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 *  Copyright (C) 1999-2012 Broadcom Corporation
 *  Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 *  you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 *  You may obtain a copy of the License at:
 *  http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 *  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 *  distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 *  WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
 *  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 *  limitations under the License.

 *  This file contains internally used SDP definitions

#ifndef  SDP_INT_H
#define  SDP_INT_H

#include "bt_target.h"
#include "sdp_api.h"
#include "l2c_api.h"

/* Continuation length - we use a 2-byte offset */
#define SDP_CONTINUATION_LEN        2
#define SDP_MAX_CONTINUATION_LEN    16          /* As per the spec */

/* Timeout definitions. */
#define SDP_INACT_TIMEOUT       30              /* Inactivity timeout         */

/* Define the Out-Flow default values. */
#define  SDP_OFLOW_QOS_FLAG                 0
#define  SDP_OFLOW_SERV_TYPE                0
#define  SDP_OFLOW_TOKEN_RATE               0
#define  SDP_OFLOW_PEAK_BANDWIDTH           0
#define  SDP_OFLOW_LATENCY                  0
#define  SDP_OFLOW_DELAY_VARIATION          0

/* Define the In-Flow default values. */
#define  SDP_IFLOW_QOS_FLAG                 0
#define  SDP_IFLOW_SERV_TYPE                0
#define  SDP_IFLOW_TOKEN_RATE               0
#define  SDP_IFLOW_PEAK_BANDWIDTH           0
#define  SDP_IFLOW_LATENCY                  0
#define  SDP_IFLOW_DELAY_VARIATION          0

#define  SDP_LINK_TO                        0

/* Define the type of device notification. */
/* (Inquiry Scan and Page Scan)            */
#define  SDP_DEVICE_NOTI_LEN                sizeof (BT_HDR) +           \
                                            HCIC_PREAMBLE_SIZE +        \

#define  SDP_DEVICE_NOTI_FLAG               0x03

/* Define the Protocol Data Unit (PDU) types.
#define  SDP_PDU_ERROR_RESPONSE                 0x01
#define  SDP_PDU_SERVICE_SEARCH_REQ             0x02
#define  SDP_PDU_SERVICE_SEARCH_RSP             0x03
#define  SDP_PDU_SERVICE_ATTR_REQ               0x04
#define  SDP_PDU_SERVICE_ATTR_RSP               0x05
#define  SDP_PDU_SERVICE_SEARCH_ATTR_REQ        0x06
#define  SDP_PDU_SERVICE_SEARCH_ATTR_RSP        0x07

/* Max UUIDs and attributes we support per sequence */
#define     MAX_UUIDS_PER_SEQ       16
#define     MAX_ATTR_PER_SEQ        16

/* Max length we support for any attribute */
// btla-specific ++
#define     MAX_ATTR_LEN            256
// btla-specific --

/* Internal UUID sequence representation */
typedef struct
    UINT16     len;
    UINT8      value[MAX_UUID_SIZE];

typedef struct
    UINT16      num_uids;
    tUID_ENT    uuid_entry[MAX_UUIDS_PER_SEQ];

/* Internal attribute sequence definitions */
typedef struct
    UINT16      start;
    UINT16      end;

typedef struct
    UINT16      num_attr;
    tATT_ENT    attr_entry[MAX_ATTR_PER_SEQ];

/* Define the attribute element of the SDP database record */
typedef struct
    UINT32  len;           /* Number of bytes in the entry */
    UINT8   *value_ptr;    /* Points to attr_pad */
    UINT16  id;
    UINT8   type;

/* An SDP record consists of a handle, and 1 or more attributes */
typedef struct
    UINT32              record_handle;
    UINT32              free_pad_ptr;
    UINT16              num_attributes;
    tSDP_ATTRIBUTE      attribute[SDP_MAX_REC_ATTR];
    UINT8               attr_pad[SDP_MAX_PAD_LEN];

/* Define the SDP database */
typedef struct
    UINT32         di_primary_handle;       /* Device ID Primary record or NULL if nonexistent */
    BOOLEAN        brcm_di_registered;
    UINT16         num_records;
} tSDP_DB;

