#define IN_LIBEXSLT #include "libexslt/libexslt.h" #if defined(WIN32) && !defined (__CYGWIN__) && (!__MINGW32__) #include <win32config.h> #else #include "config.h" #endif #include <libxml/tree.h> #include <libxml/xpath.h> #include <libxml/xpathInternals.h> #include <libxslt/xsltconfig.h> #include <libxslt/xsltutils.h> #include <libxslt/xsltInternals.h> #include <libxslt/extensions.h> #ifdef HAVE_MATH_H #include <math.h> #endif #ifdef HAVE_STDLIB_H #include <stdlib.h> #endif #include "exslt.h" /** * exsltMathMin: * @ns: a node-set * * Implements the EXSLT - Math min() function: * number math:min (node-set) * * Returns the minimum value of the nodes passed as the argument, or * xmlXPathNAN if @ns is NULL or empty or if one of the nodes * turns into NaN. */ static double exsltMathMin (xmlNodeSetPtr ns) { double ret, cur; int i; if ((ns == NULL) || (ns->nodeNr == 0)) return(xmlXPathNAN); ret = xmlXPathCastNodeToNumber(ns->nodeTab[0]); if (xmlXPathIsNaN(ret)) return(xmlXPathNAN); for (i = 1; i < ns->nodeNr; i++) { cur = xmlXPathCastNodeToNumber(ns->nodeTab[i]); if (xmlXPathIsNaN(cur)) return(xmlXPathNAN); if (cur < ret) ret = cur; } return(ret); } /** * exsltMathMinFunction: * @ctxt: an XPath parser context * @nargs: the number of arguments * * Wraps #exsltMathMin for use by the XPath processor. */ static void exsltMathMinFunction (xmlXPathParserContextPtr ctxt, int nargs) { xmlNodeSetPtr ns; double ret; void *user = NULL; if (nargs != 1) { xsltGenericError(xsltGenericErrorContext, "math:min: invalid number of arguments\n"); ctxt->error = XPATH_INVALID_ARITY; return; } /* We need to delay the freeing of value->user */ if ((ctxt->value != NULL) && (ctxt->value->boolval != 0)) { user = ctxt->value->user; ctxt->value->boolval = 0; ctxt->value->user = NULL; } ns = xmlXPathPopNodeSet(ctxt); if (xmlXPathCheckError(ctxt)) return; ret = exsltMathMin(ns); xmlXPathFreeNodeSet(ns); if (user != NULL) xmlFreeNodeList((xmlNodePtr)user); xmlXPathReturnNumber(ctxt, ret); } /** * exsltMathMax: * @ns: a node-set * * Implements the EXSLT - Math max() function: * number math:max (node-set) * * Returns the maximum value of the nodes passed as arguments, or * xmlXPathNAN if @ns is NULL or empty or if one of the nodes * turns into NaN. */ static double exsltMathMax (xmlNodeSetPtr ns) { double ret, cur; int i; if ((ns == NULL) || (ns->nodeNr == 0)) return(xmlXPathNAN); ret = xmlXPathCastNodeToNumber(ns->nodeTab[0]); if (xmlXPathIsNaN(ret)) return(xmlXPathNAN); for (i = 1; i < ns->nodeNr; i++) { cur = xmlXPathCastNodeToNumber(ns->nodeTab[i]); if (xmlXPathIsNaN(cur)) return(xmlXPathNAN); if (cur > ret) ret = cur; } return(ret); } /** * exsltMathMaxFunction: * @ctxt: an XPath parser context * @nargs: the number of arguments * * Wraps #exsltMathMax for use by the XPath processor. */ static void exsltMathMaxFunction (xmlXPathParserContextPtr ctxt, int nargs) { xmlNodeSetPtr ns; double ret; void *user = NULL; if (nargs != 1) { xmlXPathSetArityError(ctxt); return; } /* We need to delay the freeing of value->user */ if ((ctxt->value != NULL) && (ctxt->value->boolval != 0)) { user = ctxt->value->user; ctxt->value->boolval = 0; ctxt->value->user = 0; } ns = xmlXPathPopNodeSet(ctxt); if (xmlXPathCheckError(ctxt)) return; ret = exsltMathMax(ns); xmlXPathFreeNodeSet(ns); if (user != NULL) xmlFreeNodeList((xmlNodePtr)user); xmlXPathReturnNumber(ctxt, ret); } /** * exsltMathHighest: * @ns: a node-set * * Implements the EXSLT - Math highest() function: * node-set math:highest (node-set) * * Returns the nodes in the node-set whose value is the maximum value * for the node-set. */ static xmlNodeSetPtr exsltMathHighest (xmlNodeSetPtr ns) { xmlNodeSetPtr ret = xmlXPathNodeSetCreate(NULL); double max, cur; int i; if ((ns == NULL) || (ns->nodeNr == 0)) return(ret); max = xmlXPathCastNodeToNumber(ns->nodeTab[0]); if (xmlXPathIsNaN(max)) return(ret); else xmlXPathNodeSetAddUnique(ret, ns->nodeTab[0]); for (i = 1; i < ns->nodeNr; i++) { cur = xmlXPathCastNodeToNumber(ns->nodeTab[i]); if (xmlXPathIsNaN(cur)) { xmlXPathEmptyNodeSet(ret); return(ret); } if (cur < max) continue; if (cur > max) { max = cur; xmlXPathEmptyNodeSet(ret); xmlXPathNodeSetAddUnique(ret, ns->nodeTab[i]); continue; } xmlXPathNodeSetAddUnique(ret, ns->nodeTab[i]); } return(ret); } /** * exsltMathHighestFunction: * @ctxt: an XPath parser context * @nargs: the number of arguments * * Wraps #exsltMathHighest for use by the XPath processor */ static void exsltMathHighestFunction (xmlXPathParserContextPtr ctxt, int nargs) { xmlNodeSetPtr ns, ret; void *user = NULL; if (nargs != 1) { xmlXPathSetArityError(ctxt); return; } /* We need to delay the freeing of value->user */ if ((ctxt->value != NULL) && ctxt->value->boolval != 0) { user = ctxt->value->user; ctxt->value->boolval = 0; ctxt->value->user = NULL; } ns = xmlXPathPopNodeSet(ctxt); if (xmlXPathCheckError(ctxt)) return; ret = exsltMathHighest(ns); xmlXPathFreeNodeSet(ns); if (user != NULL) xmlFreeNodeList((xmlNodePtr)user); xmlXPathReturnNodeSet(ctxt, ret); } /** * exsltMathLowest: * @ns: a node-set * * Implements the EXSLT - Math lowest() function * node-set math:lowest (node-set) * * Returns the nodes in the node-set whose value is the minimum value * for the node-set. */ static xmlNodeSetPtr exsltMathLowest (xmlNodeSetPtr ns) { xmlNodeSetPtr ret = xmlXPathNodeSetCreate(NULL); double min, cur; int i; if ((ns == NULL) || (ns->nodeNr == 0)) return(ret); min = xmlXPathCastNodeToNumber(ns->nodeTab[0]); if (xmlXPathIsNaN(min)) return(ret); else xmlXPathNodeSetAddUnique(ret, ns->nodeTab[0]); for (i = 1; i < ns->nodeNr; i++) { cur = xmlXPathCastNodeToNumber(ns->nodeTab[i]); if (xmlXPathIsNaN(cur)) { xmlXPathEmptyNodeSet(ret); return(ret); } if (cur > min) continue; if (cur < min) { min = cur; xmlXPathEmptyNodeSet(ret); xmlXPathNodeSetAddUnique(ret, ns->nodeTab[i]); continue; } xmlXPathNodeSetAddUnique(ret, ns->nodeTab[i]); } return(ret); } /** * exsltMathLowestFunction: * @ctxt: an XPath parser context * @nargs: the number of arguments * * Wraps #exsltMathLowest for use by the XPath processor */ static void exsltMathLowestFunction (xmlXPathParserContextPtr ctxt, int nargs) { xmlNodeSetPtr ns, ret; void *user = NULL; if (nargs != 1) { xmlXPathSetArityError(ctxt); return; } /* We need to delay the freeing of value->user */ if ((ctxt->value != NULL) && (ctxt->value->boolval != 0)) { user = ctxt->value->user; ctxt->value->boolval = 0; ctxt->value->user = NULL; } ns = xmlXPathPopNodeSet(ctxt); if (xmlXPathCheckError(ctxt)) return; ret = exsltMathLowest(ns); xmlXPathFreeNodeSet(ns); if (user != NULL) xmlFreeNodeList((xmlNodePtr)user); xmlXPathReturnNodeSet(ctxt, ret); } /* math other functions */ /* constant values */ #define EXSLT_PI (const xmlChar *) \ "3.1415926535897932384626433832795028841971693993751" #define EXSLT_E (const xmlChar *) \ "2.71828182845904523536028747135266249775724709369996" #define EXSLT_SQRRT2 (const xmlChar *) \ "1.41421356237309504880168872420969807856967187537694" #define EXSLT_LN2 (const xmlChar *) \ "0.69314718055994530941723212145817656807550013436025" #define EXSLT_LN10 (const xmlChar *) \ "2.30258509299404568402" #define EXSLT_LOG2E (const xmlChar *) \ "1.4426950408889634074" #define EXSLT_SQRT1_2 (const xmlChar *) \ "0.70710678118654752440" /** * exsltMathConstant * @name: string * @precision: number * * Implements the EXSLT - Math constant function: * number math:constant(string, number) * * Returns a number value of the given constant with the given precision or * xmlXPathNAN if name is unknown. * The constants are PI, E, SQRRT2, LN2, LN10, LOG2E, and SQRT1_2 */ static double exsltMathConstant (xmlChar *name, double precision) { xmlChar *str; double ret; if ((name == NULL) || (xmlXPathIsNaN(precision)) || (precision < 1.0)) { return xmlXPathNAN; } if (xmlStrEqual(name, BAD_CAST "PI")) { int len = xmlStrlen(EXSLT_PI); if (precision <= len) len = (int)precision; str = xmlStrsub(EXSLT_PI, 0, len); } else if (xmlStrEqual(name, BAD_CAST "E")) { int len = xmlStrlen(EXSLT_E); if (precision <= len) len = (int)precision; str = xmlStrsub(EXSLT_E, 0, len); } else if (xmlStrEqual(name, BAD_CAST "SQRRT2")) { int len = xmlStrlen(EXSLT_SQRRT2); if (precision <= len) len = (int)precision; str = xmlStrsub(EXSLT_SQRRT2, 0, len); } else if (xmlStrEqual(name, BAD_CAST "LN2")) { int len = xmlStrlen(EXSLT_LN2); if (precision <= len) len = (int)precision; str = xmlStrsub(EXSLT_LN2, 0, len); } else if (xmlStrEqual(name, BAD_CAST "LN10")) { int len = xmlStrlen(EXSLT_LN10); if (precision <= len) len = (int)precision; str = xmlStrsub(EXSLT_LN10, 0, len); } else if (xmlStrEqual(name, BAD_CAST "LOG2E")) { int len = xmlStrlen(EXSLT_LOG2E); if (precision <= len) len = (int)precision; str = xmlStrsub(EXSLT_LOG2E, 0, len); } else if (xmlStrEqual(name, BAD_CAST "SQRT1_2")) { int len = xmlStrlen(EXSLT_SQRT1_2); if (precision <= len) len = (int)precision; str = xmlStrsub(EXSLT_SQRT1_2, 0, len); } else { str = NULL; } if (str == NULL) return xmlXPathNAN; ret = xmlXPathCastStringToNumber(str); xmlFree(str); return ret; } /** * exsltMathConstantFunction: * @ctxt: an XPath parser context * @nargs: the number of arguments * * Wraps #exsltMathConstant