# Copyright (c) 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.

enable_printing = true  # TODO(brettw) pass this feature flag in somehow.
skia_support_gpu = !is_ios
skia_support_pdf = !is_ios && enable_printing

# External-facing config for dependent code.
config("skia_config") {
  include_dirs = [

  defines = [

  if (skia_support_gpu) {
    include_dirs += [
    defines += "SK_SUPPORT_GPU=1"
  } else {
    defines = "SK_SUPPORT_GPU=0"

  # For POSIX platforms, prefer the Mutex implementation provided by Skia
  # since it does not generate static initializers.
  if (is_posix) {
    defines += "SK_USE_POSIX_THREADS"

  if (is_android) {
    defines += [

skia_chrome_sources = [
if (is_posix) {
  skia_chrome_sources -= "ext/SkThread_chrome.cc"
if (is_ios) {
  skia_chrome_sources -= "ext/vector_platform_device_skia.cc"
if (is_win) {
  skia_chrome_sources -= "ext/SkThread_chrome.cc"
if (is_android && !enable_printing) {
  skia_chrome_sources -= [

# Internal-facing config for Skia library code.
config("skia_library_config") {
  defines = [
    #skia_export_defines ???) TODO

    # skia uses static initializers to initialize the serialization logic
    # of its "pictures" library. This is currently not used in chrome; if
    # it ever gets used the processes that use it need to call
    # SkGraphics::Init().

    # Disable this check because it is too strict for some Chromium-specific
    # subclasses of SkPixelRef. See bug: crbug.com/171776.


    # Forces Skia not to use typographic metrics with GDI.

  # Settings for text blitting, chosen to approximate the system browser.
  if (is_linux) {
    defines += [
  } else if (is_android) {
    defines += [
  } else if (is_win) {
    defines += [
  } else if (is_mac) {
    defines += [

  if (is_android) {
    defines += [
      # Android devices are typically more memory constrained, so default to a
      # smaller glyph cache (it may be overriden at runtime when the renderer
      # starts up, depending on the actual device memory).
      "SK_DEFAULT_FONT_CACHE_LIMIT=1048576"  # 1024 * 1024
  } else {
    defines += "SK_DEFAULT_FONT_CACHE_LIMIT=20971520"  # 20 * 1024 * 1024

  if (is_win) {
    include_dirs = [


    cflags = [
      # TODO(brettw) comment what these are.

skia_library_sources = [
   # This section from core.gypi ------------------------------------------------



#        "//third_party/skia/src/image/SkImage_Gpu.cpp",
#        "//third_party/skia/src/image/SkSurface_Gpu.cpp",



  # Lazy decoding:


  # Path ops


  # This section from skia_effects.gypi ----------------------------------------




  # This section from pdf.gypi -------------------------------------------------



  # This section from skia_library.gypi ----------------------------------------

  # this should likely be moved into src/utils in skia

if (skia_support_gpu) {
  skia_library_sources += [
if (is_win) {
  skia_library_sources -= [
} else {
  skia_library_sources -= [
if (!is_android) {
  skia_library_sources -= [
if (!is_mac) {
  skia_library_sources -= [

if (!is_linux) {
  skia_library_sources -= [
} else if (!is_android) {
  skia_library_sources -= [

  # [ "target_arch == "arm" and arm_version >= 7 and arm_neon == 1", {
  #   "defines": [
  #     "__ARM_HAVE_NEON",
  #   ],
  # }],
  # [ "target_arch == "arm" and arm_version >= 7 and arm_neon_optional == 1", {
  #   "defines": [
  #   ],
  # }],
  # [ "OS == "android" and target_arch == "arm"", {
  #   "sources": [
  #     "//third_party/skia/src/core/SkUtilsArm.cpp",
  #   ],
  #   "includes": [
  #     "../build/android/cpufeatures.gypi",
  #   ],
  # }],
  # [ "target_arch == "arm" or target_arch == "mipsel"", {
  #   "sources!": [
  #     "//third_party/skia/src/opts/opts_check_SSE2.cpp"
  #   ],
  # }],
  # [ "use_glib == 1", {
  #   "dependencies": [
  #     "../build/linux/system.gyp:fontconfig",
  #     "../build/linux/system.gyp:freetype2",
  #     "../build/linux/system.gyp:pangocairo",
  #     "//third_party/icu/icu.gyp:icuuc",
  #   ],
  #   "cflags": [
  #     "-Wno-unused",
  #     "-Wno-unused-function",
  #   ],
  # }],
  # [ "use_glib == 0", {
  #   "sources!": [
  #     "//third_party/skia/src/ports/SkFontConfigInterface_direct.cpp",
  #     "//third_party/skia/src/fonts/SkFontMgr_fontconfig.cpp",
  #   ],
  # }],
  # }],
  # [ "OS == "android"", {
  #   "dependencies": [
  #     "//third_party/expat/expat.gyp:expat",
  #     "//third_party/freetype/freetype.gyp:ft2",
  #   ],
  #   # This exports a hard dependency because it needs to run its
  #   # symlink action in order to expose the skia header files.
  #   "hard_dependency": 1,
  #   "include_dirs": [
  #     "//third_party/expat/files/lib",
  #   ],
  # }],
  # [ "OS == "ios"", {
  #   "defines": [
  #     "SK_BUILD_FOR_IOS",
  #   ],
  #   "include_dirs": [
  #     "//third_party/skia/include/utils/ios",
  #     "//third_party/skia/include/utils/mac",
  #   ],
  #   "link_settings": {
  #     "libraries": [
  #       "$(SDKROOT)/System/Library/Frameworks/ImageIO.framework",
  #     ],
  #   },
  #   "sources": [
  #     # This file is used on both iOS and Mac, so it should be removed
  #     #  from the ios and mac conditions and moved into the main sources
  #     #  list.
  #     "//third_party/skia/src/utils/mac/SkStream_mac.cpp",
  #   ],
  #   "sources/": [
  #     ["exclude", "opts_check_SSE2\\.cpp$"],
  #   ],

