/* $Xorg: XIproto.h,v 1.5 2001/02/09 02:03:24 xorgcvs Exp $ */


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all copies or substantial portions of the Software.


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in this Software without prior written authorization from The Open Group.

Copyright 1989 by Hewlett-Packard Company, Palo Alto, California.

			All Rights Reserved

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/* $XFree86: xc/include/extensions/XIproto.h,v 1.4 2001/01/17 17:53:17 dawes Exp $ */

#ifndef _XIPROTO_H
#define _XIPROTO_H

#include <X11/Xproto.h>
#include <X11/X.h>

/* make sure types have right sizes for protocol structures. */
#define Window CARD32
#define Time CARD32
#define KeyCode CARD8

 * number of events, errors, and extension name.

#define MORE_EVENTS	0x80
#define DEVICE_BITS	0x7F

#define InputClassBits	0x3F	/* bits in mode field for input classes */
#define ModeBitsShift	6	/* amount to shift the remaining bits   */

#define numInputClasses 7

#define IEVENTS		16
#define IERRORS		5

#define CLIENT_REQ		1

typedef struct  _XExtEventInfo
    Mask	mask;
    BYTE 	type;
    BYTE	word;
    } XExtEventInfo;

typedef unsigned char *Pointer;

struct tmask
    Mask	mask;
    Pointer     dev;

 * Event constants used by library.

#define XI_DeviceValuator		0
#define XI_DeviceKeyPress		1
#define XI_DeviceKeyRelease		2
#define XI_DeviceButtonPress		3
#define XI_DeviceButtonRelease		4
#define XI_DeviceMotionNotify		5
#define XI_DeviceFocusIn		6
#define XI_DeviceFocusOut		7
#define XI_ProximityIn			8
#define XI_ProximityOut			9
#define XI_DeviceStateNotify		10
#define XI_DeviceMappingNotify		11
#define XI_ChangeDeviceNotify		12
#define XI_DeviceKeystateNotify		13
#define XI_DeviceButtonstateNotify	14
#define XI_DevicePresenceNotify		15

 * Protocol request constants

#define X_GetExtensionVersion		1
#define X_ListInputDevices		2
#define X_OpenDevice			3
#define X_CloseDevice			4
#define X_SetDeviceMode			5
#define X_SelectExtensionEvent  	6
#define X_GetSelectedExtensionEvents	7
#define X_ChangeDeviceDontPropagateList 8
#define X_GetDeviceDontPropagateList 	9
#define X_GetDeviceMotionEvents 	10
#define X_ChangeKeyboardDevice		11
#define X_ChangePointerDevice		12
#define X_GrabDevice 			13
#define X_UngrabDevice  		14
#define X_GrabDeviceKey			15
#define X_UngrabDeviceKey		16
#define X_GrabDeviceButton		17
#define X_UngrabDeviceButton		18
#define X_AllowDeviceEvents		19
#define X_GetDeviceFocus		20
#define X_SetDeviceFocus		21
#define X_GetFeedbackControl		22
#define X_ChangeFeedbackControl		23
#define X_GetDeviceKeyMapping		24
#define X_ChangeDeviceKeyMapping	25
#define X_GetDeviceModifierMapping	26
#define X_SetDeviceModifierMapping	27
#define X_GetDeviceButtonMapping	28
#define X_SetDeviceButtonMapping	29
#define X_QueryDeviceState 		30
#define X_SendExtensionEvent 		31
#define X_DeviceBell			32
#define X_SetDeviceValuators		33
#define X_GetDeviceControl		34
#define X_ChangeDeviceControl		35

 * Protocol request and reply structures.
 * GetExtensionVersion.

typedef struct {
    CARD8 	reqType;       /* input extension major code   */
    CARD8 	ReqType;       /* always X_GetExtensionVersion */
    CARD16 	length B16;
    CARD16 	nbytes B16;
    CARD8 	pad1, pad2;
} xGetExtensionVersionReq;

typedef struct {
    CARD8 	repType;  	/* X_Reply 			*/
    CARD8 	RepType;       	/* always X_GetExtensionVersion */
    CARD16 	sequenceNumber B16;
    CARD32 	length B32;
    CARD16 	major_version B16;
    CARD16 	minor_version B16;
    BOOL 	present;
    CARD8 	pad1, pad2, pad3;
    CARD32 	pad01 B32;
    CARD32 	pad02 B32;
    CARD32 	pad03 B32;
    CARD32 	pad04 B32;
} xGetExtensionVersionReply;

 * ListInputDevices.

typedef struct {
    CARD8 	reqType;	/* input extension major code	*/
    CARD8 	ReqType;	/* always X_ListInputDevices 	*/
    CARD16 	length B16;
} xListInputDevicesReq;

typedef struct {
    CARD8 	repType;  	/* X_Reply 			*/
    CARD8 	RepType;        /* always X_ListInputDevices  	*/
    CARD16 	sequenceNumber B16;
    CARD32 	length B32;
    CARD8 	ndevices;
    CARD8 	pad1, pad2, pad3;
    CARD32 	pad01 B32;
    CARD32 	pad02 B32;
    CARD32 	pad03 B32;
    CARD32 	pad04 B32;
    CARD32 	pad05 B32;
} xListInputDevicesReply;

typedef struct _xDeviceInfo *xDeviceInfoPtr;

typedef struct _xAnyClassinfo *xAnyClassPtr;

typedef struct _xAnyClassinfo {
#if defined(__cplusplus) || defined(c_plusplus)
    CARD8 	c_class;
    CARD8 	class;
    CARD8 	length;
    } xAnyClassInfo;

