// Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "base/command_line.h"
#include "content/public/common/content_switches.h"
#include "content/public/test/browser_test_utils.h"
#include "content/test/content_browser_test.h"
#include "content/test/content_browser_test_utils.h"
namespace content {
// These tests simulate exploited renderer processes, which can fetch arbitrary
// resources from other websites, not constrained by the Same Origin Policy. We
// are trying to verify that the renderer cannot fetch any cross-site document
// responses even when the Same Origin Policy is turned off inside the renderer.
class SiteIsolationPolicyBrowserTest : public ContentBrowserTest {
SiteIsolationPolicyBrowserTest() {}
virtual ~SiteIsolationPolicyBrowserTest() {}
virtual void SetUpCommandLine(CommandLine* command_line) OVERRIDE {
net::SpawnedTestServer https_server(
// Add a host resolver rule to map all outgoing requests to the test server.
// This allows us to use "real" hostnames in URLs, which we can use to
// create arbitrary SiteInstances.
"MAP * " + test_server()->host_port_pair().ToString() +
",EXCLUDE localhost");
// Since we assume exploited renderer process, it can bypass the same origin
// policy at will. Simulate that by passing the disable-web-security flag.
// We assume that we're using our cross-site document blocking logic which
// is turned on even when the Same Origin Policy is turned off.
// TODO(dsjang): we cannot run these tests on Android since SetUpCommandLine()
// is executed before the I/O thread is created on Android. After this bug
// (crbug.com/278425) is resolved, we can enable this test case on Android.
#if defined(OS_ANDROID)
#define MAYBE_CrossSiteDocumentBlockingForMimeType \
#define MAYBE_CrossSiteDocumentBlockingForMimeType \
MAYBE_CrossSiteDocumentBlockingForMimeType) {
// Load a page that issues illegal cross-site document requests to bar.com.
// The page uses XHR to request HTML/XML/JSON documents from bar.com, and
// inspects if any of them were successfully received. The XHR requests will
// get a one character string ' ' for a blocked response. This test is only
// possible since we run the browser without the same origin policy.
GURL foo("http://foo.com/files/cross_site_document_request.html");
content::DOMMessageQueue msg_queue;
NavigateToURL(shell(), foo);
std::string status;
// The page will return 1 from the DOMAutomationController if it succeeds,
// otherwise it will return 0.
std::string expected_status("1");
EXPECT_STREQ(status.c_str(), expected_status.c_str());
// TODO(dsjang): we cannot run these tests on Android since SetUpCommandLine()
// is executed before the I/O thread is created on Android. After this bug
// (crbug.com/278425) is resolved, we can enable this test case on Android.
#if defined(OS_ANDROID)
#define MAYBE_CrossSiteDocumentBlockingForDifferentTargets \
#define MAYBE_CrossSiteDocumentBlockingForDifferentTargets \
MAYBE_CrossSiteDocumentBlockingForDifferentTargets) {
// This webpage loads a cross-site HTML page in different targets such as
// <img>,<link>,<embed>, etc. Since the requested document is blocked, and one
// character string (' ') is returned instead, this tests that the renderer
// does not crash even when it receives a response body which is " ", whose
// length is different from what's described in "content-length" for such
// different targets.
GURL foo("http://foo.com/files/cross_site_document_request_target.html");
NavigateToURL(shell(), foo);