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// Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.


#include <string>

#include "base/basictypes.h"
#include "base/callback.h"
#include "base/memory/scoped_ptr.h"
#include "base/memory/weak_ptr.h"
#include "chromeos/chromeos_export.h"
#include "chromeos/dbus/bluetooth_profile_service_provider.h"
#include "dbus/object_path.h"
#include "device/bluetooth/bluetooth_profile.h"

namespace dbus {

class FileDescriptor;

}  // namespace dbus

namespace device {

class BluetoothAdapter;

}  // namespace device

namespace chromeos {

// The BluetoothProfileChromeOS class implements BluetoothProfile for the
// Chrome OS platform.
class CHROMEOS_EXPORT BluetoothProfileChromeOS
    : public device::BluetoothProfile,
      private BluetoothProfileServiceProvider::Delegate {
  // BluetoothProfile override.
  virtual void Unregister() OVERRIDE;
  virtual void SetConnectionCallback(
      const ConnectionCallback& callback) OVERRIDE;

  // Return the UUID of the profile.
  const std::string& uuid() const { return uuid_; }

  friend class BluetoothProfile;

  virtual ~BluetoothProfileChromeOS();

  // Called by BluetoothProfile::Register to initialize the profile object
  // asynchronously. |uuid|, |options| and |callback| are the arguments to
  // BluetoothProfile::Register.
  void Init(const std::string& uuid,
            const device::BluetoothProfile::Options& options,
            const ProfileCallback& callback);

  // BluetoothProfileServiceProvider::Delegate override.
  virtual void Release() OVERRIDE;
  virtual void NewConnection(
      const dbus::ObjectPath& device_path,
      scoped_ptr<dbus::FileDescriptor> fd,
      const BluetoothProfileServiceProvider::Delegate::Options& options,
      const ConfirmationCallback& callback) OVERRIDE;
  virtual void RequestDisconnection(
      const dbus::ObjectPath& device_path,
      const ConfirmationCallback& callback) OVERRIDE;
  virtual void Cancel() OVERRIDE;

  // Called by dbus:: on completion of the D-Bus method call to register the
  // profile object.
  void OnRegisterProfile(const ProfileCallback& callback);
  void OnRegisterProfileError(const ProfileCallback& callback,
                              const std::string& error_name,
                              const std::string& error_message);

  // Called by dbus:: on completion of the D-Bus method call to unregister
  // the profile object.
  void OnUnregisterProfile();
  void OnUnregisterProfileError(const std::string& error_name,
                                const std::string& error_message);

  // Method run once the file descriptor has been validated in order to get
  // the default adapter, and method run once the default adapter has been
  // obtained in order to get the device object to be passed to the connection
  // callback.
  // The |fd| argument is moved compared to the NewConnection() call since it
  // becomes the result of a PostTaskAndReplyWithResult() call.
  void GetAdapter(
      const dbus::ObjectPath& device_path,
      const BluetoothProfileServiceProvider::Delegate::Options& options,
      const ConfirmationCallback& callback,
      scoped_ptr<dbus::FileDescriptor> fd);
  void OnGetAdapter(
      const dbus::ObjectPath& device_path,
      const BluetoothProfileServiceProvider::Delegate::Options& options,
      const ConfirmationCallback& callback,
      scoped_ptr<dbus::FileDescriptor> fd,

  // UUID of the profile passed during initialization.
  std::string uuid_;

  // Object path of the local profile D-Bus object.
  dbus::ObjectPath object_path_;

  // Local profile D-Bus object used for receiving profile delegate methods
  // from BlueZ.
  scoped_ptr<BluetoothProfileServiceProvider> profile_;

  // Callback used on both outgoing and incoming connections to pass the
  // connected socket to profile object owner.
  ConnectionCallback connection_callback_;

  // Note: This should remain the last member so it'll be destroyed and
  // invalidate its weak pointers before any other members are destroyed.
  base::WeakPtrFactory<BluetoothProfileChromeOS> weak_ptr_factory_;


}  // namespace chromeos