#pragma once
#include "Platform.h"
#include <vector>
void printbits ( const void * blob, int len );
void printhex32 ( const void * blob, int len );
void printbytes ( const void * blob, int len );
void printbytes2 ( const void * blob, int len );
uint32_t popcount ( uint32_t v );
uint32_t parity ( uint32_t v );
uint32_t getbit ( const void * blob, int len, uint32_t bit );
uint32_t getbit_wrap ( const void * blob, int len, uint32_t bit );
void setbit ( void * blob, int len, uint32_t bit );
void setbit ( void * blob, int len, uint32_t bit, uint32_t val );
void clearbit ( void * blob, int len, uint32_t bit );
void flipbit ( void * blob, int len, uint32_t bit );
int countbits ( uint32_t v );
int countbits ( std::vector<uint32_t> & v );
int countbits ( const void * blob, int len );
void invert ( std::vector<uint32_t> & v );
template< typename T >
inline uint32_t getbit ( T & blob, uint32_t bit )
return getbit(&blob,sizeof(blob),bit);
template<> inline uint32_t getbit ( uint32_t & blob, uint32_t bit ) { return (blob >> (bit & 31)) & 1; }
template<> inline uint32_t getbit ( uint64_t & blob, uint32_t bit ) { return (blob >> (bit & 63)) & 1; }
template< typename T >
inline void setbit ( T & blob, uint32_t bit )
return setbit(&blob,sizeof(blob),bit);
template<> inline void setbit ( uint32_t & blob, uint32_t bit ) { blob |= uint32_t(1) << (bit & 31); }
template<> inline void setbit ( uint64_t & blob, uint32_t bit ) { blob |= uint64_t(1) << (bit & 63); }
template< typename T >
inline void flipbit ( T & blob, uint32_t bit )
template<> inline void flipbit ( uint32_t & blob, uint32_t bit ) { bit &= 31; blob ^= (uint32_t(1) << bit); }
template<> inline void flipbit ( uint64_t & blob, uint32_t bit ) { bit &= 63; blob ^= (uint64_t(1) << bit); }
// Left and right shift of blobs. The shift(N) versions work on chunks of N
// bits at a time (faster)
void lshift1 ( void * blob, int len, int c );
void lshift8 ( void * blob, int len, int c );
void lshift32 ( void * blob, int len, int c );
void rshift1 ( void * blob, int len, int c );
void rshift8 ( void * blob, int len, int c );
void rshift32 ( void * blob, int len, int c );
inline void lshift ( void * blob, int len, int c )
if((len & 3) == 0)
inline void rshift ( void * blob, int len, int c )
if((len & 3) == 0)
template < typename T >
inline void lshift ( T & blob, int c )
if((sizeof(T) & 3) == 0)
template < typename T >
inline void rshift ( T & blob, int c )
if((sizeof(T) & 3) == 0)
template<> inline void lshift ( uint32_t & blob, int c ) { blob <<= c; }
template<> inline void lshift ( uint64_t & blob, int c ) { blob <<= c; }
template<> inline void rshift ( uint32_t & blob, int c ) { blob >>= c; }
template<> inline void rshift ( uint64_t & blob, int c ) { blob >>= c; }
// Left and right rotate of blobs. The rot(N) versions work on chunks of N
// bits at a time (faster)
void lrot1 ( void * blob, int len, int c );
void lrot8 ( void * blob, int len, int c );
void lrot32 ( void * blob, int len, int c );
void rrot1 ( void * blob, int len, int c );
void rrot8 ( void * blob, int len, int c );
void rrot32 ( void * blob, int len, int c );
inline void lrot ( void * blob, int len, int c )
if((len & 3) == 0)
return lrot32(blob,len,c);
return lrot8(blob,len,c);
inline void rrot ( void * blob, int len, int c )
if((len & 3) == 0)
return rrot32(blob,len,c);
return rrot8(blob,len,c);
template < typename T >
inline void lrot ( T & blob, int c )
if((sizeof(T) & 3) == 0)
return lrot32(&blob,sizeof(T),c);
return lrot8(&blob,sizeof(T),c);
template < typename T >
inline void rrot ( T & blob, int c )
if((sizeof(T) & 3) == 0)
return rrot32(&blob,sizeof(T),c);
return rrot8(&blob,sizeof(T),c);
template<> inline void lrot ( uint32_t & blob, int c ) { blob = ROTL32(blob,c); }
template<> inline void lrot ( uint64_t & blob, int c ) { blob = ROTL64(blob,c); }
template<> inline void rrot ( uint32_t & blob, int c ) { blob = ROTR32(blob,c); }
template<> inline void rrot ( uint64_t & blob, int c ) { blob = ROTR64(blob,c); }
// Bit-windowing functions - select some N-bit subset of the input blob
uint32_t window1 ( void * blob, int len, int start, int count );
uint32_t window8 ( void * blob, int len, int start, int count );
uint32_t window32 ( void * blob, int len, int start, int count );
inline uint32_t window ( void * blob, int len, int start, int count )
if(len & 3)
return window8(blob,len,start,count);
return window32(blob,len,start,count);
template < typename T >
inline uint32_t window ( T & blob, int start, int count )
if((sizeof(T) & 3) == 0)
return window32(&blob,sizeof(T),start,count);
return window8(&blob,sizeof(T),start,count);
inline uint32_t window ( uint32_t & blob, int start, int count )
return ROTR32(blob,start) & ((1<<count)-1);
inline uint32_t window ( uint64_t & blob, int start, int count )
return (uint32_t)ROTR64(blob,start) & ((1<<count)-1);