for use by the XPath processor. */ static void exsltMathConstantFunction (xmlXPathParserContextPtr ctxt, int nargs) { double ret; xmlChar *name; if (nargs != 2) { xmlXPathSetArityError(ctxt); return; } ret = xmlXPathPopNumber(ctxt); if (xmlXPathCheckError(ctxt)) return; name = xmlXPathPopString(ctxt); if (xmlXPathCheckError(ctxt)) return; ret = exsltMathConstant(name, ret); if (name != NULL) xmlFree(name); xmlXPathReturnNumber(ctxt, ret); } #if defined(HAVE_STDLIB_H) && defined(RAND_MAX) /** * exsltMathRandom: * * Implements the EXSLT - Math random() function: * number math:random () * * Returns a random number between 0 and 1 inclusive. */ static double exsltMathRandom (void) { double ret; int num; num = rand(); ret = (double)num / (double)RAND_MAX; return(ret); } /** * exsltMathRandomFunction: * @ctxt: an XPath parser context * @nargs: the number of arguments * * Wraps #exsltMathRandom for use by the XPath processor. */ static void exsltMathRandomFunction (xmlXPathParserContextPtr ctxt, int nargs) { double ret; if (nargs != 0) { xmlXPathSetArityError(ctxt); return; } ret = exsltMathRandom(); xmlXPathReturnNumber(ctxt, ret); } #endif /* defined(HAVE_STDLIB_H) && defined(RAND_MAX) */ #if HAVE_MATH_H /** * exsltMathAbs: * @num: a double * * Implements the EXSLT - Math abs() function: * number math:abs (number) * * Returns the absolute value of the argument, or xmlXPathNAN if @num is Nan. */ static double exsltMathAbs (double num) { double ret; if (xmlXPathIsNaN(num)) return(xmlXPathNAN); ret = fabs(num); return(ret); } /** * exsltMathAbsFunction: * @ctxt: an XPath parser context * @nargs: the number of arguments * * Wraps #exsltMathAbs for use by the XPath processor. */ static void exsltMathAbsFunction (xmlXPathParserContextPtr ctxt, int nargs) { double ret; if (nargs != 1) { xmlXPathSetArityError(ctxt); return; } ret = xmlXPathPopNumber(ctxt); if (xmlXPathCheckError(ctxt)) return; ret = exsltMathAbs(ret); xmlXPathReturnNumber(ctxt, ret); } /** * exsltMathSqrt: * @num: a double * * Implements the EXSLT - Math sqrt() function: * number math:sqrt (number) * * Returns the square root of the argument, or xmlXPathNAN if @num is Nan. */ static double exsltMathSqrt (double num) { double ret; if (xmlXPathIsNaN(num)) return(xmlXPathNAN); ret = sqrt(num); return(ret); } /** * exsltMathSqrtFunction: * @ctxt: an XPath parser context * @nargs: the number of arguments * * Wraps #exsltMathSqrt for use by the XPath processor. */ static void exsltMathSqrtFunction (xmlXPathParserContextPtr ctxt, int nargs) { double ret; if (nargs != 1) { xmlXPathSetArityError(ctxt); return; } ret = xmlXPathPopNumber(ctxt); if (xmlXPathCheckError(ctxt)) return; ret = exsltMathSqrt(ret); xmlXPathReturnNumber(ctxt, ret); } /** * exsltMathPower: * @base: a double * @power: a double * * Implements the EXSLT - Math power() function: * number math:power (number, number) * * Returns the power base and power arguments, or xmlXPathNAN * if either @base or @power is Nan. */ static double exsltMathPower (double base, double power) { double