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// Copyright (c) 2002-2013 The ANGLE Project Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

// main.h: Management of thread-local data.


#include "common/debug.h"
#include "common/system.h"

namespace egl
class Display;
class Surface;

namespace gl
class Context;
struct Current
    Context *context;
    egl::Display *display;

void makeCurrent(Context *context, egl::Display *display, egl::Surface *surface);

Context *getContext();
Context *getNonLostContext();
egl::Display *getDisplay();

void error(GLenum errorCode);

template<class T>
const T &error(GLenum errorCode, const T &returnValue)

    return returnValue;


namespace rx
class Renderer;

extern "C"
// Exported functions for use by EGL
gl::Context *glCreateContext(const gl::Context *shareContext, rx::Renderer *renderer, bool notifyResets, bool robustAccess);
void glDestroyContext(gl::Context *context);
void glMakeCurrent(gl::Context *context, egl::Display *display, egl::Surface *surface);
gl::Context *glGetCurrentContext();
rx::Renderer *glCreateRenderer(egl::Display *display, HDC hDc, EGLNativeDisplayType displayId);
void glDestroyRenderer(rx::Renderer *renderer);

__eglMustCastToProperFunctionPointerType __stdcall glGetProcAddress(const char *procname);
bool __stdcall glBindTexImage(egl::Surface *surface);

#endif   // LIBGLESV2_MAIN_H_