typedef struct _xDeviceInfo {
    CARD32	type B32;
    CARD8	id;
    CARD8 	num_classes;
    CARD8 	use;
    CARD8 	pad1;
    } xDeviceInfo;

typedef struct _xKeyInfo *xKeyInfoPtr;

typedef struct _xKeyInfo {
#if defined(__cplusplus) || defined(c_plusplus)
    CARD8 	c_class;
    CARD8 	class;
    CARD8 	length;
    KeyCode 	min_keycode; 
    KeyCode 	max_keycode; 
    CARD16 	num_keys B16;
    CARD8 	pad1,pad2;
    } xKeyInfo;

typedef struct _xButtonInfo *xButtonInfoPtr;

typedef struct _xButtonInfo {
#if defined(__cplusplus) || defined(c_plusplus)
    CARD8 	c_class;
    CARD8 	class;
    CARD8 	length;
    CARD16 	num_buttons B16;
    } xButtonInfo;

typedef struct _xValuatorInfo *xValuatorInfoPtr;

typedef struct _xValuatorInfo {
#if defined(__cplusplus) || defined(c_plusplus)
    CARD8 	c_class;
    CARD8 	class;
    CARD8 	length;
    CARD8 	num_axes;
    CARD8 	mode;
    CARD32 	motion_buffer_size B32;
    } xValuatorInfo;

typedef struct _xAxisInfo *xAxisInfoPtr;

typedef struct _xAxisInfo {
    CARD32 	resolution B32;
    CARD32 	min_value B32;
    CARD32 	max_value B32;
    } xAxisInfo;

 * OpenDevice.

typedef struct {
    CARD8	reqType;	/* input extension major code	*/
    CARD8 	ReqType;        /* always X_OpenDevice 		*/
    CARD16 	length B16;
    CARD8       deviceid;
    BYTE	pad1, pad2, pad3;
} xOpenDeviceReq;

typedef struct {
    CARD8 	repType;  	/* X_Reply 			*/
    CARD8 	RepType;       	/* always X_OpenDevice        	*/
    CARD16 	sequenceNumber B16;
    CARD32 	length B32;
    CARD8 	num_classes;
    BYTE 	pad1, pad2, pad3;
    CARD32 	pad00 B32;
    CARD32 	pad01 B32;
    CARD32 	pad02 B32;
    CARD32 	pad03 B32;
    CARD32 	pad04 B32;
    } xOpenDeviceReply;

typedef struct {
#if defined(__cplusplus) || defined(c_plusplus)
    CARD8 	c_class;
    CARD8 	class;
    CARD8 	event_type_base;
    } xInputClassInfo;

 * CloseDevice.

typedef struct {
    CARD8	reqType;	/* input extension major code	*/
    CARD8 	ReqType;        /* always X_CloseDevice 	*/
    CARD16 	length B16;
    CARD8       deviceid;
    BYTE	pad1, pad2, pad3;
} xCloseDeviceReq;

 * SetDeviceMode.

typedef struct {
    CARD8 	reqType;	/* input extension major code	*/
    CARD8 	ReqType;     	/* always X_SetDeviceMode 	*/
    CARD16 	length B16;
    CARD8       deviceid;
    CARD8       mode;
    BYTE 	pad1, pad2;
} xSetDeviceModeReq;

typedef struct {
    CARD8 	repType;  	/* X_Reply 			*/
    CARD8 	RepType;     	/* always X_SetDeviceMode  	*/
    CARD16 	sequenceNumber B16;
    CARD32 	length B32;
    CARD8 	status;
    BYTE	pad1, pad2, pad3;
    CARD32 	pad01 B32;
    CARD32 	pad02 B32;
    CARD32 	pad03 B32;
    CARD32 	pad04 B32;
    CARD32 	pad05 B32;
} xSetDeviceModeReply;

 * SelectExtensionEvent.

typedef struct {
    CARD8	reqType;	/* input extension major code	*/
    CARD8 	ReqType;        /* always X_SelectExtensionEvent */
    CARD16 	length B16;
    Window 	window B32;
    CARD16	count B16;
    CARD16	pad00 B16;
} xSelectExtensionEventReq;

 * GetSelectedExtensionEvent.

typedef struct {
    CARD8	reqType;	/* input extension major code	*/
    CARD8 	ReqType;        /* X_GetSelectedExtensionEvents */
    CARD16 	length B16;
    Window	window B32;
} xGetSelectedExtensionEventsReq;

typedef struct {
    CARD8 	repType;  	/* X_Reply 			*/
    CARD8 	RepType;       	/* GetSelectedExtensionEvents	*/
    CARD16 	sequenceNumber B16;
    CARD32 	length B32;
    CARD16 	this_client_count B16;
    CARD16 	all_clients_count B16;
    CARD32 	pad01 B32;
    CARD32 	pad02 B32;
    CARD32 	pad03 B32;
    CARD32 	pad04 B32;
    CARD32 	pad05 B32;
} xGetSelectedExtensionEventsReply;

 * ChangeDeviceDontPropagateList.

typedef struct {
    CARD8	reqType;	/* input extension major code	*/
    CARD8 	ReqType;        /* X_ChangeDeviceDontPropagateList */
    CARD16 	length B16;
    Window	window B32;
    CARD16 	count B16;
    CARD8 	mode;
    BYTE	pad;
} xChangeDeviceDontPropagateListReq;

 * GetDeviceDontPropagateList.