    SDP_IS_PASS_THRU    /* only when SDP_FOR_JV_INCLUDED == TRUE */

/* Continuation information for the SDP server response */
typedef struct
    UINT16            next_attr_index; /* attr index for next continuation response */
    UINT16            next_attr_start_id;  /* attr id to start with for the attr index in next cont. response */
    tSDP_RECORD       *prev_sdp_rec; /* last sdp record that was completely sent in the response */
    BOOLEAN           last_attr_seq_desc_sent; /* whether attr seq length has been sent previously */
    UINT16            attr_offset; /* offset within the attr to keep trak of partial attributes in the responses */
#endif  /* SDP_SERVER_ENABLED == TRUE */

/* Define the SDP Connection Control Block */
typedef struct
#define SDP_STATE_IDLE              0
#define SDP_STATE_CONN_SETUP        1
#define SDP_STATE_CFG_SETUP         2
#define SDP_STATE_CONNECTED         3
    UINT8             con_state;

#define SDP_FLAGS_IS_ORIG           0x01
#define SDP_FLAGS_HIS_CFG_DONE      0x02
#define SDP_FLAGS_MY_CFG_DONE       0x04
    UINT8             con_flags;

    BD_ADDR           device_address;
    TIMER_LIST_ENT    timer_entry;
    UINT16            rem_mtu_size;
    UINT16            connection_id;
    UINT16            list_len;                 /* length of the response in the GKI buffer */
    UINT8             *rsp_list;                /* pointer to GKI buffer holding response */

    tSDP_DISCOVERY_DB *p_db;                    /* Database to save info into   */
    tSDP_DISC_CMPL_CB *p_cb;                    /* Callback for discovery done  */
    tSDP_DISC_CMPL_CB2 *p_cb2;                   /* Callback for discovery done piggy back with the user data */
    void               *user_data;              /* piggy back user data */
    UINT32            handles[SDP_MAX_DISC_SERVER_RECS]; /* Discovered server record handles */
    UINT16            num_handles;              /* Number of server handles     */
    UINT16            cur_handle;               /* Current handle being processed */
    UINT16            transaction_id;
    UINT16            disconnect_reason;        /* Disconnect reason            */
    UINT16            cur_uuid_idx;

#define SDP_DISC_WAIT_CONN          0
#define SDP_DISC_WAIT_HANDLES       1
#define SDP_DISC_WAIT_ATTR          2
#define SDP_DISC_WAIT_PASS_THRU     4    /* only when SDP_FOR_JV_INCLUDED == TRUE */
#define SDP_DISC_WAIT_CANCEL        5

    UINT8             disc_state;
    UINT8             is_attr_search;
#endif  /* SDP_CLIENT_ENABLED == TRUE */

    UINT16            cont_offset;              /* Continuation state data in the server response */
    tSDP_CONT_INFO    cont_info;                /* structure to hold continuation information for the server response */
#endif  /* SDP_SERVER_ENABLED == TRUE */


/*  The main SDP control block */
typedef struct
    tL2CAP_CFG_INFO   l2cap_my_cfg;             /* My L2CAP config     */
    tCONN_CB          ccb[SDP_MAX_CONNECTIONS];
    tSDP_DB           server_db;
    tL2CAP_APPL_INFO  reg_info;                 /* L2CAP Registration info */
    UINT16            max_attr_list_size;       /* Max attribute list size to use   */
    UINT16            max_recs_per_search;      /* Max records we want per seaarch  */
    UINT8             trace_level;
} tSDP_CB;

#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
/* Global SDP data */
SDP_API extern tSDP_CB  sdp_cb;
SDP_API extern tSDP_CB *sdp_cb_ptr;
#define sdp_cb (*sdp_cb_ptr)

#ifdef __cplusplus

/* Functions provided by sdp_main.c */
SDP_API extern void     sdp_init (void);
extern void     sdp_disconnect (tCONN_CB*p_ccb, UINT16 reason);

#if (defined(SDP_DEBUG) && SDP_DEBUG == TRUE)
SDP_API extern UINT16 sdp_set_max_attr_list_size (UINT16 max_size);