ret; if ((xmlXPathIsNaN(base) || xmlXPathIsNaN(power))) return(xmlXPathNAN); ret = pow(base, power); return(ret); } /** * exsltMathPower: * @ctxt: an XPath parser context * @nargs: the number of arguments * * Wraps #exsltMathPower for use by the XPath processor. */ static void exsltMathPowerFunction (xmlXPathParserContextPtr ctxt, int nargs) { double ret, base; if (nargs != 2) { xmlXPathSetArityError(ctxt); return; } ret = xmlXPathPopNumber(ctxt); if (xmlXPathCheckError(ctxt)) return; /* power */ base = xmlXPathPopNumber(ctxt); if (xmlXPathCheckError(ctxt)) return; ret = exsltMathPower(base, ret); xmlXPathReturnNumber(ctxt, ret); } /** * exsltMathLog: * @num: a double * * Implements the EXSLT - Math log() function: * number math:log (number) * * Returns the natural log of the argument, or xmlXPathNAN if @num is Nan. */ static double exsltMathLog (double num) { double ret; if (xmlXPathIsNaN(num)) return(xmlXPathNAN); ret = log(num); return(ret); } /** * exsltMathLogFunction: * @ctxt: an XPath parser context * @nargs: the number of arguments * * Wraps #exsltMathLog for use by the XPath processor. */ static void exsltMathLogFunction (xmlXPathParserContextPtr ctxt, int nargs) { double ret; if (nargs != 1) { xmlXPathSetArityError(ctxt); return; } ret = xmlXPathPopNumber(ctxt); if (xmlXPathCheckError(ctxt)) return; ret = exsltMathLog(ret); xmlXPathReturnNumber(ctxt, ret); } /** * exsltMathSin: * @num: a double * * Implements the EXSLT - Math sin() function: * number math:sin (number) * * Returns the sine of the argument, or xmlXPathNAN if @num is Nan. */ static double exsltMathSin (double num) { double ret; if (xmlXPathIsNaN(num)) return(xmlXPathNAN); ret = sin(num); return(ret); } /** * exsltMathSinFunction: * @ctxt: an XPath parser context * @nargs: the number of arguments * * Wraps #exsltMathSin for use by the XPath processor. */ static void exsltMathSinFunction (xmlXPathParserContextPtr ctxt, int nargs) { double ret; if (nargs != 1) { xmlXPathSetArityError(ctxt); return; } ret = xmlXPathPopNumber(ctxt); if (xmlXPathCheckError(ctxt)) return; ret = exsltMathSin(ret); xmlXPathReturnNumber(ctxt, ret); } /** * exsltMathCos: * @num: a double * * Implements the EXSLT - Math cos() function: * number math:cos (number) * * Returns the cosine of the argument, or xmlXPathNAN if @num is Nan. */ static double exsltMathCos (double num) { double ret; if (xmlXPathIsNaN(num)) return(xmlXPathNAN); ret = cos(num); return(ret); } /** * exsltMathCosFunction: * @ctxt: an XPath parser context * @nargs: the number of arguments * * Wraps #exsltMathCos for use by the XPath processor. */ static void exsltMathCosFunction (xmlXPathParserContextPtr ctxt, int nargs) { double ret; if (nargs != 1) { xmlXPathSetArityError(ctxt); return; } ret = xmlXPathPopNumber(ctxt); if (xmlXPathCheckError(ctxt)) return; ret = exsltMathCos(ret); xmlXPathReturnNumber(ctxt, ret); } /** * exsltMathTan: * @num: a double * * Implements the EXSLT - Math tan() function: * number math:tan (number) * * Returns the tangent of the argument, or xmlXPathNAN if @num is