// // Copyright (c) 2002-2012 The ANGLE Project Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. // #include "compiler/VariablePacker.h" #include <algorithm> #include "compiler/ShHandle.h" namespace { int GetSortOrder(ShDataType type) { switch (type) { case SH_FLOAT_MAT4: return 0; case SH_FLOAT_MAT2: return 1; case SH_FLOAT_VEC4: case SH_INT_VEC4: case SH_BOOL_VEC4: return 2; case SH_FLOAT_MAT3: return 3; case SH_FLOAT_VEC3: case SH_INT_VEC3: case SH_BOOL_VEC3: return 4; case SH_FLOAT_VEC2: case SH_INT_VEC2: case SH_BOOL_VEC2: return 5; case SH_FLOAT: case SH_INT: case SH_BOOL: case SH_SAMPLER_2D: case SH_SAMPLER_CUBE: case SH_SAMPLER_EXTERNAL_OES: case SH_SAMPLER_2D_RECT_ARB: return 6; default: ASSERT(false); return 7; } } } // namespace int VariablePacker::GetNumComponentsPerRow(ShDataType type) { switch (type) { case SH_FLOAT_MAT4: case SH_FLOAT_MAT2: case SH_FLOAT_VEC4: case SH_INT_VEC4: case SH_BOOL_VEC4: return 4; case SH_FLOAT_MAT3: case SH_FLOAT_VEC3: case SH_INT_VEC3: case SH_BOOL_VEC3: return 3; case SH_FLOAT_VEC2: case SH_INT_VEC2: case SH_BOOL_VEC2: return 2; case SH_FLOAT: case SH_INT: case SH_BOOL: case SH_SAMPLER_2D: case SH_SAMPLER_CUBE: case SH_SAMPLER_EXTERNAL_OES: case SH_SAMPLER_2D_RECT_ARB: return 1; default: ASSERT(false); return 5; } } int VariablePacker::GetNumRows(ShDataType type) { switch (type) { case SH_FLOAT_MAT4: return 4; case SH_FLOAT_MAT3: return 3; case SH_FLOAT_MAT2: return 2; case SH_FLOAT_VEC4: case SH_INT_VEC4: case SH_BOOL_VEC4: case SH_FLOAT_VEC3: case SH_INT_VEC3: case SH_BOOL_VEC3: case SH_FLOAT_VEC2: case SH_INT_VEC2: case SH_BOOL_VEC2: case SH_FLOAT: case SH_INT: case SH_BOOL: case SH_SAMPLER_2D: case SH_SAMPLER_CUBE: case SH_SAMPLER_EXTERNAL_OES: case SH_SAMPLER_2D_RECT_ARB: return 1; default: ASSERT(false); return 100000; } } struct TVariableInfoComparer { bool operator()(const TVariableInfo& lhs, const TVariableInfo& rhs) const { int lhsSortOrder = GetSortOrder(lhs.type); int rhsSortOrder = GetSortOrder(rhs.type); if (lhsSortOrder != rhsSortOrder) { return lhsSortOrder < rhsSortOrder; } // Sort by largest first. return lhs.size > rhs.size; } }; unsigned VariablePacker::makeColumnFlags(int column, int numComponentsPerRow) { return ((kColumnMask << (kNumColumns - numComponentsPerRow)) & kColumnMask) >> column; } void VariablePacker::fillColumns(int topRow, int numRows, int column, int numComponentsPerRow) { unsigned columnFlags = makeColumnFlags(column, numComponentsPerRow); for (int r = 0; r < numRows; ++r) { int row = topRow + r; ASSERT((rows_[row] & columnFlags) == 0); rows_[row] |= columnFlags; } } bool VariablePacker::searchColumn(int column, int numRows, int* destRow, int* destSize) { ASSERT(destRow); for (; topNonFullRow_ < maxRows_ && rows_[topNonFullRow_] == kColumnMask; ++topNonFullRow_) { } for (; bottomNonFullRow_ >= 0 && rows_[bottomNonFullRow_] == kColumnMask; --bottomNonFullRow_) { } if (bottomNonFullRow_ - topNonFullRow_ + 1 < numRows) { return false; } unsigned columnFlags = makeColumnFlags(column, 1); int topGoodRow = 0; int smallestGoodTop = -1; int smallestGoodSize = maxRows_ + 1; int bottomRow = bottomNonFullRow_ + 1; bool found = false; for (int row = topNonFullRow_; row <= bottomRow; ++row) { bool rowEmpty = row < bottomRow ? ((rows_[row] & columnFlags) == 0) : false; if (rowEmpty) { if (!found) { topGoodRow = row; found = true; } } else { if (found) { int size = row - topGoodRow; if (size >= numRows && size < smallestGoodSize) { smallestGoodSize = size; smallestGoodTop = topGoodRow; } } found = false; } } if (smallestGoodTop < 0) { return false; } *destRow = smallestGoodTop; if (destSize) { *destSize = smallestGoodSize; } return true; } bool VariablePacker::CheckVariablesWithinPackingLimits(int maxVectors, const TVariableInfoList& in_variables) { ASSERT(maxVectors > 0); maxRows_ = maxVectors; topNonFullRow_ = 0; bottomNonFullRow_ = maxRows_ - 1; TVariableInfoList variables(in_variables); // As per GLSL 1.017 Appendix A, Section 7 variables are packed in specific // order by type, then by size of array, largest first. std::sort(variables.begin(), variables.end(), TVariableInfoComparer()); rows_.clear(); rows_.resize(maxVectors, 0); // Packs the 4 column variables. size_t ii = 0; for (; ii < variables.size(); ++ii) { const TVariableInfo& variable = variables[ii]; if (GetNumComponentsPerRow(variable.type) != 4) { break; } topNonFullRow_ += GetNumRows(variable.type) * variable.size; } if (topNonFullRow_ > maxRows_) { return false; } // Packs the 3 column variables. int num3ColumnRows = 0; for (; ii < variables.size(); ++ii) { const TVariableInfo& variable = variables[ii]; if (GetNumComponentsPerRow(variable.type) != 3) { break; } num3ColumnRows += GetNumRows(variable.type) * variable.size; } if (topNonFullRow_ + num3ColumnRows > maxRows_) { return false; } fillColumns(topNonFullRow_, num3ColumnRows, 0, 3); // Packs the 2 column variables. int top2ColumnRow = topNonFullRow_ + num3ColumnRows; int twoColumnRowsAvailable = maxRows_ - top2ColumnRow; int rowsAvailableInColumns01 = twoColumnRowsAvailable; int rowsAvailableInColumns23 = twoColumnRowsAvailable; for (; ii < variables.size(); ++ii) { const TVariableInfo& variable = variables[ii]; if (GetNumComponentsPerRow(variable.type) != 2) { break; } int numRows = GetNumRows(variable.type) * variable.size; if (numRows <= rowsAvailableInColumns01) { rowsAvailableInColumns01 -= numRows; } else if (numRows <= rowsAvailableInColumns23) { rowsAvailableInColumns23 -= numRows; } else { return false; } } int numRowsUsedInColumns01 = twoColumnRowsAvailable - rowsAvailableInColumns01; int numRowsUsedInColumns23 = twoColumnRowsAvailable - rowsAvailableInColumns23; fillColumns(top2ColumnRow, numRowsUsedInColumns01, 0, 2); fillColumns(maxRows_ - numRowsUsedInColumns23, numRowsUsedInColumns23, 2, 2); // Packs the 1 column variables. for (; ii < variables.size(); ++ii) { const TVariableInfo& variable = variables[ii]; ASSERT(1 == GetNumComponentsPerRow(variable.type)); int numRows = GetNumRows(variable.type) * variable.size; int smallestColumn = -1; int smallestSize = maxRows_ + 1; int topRow = -1; for (int column = 0; column < kNumColumns; ++column) { int row = 0; int size = 0; if (searchColumn(column, numRows, &row, &size)) { if (size < smallestSize) { smallestSize = size; smallestColumn = column; topRow = row; } } } if (smallestColumn < 0) { return false; } fillColumns(topRow, numRows, smallestColumn, 1); } ASSERT(variables.size() == ii); return true; }