  # TODO(brettw)
  # if (is_clang) remove -Wstring-conversion

  # Pull in specific Mac files for iOS (which have been filtered out
  # by file name rules).
  #[ "OS == "ios"", {
  #  "sources/": [
  #    ["include", "SkFontHost_mac\\.cpp$",],
  #    ["include", "SkStream_mac\\.cpp$",],
  #    ["include", "SkCreateCGImageRef\\.cpp$",],
  #  ],

if (component_mode == "static_library") {
  group("skia") {
    deps = [
    forward_dependent_configs_from = deps

  static_library("skia_library") {
    external = true
    sources = skia_library_sources

    deps = [

    if (skia_support_pdf) {
      deps += "//third_party/sfntly"
    } else {
      # TODO(brettw) remove PDF sources.

    configs -= "//build/config/compiler:chromium_code"
    configs += [

    if (is_linux) {
      configs += [
      deps += [

  config("skia_chrome_config") {
    include_dirs = [ "ext" ]

  static_library("skia_chrome") {
    external = true
    sources = skia_chrome_sources

    configs -= "//build/config/compiler:chromium_code"
    configs += [
    direct_dependent_configs = [ ":skia_chrome_config" ]

    deps = [

    #  # TODO(scottmg): http://crbug.com/177306
    #  ["clang==1", {
    #    "xcode_settings": {
    #      "WARNING_CFLAGS!": [
    #        # Don"t warn about string->bool used in asserts.
    #        "-Wstring-conversion",
    #      ],
    #    },
    #    "cflags!": [
    #      "-Wstring-conversion",
    #    ],
    #  }],
    #"target_conditions": [
    #  # Pull in specific linux files for android (which have been filtered out
    #  # by file name rules).
    #  [ "OS == "android"", {
    #    "sources/": [
    #      ["include", "ext/platform_device_linux\\.cc$"],
    #    ],
    #  }],
} else {
  config("skia_shared_library_config") {
    defines = [

  shared_library("skia") {
    sources = skia_library_sources + skia_chrome_sources

    defines = [ "SKIA_IMPLEMENTATION=1", ]

    configs -= "//build/config/compiler:chromium_code"
    configs += [

    direct_dependent_configs = [ ":skia_shared_library_config" ]

    deps = [

    if (is_linux) {
      configs += [
      deps += [

    if (skia_support_pdf) {
      deps += "//third_party/sfntly"

if (is_linux && !is_android) {
    # TODO(brettw) && arch != "arm" && arch != "mipsel"
  sse_cflags = [ "-msse2" ]
} else {
  sse_cflags = []

static_library("skia_chrome_opts") {
  sources = [

  configs -= "//build/config/compiler:chromium_code"
  configs += [

  cflags = sse_cflags

  #'target_arch == "mipsel"',{
  #        'cflags': [
  #          '-fomit-frame-pointer',
  #        ],
  #        'sources': [
  #          'ext/convolver_mips_dspr2.cc',
  #        ],
  #      }],

static_library("skia_opts") {
  # TODO(brettw) ARM and MIPS.
  sources = [

  configs -= "//build/config/compiler:chromium_code"
  configs += [

  cflags = sse_cflags

  deps = [ ":skia_opts_ssse3" ]

static_library("skia_opts_ssse3") {
  # TODO(brettw) ARM and MIPS.
  sources = [

  configs -= "//build/config/compiler:chromium_code"
  configs += [

  if (is_linux) {
    cflags = [ "-msse3" ]
  } else if (is_mac) {
    cflags = [ "-mssse3" ] # Note the third 's'.