Nan. */ static double exsltMathTan (double num) { double ret; if (xmlXPathIsNaN(num)) return(xmlXPathNAN); ret = tan(num); return(ret); } /** * exsltMathTanFunction: * @ctxt: an XPath parser context * @nargs: the number of arguments * * Wraps #exsltMathTan for use by the XPath processor. */ static void exsltMathTanFunction (xmlXPathParserContextPtr ctxt, int nargs) { double ret; if (nargs != 1) { xmlXPathSetArityError(ctxt); return; } ret = xmlXPathPopNumber(ctxt); if (xmlXPathCheckError(ctxt)) return; ret = exsltMathTan(ret); xmlXPathReturnNumber(ctxt, ret); } /** * exsltMathAsin: * @num: a double * * Implements the EXSLT - Math asin() function: * number math:asin (number) * * Returns the arc sine of the argument, or xmlXPathNAN if @num is Nan. */ static double exsltMathAsin (double num) { double ret; if (xmlXPathIsNaN(num)) return(xmlXPathNAN); ret = asin(num); return(ret); } /** * exsltMathAsinFunction: * @ctxt: an XPath parser context * @nargs: the number of arguments * * Wraps #exsltMathAsin for use by the XPath processor. */ static void exsltMathAsinFunction (xmlXPathParserContextPtr ctxt, int nargs) { double ret; if (nargs != 1) { xmlXPathSetArityError(ctxt); return; } ret = xmlXPathPopNumber(ctxt); if (xmlXPathCheckError(ctxt)) return; ret = exsltMathAsin(ret); xmlXPathReturnNumber(ctxt, ret); } /** * exsltMathAcos: * @num: a double * * Implements the EXSLT - Math acos() function: * number math:acos (number) * * Returns the arc cosine of the argument, or xmlXPathNAN if @num is Nan. */ static double exsltMathAcos (double num) { double ret; if (xmlXPathIsNaN(num)) return(xmlXPathNAN); ret = acos(num); return(ret); } /** * exsltMathAcosFunction: * @ctxt: an XPath parser context * @nargs: the number of arguments * * Wraps #exsltMathAcos for use by the XPath processor. */ static void exsltMathAcosFunction (xmlXPathParserContextPtr ctxt, int nargs) { double ret; if (nargs != 1) { xmlXPathSetArityError(ctxt); return; } ret = xmlXPathPopNumber(ctxt); if (xmlXPathCheckError(ctxt)) return; ret = exsltMathAcos(ret); xmlXPathReturnNumber(ctxt, ret); } /** * exsltMathAtan: * @num: a double * * Implements the EXSLT - Math atan() function: * number math:atan (number) * * Returns the arc tangent of the argument, or xmlXPathNAN if @num is Nan. */ static double exsltMathAtan (double num) { double ret; if (xmlXPathIsNaN(num)) return(xmlXPathNAN); ret = atan(num); return(ret); } /** * exsltMathAtanFunction: * @ctxt: an XPath parser context * @nargs: the number of arguments * * Wraps #exsltMathAtan for use by the XPath processor. */ static void exsltMathAtanFunction (xmlXPathParserContextPtr ctxt, int nargs) { double ret; if (nargs != 1) { xmlXPathSetArityError(ctxt); return; } ret = xmlXPathPopNumber(ctxt); if (xmlXPathCheckError(ctxt)) return; ret = exsltMathAtan(ret); xmlXPathReturnNumber(ctxt, ret); } /** * exsltMathAtan2: * @y: a double * @x: a double * * Implements the EXSLT - Math atan2() function: * number math:atan2 (number, number) * * Returns the arc tangent function of the y/x arguments, or xmlXPathNAN * if either @y or @x is Nan. */ static double exsltMathAtan2 (double y, double x) { double ret; if ((xmlXPathIsNaN(y) || xmlXPathIsNaN(x))) return(xmlXPathNAN); ret = atan2(y, x); return(ret); } /** * exsltMathAtan2Function: * @ctxt: an XPath parser context * @nargs: the number of arguments * * Wraps #exsltMathAtan2 for use by the XPath processor. */ static void exsltMathAtan2Function (xmlXPathParserContextPtr ctxt, int nargs) { double ret, x; if (nargs != 2) { xmlXPathSetArityError(ctxt); return; } x = xmlXPathPopNumber(ctxt); if (xmlXPathCheckError(ctxt)) return; /* y */ ret = xmlXPathPopNumber(ctxt); if (xmlXPathCheckError(ctxt)) return; ret = exsltMathAtan2(ret, x); xmlXPathReturnNumber(ctxt, ret); } /** * exsltMathExp: * @num: a double * * Implements the EXSLT - Math exp() function: * number math:exp (number) * * Returns the exponential function of the argument, or xmlXPathNAN if * @num is Nan. */ static double exsltMathExp (double num) { double ret; if (xmlXPathIsNaN(num)) return(xmlXPathNAN); ret = exp(num); return(ret); } /** * exsltMathExpFunction: * @ctxt: an XPath parser context * @nargs: the number of arguments * * Wraps #exsltMathExp for use by the XPath processor. */ static void exsltMathExpFunction (xmlXPathParserContextPtr ctxt, int nargs) { double ret; if (nargs != 1) { xmlXPathSetArityError(ctxt); return; } ret = xmlXPathPopNumber(ctxt); if (xmlXPathCheckError(ctxt)) return; ret = exsltMathExp(ret); xmlXPathReturnNumber(ctxt, ret); } #endif /* HAVE_MATH_H */ /** * exsltMathRegister: * * Registers the EXSLT - Math module */ void exsltMathRegister (void) { xsltRegisterExtModuleFunction ((const xmlChar *) "min", EXSLT_MATH_NAMESPACE, exsltMathMinFunction); xsltRegisterExtModuleFunction ((const xmlChar *) "max", EXSLT_MATH_NAMESPACE, exsltMathMaxFunction); xsltRegisterExtModuleFunction ((const xmlChar *) "highest", EXSLT_MATH_NAMESPACE, exsltMathHighestFunction); xsltRegisterExtModuleFunction ((const xmlChar *) "lowest", EXSLT_MATH_NAMESPACE, exsltMathLowestFunction); /* register other math functions */ xsltRegisterExtModuleFunction ((const xmlChar *) "constant", EXSLT_MATH_NAMESPACE, exsltMathConstantFunction); #ifdef HAVE_STDLIB_H xsltRegisterExtModuleFunction ((const xmlChar *) "random", EXSLT_MATH_NAMESPACE, exsltMathRandomFunction); #endif #if HAVE_MATH_H xsltRegisterExtModuleFunction ((const xmlChar *) "abs", EXSLT_MATH_NAMESPACE, exsltMathAbsFunction); xsltRegisterExtModuleFunction ((const xmlChar *) "sqrt", EXSLT_MATH_NAMESPACE, exsltMathSqrtFunction); xsltRegisterExtModuleFunction ((const xmlChar *) "power", EXSLT_MATH_NAMESPACE, exsltMathPowerFunction); xsltRegisterExtModuleFunction ((const xmlChar *) "log", EXSLT_MATH_NAMESPACE, exsltMathLogFunction); xsltRegisterExtModuleFunction ((const xmlChar *) "sin", EXSLT_MATH_NAMESPACE, exsltMathSinFunction); xsltRegisterExtModuleFunction ((const xmlChar *) "cos", EXSLT_MATH_NAMESPACE, exsltMathCosFunction); xsltRegisterExtModuleFunction ((const xmlChar *) "tan", EXSLT_MATH_NAMESPACE, exsltMathTanFunction); xsltRegisterExtModuleFunction ((const xmlChar *) "asin", EXSLT_MATH_NAMESPACE, exsltMathAsinFunction); xsltRegisterExtModuleFunction ((const xmlChar *) "acos", EXSLT_MATH_NAMESPACE, exsltMathAcosFunction); xsltRegisterExtModuleFunction ((const xmlChar *) "atan", EXSLT_MATH_NAMESPACE, exsltMathAtanFunction); xsltRegisterExtModuleFunction ((const xmlChar *) "atan2", EXSLT_MATH_NAMESPACE, exsltMathAtan2Function); xsltRegisterExtModuleFunction ((const xmlChar *) "exp", EXSLT_MATH_NAMESPACE, exsltMathExpFunction); #endif } /** * exsltMathXpathCtxtRegister: * * Registers the EXSLT - Math module for use outside XSLT */ int exsltMathXpathCtxtRegister (xmlXPathContextPtr ctxt, const xmlChar *prefix) { if (ctxt && prefix && !xmlXPathRegisterNs(ctxt, prefix, (const xmlChar *) EXSLT_MATH_NAMESPACE) && !xmlXPathRegisterFuncNS(ctxt, (const xmlChar *) "min", (const xmlChar *) EXSLT_MATH_NAMESPACE, exsltMathMinFunction) && !xmlXPathRegisterFuncNS(ctxt, (const xmlChar *) "max", (const xmlChar *) EXSLT_MATH_NAMESPACE, exsltMathMaxFunction) && !xmlXPathRegisterFuncNS(ctxt, (const xmlChar *) "highest", (const xmlChar *) EXSLT_MATH_NAMESPACE, exsltMathHighestFunction) && !xmlXPathRegisterFuncNS(ctxt, (const xmlChar *) "lowest", (const xmlChar *) EXSLT_MATH_NAMESPACE, exsltMathLowestFunction) #ifdef HAVE_STDLIB_H && !xmlXPathRegisterFuncNS(ctxt, (const xmlChar *) "random", (const xmlChar *) EXSLT_MATH_NAMESPACE, exsltMathRandomFunction) #endif #if HAVE_MATH_H && !xmlXPathRegisterFuncNS(ctxt, (const xmlChar *) "abs", (const xmlChar *) EXSLT_MATH_NAMESPACE, exsltMathAbsFunction) && !xmlXPathRegisterFuncNS(ctxt, (const xmlChar *) "sqrt", (const xmlChar *) EXSLT_MATH_NAMESPACE, exsltMathSqrtFunction) && !xmlXPathRegisterFuncNS(ctxt, (const xmlChar *) "power", (const xmlChar *) EXSLT_MATH_NAMESPACE, exsltMathPowerFunction) && !xmlXPathRegisterFuncNS(ctxt, (const xmlChar *) "log", (const xmlChar *) EXSLT_MATH_NAMESPACE, exsltMathLogFunction) && !xmlXPathRegisterFuncNS(ctxt, (const xmlChar *) "sin", (const xmlChar *) EXSLT_MATH_NAMESPACE, exsltMathSinFunction) && !xmlXPathRegisterFuncNS(ctxt, (const xmlChar *) "cos", (const xmlChar *) EXSLT_MATH_NAMESPACE, exsltMathCosFunction) && !xmlXPathRegisterFuncNS(ctxt, (const xmlChar *) "tan", (const xmlChar *) EXSLT_MATH_NAMESPACE, exsltMathTanFunction) && !xmlXPathRegisterFuncNS(ctxt, (const xmlChar *) "asin", (const xmlChar *) EXSLT_MATH_NAMESPACE, exsltMathAsinFunction) && !xmlXPathRegisterFuncNS(ctxt, (const xmlChar *) "acos", (const xmlChar *) EXSLT_MATH_NAMESPACE, exsltMathAcosFunction) && !xmlXPathRegisterFuncNS(ctxt, (const xmlChar *) "atan", (const xmlChar *) EXSLT_MATH_NAMESPACE, exsltMathAtanFunction) && !xmlXPathRegisterFuncNS(ctxt, (const xmlChar *) "atan2", (const xmlChar *) EXSLT_MATH_NAMESPACE, exsltMathAtan2Function) && !xmlXPathRegisterFuncNS(ctxt, (const xmlChar *) "exp", (const xmlChar *) EXSLT_MATH_NAMESPACE, exsltMathExpFunction) #endif && !xmlXPathRegisterFuncNS(ctxt, (const xmlChar *) "constant", (const xmlChar *) EXSLT_MATH_NAMESPACE, exsltMathConstantFunction)) { return 0; } return -1; }