How to build (using scons, on Linux):

 $ cd ots/test/
 $ sudo apt-get install scons g++ libfreetype6-dev
 $ scons

How to build (using gyp):

  (Note: test programs which require gtest can't build with gyp for now)

  1. If you are building OTS on Windows, download zlib from and put them in third_party/zlib.

  2. Run gyp_ots

    $ ./gyp_ots

    This will fetch gyp and generate build files. By default, following
    files will be generated:
      - MSVS solution file on Windows
      - Xcode project file on Mac
      - Makefile on Linux

    If you want to generate Makefile on Mac, you can use -f option:

    $ ./gyp_ots -f make

  3. Build OTS

    Using MSVS:
      Open ots-standalone.sln and build targets.

    Using Xcode:
      $ xcodebuild -target ots-standalone.xcodeproj -target all

    Using Makefile:
      $ make