typedef struct {
    CARD8	reqType;	/* input extension major code	*/
    CARD8 	ReqType;        /* X_GetDeviceDontPropagateList */
    CARD16 	length B16;
    Window	window B32;
} xGetDeviceDontPropagateListReq;

typedef struct {
    CARD8 	repType;  	/* X_Reply 			*/
    CARD8 	RepType;        /* GetDeviceDontPropagateList   */
    CARD16 	sequenceNumber B16;
    CARD32 	length B32;
    CARD16 	count B16;
    CARD16 	pad00 B16;
    CARD32 	pad01 B32;
    CARD32 	pad02 B32;
    CARD32 	pad03 B32;
    CARD32 	pad04 B32;
    CARD32 	pad05 B32;
    } xGetDeviceDontPropagateListReply;

 * GetDeviceMotionEvents.

typedef struct {
    CARD8 	reqType;	/* input extension major code	*/
    CARD8 	ReqType;        /* always X_GetDeviceMotionEvents*/
    CARD16 	length B16;
    Time 	start B32;
    Time	stop B32;
    CARD8	deviceid;
    BYTE	pad1, pad2, pad3;
} xGetDeviceMotionEventsReq;

typedef struct {
    CARD8 	repType;  	/* X_Reply */
    CARD8 	RepType;        /* always X_GetDeviceMotionEvents  */
    CARD16 	sequenceNumber B16;
    CARD32 	length B32;
    CARD32 	nEvents B32;
    CARD8  	axes;
    CARD8  	mode;
    BYTE	pad1, pad2;
    CARD32 	pad01 B32;
    CARD32 	pad02 B32;
    CARD32 	pad03 B32;
    CARD32 	pad04 B32;
} xGetDeviceMotionEventsReply;

 * ChangeKeyboardDevice.

typedef struct {
    CARD8	reqType;	/* input extension major code	*/
    CARD8 	ReqType;        /* X_ChangeKeyboardDevice 	*/
    CARD16 	length B16;
    CARD8 	deviceid;
    BYTE	pad1, pad2, pad3;
} xChangeKeyboardDeviceReq;

typedef struct {
    CARD8 	repType;  	/* X_Reply 			*/
    CARD8 	RepType;        /* always X_ChangeKeyboardDevice*/
    CARD16 	sequenceNumber B16;
    CARD32 	length B32;  /* 0 */
    CARD8 	status;
    BYTE	pad1, pad2, pad3;
    CARD32 	pad01 B32;
    CARD32 	pad02 B32;
    CARD32 	pad03 B32;
    CARD32 	pad04 B32;
    CARD32 	pad05 B32;
    } xChangeKeyboardDeviceReply;

 * ChangePointerDevice.

typedef struct {
    CARD8	reqType;	/* input extension major code	*/
    CARD8 	ReqType;        /* X_ChangePointerDevice 	*/
    CARD16 	length B16;
    CARD8 	xaxis;
    CARD8 	yaxis;
    CARD8 	deviceid;
    BYTE	pad1;
} xChangePointerDeviceReq;

typedef struct {
    CARD8 	repType;  	/* X_Reply 			*/
    CARD8 	RepType;        /* always X_ChangePointerDevice */
    CARD16 	sequenceNumber B16;
    CARD32 	length B32;  /* 0 */
    CARD8 	status;
    BYTE	pad1, pad2, pad3;
    CARD32 	pad01 B32;
    CARD32 	pad02 B32;
    CARD32 	pad03 B32;
    CARD32 	pad04 B32;
    CARD32 	pad05 B32;
    } xChangePointerDeviceReply;

 * GrabDevice.

typedef struct {
    CARD8	reqType;	/* input extension major code	*/
    CARD8 	ReqType;        /* always X_GrabDevice */
    CARD16 	length B16;
    Window 	grabWindow B32;
    Time 	time B32;
    CARD16	event_count B16;
    CARD8	this_device_mode;
    CARD8	other_devices_mode;
    BOOL 	ownerEvents;
    CARD8 	deviceid;
    CARD16 	pad01 B16;
} xGrabDeviceReq;

typedef struct {
    CARD8 	repType;  	/* X_Reply 			*/
    CARD8 	RepType;        /* always X_GrabDevice  	*/
    CARD16 	sequenceNumber B16;
    CARD32 	length B32;  /* 0 */
    CARD8 	status;
    BYTE	pad1, pad2, pad3;
    CARD32 	pad01 B32;
    CARD32 	pad02 B32;
    CARD32 	pad03 B32;
    CARD32 	pad04 B32;
    CARD32 	pad05 B32;
    } xGrabDeviceReply;

 * UngrabDevice.

typedef struct {
    CARD8	reqType;	/* input extension major code	*/
    CARD8 	ReqType;        /* always X_UnGrabDevice 	*/
    CARD16 	length B16;
    Time 	time B32;
    CARD8 	deviceid;
    BYTE	pad1, pad2, pad3;
} xUngrabDeviceReq;

 * GrabDeviceKey.

typedef struct {
    CARD8	reqType;	/* input extension major code	*/
    CARD8 	ReqType;        /* always X_GrabDeviceKey 	*/
    CARD16 	length B16;
    Window 	grabWindow B32;
    CARD16	event_count B16;
    CARD16 	modifiers B16;
    CARD8	modifier_device;
    CARD8	grabbed_device;
    CARD8	key;
    BYTE 	this_device_mode;  
    BYTE 	other_devices_mode;  
    BOOL 	ownerEvents;
    BYTE	pad1, pad2;
} xGrabDeviceKeyReq;

 * UngrabDeviceKey.

