copied From Rev: ([0-9]+)/) { $sourceRevision = $1; } } close INFO; return ($sourceFile, $sourceRevision); } sub generateDiff($$) { my ($fileData, $prefix) = @_; my $file = File::Spec->catdir($prefix, $fileData->{path}); if ($ignoreChangelogs && basename($file) eq "ChangeLog") { return 0; } my $patch = ""; if ($fileData->{modificationType} eq "additionWithHistory") { manufacturePatchForAdditionWithHistory($fileData); } my $diffOptions = diffOptionsForFile($file); my $escapedFile = escapeSubversionPath($file); open DIFF, "svn diff --diff-cmd diff -x -$diffOptions '$escapedFile' |" or die; while (<DIFF>) { $patch .= $_; } close DIFF; if (basename($file) eq "ChangeLog") { my $changeLogHash = fixChangeLogPatch($patch); $patch = $changeLogHash->{patch}; } print $patch; if ($fileData->{isBinary}) { print "\n" if ($patch && $patch =~ m/\n\S+$/m); outputBinaryContent($file); } return length($patch); } sub generateFileList($\%) { my ($statPath, $diffFiles) = @_; my %testDirectories = map { $_ => 1 } qw(LayoutTests); my $escapedStatPath = escapeSubversionPath($statPath); open STAT, "svn stat '$escapedStatPath' |" or die; while (my $line = <STAT>) { # svn may output a different EOL sequence than $/, so avoid chomp. $line =~ s/[\r\n]+$//g; my $stat; my $path; if (isSVNVersion16OrNewer()) { $stat = substr($line, 0, 8); $path = substr($line, 8); } else { $stat = substr($line, 0, 7); $path = substr($line, 7); } next if -d $path; my $modificationType = findModificationType($stat); if ($modificationType) { $diffFiles->{$path}->{path} = $path; $diffFiles->{$path}->{modificationType} = $modificationType; $diffFiles->{$path}->{isBinary} = isBinaryMimeType($path); $diffFiles->{$path}->{isTestFile} = exists $testDirectories{(File::Spec->splitdir($path))[0]} ? 1 : 0; if ($modificationType eq "additionWithHistory") { my ($sourceFile, $sourceRevision) = findSourceFileAndRevision($path); $diffFiles->{$path}->{sourceFile} = $sourceFile; $diffFiles->{$path}->{sourceRevision} = $sourceRevision; } } else { print STDERR $line, "\n"; } } close STAT; } sub hunkHeaderLineRegExForFile($) { my ($file) = @_; my $startOfObjCInterfaceRegEx = "@(implementation\\|interface\\|protocol)"; return "^[-+]\\|$startOfObjCInterfaceRegEx" if $file =~ /\.mm?$/; return "^$startOfObjCInterfaceRegEx" if $file =~ /^(.*\/)?(mac|objc)\// && $file =~ /\.h$/; } sub isBinaryMimeType($) { my ($file) = @_; my $mimeType = findMimeType($file); return 0 if (!$mimeType || substr($mimeType, 0, 5) eq "text/"); return 1; } sub manufacturePatchForAdditionWithHistory($) { my ($fileData) = @_; my $file = $fileData->{path}; print "Index: ${file}\n"; print "=" x 67, "\n"; my $sourceFile = $fileData->{sourceFile}; my $sourceRevision = $fileData->{sourceRevision}; print "--- ${file}\t(revision ${sourceRevision})\t(from ${sourceFile}:${sourceRevision})\n"; print "+++ ${file}\t(working copy)\n"; if ($fileData->{isBinary}) { print "\nCannot display: file marked as a binary type.\n"; my $mimeType = findMimeType($file, $sourceRevision); print "svn:mime-type = ${mimeType}\n\n"; } else { my $escapedSourceFile = escapeSubversionPath($sourceFile); print `svn cat ${escapedSourceFile} | diff -u $devNull - | tail -n +3`; } } # Sort numeric parts of strings as numbers, other parts as strings. # Makes 1.33 come after 1.3, which is cool. sub numericcmp($$) { my ($aa, $bb) = @_; my @a = split /(\d+)/, $aa; my @b = split /(\d+)/, $bb; # Compare one chunk at a time. # Each chunk is either all numeric digits, or all not numeric digits. while (@a && @b) { my $a = shift @a; my $b = shift @b; # Use numeric comparison if chunks are non-equal numbers. return $a <=> $b if $a =~ /^\d/ && $b =~ /^\d/ && $a != $b; # Use string comparison if chunks are any other kind of non-equal string. return $a cmp $b if $a ne $b; } # One of the two is now empty; compare lengths for result in this case. return @a <=> @b; } sub outputBinaryContent($) { my ($path) = @_; # Deletion return if (! -e $path); # Addition or Modification my $buffer; open BINARY, $path or die; while (read(BINARY, $buffer, 60*57)) { print encode_base64($buffer); } close BINARY; print "\n"; } # Sort first by directory, then by file, so all paths in one directory are grouped # rather than being interspersed with items from subdirectories. # Use numericcmp to sort directory and filenames to make order logical. # Also include a special case for ChangeLog, which comes first in any directory. sub pathcmp($$) { my ($fileDataA, $fileDataB) = @_; my ($dira, $namea) = splitpath($fileDataA->{path}); my ($dirb, $nameb) = splitpath($fileDataB->{path}); return numericcmp($dira, $dirb) if $dira ne $dirb; return -1 if $namea eq "ChangeLog" && $nameb ne "ChangeLog"; return +1 if $namea ne "ChangeLog" && $nameb eq "ChangeLog"; return numericcmp($namea, $nameb); } sub processPaths(\@) { my ($paths) = @_; return ("." => 1) if (!@{$paths}); my %result = (); for my $file (@{$paths}) { die "can't handle absolute paths like \"$file\"\n" if File::Spec->file_name_is_absolute($file); die "can't handle empty string path\n" if $file eq ""; die "can't handle path with single quote in the name like \"$file\"\n" if $file =~ /'/; # ' (keep Xcode syntax highlighting happy) my $untouchedFile = $file; $file = canonicalizePath($file); die "can't handle paths with .. like \"$untouchedFile\"\n" if $file =~ m|/\.\./|; $result{$file} = 1; } return ("." => 1) if ($result{"."}); # Remove any paths that also have a parent listed. for my $path (keys %result) { for (my $parent = dirname($path); $parent ne '.'; $parent = dirname($parent)) { if ($result{$parent}) { delete $result{$path}; last; } } } return %result; } # Break up a path into the directory (with slash) and base name. sub splitpath($) { my ($path) = @_; my $pathSeparator = "/"; my $dirname = dirname($path) . $pathSeparator; $dirname = "" if $dirname eq "." . $pathSeparator; return ($dirname, basename($path)); } # Sort so source code files appear before test files. sub testfilecmp($$) { my ($fileDataA, $fileDataB) = @_; return $fileDataA->{isTestFile} <=> $fileDataB->{isTestFile}; }