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/** @file profile/impl/profiler_algos.h
 *  @brief Algorithms used by the profile extension.
 *  This file is needed to avoid including <algorithm> or <bits/stl_algo.h>.
 *  Including those files would result in recursive includes.
 *  These implementations are oversimplified.  In general, efficiency may be
 *  sacrificed to minimize maintenance overhead.


namespace __gnu_profile
  /* Helper for __top_n.  Insert in sorted vector, but not beyond Nth elem.  */
  template<typename _Container>
    __insert_top_n(_Container& __output,
		   const typename _Container::value_type& __value,
		   typename _Container::size_type __n)
      typename _Container::iterator __it = __output.begin();
      typename _Container::size_type __count = 0;

      // Skip up to N - 1 elements larger than VALUE.
      // XXX: Could do binary search for random iterators.
      while (true)
	  if (__count >= __n)
	    // VALUE is not in top N.

	  if (__it == __output.end())

	  if (*__it < __value)


      __output.insert(__it, __value);

  /* Copy the top N elements in INPUT, sorted in reverse order, to OUTPUT.  */
  template<typename _Container>
    __top_n(const _Container& __input, _Container& __output,
	    typename _Container::size_type __n)
      typename _Container::const_iterator __it;
      for (__it = __input.begin(); __it != __input.end(); ++__it)
	__insert_top_n(__output, *__it, __n);

  /* Simplified clone of std::for_each.  */
  template<typename _InputIterator, typename _Function>
    __for_each(_InputIterator __first, _InputIterator __last, _Function __f)
      for (; __first != __last; ++__first)
      return __f;

  /* Simplified clone of std::remove.  */
  template<typename _ForwardIterator, typename _Tp>
    __remove(_ForwardIterator __first, _ForwardIterator __last,
	     const _Tp& __value)
      if(__first == __last)
	return __first;
      _ForwardIterator __result = __first;
      for(; __first != __last; ++__first)
	if(!(*__first == __value))
	    *__result = *__first;
      return __result;
} // namespace __gnu_profile