typedef struct {
    CARD8	reqType;	/* input extension major code	*/
    CARD8 	ReqType;        /* always X_UngrabDeviceKey 	*/
    CARD16 	length B16;
    Window 	grabWindow B32;
    CARD16	modifiers B16;
    CARD8 	modifier_device;
    CARD8	key;
    CARD8	grabbed_device;
    BYTE	pad1, pad2, pad3;
} xUngrabDeviceKeyReq;

 * GrabDeviceButton.

typedef struct {
    CARD8	reqType;	/* input extension major code	*/
    CARD8 	ReqType;        /* always X_GrabDeviceButton 	*/
    CARD16 	length B16;
    Window 	grabWindow B32;
    CARD8	grabbed_device;
    CARD8	modifier_device;
    CARD16 	event_count B16;
    CARD16 	modifiers B16;
    BYTE 	this_device_mode;  
    BYTE 	other_devices_mode;  
    CARD8 	button;
    BOOL 	ownerEvents;
    BYTE	pad1, pad2;
} xGrabDeviceButtonReq;

 * UngrabDeviceButton.

typedef struct {
    CARD8	reqType;	/* input extension major code	*/
    CARD8 	ReqType;        /* always X_UngrabDeviceButton 	*/
    CARD16 	length B16;
    Window 	grabWindow B32;
    CARD16 	modifiers B16;
    CARD8 	modifier_device;
    CARD8 	button;
    CARD8 	grabbed_device;
    BYTE	pad1, pad2, pad3;
} xUngrabDeviceButtonReq;

 * AllowDeviceEvents.

typedef struct {
    CARD8	reqType;	/* input extension major code	*/
    CARD8 	ReqType;        /* always X_AllowDeviceEvents 	*/
    CARD16 	length B16;
    Time 	time B32;
    CARD8	mode;
    CARD8 	deviceid;
    BYTE	pad1, pad2;
} xAllowDeviceEventsReq;

 * GetDeviceFocus.

typedef struct {
    CARD8 	reqType;        /* input extension major code   */
    CARD8 	ReqType;        /* always X_GetDeviceFocus 	*/
    CARD16 	length B16;
    CARD8 	deviceid;
    BYTE 	pad1, pad2, pad3;
} xGetDeviceFocusReq;

typedef struct {
    CARD8 	repType;  	/* X_Reply 			*/
    CARD8 	RepType;        /* always X_GetDeviceFocus  	*/
    CARD16 	sequenceNumber B16;
    CARD32 	length B32;
    CARD32 	focus B32;
    Time 	time B32;
    CARD8  	revertTo;
    BYTE 	pad1, pad2, pad3;
    CARD32 	pad01 B32;
    CARD32 	pad02 B32;
    CARD32 	pad03 B32;
    } xGetDeviceFocusReply;

 * SetDeviceFocus.

typedef struct {
    CARD8 	reqType;        /* input extension major code   */
    CARD8 	ReqType;        /* always X_SetDeviceFocus 	*/
    CARD16 	length B16;
    Window 	focus B32;
    Time   	time B32;
    CARD8  	revertTo;
    CARD8  	device;
    CARD16 	pad01 B16;
} xSetDeviceFocusReq;

 * GetFeedbackControl.

typedef struct {
    CARD8	reqType;	/* input extension major code	*/
    CARD8 	ReqType;        /* X_GetFeedbackControl  	*/
    CARD16 	length B16;
    CARD8 	deviceid;
    BYTE	pad1, pad2, pad3;
} xGetFeedbackControlReq;

typedef struct {
    CARD8  	repType;  	/* X_Reply 			*/
    CARD8  	RepType;        /* always X_GetFeedbackControl 	*/
    CARD16 	sequenceNumber B16;
    CARD32 	length B32;
    CARD16	num_feedbacks B16;
    CARD16	pad01 B16;
    CARD32	pad02 B32;
    CARD32	pad03 B32;
    CARD32	pad04 B32;
    CARD32	pad05 B32;
    CARD32	pad06 B32;
} xGetFeedbackControlReply;

typedef struct {
#if defined(__cplusplus) || defined(c_plusplus)
    CARD8  	c_class; 	/* feedback class		*/
    CARD8  	class; 		/* feedback class		*/
    CARD8  	id; 		/* feedback id    		*/
    CARD16  	length B16; 	/* feedback length		*/
} xFeedbackState;

typedef struct {
#if defined(__cplusplus) || defined(c_plusplus)
    CARD8   c_class;
    CARD8   class;
    CARD8   id;
    CARD16  length B16;
    CARD16  pitch B16;
    CARD16  duration B16;
    CARD32  led_mask B32;
    CARD32  led_values B32;
    BOOL    global_auto_repeat;
    CARD8   click;
    CARD8   percent;
    BYTE    pad;
    BYTE    auto_repeats[32];
} xKbdFeedbackState;

typedef struct {
#if defined(__cplusplus) || defined(c_plusplus)
    CARD8   c_class;
    CARD8   class;
    CARD8   id;
    CARD16  length B16;
    CARD8   pad1,pad2;
    CARD16  accelNum B16;
    CARD16  accelDenom B16;
    CARD16  threshold B16;
} xPtrFeedbackState;

typedef struct {
#if defined(__cplusplus) || defined(c_plusplus)
    CARD8  	c_class;  	/* feedback class id		*/
    CARD8  	class;  	/* feedback class id		*/
    CARD8   	id;
    CARD16  	length B16; 	/* feedback length  		*/
    CARD32	resolution B32;
    INT32	min_value B32;
    INT32	max_value B32;
} xIntegerFeedbackState;