/* Functions provided by sdp_conn.c
extern void sdp_conn_rcv_l2e_conn_ind (BT_HDR *p_msg);
extern void sdp_conn_rcv_l2e_conn_cfm (BT_HDR *p_msg);
extern void sdp_conn_rcv_l2e_disc (BT_HDR *p_msg);
extern void sdp_conn_rcv_l2e_config_ind (BT_HDR *p_msg);
extern void sdp_conn_rcv_l2e_config_cfm (BT_HDR *p_msg);
extern void sdp_conn_rcv_l2e_conn_failed (BT_HDR *p_msg);
extern void sdp_conn_rcv_l2e_connected (BT_HDR *p_msg);
extern void sdp_conn_rcv_l2e_conn_failed (BT_HDR *p_msg);
extern void sdp_conn_rcv_l2e_data (BT_HDR *p_msg);
extern void sdp_conn_timeout (tCONN_CB *p_ccb);

extern tCONN_CB *sdp_conn_originate (UINT8 *p_bd_addr);

/* Functions provided by sdp_utils.c
extern tCONN_CB *sdpu_find_ccb_by_cid (UINT16 cid);
extern tCONN_CB *sdpu_find_ccb_by_db (tSDP_DISCOVERY_DB *p_db);
extern tCONN_CB *sdpu_allocate_ccb (void);
extern void      sdpu_release_ccb (tCONN_CB *p_ccb);

extern UINT8    *sdpu_build_attrib_seq (UINT8 *p_out, UINT16 *p_attr, UINT16 num_attrs);
extern UINT8    *sdpu_build_attrib_entry (UINT8 *p_out, tSDP_ATTRIBUTE *p_attr);
extern void      sdpu_build_n_send_error (tCONN_CB *p_ccb, UINT16 trans_num, UINT16 error_code, char *p_error_text);

extern UINT8    *sdpu_extract_attr_seq (UINT8 *p, UINT16 param_len, tSDP_ATTR_SEQ *p_seq);
extern UINT8    *sdpu_extract_uid_seq (UINT8 *p, UINT16 param_len, tSDP_UUID_SEQ *p_seq);

SDP_API extern UINT8    *sdpu_get_len_from_type (UINT8 *p, UINT8 type, UINT32 *p_len);
extern BOOLEAN  sdpu_is_base_uuid (UINT8 *p_uuid);
extern BOOLEAN  sdpu_compare_uuid_arrays (UINT8 *p_uuid1, UINT32 len1, UINT8 *p_uuid2, UINT16 len2);
SDP_API extern BOOLEAN  sdpu_compare_bt_uuids (tBT_UUID *p_uuid1, tBT_UUID *p_uuid2);
extern BOOLEAN  sdpu_compare_uuid_with_attr (tBT_UUID *p_btuuid, tSDP_DISC_ATTR *p_attr);

extern void     sdpu_sort_attr_list( UINT16 num_attr, tSDP_DISCOVERY_DB *p_db );
extern UINT16 sdpu_get_list_len( tSDP_UUID_SEQ   *uid_seq, tSDP_ATTR_SEQ   *attr_seq );
extern UINT16 sdpu_get_attrib_seq_len(tSDP_RECORD *p_rec, tSDP_ATTR_SEQ *attr_seq);
extern UINT16 sdpu_get_attrib_entry_len(tSDP_ATTRIBUTE *p_attr);
extern UINT8 *sdpu_build_partial_attrib_entry (UINT8 *p_out, tSDP_ATTRIBUTE *p_attr, UINT16 len, UINT16 *offset);
extern void sdpu_uuid16_to_uuid128(UINT16 uuid16, UINT8* p_uuid128);

/* Functions provided by sdp_db.c
extern tSDP_RECORD    *sdp_db_service_search (tSDP_RECORD *p_rec, tSDP_UUID_SEQ *p_seq);
extern tSDP_RECORD    *sdp_db_find_record (UINT32 handle);
extern tSDP_ATTRIBUTE *sdp_db_find_attr_in_rec (tSDP_RECORD *p_rec, UINT16 start_attr, UINT16 end_attr);

/* Functions provided by sdp_server.c
extern void     sdp_server_handle_client_req (tCONN_CB *p_ccb, BT_HDR *p_msg);
#define sdp_server_handle_client_req(p_ccb, p_msg)

/* Functions provided by sdp_discovery.c
extern void sdp_disc_connected (tCONN_CB *p_ccb);
extern void sdp_disc_server_rsp (tCONN_CB *p_ccb, BT_HDR *p_msg);
#define sdp_disc_connected(p_ccb)
#define sdp_disc_server_rsp(p_ccb, p_msg)
