// Copyright (c) 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <string>
#include "base/basictypes.h"
#include "net/quic/crypto/crypto_handshake.h"
#include "net/quic/quic_protocol.h"
#include "net/quic/quic_time.h"
#include "net/quic/quic_utils.h"
namespace net {
class NET_EXPORT_PRIVATE QuicNegotiableValue {
enum Presence {
// This negotiable value can be absent from the handshake message. Default
// value is selected as the negotiated value in such a case.
// This negotiable value is required in the handshake message otherwise the
// Process*Hello function returns an error.
QuicNegotiableValue(QuicTag tag, Presence presence);
bool negotiated() const {
return negotiated_;
const QuicTag tag_;
const Presence presence_;
bool negotiated_;
class NET_EXPORT_PRIVATE QuicNegotiableUint32 : public QuicNegotiableValue {
// Default and max values default to 0.
QuicNegotiableUint32(QuicTag name, Presence presence);
// Sets the maximum possible value that can be achieved after negotiation and
// also the default values to be assumed if PRESENCE_OPTIONAL and the *HLO msg
// doesn't contain a value corresponding to |name_|. |max| is serialised via
// ToHandshakeMessage call if |negotiated_| is false.
void set(uint32 max, uint32 default_value);
// Returns the value negotiated if |negotiated_| is true, otherwise returns
// default_value_ (used to set default values before negotiation finishes).
uint32 GetUint32() const;
// Serialises |name_| and value to |out|. If |negotiated_| is true then
// |negotiated_value_| is serialised, otherwise |max_value_| is serialised.
void ToHandshakeMessage(CryptoHandshakeMessage* out) const;
// Sets |negotiated_value_| to the minimum of |max_value_| and the
// corresponding value from |client_hello|. If the corresponding value is
// missing and PRESENCE_OPTIONAL then |negotiated_value_| is set to
// |default_value_|.
QuicErrorCode ProcessClientHello(const CryptoHandshakeMessage& client_hello,
std::string* error_details);
// Sets the |negotiated_value_| to the corresponding value from
// |server_hello|. Returns error if the value received in |server_hello| is
// greater than |max_value_|. If the corresponding value is missing and
// PRESENCE_OPTIONAL then |negotiated_value_| is set to |0|,
QuicErrorCode ProcessServerHello(const CryptoHandshakeMessage& server_hello,
std::string* error_details);
// Reads the value corresponding to |name_| from |msg| into |out|. If the
// |name_| is absent in |msg| and |presence_| is set to OPTIONAL |out| is set
// to |max_value_|.
QuicErrorCode ReadUint32(const CryptoHandshakeMessage& msg,
uint32* out,
std::string* error_details) const;
uint32 max_value_;
uint32 default_value_;
uint32 negotiated_value_;
class NET_EXPORT_PRIVATE QuicNegotiableTag : public QuicNegotiableValue {
QuicNegotiableTag(QuicTag name, Presence presence);
// Sets the possible values that |negotiated_tag_| can take after negotiation
// and the default value that |negotiated_tag_| takes if OPTIONAL and *HLO
// msg doesn't contain tag |name_|.
void set(const QuicTagVector& possible_values, QuicTag default_value);
// Returns the negotiated tag if |negotiated_| is true, otherwise returns
// |default_value_| (used to set default values before negotiation finishes).
QuicTag GetTag() const;
// Serialises |name_| and vector (either possible or negotiated) to |out|. If
// |negotiated_| is true then |negotiated_tag_| is serialised, otherwise
// |possible_values_| is serialised.
void ToHandshakeMessage(CryptoHandshakeMessage* out) const;
// Selects the tag common to both tags in |client_hello| for |name_| and
// |possible_values_| with preference to tag in |possible_values_|. The
// selected tag is set as |negotiated_tag_|.
QuicErrorCode ProcessClientHello(const CryptoHandshakeMessage& client_hello,
std::string* error_details);
// Sets the value for |name_| tag in |server_hello| as |negotiated_value_|.
// Returns error if the value received in |server_hello| isn't present in
// |possible_values_|.
QuicErrorCode ProcessServerHello(const CryptoHandshakeMessage& server_hello,
std::string* error_details);
// Reads the vector corresponding to |name_| from |msg| into |out|. If the
// |name_| is absent in |msg| and |presence_| is set to OPTIONAL |out| is set
// to |possible_values_|.
QuicErrorCode ReadVector(const CryptoHandshakeMessage& msg,
const QuicTag** out,
size_t* out_length,
std::string* error_details) const;
QuicTag negotiated_tag_;
QuicTagVector possible_values_;
QuicTag default_value_;
// QuicConfig contains non-crypto configuration options that are negotiated in
// the crypto handshake.
class NET_EXPORT_PRIVATE QuicConfig {
void set_congestion_control(const QuicTagVector& congestion_control,
QuicTag default_congestion_control);
QuicTag congestion_control() const;
void set_idle_connection_state_lifetime(
QuicTime::Delta max_idle_connection_state_lifetime,
QuicTime::Delta default_idle_conection_state_lifetime);
QuicTime::Delta idle_connection_state_lifetime() const;
QuicTime::Delta keepalive_timeout() const;
void set_max_streams_per_connection(size_t max_streams,
size_t default_streams);
uint32 max_streams_per_connection() const;
void set_max_time_before_crypto_handshake(
QuicTime::Delta max_time_before_crypto_handshake);
QuicTime::Delta max_time_before_crypto_handshake() const;
// Sets the server's TCP sender's max and default initial congestion window
// in packets.
void set_server_initial_congestion_window(size_t max_initial_window,
size_t default_initial_window);
uint32 server_initial_congestion_window() const;
// Sets an estimated initial round trip time in us.
void set_initial_round_trip_time_us(size_t max_rtt, size_t default_rtt);
uint32 initial_round_trip_time_us() const;
bool negotiated();
// SetDefaults sets the members to sensible, default values.
void SetDefaults();
// ToHandshakeMessage serializes the settings in this object as a series of
// tags /value pairs and adds them to |out|.
void ToHandshakeMessage(CryptoHandshakeMessage* out) const;
// Calls ProcessClientHello on each negotiable parameter. On failure returns
// the corresponding QuicErrorCode and sets detailed error in |error_details|.
QuicErrorCode ProcessClientHello(const CryptoHandshakeMessage& client_hello,
std::string* error_details);
// Calls ProcessServerHello on each negotiable parameter. On failure returns
// the corresponding QuicErrorCode and sets detailed error in |error_details|.
QuicErrorCode ProcessServerHello(const CryptoHandshakeMessage& server_hello,
std::string* error_details);
// Congestion control feedback type.
QuicNegotiableTag congestion_control_;
// Idle connection state lifetime
QuicNegotiableUint32 idle_connection_state_lifetime_seconds_;
// Keepalive timeout, or 0 to turn off keepalive probes
QuicNegotiableUint32 keepalive_timeout_seconds_;
// Maximum number of streams that the connection can support.
QuicNegotiableUint32 max_streams_per_connection_;
// Maximum time till the session can be alive before crypto handshake is
// finished. (Not negotiated).
QuicTime::Delta max_time_before_crypto_handshake_;
// Initial congestion window in packets.
QuicNegotiableUint32 server_initial_congestion_window_;
// Initial round trip time estimate in microseconds.
QuicNegotiableUint32 initial_round_trip_time_us_;
} // namespace net