typedef struct {
#if defined(__cplusplus) || defined(c_plusplus)
    CARD8  	c_class;  	/* feedback class id		*/
    CARD8  	class;  	/* feedback class id		*/
    CARD8   	id;
    CARD16  	length B16; 	/* feedback length  		*/
    CARD16	max_symbols B16;
    CARD16	num_syms_supported B16;
} xStringFeedbackState;

typedef struct {
#if defined(__cplusplus) || defined(c_plusplus)
    CARD8  	c_class;  	/* feedback class id		*/
    CARD8  	class;  	/* feedback class id		*/
    CARD8	id;
    CARD16  	length B16; 	/* feedback length  		*/
    CARD8	percent;
    BYTE	pad1, pad2, pad3;
    CARD16	pitch B16;
    CARD16	duration B16;
} xBellFeedbackState;

typedef struct {
#if defined(__cplusplus) || defined(c_plusplus)
    CARD8  	c_class;  	/* feedback class id		*/
    CARD8  	class;  	/* feedback class id		*/
    CARD8	id;
    CARD16  	length B16; 	/* feedback length  		*/
    CARD32	led_mask B32;
    CARD32	led_values B32;
} xLedFeedbackState;

 * ChangeFeedbackControl.

typedef struct {
    CARD8	reqType;	/* input extension major code	*/
    CARD8 	ReqType;        /* X_ChangeFeedbackControl  	*/
    CARD16 	length B16;
    CARD32	mask B32;
    CARD8  	deviceid;
    CARD8  	feedbackid;
    BYTE	pad1, pad2;
} xChangeFeedbackControlReq;

typedef struct {
#if defined(__cplusplus) || defined(c_plusplus)
    CARD8  	c_class;  	/* feedback class id		*/
    CARD8  	class;  	/* feedback class id		*/
    CARD8  	id; 		/* feedback id      		*/
    CARD16  	length B16; 	/* feedback length  		*/
} xFeedbackCtl;

typedef struct {
#if defined(__cplusplus) || defined(c_plusplus)
    CARD8  	c_class;  	/* feedback class id		*/
    CARD8  	class;  	/* feedback class id		*/
    CARD8  	id; 		/* feedback length  		*/
    CARD16  	length B16; 	/* feedback length  		*/
    KeyCode 	key; 
    CARD8	auto_repeat_mode;
    INT8	click;
    INT8	percent;
    INT16	pitch B16;
    INT16	duration B16;
    CARD32	led_mask B32;
    CARD32	led_values B32;
} xKbdFeedbackCtl;

typedef struct {
#if defined(__cplusplus) || defined(c_plusplus)
    CARD8  	c_class;  	/* feedback class id		*/
    CARD8  	class;  	/* feedback class id		*/
    CARD8  	id; 		/* feedback id      		*/
    CARD16  	length B16; 	/* feedback length  		*/
    CARD8  	pad1,pad2;
    INT16	num B16;
    INT16	denom B16;
    INT16	thresh B16;
} xPtrFeedbackCtl;

typedef struct {
#if defined(__cplusplus) || defined(c_plusplus)
    CARD8  	c_class;  	/* feedback class id		*/
    CARD8  	class;  	/* feedback class id		*/
    CARD8  	id; 		/* feedback id      		*/
    CARD16  	length B16; 	/* feedback length  		*/
    INT32	int_to_display B32;
} xIntegerFeedbackCtl;

typedef struct {
#if defined(__cplusplus) || defined(c_plusplus)
    CARD8  	c_class;  	/* feedback class id		*/
    CARD8  	class;  	/* feedback class id		*/
    CARD8  	id; 		/* feedback id      		*/
    CARD16  	length B16; 	/* feedback length  		*/
    CARD8  	pad1,pad2;
    CARD16	num_keysyms B16;
} xStringFeedbackCtl;

typedef struct {
#if defined(__cplusplus) || defined(c_plusplus)
    CARD8  	c_class;  	/* feedback class id		*/
    CARD8  	class;  	/* feedback class id		*/
    CARD8  	id; 		/* feedback id      		*/
    CARD16  	length B16; 	/* feedback length  		*/
    INT8	percent;
    BYTE	pad1, pad2, pad3;
    INT16	pitch B16;
    INT16	duration B16;
} xBellFeedbackCtl;

typedef struct {
#if defined(__cplusplus) || defined(c_plusplus)
    CARD8  	c_class;  	/* feedback class id		*/
    CARD8  	class;  	/* feedback class id		*/
    CARD8  	id; 		/* feedback id      		*/
    CARD16  	length B16; 	/* feedback length  		*/
    CARD32	led_mask B32;
    CARD32	led_values B32;
} xLedFeedbackCtl;

 * GetDeviceKeyMapping.

typedef struct {
    CARD8 	reqType;        /* input extension major code   */
    CARD8 	ReqType;     	/* always X_GetDeviceKeyMapping */
    CARD16 	length B16;
    CARD8   	deviceid;
    KeyCode 	firstKeyCode; 
    CARD8 	count;
    BYTE	pad1;
} xGetDeviceKeyMappingReq;

typedef struct {
    CARD8  	repType;  	/* X_Reply 			*/
    CARD8  	RepType;       	/* always X_GetDeviceKeyMapping */
    CARD16 	sequenceNumber B16;
    CARD32 	length B32;
    CARD8  	keySymsPerKeyCode;
    CARD8  	pad0;
    CARD16 	pad1 B16;
    CARD32 	pad2 B32;
    CARD32 	pad3 B32;
    CARD32 	pad4 B32;
    CARD32 	pad5 B32;
    CARD32 	pad6 B32;
} xGetDeviceKeyMappingReply;

 * ChangeDeviceKeyMapping.

typedef struct {
    CARD8 	reqType;        /* input extension major code   */
    CARD8 	ReqType;        /* always X_ChangeDeviceKeyMapping */
    CARD16 	length B16;
    CARD8   	deviceid;
    KeyCode 	firstKeyCode;
    CARD8 	keySymsPerKeyCode;
    CARD8 	keyCodes;
} xChangeDeviceKeyMappingReq;

 * GetDeviceModifierMapping.

typedef struct {
    CARD8 	reqType;        /* input extension major code   */
    CARD8 	ReqType;        /* always X_GetDeviceModifierMapping */
    CARD16 	length B16;
    CARD8   	deviceid;
    BYTE	pad1, pad2, pad3;
} xGetDeviceModifierMappingReq;

typedef struct {
    CARD8  	repType;  	/* X_Reply */
    CARD8  	RepType;        /* always X_GetDeviceModifierMapping */
    CARD16 	sequenceNumber B16;
    CARD32 	length B32;
    CARD8  	numKeyPerModifier;
    CARD8  	pad0;
    CARD16 	pad1 B16;
    CARD32 	pad2 B32;
    CARD32 	pad3 B32;
    CARD32 	pad4 B32;
    CARD32 	pad5 B32;
    CARD32 	pad6 B32;
} xGetDeviceModifierMappingReply;

 * SetDeviceModifierMapping.

typedef struct {
    CARD8 	reqType;        /* input extension major code   */
    CARD8 	ReqType;        /* always X_SetDeviceModifierMapping */
    CARD16 	length B16;
    CARD8   	deviceid;
    CARD8   	numKeyPerModifier;
    CARD16  	pad1 B16;
} xSetDeviceModifierMappingReq;

typedef struct {
    CARD8  	repType;  	/* X_Reply */
    CARD8  	RepType;        /* always X_SetDeviceModifierMapping */
    CARD16 	sequenceNumber B16;
    CARD32 	length B32;
    CARD8  	success;
    CARD8  	pad0;
    CARD16 	pad1 B16;
    CARD32 	pad2 B32;
    CARD32 	pad3 B32;
    CARD32 	pad4 B32;
    CARD32 	pad5 B32;
    CARD32 	pad6 B32;
} xSetDeviceModifierMappingReply;

 * GetDeviceButtonMapping.

typedef struct {
    CARD8	reqType;	/* input extension major code	*/
    CARD8 	ReqType;        /* X_GetDeviceButtonMapping     */
    CARD16 	length B16;
    CARD8   	deviceid;
    BYTE	pad1, pad2, pad3;
} xGetDeviceButtonMappingReq;

typedef struct {
    CARD8  	repType;  	/* X_Reply */
    CARD8  	RepType;        /* always X_GetDeviceButtonMapping */
    CARD16 	sequenceNumber B16;
    CARD32 	length B32;
    CARD8 	nElts;
    BYTE	pad1, pad2, pad3;
    CARD32 	pad01 B32;
    CARD32 	pad02 B32;
    CARD32 	pad03 B32;
    CARD32 	pad04 B32;
    CARD32 	pad05 B32;
} xGetDeviceButtonMappingReply;

 * SetDeviceButtonMapping.

typedef struct {
    CARD8	reqType;	/* input extension major code	*/
    CARD8 	ReqType;        /* X_SetDeviceButtonMapping     */
    CARD16 	length B16;
    CARD8   	deviceid;
    CARD8   	map_length;
    BYTE	pad1, pad2;
} xSetDeviceButtonMappingReq;

typedef struct {
    CARD8  	repType;  		/* X_Reply */
    CARD8  	RepType;        	/* always X_SetDeviceButtonMapping */
    CARD16 	sequenceNumber B16;
    CARD32 	length B32;
    CARD8 	status;
    BYTE 	pad0;
    CARD16 	pad1 B16;
    CARD32 	pad2 B32;
    CARD32 	pad3 B32;
    CARD32 	pad4 B32;
    CARD32 	pad5 B32;
    CARD32 	pad6 B32;
} xSetDeviceButtonMappingReply;

 * QueryDeviceState.

typedef struct {
    CARD8	reqType;
    CARD8 	ReqType;        /* always X_QueryDeviceState */
    CARD16 	length B16;
    CARD8   	deviceid;
    BYTE	pad1, pad2, pad3;
} xQueryDeviceStateReq;

typedef struct {
    CARD8  	repType;  		/* X_Reply */
    CARD8  	RepType;        	/* always X_QueryDeviceState	*/
    CARD16 	sequenceNumber B16;
    CARD32 	length B32;
    CARD8 	num_classes;
    BYTE 	pad0;
    CARD16 	pad1 B16;
    CARD32 	pad2 B32;
    CARD32 	pad3 B32;
    CARD32 	pad4 B32;
    CARD32 	pad5 B32;
    CARD32 	pad6 B32;
} xQueryDeviceStateReply;

typedef struct {
#if defined(__cplusplus) || defined(c_plusplus)
    CARD8  	c_class;
    CARD8  	class;
    CARD8  	length;
    CARD8	num_keys;
    BYTE   	pad1;
    CARD8  	keys[32];
} xKeyState;

typedef struct {
#if defined(__cplusplus) || defined(c_plusplus)
    CARD8  	c_class;
    CARD8  	class;
    CARD8  	length;
    CARD8	num_buttons;
    BYTE   	pad1;
    CARD8  	buttons[32];
} xButtonState;

typedef struct {
#if defined(__cplusplus) || defined(c_plusplus)
    CARD8  	c_class;
    CARD8  	class;
    CARD8  	length;
    CARD8  	num_valuators;
    CARD8	mode;
} xValuatorState;

 * SendExtensionEvent.

typedef struct {
    CARD8	reqType;
    CARD8 	ReqType;        /* always X_SendExtensionEvent */
    CARD16 	length B16;
    Window	destination B32;
    CARD8   	deviceid;
    BOOL   	propagate;
    CARD16	count B16;
    CARD8	num_events;
    BYTE	pad1,pad2,pad3;
} xSendExtensionEventReq;

 * DeviceBell.

typedef struct {
    CARD8	reqType;
    CARD8 	ReqType;        /* always X_DeviceBell */
    CARD16 	length B16;
    CARD8   	deviceid;
    CARD8	feedbackid;
    CARD8	feedbackclass;
    INT8	percent;
} xDeviceBellReq;

 * SetDeviceValuators.

typedef struct {
    CARD8 	reqType;	/* input extension major code	*/
    CARD8 	ReqType;     	/* always X_SetDeviceValuators 	*/
    CARD16 	length B16;
    CARD8       deviceid;
    CARD8       first_valuator;
    CARD8       num_valuators;
    BYTE 	pad1;
} xSetDeviceValuatorsReq;

typedef struct {
    CARD8 	repType;  	/* X_Reply 			*/
    CARD8 	RepType;     	/* always X_SetDeviceValuators 	*/
    CARD16 	sequenceNumber B16;
    CARD32 	length B32;
    CARD8 	status;
    BYTE	pad1, pad2, pad3;
    CARD32 	pad01 B32;
    CARD32 	pad02 B32;
    CARD32 	pad03 B32;
    CARD32 	pad04 B32;
    CARD32 	pad05 B32;
} xSetDeviceValuatorsReply;

 * GetDeviceControl.

typedef struct {
    CARD8 	reqType;	/* input extension major code	*/
    CARD8 	ReqType;     	/* always X_GetDeviceControl 	*/
    CARD16 	length B16;
    CARD16      control B16;
    CARD8       deviceid;
    BYTE 	pad2;
} xGetDeviceControlReq;

typedef struct {
    CARD8 	repType;  	/* X_Reply 			*/
    CARD8 	RepType;     	/* always X_GetDeviceControl 	*/
    CARD16 	sequenceNumber B16;
    CARD32 	length B32;
    CARD8 	status;
    BYTE	pad1, pad2, pad3;
    CARD32 	pad01 B32;
    CARD32 	pad02 B32;
    CARD32 	pad03 B32;
    CARD32 	pad04 B32;
    CARD32 	pad05 B32;
} xGetDeviceControlReply;

typedef struct {
    CARD16  	control B16; 	/* control type     	 	*/
    CARD16  	length B16; 	/* control length  		*/
} xDeviceState;

typedef struct {
    CARD16  	control B16; 		/* control type     	 	*/
    CARD16  	length B16; 		/* control length  		*/
    CARD32  	num_valuators B32; 	/* number of valuators		*/
} xDeviceResolutionState;

typedef struct {
     CARD16         control B16;
     CARD16         length B16;
     INT32          min_x B32;
     INT32          max_x B32;
     INT32          min_y B32;
     INT32          max_y B32;
     CARD32         flip_x B32;
     CARD32         flip_y B32;
     CARD32         rotation B32;
     CARD32         button_threshold B32;
} xDeviceAbsCalibState;

typedef struct {
     CARD16         control B16;
     CARD16         length B16;
     CARD32         offset_x B32;
     CARD32         offset_y B32;
     CARD32         width B32;
     CARD32         height B32;
     CARD32         screen B32;
     CARD32         following B32;
} xDeviceAbsAreaState;

typedef struct {
    CARD16      control B16;            /* control type                 */
    CARD16      length  B16;            /* control length               */
    CARD8       status;
    CARD8       iscore;
    CARD16      pad1 B16;
} xDeviceCoreState;

typedef struct {
    CARD16      control B16;            /* control type                 */
    CARD16      length  B16;            /* control length               */
    CARD8       enable;
    CARD8       pad0;
    CARD16      pad1 B16;
} xDeviceEnableState;

 * ChangeDeviceControl.

typedef struct {
    CARD8 	reqType;	/* input extension major code	*/
    CARD8 	ReqType;     	/* always X_ChangeDeviceControl */
    CARD16 	length B16;
    CARD16      control B16;
    CARD8       deviceid;
    BYTE        pad0;
} xChangeDeviceControlReq;

typedef struct {
    CARD8 	repType;  	/* X_Reply 			*/
    CARD8 	RepType;     	/* always X_ChangeDeviceControl	*/
    CARD16 	sequenceNumber B16;
    CARD32 	length B32;
    CARD8 	status;
    BYTE	pad1, pad2, pad3;
    CARD32 	pad01 B32;
    CARD32 	pad02 B32;
    CARD32 	pad03 B32;
    CARD32 	pad04 B32;
    CARD32 	pad05 B32;
} xChangeDeviceControlReply;

typedef struct {
    CARD16  	control B16; 	/* control type     	 	*/
    CARD16  	length B16; 	/* control length  		*/
} xDeviceCtl;

typedef struct {
    CARD16  	control B16; 		/* control type     	 	*/
    CARD16  	length B16; 		/* control length  		*/
    CARD8  	first_valuator; 	/* first valuator to change     */
    CARD8  	num_valuators; 		/* number of valuators to change*/
    CARD8  	pad1,pad2;
} xDeviceResolutionCtl;

typedef struct {
     CARD16         control B16;
     CARD16         length B16;
     INT32          min_x;
     INT32          max_x;
     INT32          min_y;
     INT32          max_y;
     CARD32         flip_x;
     CARD32         flip_y;
     CARD32         rotation;
     CARD32         button_threshold;
} xDeviceAbsCalibCtl;

typedef struct {
     CARD16         control B16;
     CARD16         length B16;
     CARD32         offset_x;
     CARD32         offset_y;
     INT32          width;
     INT32          height;
     INT32          screen;
     CARD32         following;
} xDeviceAbsAreaCtl;

typedef struct {
    CARD16          control B16;
    CARD16          length  B16;
    CARD8           status;
    CARD8           pad0;
    CARD16          pad1 B16;
} xDeviceCoreCtl;

typedef struct {
    CARD16          control B16;
    CARD16          length  B16;
    CARD8           enable;
    CARD8           pad0;
    CARD16          pad1 B16;
} xDeviceEnableCtl;

 * Input extension events.
 * DeviceValuator

typedef struct
    BYTE 	type;
    CARD8       deviceid;
    CARD16 	sequenceNumber B16;
    KeyButMask  device_state B16;
    CARD8	num_valuators;
    CARD8       first_valuator;
    INT32 	valuator0 B32;
    INT32 	valuator1 B32;
    INT32 	valuator2 B32;
    INT32 	valuator3 B32;
    INT32 	valuator4 B32;
    INT32 	valuator5 B32;
    }  deviceValuator;

 * DeviceKeyButtonPointer.
 * Used for: DeviceKeyPress, DeviceKeyRelease,
 *	     DeviceButtonPress, DeviceButtonRelease,
 *	     ProximityIn, ProximityOut
 *	     DeviceMotionNotify,

typedef struct
    BYTE 	type;
    BYTE        detail;
    CARD16 	sequenceNumber B16;
    Time        time B32;
    Window      root B32;
    Window      event B32;
    Window      child B32;
    INT16       root_x B16;
    INT16       root_y B16;
    INT16       event_x B16;
    INT16       event_y B16;
    KeyButMask  state B16;
    BOOL        same_screen;
    CARD8       deviceid;
    }  deviceKeyButtonPointer;

 * DeviceFocus.

typedef struct
    BYTE 	type;
    BYTE        detail;
    CARD16 	sequenceNumber B16;
    Time        time B32;
    Window      window B32;
    BYTE	mode;
    CARD8       deviceid;
    BYTE	pad1, pad2;
    CARD32	pad00 B32;
    CARD32	pad01 B32;
    CARD32	pad02 B32;
    CARD32	pad03 B32;
    }  deviceFocus;

 * DeviceStateNotify.
 * Note that the two high-order bits in the classes_reported
 * field are the proximity state (InProximity or OutOfProximity),
 * and the device mode (Absolute or Relative), respectively.

typedef struct
    BYTE 	type;
    BYTE        deviceid;
    CARD16 	sequenceNumber B16;
    Time        time B32;
    CARD8	num_keys;
    CARD8	num_buttons;
    CARD8	num_valuators;
    CARD8       classes_reported;
    CARD8       buttons[4];
    CARD8       keys[4];
    INT32	valuator0 B32;
    INT32	valuator1 B32;
    INT32	valuator2 B32;
    }  deviceStateNotify;

 * DeviceKeyStateNotify.

typedef struct
    BYTE 	type;
    BYTE        deviceid;
    CARD16 	sequenceNumber B16;
    CARD8       keys[28];
    }  deviceKeyStateNotify;

 * DeviceButtonStateNotify.

typedef struct
    BYTE 	type;
    BYTE        deviceid;
    CARD16 	sequenceNumber B16;
    CARD8       buttons[28];
    }  deviceButtonStateNotify;

 * DeviceMappingNotify.
 * Fields must be kept in sync with core mappingnotify event.

typedef struct
    BYTE 	type;
    BYTE        deviceid;
    CARD16 	sequenceNumber B16;
    CARD8       request;
    KeyCode     firstKeyCode;
    CARD8       count;
    BYTE        pad1;
    Time        time B32;
    CARD32	pad00 B32;
    CARD32	pad01 B32;
    CARD32	pad02 B32;
    CARD32	pad03 B32;
    CARD32	pad04 B32;
    }  deviceMappingNotify;

 * ChangeDeviceNotify.

typedef struct
    BYTE 	type;
    BYTE        deviceid;
    CARD16 	sequenceNumber B16;
    Time        time B32;
    CARD8       request;
    BYTE        pad1, pad2, pad3;
    CARD32	pad00 B32;
    CARD32	pad01 B32;
    CARD32	pad02 B32;
    CARD32	pad03 B32;
    CARD32	pad04 B32;
    }  changeDeviceNotify;

 * devicePresenceNotify.

typedef struct
    BYTE 	type;
    BYTE        pad00;
    CARD16 	sequenceNumber B16;
    Time        time B32;
    BYTE        devchange; /* Device{Added|Removed|Enabled|Disabled} */
    BYTE        deviceid;
    CARD16      control B16;
    CARD32	pad02 B32;
    CARD32	pad03 B32;
    CARD32	pad04 B32;
    CARD32	pad05 B32;
    CARD32	pad06 B32;
    }  devicePresenceNotify;

#undef Window
#undef Time
#undef KeyCode
